Profile pics-rant



  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I guess I'm a little more honest and open than others.... if anyone from my 'real' life was to stumble upon my profile here or anywhere else on the internet they would only find what they already know about me. I'm not hiding behind anything. What you see is what you get with me....

    But what ever anyone else wants to do is fine with me.... I started this thread just like other have started different ones.... with a personal opinion- everyone is entitled to them, ya know?!?
    . I rolled my eyes so hard at that.

    My twenty one year old daughter rolls her eyes too.... careful they might get stuck that way! Oh wait... was I being dumb and presumptuous again?

    I'm glad that's the only part of my comment you address besides, you know, the actual point. Bravo. you are so clever.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hey Wendi, could you add me cuz I'm dumb and presumptuous too!

    I didn't say she was dumb. I said the comment was. I don't know her and I don't think she is dumb. I did think some of her comments on this were dumb though. There's a huge difference between calling out a dumb topic and saying someone is dumb.
    I know at 24 it's less likely that have learned that being critical of others opinions requires critical thought first. Wendi was simply stating her OPINION and you seemed to take it very personally. It wasn't intended, i don't think, to offend, I'll bet it was intended to solve a personal puzzle as to why some people do that. Folks like myself who regularly lay their opinions out there often wonder "why?" Therefore, in the interest of personal knowledge, ask questions formed as opinions to solicit a response on a personal level. It's the old fashioned thing we call conversation. Ask open ended questions to provoke a thoughtful response.

    P.S. Wendi, I apologize if I misstated your intent in my own words.

    Having a well formed opinion requires critical thought first and this post doesn't show it. And don't bring age into this when she's younger than this if you're trying to make a point that I'm young.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hey Wendi, could you add me cuz I'm dumb and presumptuous too!

    I didn't say she was dumb. I said the comment was. I don't know her and I don't think she is dumb. I did think some of her comments on this were dumb though. There's a huge difference between calling out a dumb topic and saying someone is dumb.
    I know at 24 it's less likely that have learned that being critical of others opinions requires critical thought first. Wendi was simply stating her OPINION and you seemed to take it very personally. It wasn't intended, i don't think, to offend, I'll bet it was intended to solve a personal puzzle as to why some people do that. Folks like myself who regularly lay their opinions out there often wonder "why?" Therefore, in the interest of personal knowledge, ask questions formed as opinions to solicit a response on a personal level. It's the old fashioned thing we call conversation. Ask open ended questions to provoke a thoughtful response.

    P.S. Wendi, I apologize if I misstated your intent in my own words.

    Having a well formed opinion requires critical thought first and this post doesn't show it.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I never even notice the pictures LOL

    I'm on a mission....if people want to join along and I can be a part of theirs then awesome.

    If you're creepy, I don't care what your pic is, you'll get cut.

    It's all good.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I guess I'm a little more honest and open than others.... if anyone from my 'real' life was to stumble upon my profile here or anywhere else on the internet they would only find what they already know about me. I'm not hiding behind anything. What you see is what you get with me....

    But what ever anyone else wants to do is fine with me.... I started this thread just like other have started different ones.... with a personal opinion- everyone is entitled to them, ya know?!?
    . I rolled my eyes so hard at that.

    My twenty one year old daughter rolls her eyes too.... careful they might get stuck that way! Oh wait... was I being dumb and presumptuous again?

    I'm glad that's the only part of my comment you address besides, you know, the actual point. Bravo. you are so clever.

    Oh, you were trying to make a point.. I'm sorry... continue.....
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Wow this thread got ridiculous really fast. This is the first troll I've seen on MFP so far.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Hey Wendi, could you add me cuz I'm dumb and presumptuous too!

    I didn't say she was dumb. I said the comment was. I don't know her and I don't think she is dumb. I did think some of her comments on this were dumb though. There's a huge difference between calling out a dumb topic and saying someone is dumb.
    I know at 24 it's less likely that have learned that being critical of others opinions requires critical thought first. Wendi was simply stating her OPINION and you seemed to take it very personally. It wasn't intended, i don't think, to offend, I'll bet it was intended to solve a personal puzzle as to why some people do that. Folks like myself who regularly lay their opinions out there often wonder "why?" Therefore, in the interest of personal knowledge, ask questions formed as opinions to solicit a response on a personal level. It's the old fashioned thing we call conversation. Ask open ended questions to provoke a thoughtful response.

    P.S. Wendi, I apologize if I misstated your intent in my own words.

    Having a well formed opinion requires critical thought first and this post doesn't show it.
    For someone who wants anonymity you certainly exposed your glowing personality. it's been a pleasure arousing your interest.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    isn't it odd that the most controversial threads I have seen on here are the ones about profile pictures?

    Goodness people relax.

    I assume that if someone has a picture of a fit/thin person on their profile and they have a ticker that says they need to lose this or that amount of weight that maybe they are not the same person as in the picture. I also assume that there are not a bunch of cats and dogs on here losing weight. Its all fine and dandy. I actually could NOT care less.
  • kelsiehulme
    kelsiehulme Posts: 8 Member
    Anyone else get annoyed when people post photos that are obviously not them? It irks me when someones weight loss ticker says they need to lose 125lbs and they post a photo of a 105lb model on the beach. Or that suddenly Brad Pitt wants to be my MFP friend. I understand that maybe it's for motivation- like putting a skinny pic on your refrigerator or something, but I like seeing the real person.

    Ok, just wanted to get that off my chest LOL

    Happy Sunday!

    that's really silly. I want to be anonymous. I don't want someone to stumble upon here that I know in real life because I have an ED and it's none of their business. I have an icon that represents where I'm from if you know what it is. People don't need to see what I look like, though i do plan on posting before and after pics of my long journey when i reach my goal - my face will be blurred though. And if someone's inspiration is a model on the beach - maybe it's not the weight they're going for in the pic, but more the idea that they want to be confident at the each when they weight a bit less

    i totally agree with this! even thought i do have pictures of myself the one i currently have is an inspiration to me! similar age has had a baby and every time i log on to MFP i see that this is what i would like to acheive! so therefore less likely to slip up! when i see a picture of myself it doesnt give me much motivation!
    i think its very silly that you would not "freind" someone just because of this!

    and also to whoever said these people are less likely to be working out that is totally not true! im busting my butt!
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    Alright people- this is now ridiculous! I started this damn thread with a personal opinion- something that irks me. Yes that's right it irks ME - Wendi! If you in the back or you over there in the corner or you under the table- don't agree with me, well then- more power to you. I'm not sure how EDs and such were pulled into it- but whatever!

    I totally understand every ones privacy issues- I do- and that's fine with me. I never said anything about avatar pics, or kittens and puppies as profile pics. The people I was venting about were the ones who post a photo of someone who is obviously NOT them. I'm sorry it irks me that someone post a pic of Pink! then when you look on their ticker it says - need to lose 139lbs. Or - as I said in my original post- Brad Pitt. Once again- this is something that irks ME! I personally like it put a face with a name. I love to see someones progress pics as it helps motivate me to try and reach my goal also.

    I personally (yes, I'm going to use that word a lot- stressing the point that this is MY opinion) am proud of my journey- I'm proud to post photos of me- I've worked f'n hard to become the person I am today. I also suffer with an ED- and struggle with it to this day- sadly I have accepted that it is part of who I am- the days of hiding behind it and using it as an excuse are long over. What yous see is what you get w/ me.

    Internet security/privacy issues are not a new thing- and with the amount of social media sites out there- it's no wonder everyone is up in arms. To be truthful, animosity on the internet is nearly impossible unless you are just turning on a pc for the first time ever - and even then I bet if you Google your name you'll find a bunch of info about you. Hell I have a blog from 10yrs ago that will sometimes still pop up when I google my usual screen name. *and I'm not even going to talk about those naked pictures** JUST KIDDING!!!! Thus the reason I am always open and honest about myself. I don't need someone saying- Hey Wendi, you posted this here but said this there....which one is the truth??

    So whether YOU post your profile pic or not- what-the-*kitten*-ever....... It's not like we're going to be friends anyway- period- enough said!
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    Oh btw- I am loving how all the people who could care less have a lot to say on the matter.....
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I need to change my profile pic. I do so hate being objectified.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    Your signature says it best............ It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Oh btw- I am loving how all the people who could care less have a lot to say on the matter.....

    Well you see if they COULD care less, it means that they DO care, if they COULDN'T care less than it means they care all the people who COULD care less actually DO care or they would say they COULDN'T care less....lmao

    I actually think some people are insane :o)

    Don't let it bother you
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I need to change my profile pic. I do so hate being objectified.

    It's your own fault. If you were not such a sexy beast, it wouldn't be an issue *he says, comfortable in his own sexuality*.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Your signature says it best............ It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.
    Someone already had the signature "I am a sheep."
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I am so glad everyone is as bored as I am this weekend... dance for me my for me....
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I also kill kittens
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Your signature says it best............ It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.
    Someone already had the signature "I am a sheep."

    Never follow a sexuality comment with a sheep comment.

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Your signature says it best............ It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.
    Someone already had the signature "I am a sheep."

    Never follow a sexuality comment with a sheep comment.

    Baaaa! means no!