New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I did w6d1 this morning and it was great! I was a little nervous because i was out most last week with a cold/sinus crud and when i ran on saturday it really kicked my butt!! It's great to be back on the wagon!!!

    On a side note....does anyone love their running shoes and if so, what are they?? The hubby is going to buy me a pair and i don't even know where to start!!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Guys I'm so encouraged to know I"m not the only one with problems on week 4. There's no way I'm ready to move on to week 5. And that's completely ok. It's really easy to get wrapped up in the "deadline" of it all, but honestly, I don't have any races coming up, I'm just doing this for the heck of it (and I'm sure races when I'm done with the program, whenever that may be). Just take it slow. I know many of you signed up for races to spur you on and that's wonderful! But nobody says you can't take a break on a race. Don't stress yourself out too much. Push yourself but when you can't, step back and recognize you need a break. You're all doing AMAZINGLY and I'm so proud of each of you.

    Today was my 4th run this week. Since I've completely my 3 runs of week 4 already, I planned on hopping on the treadmill just to satisfy my curiosity of how long I could run, varying my speeds. Now, many of you know I'm also doing JM 30 Day Shred. I did my run first, then shred on my first day of shred (Thursday). That took a lot out of me for shred. So today, I did Shred first and then went to get on the treadmill. I couldn't run to save my life. I didn't feel like my legs were sore from Shred. I'm honestly wondering if I couldn't done it at all. I ended up walking at 3.0 on a 2.0 incline for 64 minutes (my husband was on the elliptical so we just watched House - otherwise I probably wouldn't have done it that long). It was a nice, brisk workout and a really nice cooldown from shred. But I have to wonder if I"m just pushing it too hard with running. I have W?D1 run tomorrow (for whichever week I decide to repeat or begin) and I'll definitely be taking the speeds down low. I have nothing to prove to anyone so I need to take it slow (5.0 is barely doable but endurance comes first, then speed). That's my plan of attack.

    Anyone else doing both Shred and C25K? Which are you doing first? Or are you doing it at separate times of the day (I really hate taking more than 1 shower, so I'm not sure that'll work for me)?

    You guys rock and are so encouraging, so THANK YOU!

    Definitely don't stress yourself out over it, if you need a break, take a break, or if you need to go slower, that's fine too, it's more important to build up your endurance than to run a 10 minute mile right away.

    I don't do 30 day shred, although it sounds like a great workout. But I do a lot of classes at the gym. Usually if I want to run and do a class, I do the run first and then the class, although last year, when I was in better shape I would do a couple of miles on the treadmill after classes and it wasn't too bad (alternating walking and jogging) not really sure how in the world I did that, because if I did it now I think I'd die, lol!!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I saw so many posts I wanted to reply to, but can't remember who wrote them, so I'm going to try to remember everything I wanted to say :) wish I could figure out how to multi quote

    I try to do my runs on monday, wednesday, friday, and then try to do kickboxing on tuesdays, step on thursdays, and whatever I can fit in on saturdays and sundays, sometimes it's a class, sometimes it's just the wii fit or just dance, sometimes it's the treadmill, and sometimes I'm just lazy or busy and it's nothing. I think the most important thing is to rest when your body feels like it needs it and to do something you enjoy.

    I would LOVE to do a race with my dog! I wish I knew of one in my area, does anyone know of a website to find them?

    I also love running outside, I feel like it goes by so much faster and it's cooler, I can't wait until nice weather is back here, it's way too cold right now and the snowbanks are so high and so wide you can barely fit 2 cars on the road. But hopefully a few more weeks and warmer weather will be here.

    I saw that someone mentioned a podcast by carli, I think? If anyone knows of good podcasts for C25K I would love to hear about them, if you could post a link or just the name. I currently have Suz's podcasts and Nicole Blum (I think that's her name) there are some weeks that I absolutely love, but others that are not my kind of music at all and I struggle to get through.

    I have a rough few days, just very stressful and wasn't able to get any of my workouts in. I'm going to go to the gym tonight and try to do my run before kickboxing, to try to get myself back on track. I don't want to go too many days without a run and be back at square 1! So I'm going to do W5D1 and hope for the best!

    Great job to everyone on their accomplishments this week!
  • brainzzz
    Not a dumb question at all! Here's a link, it'll explain better than I can :)
  • brainzzz
    I'd love to join! I started doing C25K a few months ago (got to week 3) but fell off the wagon.
    I'm starting again (W1, D2) and I'd love to join in.
  • cohollywood
    I'm back! Whoo hoo! Only I'm SO not excited to be back - I really need to move to the Carribean...

    My runs didn't go as planned. In fact, I only got one run in - W3D1. I ran it on the track our first morning on the ship, and it was awesome. I don't know how far I went, or how fast or anything like that, but, it felt pretty good, and the view couldn't be beat. I ran as the sun was rising, and it was amazing.

    Unfortunately, the rest of the week, we were just busy, busy, busy. That was our only sea day, and as we had excursions planned in every port, we had to get off the boat as early as possible, so my runs just didn't happen. I was disappointed in myself for not making the time, but it was so hard. I had plans to run on our final day when we were at sea, but, I woke up and it was cold and raining, so I stayed in bed. Darn.

    I plan on getting back on the wagon tonight though and heading to the gym. I'll just do all of W3 this week and move on to 4 next week.

    I also have hit a pleateu in my weight loss (plus a few extra pounds gained from way too much cruise food), so I'm going to step up my workouts to an hour and a half each time, so we'll see how this next week goes.

    Good job to everyone!! You all are doing great!
  • megganxrose
    megganxrose Posts: 30 Member
    I started it yesterday, I'm anxious to get past these first two weeks even though I'm a terrible runner. I've heard such good things about C25K that I definitely think it'll work for me!

    1. Week # 1
    2. Day # 1
    3. Walking 2.5 ..typically I'll walk at 3.5, but my knees were bothering me yesterday.
    4. Running 5.0, I'll up date to 5.2 on day 2 (today), and up to 5.4 on day 3.
  • NeeshiaA
    I'd like to join

    I just started this yesterday, tomorrow is Week 1 Day 2 for me, I've heard lots of good things about this plan and know a couple of friends who did it and now they are running marathons regularly. I feel like the best part of this plan is that you can set your own pace and repeat weeks if you have to. I'm trying to make going to the gym part of my daily routine so I'm doing 6 days a week and doing the Elliptical trainer on the days in between C25K and will eventually add some strength training.
  • nbfield
    I tried to do it last year. Ended up hurting both knees to the point that I could hardly walk. Had to get anti-inflamatories and Voltran cream from the doctor just to recover after week one. It is supposed to be beginners program, but just be careful, if your knees are not strong enough or your shoes not right you could end up with problems. I would love to try it again. I completed my 1st 5k (walking) last October and have been working out regularly since recovering, so maybe I am stronger. I'll give it a shot.
  • RatBoyGL
    RatBoyGL Posts: 100
    Hello! I'd like to join in :)

    I just started W1D1 today and feel great! Did 3.1km (1.9m) at an average of 6.1km/hr.

    I have a question though. Does anyone do any workouts on the days off? I plan to do yoga and elliptical trainer plus strength training. I was working out 5-6 days a week for the past 6 weeks so can I still do that or should I take rest days in between?

    Yes, I sure do.

    In fact, my current schedule is:

    Sunday: Elliptical
    Monday: Elliptical
    Tuesday: C25K
    Wednesday: Softball Game
    Thursday: C25K
    Friday: Elliptical
    Saturday: C25K

    I count Wednesday as my day off even though I play softball. Playing softball is feast or famine. If I get hits, I get to run, if I don't, then I don't. LOL....
  • Erica9903
    I'm starting and I was wondering how you log it since you're not running or walking the whole time. Any advice to log it correctly??
  • NeeshiaA
    I created my own exercise and then log my time and how many calories the treadmill says I burned.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm starting and I was wondering how you log it since you're not running or walking the whole time. Any advice to log it correctly??

    i do at least one day a week on a treadmill and that tells me the calories burned.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    I'm starting and I was wondering how you log it since you're not running or walking the whole time. Any advice to log it correctly??

    LOL -- I had that exact same question!

    Since I'm on a treadmill, I know the pace that I'm on (3MPH walking, 5 MPH jogging); if I was outside, I'd just estimate what my pace was. So, I just total up the amounts of time (for example, the week 1 schedule is 8 minutes of jogging and 22 minutes of walking), and add these as two different exercises -- an eight-minute jog @ 5MPH, and a 22-minute walk @ 3MPH. That should be close enough...
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I did w6d1 this morning and it was great! I was a little nervous because i was out most last week with a cold/sinus crud and when i ran on saturday it really kicked my butt!! It's great to be back on the wagon!!!

    On a side note....does anyone love their running shoes and if so, what are they?? The hubby is going to buy me a pair and i don't even know where to start!!

    go get fitted at a specialty running store.. even if you dont buy them there because they are more expensive you can find them online and get the same shoe.. because depending on how you run is what the best shoe for you is... i got fitted and wear a new balance 760 which is totally different than the new balance 758... it's worth taking the time and getting into the right pair.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    I'm starting and I was wondering how you log it since you're not running or walking the whole time. Any advice to log it correctly??

    I use my HRM (heart rate monitor) when I do the C25K and just use the number for calories burned on there when I log it.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Well, I've been MIA for a while, but now I'm officially back. I did Week 4, Day 1 today. I didn't think that it would be possible to run that much. I was so surprised when it was over and I had run during every run portion. No shin pain, not out of breath, life was good. :) I'll be running again on Friday. I hope the weather will be as beautiful then as it was today.
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there, I know i'm a bit late to the party but i intend to start my C25k plan this week.
    I did start initially at the beggining of january. i was doing really well up to running at 5.5mph for 4mins then 3.2mph walking for 2mins which was the plan given to me at the gym. Then a back injury and then the flu means i havent done anything for 3 weeks!
    I'm actually feeling nervous about starting again so could do with some support to get me back in the gym!

  • tkslp
    tkslp Posts: 19 Member
    Started my C25K today- so week 1 day 1 complete!!
  • fab4runner
    fab4runner Posts: 67 Member
    Hey guys...just found this thread and wanted to start checking in. I just finished up week 4 day 1 and it was definitely rough. Going from 9 minutes of running to 16 is a big jump...but I am so glad that I was able to run the entire time I was supposed to. Looking forward to day 2 now. I usually walk at 3.6 and run at 5.4 (was 5.2 the first 2 weeks). If I find myself struggling I will definitely lower the speed as opposed to walking more. I don't care if I'm slow, lol.

    Good job everyone and I can't wait to check it after each run. :)