New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Seriously, you guys are to be commended! I'm only up to W1D2 and I'm already worried about the weeks to come; I haven't allowed myself to look ahead because I'm afraid I'll chicken out! And I'm in sunny Miami, so I don't have the freezing weather to contend with like many of you do. Friday I think I’ll try bringing my dog along. He’s super-energetic, so I’m sure he’ll help to keep me going.

    Anyway, well done on your progress; keep it up!
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    I fell off the bandwagon a little bit but i'm back up and running. I was supposed to do w5d1 on tuesday but didn't get to it until thursday. It was weird but because I had that two day break (and I didn't do any other exercise either) I honestly thought I was totally going to fail but it was quite manageable - yay : )

    I know I have read a few of you were going to tackle w5d3 soon how did you go???? The 20minutes certainly seems like a big jump!
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    P.S. I love that some of you are taking your dogs... I can't even walk my dogs!! I can imagine that they would be running down the street with me being dragged behind them.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Have I asked this already? Anyone on here (aside from the friends I know of) done Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred while also doing C25K? What did you think? Was it completely impossible to do both at the same time?
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I have to brag because I am SO out of shape...but last night I did the big W5D3....yup, 20 minutes nonstop. I jogged oh so slowly the 1st 15 minutes, then pretty much sprinted the last 5 (ok, a slightly quicker jog, but fast for me)....I did it! I FREAKING DID IT! All because of a Black Eyed Peas song (Pump It) screaming in my ears....really pushed me through to the end!

    I am with Miovlb, also live in South Florida (Palm Beach)....don't know how you all stay active in the snow!

    Patricac, I also have one fast dog and one slow lazy one. I have been running with one dog pulling me, and me pulling the other. So now on days I do the C25k, I do the program with the lazy one (so I don't feel like I was pulled through it), then come back and switch dogs and walk for another 45 minutes. My hubby learned that this is my me time and he stays at home with the baby!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    AWESOME! Great work! Man, I wish I lived in Florida. I was in West Palm in September and it was wonderful!

    Great work everyone! W4D3 tonight for me (along with L1D1 of 30 Day Shred - eek!)
  • kamcnama
    Do you guys put the treadmill at an incline? Also, what are good walking/running speeds. I do walking 3.7 running 5.5.. is this good?
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Do you guys put the treadmill at an incline? Also, what are good walking/running speeds. I do walking 3.7 running 5.5.. is this good?

    That's faster than I go. I think you need to go at whatever speed challenges you. I have my treadmill on a 2 .0 incline.
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    I just saw this thread, and wish I would've seen it sooner! I've always hated to run. (it still is not my favorite!) But I have alot of friends, and my husband, who do races/marathons/duathlons/triathlons; and I feel so left out! I wish I could be able to do that. So I found the C25k app, and started doing it the first of the year. I haven't quit yet. There were times when I thought I wouldn't make it through this run, but I just kept powering through. I guess I have faith in the program. I figure, if it says I can run for 8 min. straight, then I must be able to! :smile: So, last night I did week 6 day 2. So yea, I had to run the 20 min straight (:noway: ) last saturday! The last 6 min. were a KILLER! I just kept telling myself, I'm almost there, I'm almost done, I can do this... and I did it! But man, I was worn OUT for the rest of the day! Usually after working out I have a ton of energy, and will come home and do house-work. But not after that run! The sad thing is now I have to run 25 min. straight... SERIOUSLY?! I have to run AGIAN?! haha! But last night was my last broken-up run. From now on I have to run straight through for 25 min, every work-out. I'm kinda freaking...!

    Week 6 day 2
    Walk at 3.3
    Run at 5.2 (I use to run at 5.4, but the longer runs, I've slowed my pace!) :ohwell:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I just completed Week 3!

    I did Week 3 Day 3 workout: (R 90sec / W 90 sec / R 3 min / W 3 min) x 2

    + I added an extra 90 sec run at the end, since this week's workout is a bit short.

    My next run is scheduled for Saturday. Week 4 looks tough. I hope I'm up for it!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Forgot to add that my runs were at 5.5 for the short 90 sec intervals and 5.2 for the long 3 min intervals. My walks were usually 3.3 mph. I don't set the incline, I just leave it at 0.

    I am totally jealous of you warm-weather folks. I hate to freeze, so I am doing my workouts inside on the treadmill, either at the gym or at home in my basement. I'm sure that treadmill sales are much higher in colder climates! :bigsmile:
  • linemansgirl
    Dh and I are doing C25K together. Dh has gotten a bit behind because of work. He is a lineman for the electric company and bad weather means extra work. So I have just been repeating Week 3 this week to allow him time to get caught up. When there isn't snow on the ground, we jog outside together. Right now we are using the treadmill. I will have to up my incline to 1 or 2.

    I also started the 30 Day Shred today! After doing that this morning, I really don't think that it will be a problem to do them both at the same time.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I just found this thread! I wish I'd found it sooner. I just finished Week Day 2. I NEVER thought I'd be a runner. I was dying running for 2 minutes, but yesterday I had to run for 2.5 miles and I ran for 32 minutes straight! I'm amazed at my endurance and ability to ACTUALLY accomplish this. I've been walking at a 3.5 and running at a 5.0. I'm in good ole Iowa so I'm on a treadmill right now. The plan is to finish the 9 weeks with the speeds I have, and then up my incline because that will help me get used to running outside. I will slowly add to my speeds and see once what I can do. I'm hoping to be able to run by the middle-end of March, but it's Iowa, so who friggen knows!!! You guys rock!
    i am -age 56 -75 overweight-i love walking on track outdoors,would it be safe for me try this? i really want to jog,I do have bad knee,but i know i need to walk /jog for
  • irongate
    Took a couple of days off because of the knee but am going to attempt D3W2 today. I tried increasing my speed last time on the treadmill. I was able to get through it but I think that might be why my knee hurt so bad afterwards. Figured it wasn't about speed but endurance since I have the 1/2 marathon to run in September. Love this thread, and all the support!
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Did D3W1 last night, actually it only counts as a half day. I had a yoga class after and didn't have time to complete the entire thing. Pretty proud, I can finally run for a full minute straight @ 5 mph. I think I'm going to do each week twice though... I’m a wimp and my 5k isn't until July, so I got time.
  • dlynn08
    I did Wk1D2 on Tuesday and it felt great! I agree with the others about uping your incline on the treadmill. If you start that way, you hardly notice it. (And you burn way more calories that way) :)

    Day 3 tomorrow...I'm itching to jump ahead but I know I need to build my endurance back up.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    hello all.. did week 4 day 2 last night, and i kid you not right as my last 5 min run started Eye of the Tiger came on my Pandora..... haha..
    it was not a bad run. i go to run on Sunday the first day then i had two days off before this on and i'll have two days till my next one.. I am very surprised that aside from my Hips being a little stiff i havent had any more leg pain and i've had no problem with the breathing...

    warm up and walks at 4.0 runs at 5.2.
    cool down at 3.6 full incline...
    450 cals burned.
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Hi All,

    Just found this thread - Tomorrow I'll be running W5D3.

    I had a bit of a hiccup with week 4 - I wasn't able to complete any of the runs :grumble: But after all the support I received on the FB page and MFP, I decided to repeat W4 and was successful this time. I had been increasing my speed ever since W1, but decided it was just too hard for me with the longer segments. I went back to my WK1 pace (4.6, 1% incline) and have been able to successfully complete my runs since then :drinker:
    Have I asked this already? Anyone on here (aside from the friends I know of) done Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred while also doing C25K? What did you think? Was it completely impossible to do both at the same time?

    I've been doing the 30 Day Shred on my days off from the C25K. Today was my 8th or 9th day at level 1 and I think I'll be staying here a while longer. I just started exercising again in early Jan, so I'm not mentally ready to do the shred 30 days straight, on top of running - I don't want to burn myself out.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone's progress!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    I want to aim to do this eventually..... my legs are bad currently but really found the podcasts incredibly helpful. Thanks.