New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    Finished Week 04, Day 02 today!! It went waaaayyy better than day 01. I was a little worried there. I even added an extra minute onto the last five-min. segment. I keep trying not to look ahead and just take it day by day, but I feel Week 05, Day 03 (the 20 minutes straight) looming over me. Getting new sneakers this weekend (reward for completing four weeks - doing my last run of week 4 on Saturday.

    My husband gave me an early Valentines present : I teeny tiny fanny pack to put my phone and work I.D while I run so I don't have to hold the phone and have the work I.D. that usu. is on a lanyard around my neck under my tank top instead of flapping in the breeze sticking to my stomach while I run. He also gave me a little gel thingamagigger for when I run. Anyone try those gel thingies? Anyway, his gift really touched me because it made me feel that he has the confidence in me that I'll complete all nine weeks. Now I just wish I had that confidence in myself; I keep waiting for the bottom to drop out for me running -- like getting injured. I am really enjoying this challenge and don't want to stop trying. Gotta start believing in myself more.

    Anywho, happy running to everyone and hopefully you all are getting a long weekend like me this weekend.


    awww that is sooo sweet.. kudos to him for being there for you... i am going to do my first outside run Saturday and it will also be day 3 week 4... check back Saturday night with you.... dont worry about week 5 we can take it together.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Quick vent: So I signed up for a 5k on July 23. I have mentioned this to a few people and I'm shocked by the majorly unsupportive responses I've been getting - even after I explain the race is about 18 weeks away and I am working on the C25K 9 week training program. So I should have plenty of time to train and be ready. Everyone has been so negative, or laughed, or said I was crazy, or even offered to buy me out of the race so I wouldn't get hurt doing it! :grumble: WTH people!!!?? Grrr... Does this happen to anyone else?

    Anyway, I bought new running shoes and I'm going to the gym to night to do Week 1 - Day 4 (repeating the week) tonight. Thanks for all your support everyone... because of you I now run a little less elephant like! :drinker:

    Really? That's too bad; now you just have to show all of them just how wrong they are (motivation?) You have plenty of time to prepare and I'm sure you'll do great. The reason I started C25K was because I signed up for an 8k at the end of April. I'm pushing it a little, but I have tons of support from my sister (who will be running with me), boyfriend and co-workers.

    On another note, I just finishe W2D3, and I'm loving it. Kinda had it rough earlier in the week from sore leg, but today was a breese... Looking forward to W3D1!:drinker:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Melanie, I know how you feel about waiting for the bottom to drop out... For me, I hit my pre-baby weight this week, so I haven't weighed this little in over SIX years... It's a bit overwhelming, and in the past I've sabotaged myself anytime I started making any progress. It's a huge mental challenge to let yourself be strong and workout and lose weight.

    kspedsrn, I'm glad you figured out how to run "lighter". I didn't really know how to explain it, but you can somehow do it, right? It's like pretending to lift yourself up, like a string is pulling your head up or something. Heather, I'm glad it's helped you a bit too. No more elephants! :laugh:

    Rachel, one strategy I've used is to run the first day of the week at a slower pace, then increase on Day 2, then again on Day 3 to the pace I want to be at. So for example, you could run Day 1 at 5.5, then Day 2 at 5.7 and Day 3 at 6.0 (since that is your target pace). OR, another strategy is to start the run at the slower pace 5.5 then increase by 0.1 every 2 or 3 minutes until you are at 6.0...

    HMKan, it's so true - sometimes this thread is the best motivator!! Still can't believe you are doing C25k and SHRED at the same time. You're either a saint or insane...

    povester, we're at the exact same spot in the program. I'm running W4D1 tomorrow too! Good luck!

    Yay to all the 20+ minute runners!! That Week 5 Day 3 really is a big hurdle to get over (physically and mentally).

    Heather - that is AWFUL about the responses you're getting about the 5k. :angry: Please don't let these ignorant fools discourage you! Of course you can do it. You have lots of time to train, and now you have a goal to reach for to motivate you to keep at it! I bet they're all just jealous!! I'm signing up for a 10k in May, only 13 weeks away. So if I can it, you can do it. Damn them all to hell! :bigsmile:

    Today was a yoga day for me. Starting Week 4 tomorrow. See you then.
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Quick vent: So I signed up for a 5k on July 23. I have mentioned this to a few people and I'm shocked by the majorly unsupportive responses I've been getting - even after I explain the race is about 18 weeks away and I am working on the C25K 9 week training program. So I should have plenty of time to train and be ready. Everyone has been so negative, or laughed, or said I was crazy, or even offered to buy me out of the race so I wouldn't get hurt doing it! :grumble: WTH people!!!?? Grrr... Does this happen to anyone else?

    Anyway, I bought new running shoes and I'm going to the gym to night to do Week 1 - Day 4 (repeating the week) tonight. Thanks for all your support everyone... because of you I now run a little less elephant like! :drinker:

    I'm lucky, a lot of my friends who are runners, were previously non-runners.... So they know this can be done, and are supportive in my efforts. The people you're talking to are probably just people who can't scrape up enough chutzpa to even attempt to do this on their own.

    You can do this! We all can! ;)
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    hey guys... anyone out there in or around the Charlotte NC interested in signing up for the kennelly 5k may 14th.. for the Humane Society,, you can run with you dogs... i think my bff and i are going to do it as our first 5K.....thoughts?
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi Everyone! I just finished Week 5 - Day 3 this morning! That's the one with a 20 minute run in there. Amazingly, I did it!!!! I had a lot of doubt. W5:D2 was really hard for me. I have to say to everyone that is working on this program - don't give up! You might think you can't do it, you might doubt your endurance. But the program works, it really does. On W1:D1, I honestly didn't believe in the program. I've always hated running and just never thought I'd ever like running or want to run. But I kept pushing through, going to the next week. For me, it has been mostly a mental game, I've been psyching myself out *worried* about my runs.

    I'm only on Week 5 and I just ran 20 minutes. I have never in my life ran 20 minutes non-stop. NEVER. I don't think I've ever run more than 8 minutes non-stop before this program. But this morning I did! Keep at it, you will get there. As I mentioned, W5:D2 was really hard for me. Yet, I managed to make it through W5:D3. It's amazing how our endurance really does build and your body can do it. Just have to get my *mind* to know I can handle it and stop doubting :)

    Happy running everyone!

    I'm right there with you!! The most I had ever ran was 12 min., and that was like 5 years ago when I was working out with a personal trainer. I couldn't believe I made it 20 min. straight either! Tomorrow is 25 min. straight... scared!!! Oh, and enjoy next week, cause it is the last 'broken-up' run week! I can not believe that every run will be 25 min. from now on! Kinda freakin....!!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    hey guys... anyone out there in or around the Charlotte NC interested in signing up for the kennelly 5k may 14th.. for the Humane Society,, you can run with you dogs... i think my bff and i are going to do it as our first 5K.....thoughts?

    I wish I was out in NC to do this 5K with you! It sounds like so much fun to be able to run with your dogs :) I'm trying to find one in my area where I can bring dogs with me. Great that your BFF is going to be doing it with you!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    I'm right there with you!! The most I had ever ran was 12 min., and that was like 5 years ago when I was working out with a personal trainer. I couldn't believe I made it 20 min. straight either! Tomorrow is 25 min. straight... scared!!! Oh, and enjoy next week, cause it is the last 'broken-up' run week! I can not believe that every run will be 25 min. from now on! Kinda freakin....!!

    I peaked ahead at the rest of the weeks and was a little intimidated with all the long runs! I am actually looking forward to W6: Days 1 & 2! Good luck on your 25 min run tomorrow :)
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm right there with you!! The most I had ever ran was 12 min., and that was like 5 years ago when I was working out with a personal trainer. I couldn't believe I made it 20 min. straight either! Tomorrow is 25 min. straight... scared!!! Oh, and enjoy next week, cause it is the last 'broken-up' run week! I can not believe that every run will be 25 min. from now on! Kinda freakin....!!

    I peaked ahead at the rest of the weeks and was a little intimidated with all the long runs! I am actually looking forward to W6: Days 1 & 2! Good luck on your 25 min run tomorrow :)

  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    hey guys... anyone out there in or around the Charlotte NC interested in signing up for the kennelly 5k may 14th.. for the Humane Society,, you can run with you dogs... i think my bff and i are going to do it as our first 5K.....thoughts?

    I wish I was out in NC to do this 5K with you! It sounds like so much fun to be able to run with your dogs :) I'm trying to find one in my area where I can bring dogs with me. Great that your BFF is going to be doing it with you!

    Thanks we are looking forward to it... we are meeting tomorrow with our dogs to do our first out doors run. First time the temp has been warm enough so we are gonna do Day 3 of week 4 tomorrow i cant wait. i hope our babies cooperate with us.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Way to go to the 20 minute runners. I fell off the wagon before I could get all the way in it this week. I struggled with my last run W4D1. I might have to repeat W3. Good luck to everyone.
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    OMG I did it too!! W5d3 was HARD but I managed to think of it in little chunks and I made it though! Hubby said "If you can push out 3 babies with no drugs, you can run 20 minutes!" HE was right!! My ankles hurt after the halfway point, but I started thinking, 10 minutes, 7 minutes, that's like NOTHING in everyday life. What else can I think of besides my pain. So I concentrated on my breathing, visualized my goal weight, thought about the finish line at the 5k, looked my hubby's cute butt :) Pretty soon it was two minutes! YEAH! Then, like last time, I walked to 1.9 miles for cool down and ran the last .10 just to give a big "f-you" to my doubts!!
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    I am starting C25K tomorrow. I have a 5K my husband signed me up for April 10 ( 57 days away). Has anyone done it? Does it really work? I'm scared I won't be able to do this run in April being as big as I am. Any advice is appreciated.
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    Allie, I have NEVER run before in my LIFE. Last night, I ran for TWENTY MINUTES! It was crazy! And I didn't die! I'm starting week 6 tomorrow, so it is SO doable. Get some GOOD shoes, learn some good stretches. I'm doing a 5 k April 30 and I can't wait! Good luck!!
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Way to go to the 20 minute runners. I fell off the wagon before I could get all the way in it this week. I struggled with my last run W4D1. I might have to repeat W3. Good luck to everyone.

    I had an awful time with Wk 4! I didn't complete a single day successfully! I decided to lower my speed and repeat the week - it made a HUGE difference. I had been increasing my speed since W1, and decided it was no longer sustainable. I have plenty of time to focus on speed later on.

    I also called on my internal cheer-leader... I literally imagined my friends and supporters from the forums cheering me on! So much of this is mental that you really need to remind yourself that you can do it!

    Someone had also suggested that I take a longer brisk walk break if I don't feel ready for the next run... Since the running segments are the most important part, I gave it a go and it worked out well.

    Keep at it! You can do this!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Way to go to the 20 minute runners. I fell off the wagon before I could get all the way in it this week. I struggled with my last run W4D1. I might have to repeat W3. Good luck to everyone.

    I had an awful time with Wk 4! I didn't complete a single day successfully! I decided to lower my speed and repeat the week - it made a HUGE difference. I had been increasing my speed since W1, and decided it was no longer sustainable. I have plenty of time to focus on speed later on.

    I also called on my internal cheer-leader... I literally imagined my friends and supporters from the forums cheering me on! So much of this is mental that you really need to remind yourself that you can do it!

    Someone had also suggested that I take a longer brisk walk break if I don't feel ready for the next run... Since the running segments are the most important part, I gave it a go and it worked out well.

    Keep at it! You can do this!

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. They really help. I got on the scale this morning and I am down 1lb. That is really good considering the week I had. I am super motivated. I know I can do this. I will definitely use the mind trick techniques to push through. My ankles and the side of my legs usually hurt when I'm running. I will lower the speed to see if it helps.

    I can do this!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Argh, today was Week4, Day 1. I was downstairs on my treadmill, and my basement is unfinished so it's quite cold (like need-to-wear-a-jacket cold), and I found my breathing was really suffering. Not to mention my heart rate was through the roof! I had my HRM on, and it was up to 190 on my runs, which is higher than my supposed max HR. I was already struggling on the first 3 min run @ 5.2mph, so I knew I was going to be in trouble today. I ran the first 5 min run at 5.0, as well as the next 3 min run. The only thing that got me through that 3 min was anger. I was just mad. I walked an extra 30 seconds to try to recover a bit more, but still, by the last 5 min run, I was spent, and only lasted 90 sec. BOO!!

    I'm trying not to beat myself up. Week 3's total run minutes are 9 minutes, and Week 4 is 16 minutes!! That is a BIG increase. No wonder so many people were repeating Week 4! I figure at 12.5 minutes, I did make some progress.

    I'm targeting for more on Day 2. And I'll be sure that my next run is at the gym where it is warmer!! See if that helps any.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Did w4 day3, well sort of kept getting winded through the five minute runs so I guess I wussed out. I ran three minute runs instead. Sat down an read through all this and thought I probably would have fought through the five minutes runs if I would have read this before hand. Monday I will push through, Monday I will not give up!!!
  • jlewis1981
    I'm in.. planning on starting tomorrow!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Guys I'm so encouraged to know I"m not the only one with problems on week 4. There's no way I'm ready to move on to week 5. And that's completely ok. It's really easy to get wrapped up in the "deadline" of it all, but honestly, I don't have any races coming up, I'm just doing this for the heck of it (and I'm sure races when I'm done with the program, whenever that may be). Just take it slow. I know many of you signed up for races to spur you on and that's wonderful! But nobody says you can't take a break on a race. Don't stress yourself out too much. Push yourself but when you can't, step back and recognize you need a break. You're all doing AMAZINGLY and I'm so proud of each of you.

    Today was my 4th run this week. Since I've completely my 3 runs of week 4 already, I planned on hopping on the treadmill just to satisfy my curiosity of how long I could run, varying my speeds. Now, many of you know I'm also doing JM 30 Day Shred. I did my run first, then shred on my first day of shred (Thursday). That took a lot out of me for shred. So today, I did Shred first and then went to get on the treadmill. I couldn't run to save my life. I didn't feel like my legs were sore from Shred. I'm honestly wondering if I couldn't done it at all. I ended up walking at 3.0 on a 2.0 incline for 64 minutes (my husband was on the elliptical so we just watched House - otherwise I probably wouldn't have done it that long). It was a nice, brisk workout and a really nice cooldown from shred. But I have to wonder if I"m just pushing it too hard with running. I have W?D1 run tomorrow (for whichever week I decide to repeat or begin) and I'll definitely be taking the speeds down low. I have nothing to prove to anyone so I need to take it slow (5.0 is barely doable but endurance comes first, then speed). That's my plan of attack.

    Anyone else doing both Shred and C25K? Which are you doing first? Or are you doing it at separate times of the day (I really hate taking more than 1 shower, so I'm not sure that'll work for me)?

    You guys rock and are so encouraging, so THANK YOU!