New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I am going to start this program this week. I know it's too late to follow this group, but I am still reading it and you're all motivating!

    I don't have a gym membership, so it will be my yellow lab and I running the streets of my neighborhood! Good thing I live in So Cal, so we have great weather to run!

    Welcome! You're not too late. The name of the thread is misleading - I'd change it if I could. Everyone here is at different points, so it's for all stages of this program. Let us know how your runs go. I bet most of us here wish we had your weather!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    You guys are so lucky. I always wanted to be able to run with a dog but mine can't go 3 steps without stopping and sniffing everything she can dig her nose into. I can't even walk with her without dragging her by her leash! of mine did take a giant poop in the middle of the road yesterday because I wasn't letting them on the grass....oops. Bad dog mama.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Doing happy dance :), Did wk4 day 1! Had to reduce my speed by .2 to finish the 5 minute runs but I did it!!!:tongue:
  • Amjonessea
    I just finished my first couch to 5k workout tonight. So excited but my legs are aching! Would love to get a group of mfp "friends" together to inspire each other and check in on the progress :)
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    I did w4d1 yesterday after not working out for 10 days. I could not complete the entire workout. I had to stop after the first 5min run. I was a little disappointed. I didn't stop because I was winded but because my calves were killing me. Any suggesgtions or is this just natural?

    First, run slowly. You don't say how fast you're going, but if you go out too fast, your calves (and other body parts) can get sore. Also, after a few minutes, stop and stretch your calves. You can stretch them by leaning against a wall, or stepping on a curb and dropping your heel.
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    Im In need to do something to get me going .. be great can check and see how all is getting on.... Had it sone before last yr but would have to start again..
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Great job everyone. You guys never cease to amaze me.

    Welcome newbies! Let us know how your progress is going!

    I did W4D2 last night. I had to knock the treadmill down to 4.5 for the second 5 minute run AND I had to "lean" on the treadmill railings a little. Boy it kicked my butt. I'm not sure if maybe I just needed a rest day, or my heart wasn't in it. I didn't find the run especially difficult for W4D1 (I mean, it was difficult, but I could handle it). But last night I *almost* just stopped altogether. I finished it though. Didn't quite make 2 miles. Walked at 3.0 for most of the walks, ran at 5.0 for the 3minutes and 4.5-4.7 for the 5minutes. No way I'm moving on to week 5 next week, but I'm completely ok with that. It is really gratifying how much longer I can run for when I lower the speeds. Plus, it is beginning to feel almost natural to run now. I find that I miss it on my off days, which is also a cool new development. I haven't hit the runners high yet, which I'm really looking forward to.

    Needless to say I think I'm going to take a rest day today, or maybe just go for a leisurely walk later on tonight. I'm not going to do my usual elliptical hour. I will resume W4D3 tomorrow and probably stick with it throughout next week as well. I'm noticing that my legs are starting to look more toned and my butt and even my waist is getting slimmer, and I think it's due to the running. I didn't realize how many core and upper-body muscles are used in running.

    Again, great job everyone. Keep up the good work!
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    Lots of newbies - I find this thread very's nice to see I'm not the only one going thru this...guess if I can't run with a group this is the next best thing!
    I did W4D1 last night and the second 5min were tough - thought I was going to have to stop but I just focused on the music and made it thru. I'm going to try and get back into the 30DS again today....only got to Day 14 and stopped about a week ago.
    Have a good run everyone!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Andrea, I'm impressed that you're doing the C25K and the 30 Day Shred. I won't even buy that DVD because that woman scares me. I can only imagine what that workout is like. Can you tell me about it?
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    Andrea, I'm impressed that you're doing the C25K and the 30 Day Shred. I won't even buy that DVD because that woman scares me. I can only imagine what that workout is like. Can you tell me about it?

    She really isn't that scary in the video - it is 3 levels; you do Level 1 for 10 days then go on to Level 2. Each level is a combination of strength, cardio and abs. Honestly the first 2-3 days of level 1 my upper body was sore, but after that you just feel like you've had a great workout. For the strength she combines two muscle groups at a time (i.e.legs and biceps). I find it a good workout and it only takes about 20-25 minutes...sometimes longer if my 3 yr old stops me for a bathroom break! Which I usually welcome! :smile:
    There is some lower impact options as well. You just need 2 dumbells...go with light ones! :laugh:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Andrea, I'm impressed that you're doing the C25K and the 30 Day Shred. I won't even buy that DVD because that woman scares me. I can only imagine what that workout is like. Can you tell me about it?

    She really isn't that scary in the video - it is 3 levels; you do Level 1 for 10 days then go on to Level 2. Each level is a combination of strength, cardio and abs. Honestly the first 2-3 days of level 1 my upper body was sore, but after that you just feel like you've had a great workout. For the strength she combines two muscle groups at a time (i.e.legs and biceps). I find it a good workout and it only takes about 20-25 minutes...sometimes longer if my 3 yr old stops me for a bathroom break! Which I usually welcome! :smile:
    There is some lower impact options as well. You just need 2 dumbells...go with light ones! :laugh:

    Ugh, I already have dumbells. I guess I can't justify not getting it. I've heard so much positive stuff and I think I need to change up my non-run day workouts.
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    So I completed W5D2 (5 wlk, 8 run 5 walk 8 run 5 walk)! It wasn;t as hard as I thought, because I have a strained shin muscle (not splints) and I was concerned. I am wondering about D3, because the jump from 8 minutes to 20 is HUGE! I'm not counting myself out, though! 5 weeks ago I couldn't run for the 60 seconds!! I also ran the last .10 of a mile when I was supposed to be cooling down, I just ran until I hit 2 miles. Anybody got any endurance tips??

    walked 3.5 mpg for 5 min
    ran 5.0 mpg for 8 mins
    walked 2.8-3.5 mph for 5 mins
    ran 5.0-4.7mph for 8 mins
    walked 3.0 for 3 mins
    ran 5.0 for probably 90 seconds or so
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    Andrea, I'm impressed that you're doing the C25K and the 30 Day Shred. I won't even buy that DVD because that woman scares me. I can only imagine what that workout is like. Can you tell me about it?

    She really isn't that scary in the video - it is 3 levels; you do Level 1 for 10 days then go on to Level 2. Each level is a combination of strength, cardio and abs. Honestly the first 2-3 days of level 1 my upper body was sore, but after that you just feel like you've had a great workout. For the strength she combines two muscle groups at a time (i.e.legs and biceps). I find it a good workout and it only takes about 20-25 minutes...sometimes longer if my 3 yr old stops me for a bathroom break! Which I usually welcome! :smile:

    I HATE her voice! and she's so condescending! I tried her once and she "encouraged" me like I was failing!! Even though I wasn't!!
    There is some lower impact options as well. You just need 2 dumbells...go with light ones! :laugh:

    Ugh, I already have dumbells. I guess I can't justify not getting it. I've heard so much positive stuff and I think I need to change up my non-run day workouts.
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    whoops that didn't work right, sorry!!!
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Aright, just finished W2D2. Over all not bad but my legs were hurting from my workout yesterday, so I'll focus more on upper body tomorrow to rest my legs for Firday.

    Happy Running
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    HMKan: Great job! Remember that running/walking on a treadmill is easier than doing so outdoors. So raise the incline to 1% to mimic the wind resistance/terrain you'd experience outside on the roads.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    HMKan: Great job! Remember that running/walking on a treadmill is easier than doing so outdoors. So raise the incline to 1% to mimic the wind resistance/terrain you'd experience outside on the roads.

    Thanks Bex. My treadmill won't go below an incline of 2.0. Not sure why, but it was made to stay at 2.0 or higher. Glad to know that'll help me transition when I do start running outside.
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    W4D2 done!! Taking the speed down was definitely the way to go, much more comfortable!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    OK, W3,D2 done!
    Second run was a bit harder today but I did it.
    My knees have been a bit sore, so I'll walk for the next few days and get back into it on Sunday or Monday.
    Keep up the good work everyone, having the support from this group is great; I have a picture in my head of a global relay, there's probably always one of us running somewhere around the globe :)
    Ruby in Australia
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Hey all! Just joining in! I am on week 5, tomorrow will be day 3 (the big dreaded 20 minute run). I am doing it on land so I don't know my is slow I know that much. I have two giant dogs that pull me through....I wonder how much harder it would be without them?

    I take my 2 big working dogs too! It is a bit disconcerting when I look down and they are doing a brisk walk and i'm supposedly "running". Anyway I think it's great to take the dogs because you have something else to focus on...although mostly I'm just focussed on trying not to trip over them

    I have 2 dogs too! But I only bring 1 with me when I do the C25K stuff. It was bad when I tried to bring them both. One is less active and a bit lazy. He tried to kill me a few times since he gets distracted with pretty things and nice smells!

    The dog I bring with me is very active, loves to run. He's so motivating! I *run* slow, where my dog is not even running - just walking fast. LOL. But he urges me along when he sees I'm slowing down or tired. Not sure I'd make it without him, which is one reason I prefer to run outside vs. the treadmill.

    I just finished W5:D2 this morning. It was tough. it was also cold with a bit of a wind chill. But I managed! Wind chill in Arizona isn't really that bad. LOL. Scared about the 20 minute run coming up on Friday.... Just hoping to survive!