New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Guys I'm so encouraged to know I"m not the only one with problems on week 4. There's no way I'm ready to move on to week 5. And that's completely ok. It's really easy to get wrapped up in the "deadline" of it all, but honestly, I don't have any races coming up, I'm just doing this for the heck of it (and I'm sure races when I'm done with the program, whenever that may be). Just take it slow. I know many of you signed up for races to spur you on and that's wonderful! But nobody says you can't take a break on a race. Don't stress yourself out too much. Push yourself but when you can't, step back and recognize you need a break. You're all doing AMAZINGLY and I'm so proud of each of you.

    Today was my 4th run this week. Since I've completely my 3 runs of week 4 already, I planned on hopping on the treadmill just to satisfy my curiosity of how long I could run, varying my speeds. Now, many of you know I'm also doing JM 30 Day Shred. I did my run first, then shred on my first day of shred (Thursday). That took a lot out of me for shred. So today, I did Shred first and then went to get on the treadmill. I couldn't run to save my life. I didn't feel like my legs were sore from Shred. I'm honestly wondering if I couldn't done it at all. I ended up walking at 3.0 on a 2.0 incline for 64 minutes (my husband was on the elliptical so we just watched House - otherwise I probably wouldn't have done it that long). It was a nice, brisk workout and a really nice cooldown from shred. But I have to wonder if I"m just pushing it too hard with running. I have W?D1 run tomorrow (for whichever week I decide to repeat or begin) and I'll definitely be taking the speeds down low. I have nothing to prove to anyone so I need to take it slow (5.0 is barely doable but endurance comes first, then speed). That's my plan of attack.

    Anyone else doing both Shred and C25K? Which are you doing first? Or are you doing it at separate times of the day (I really hate taking more than 1 shower, so I'm not sure that'll work for me)?

    You guys rock and are so encouraging, so THANK YOU!

    You're an impressive woman! I don't think I could handle doing them both on the same day! I'm still sore from yesterday's 20 minute run (I'll just pretend that 4.6 is a run) :ohwell:

    Looking forward to learning which week you decide to do!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    i did week4 day 3 today... today was the first time ever i ran outside... It was a lot different than running on the treadmill because i couldnt tell how fast i was going and so i kept backing down and speeding up because i didnt know if i was going to wear out or not...but i did it... Also the cold air outside was a lot harder on my breathing took me longer to recover... I also ran for the first time with my bestest bud Vinnie my 2 yo German Shepard.. our first 5k is gonna be at Petpalooza in May so i wanted him to start training with at least once a week.. I think i am going to do one more day of Week 4 before i move on to Week 5 just because everyone seems to have such a problem with week 5 i want to make sure i am ready....thanks for alll the support.. Good luck to everybody in the next week.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    @HMKan: I'm doing the 30 Day Shred as well, just started on Mon 2/7. I do the C25K 3x's a week (M,W,F) in the morning. Then I do the 30 Day Shred in the afternoon. I don't think I could do them back-to-back, as both make me really tired! :)
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    Good Job Everyone. So great to hear so many conquering the 20 minute run!

    I finished w5d2 today. I felt pretty good. I ordered the 30 day shred about two weeks ago and my plan was to start it whenever it arrives but I think I might hold off until March.

    I lost 1.3 kg this week (about 3 pounds). Yay for running.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Just finished w1d2, ran at 5.5mph. Didn't feel too winded, so hoping this is a good sign. So far I'm liking this program, we'll see how I feel when I get to the longer runs!
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    Finished W6d1 tonight! It was hard because I kept having issues...first I was wearing the wrong bra. Then my hairtie broke (I have LONG THICK hair, impossible to run with it flopping around!) Then, I tried a new podcast and it SUCKED. So I had to stop to fix things twice, but I waited until walking time to do it, so I don't think I "failed". It was hard to concentrate since I was SO distracted, but I worked through it!

    Down to 175! (not sure what starting was, somewhere in the low 180's)
    Ran @5.0 mph
    Walked @ 3.0-3.5 mph

    Ran the last .10 to make it an even 2.5 miles during cooldown!
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Hello! I'd like to join in :)

    I just started W1D1 today and feel great! Did 3.1km (1.9m) at an average of 6.1km/hr.

    I have a question though. Does anyone do any workouts on the days off? I plan to do yoga and elliptical trainer plus strength training. I was working out 5-6 days a week for the past 6 weeks so can I still do that or should I take rest days in between?
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Hello everyone. Great work this week!

    JLS - 4.6 is about the most I see myself doing (at this point) on a 20 minute run, whenever I get around to that particular run. I think it's just fine. Great work!!

    Cmcracken - I love the idea of you getting your dog to train with you. What a great idea! How fun!

    Partica - it sounds like you've got a good plan. I know that I need to break them up because ever since I started Shred, my runs have suffered and my shred isn't as strong as it could be. I don't want to half-*kitten* either, but I just can't bear the idea of having 2 separate workouts in a day. Maybe I need to jsut do shred on my off days from running. That is a tough pill to swallow though as I really hate to take steps backward from what I've been able to do so far. But then, I've only made it 3 days and totally crashed and burned on today's shred (day 4 - which I only did for 5 minutes then stopped). I have no idea what to do, but I'm glad you have a smart plan. Let me know how it works out!

    Kai, HT, Mermaid - great work this week!

    Sharina - It sounds like you have a good plan for how to work out on your off-run days. I do elliptical and 30 day shred on my off days. Or sometimes I'll just walk for an hour at an incline. Take rest days when you need them. Some people build a rest day into their schedule and I think it's smart. I think its most important to listen to your body.

    AFM - I decided to try week 5, day 1 tonight. It was fine, I finished it. I took the run speed way down from 5.0 to 4.6 on the last run. I'm a little disappointed. I think my heart wasn't in it and that's no real excuse. I just couldn't get amped up and I hadn't realized how important that mindset was to actually pushing through. I did finish it. Only burned about 308 calories, but it's ok. I"m not sure yet what my plan is for what days I'll do. I might just repeat tonights run for this week and pick up the rest of week 5 next week. 5run 3walk 5run 3walk 5run feels like a good place to tread water for a while. I just need to get back that lovin' feeling toward my workouts and stop feeling so blah about them. I'll get there!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Guys I'm so encouraged to know I"m not the only one with problems on week 4.

    Anyone else doing both Shred and C25K? Which are you doing first? Or are you doing it at separate times of the day (I really hate taking more than 1 shower, so I'm not sure that'll work for me)?

    HMKan, Glad my Week 4 struggles have offered you encouragement... But I'll be happier when I can kick Week 5's butt! :laugh: Congrats on getting through your Week 5 workout!! I am envious of you burning "only" 308 calories. On my HRM / treadmill, my calories are almost always the same as my distance. So if I've covered 2 miles, I've usually burned 200 cal.

    I am not doing Shred, but if I were, I'd do it on my off-days from running. I'm wiped from either workout, so can't imagine doing both on the same day. :noway:

    CMC, glad to hear you found the cold air a bit bothersome too. I have a hard time pacing myself outside, that's one of the reasons I like running on the treadmill (set it and forget it). Outside, I have a tendency to start too fast, then can't finish. When I ran my first race (a 5-miler / 8k), I ran with my sister and told her "ok, I run 12-min miles, can you be my pace bunny?" and we finished in 1:04.

    Mermaid, glad you're working through your challenges. My hair would drive me crazy too, if I didn't have it pulled back.

    Sharina, you were asking about off-days. I run on Tues/Thurs/Sat, and do yoga on Mon/Fri. I struggle to fit that much exercise into my schedule (work, study, kids), so I have been taking Wed/Sun as rest days. Once I am coping better, I may add more.

    Today is yoga day...
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Alright, just did W3D1 and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Took it a little slow so I don't over do it , but think I can increase the speed a little on Wed.

    Happy Running
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    just started c25K this morning. first run went pretty decent :)
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Kicked W4D3's butt today - I even felt like I could keep going at the end. But since it was really hard at the beginning I might do it one more time before hitting W5...
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    W6D1 complete!

    I was hesitant about running today because I woke up with some congestion in my chest, but at a friend's urging I decided to give it a go. It didn't go as smoothly as W5 - my asthma was acting up - but I was able to complete it.

    I almost extended the walk before the final 5min run, but then Carli (I'm using her podcasts) says - "It's only 5 minutes - you can do it!" Well, I feel like "you can do this has become my mantra lately, so I took my hand off the pause button and completed my last run!

    These are only small victories - but I'm still really proud of myself!
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Alright, just did W3D1 and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Took it a little slow so I don't over do it , but think I can increase the speed a little on Wed.

    Be careful of increasing the speed too much. I had gradually increased my speed throughout the 1st three weeks, but when it came time to run W4 - I hit a brick wall. So... I returned my speed to my W1 speed, and repeated W4. I plan on keeping it on the W1 speed throughout the rest of the program (I did W6D1 today) throughout the rest of the program. I figure there is plenty of time to worry about speed later.
    Kicked W4D3's butt today - I even felt like I could keep going at the end. But since it was really hard at the beginning I might do it one more time before hitting W5...

    I bet you're physically ready for W5. But one more day at W4 might give you an extra mental edge. Couldn't hurt!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member

    These are only small victories - but I'm still really proud of myself!

    Amen to that!!

    Completed Week 5, Day 1 today. As always, it was a challenge, but I kept with it and finished it. The last 60 seconds ticked by sooo sllloooowwwllyy. The shins are kinda hurting for the first time. It's time to get new shoes. I just didn't find the time this weekend. Hopefully next weekend I'll be at Roadrunner Sports lacing up a new pair. It's supposed to rain here in SoCal Wednesday through Friday (the next days I was planning on running.) Bummer. Although, after having lived back east, sometimes when they say it's Storm Watch 2011 here in San Diego, it just mists outside. Seriously, Mr. Weatherman? So I'll play it by ear. I don't have a gym membership, so I may have to find something else to do just in case the skys actually open up here.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    did week 5 day 1 today... pretty good time,,,, i did an extra five mins inclined at the end... felt good...
    runs at 5.2
    walks at 4.
    not to bad...
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    Ergh........w5d3 was not easy. I did it. I physically feel a bit ill ATM but it's done. I'm a bit disappointed in the slowness at some points during the run. But the point is I did it nonstop. Here's to a good week 6
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    OK so I did W1D3 yesterday. Was supposed to do it Friday but I slacked-off, and then weekends are my busiest days at work so I rarely work out. But whatever...I'm a little behind, but it felt pretty surprisingly good nonetheless. This time I ran/walked outside with my dog instead of on a treadmill at the gym, and I have to say I definitely enjoy running outdoors much better. And my dog had a blast; he's never been that far from the house "with permission" before!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    @Sharina -- I just started Sunday, so today's W1D2 for me. I'm also doing the 9-week workout on EA's Sports Active 2, so my plan is to run Sunday, Tuesday, and either Thursday or Friday, and my exercise schedule is Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. I only put in 20 minute (160-180 calorie) workouts on the SA2, but I'm still a little nervous about my "overlap" days (Tuesday and maybe Friday), but I want to keep at least one rest day -- and Thursday might be a rest day, too, since that's my day to volunteer at the hospital, and I'm usually really beat by the end of the day!

    I'll let you know if that works out poorly for me, but that's my plan at this point!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Quick vent: So I signed up for a 5k on July 23. I have mentioned this to a few people and I'm shocked by the majorly unsupportive responses I've been getting - even after I explain the race is about 18 weeks away and I am working on the C25K 9 week training program. So I should have plenty of time to train and be ready. Everyone has been so negative, or laughed, or said I was crazy, or even offered to buy me out of the race so I wouldn't get hurt doing it! :grumble: WTH people!!!?? Grrr... Does this happen to anyone else?

    Anyway, I bought new running shoes and I'm going to the gym to night to do Week 1 - Day 4 (repeating the week) tonight. Thanks for all your support everyone... because of you I now run a little less elephant like! :drinker:

    Yeah, that sucks! I know how you feel. I come from a family of natural runners, but I am most certainly not a runner. I decided not to even tell them that I'm going to try a 5k. While they might not be openly unsupportive, I know they'd expect me to fail. When I've even mentioned that I've been jogging a little at the gym, I could tell that they thought it was laughable. Oh well!

    On another note, I totally sound/feel like an elephant when I run. But last night I ran outdoors instead of on a treadmill at the gym and it felt a lot better. I definitely felt like my form (if I dare call it that) was better out on the road; to me running on the treadmill just feels so uncomfortable and restrictive. I don't know what the weather is like where you're at, but if running outdoors is doable, you might want to give it a try.