SWaT Walking Group - February Walk



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Welcome rgreenwood! Sounds like you are doing great with your exercise.:smile:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday/Just the 2.5 miles today. I did shovel 365 calories away I am quite happy with that. I did not get my second set of miles in.
    Tuesday/3 miles walk away 10

    Keep on walking, lots of S-miles to go this month. Alice
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I did NO walking workouts over the weekend! My grandson is sick with his first cold and is pretty miserable. We're pretty sure he picked up a germ while getting his shots Friday because he was fine before Friday night. Poor guy! He just wants to be held so we took turns all weekend.

    I did get 2 miles in yesterday and plan on 2 more today. The weather is awful and wet, slushy snow is predicted for the nest couple of days. Makes driving treacherous, to say the least!

    I hope we all have a good day. I need to make more conscious choices about what goes into my mouth!
    I also revised my goal DOWNWARDS to 50 miles. MAYBE I can manage that!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    WELCOME GREENWOOD!! :flowerforyou:


    pmjsmom --- I hope your grandchild gets better quickly, its so sad when the young are sick. (Poor Baby). Also Be safe

    Alice --- Awesome shoveling . I need something like that to get rid of this flabby skin on my arms, Im beginning to carry around. :ohwell:

    Today I walked 4.2 miles/ 1hr 30 minutes. Thank Goodness I work from 12 to 4, so I can get my walks in early.

    Happy Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Hello fellow walkers!!! :flowerforyou:

    I just wanted to let you all know that my surgery did not go as scheduled yesterday. My surgery has been postponed until the beginning of March. I will let you all know the exact date just as soon as I know.

    Last week was a hectic and crazy week trying to go to doctors appt's and having tests done to be medically released for surgery! Needless to say I was not strict with my diet and was unable to work out. It was a very stressful time for me!!:frown:

    I must get back on track this week. This morning I walked my Beagle and Lab for 1 mile, and than did 3 miles of Leslie Sansone DVD with boosts and weights. And than I walked both of the dogs again for another mile. So, today I did a total of 5 miles!!!!:bigsmile:

    I'm so happy that everyone is doing so well. I'm so proud of all of you!! I can't believe February is almost over. Unbelievable!

    Have a wonderful day!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Good Evening!!! :smile:

    My cleaning Job canceled me today, So I was able to go back out and get some more walking in. I walked 2.4 extra miles

    I just made it past my goal :drinker: . I'll still keep on walking and adding it toward the ticker

    Have a Good Night all ! See ya in the morning:happy:
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I walked today. I did 2 miles. I have to get motivated again.
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Hello Good Evening!!! :smile:

    My cleaning Job canceled me today, So I was able to go back out and get some more walking in. I walked 2.4 extra miles

    I just made it past my goal :drinker: . I'll still keep on walking and adding it toward the ticker

    Have a Good Night all ! See ya in the morning:happy:

    Good job Terry on meeting and exceeding your February walking goal!!! Very impressive!!! So proud of you!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Way to go walkers! Busy day on the board today, I can hear those calories melting away. :happy:

    I'm running a little late posting tonight but I did get in 3 miles today. I did one of the 3 mile walk strong with weights.

    Sorry about your grandson Kathy. It's so hard to see the little ones sick and not really able to do much about it. Hope he is better soon.

    Sabrina, everyone gets off track now and then but you didn't let it keep you off. Sorry to hear about your surgery, I hope it's nothing too terrible. Keep us posted.

    Teresa, I really enjoy hearing about your walks. Congrats on passing your goal :flowerforyou:

    Viggie, I"m trying to get re-motivated too! I think I'm due for a good kick start :laugh:
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Sandy - I will kick your butt again if you kick mine, OK?

    I think I will make my goal this month. 15 miles to go in 6 days thats doable. My Dr. put me on a new pain med. and its been making me tired. Hard to get myself going on ANYTHING. Unfortunately another side affect is weight gain, that sucks! Have any of you guys been on Lyrica? Would love to hear any imput on it.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday/Just the 2.5 miles today. I did shovel 365 calories away I am quite happy with that. I did not get my second set of miles in.
    Tuesday/3 miles walk away 10
    Wednesday/ 4 miles

    Keep on walking, lots of S-miles to go this month. Alice
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Fellow Walkers! Good Afternoon:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Sabrina & Sandra ;-))

    Marie --- I'm so sorry your in pain (Thats Sucks!) I'd rather feel tired than the pain. Sorry! Im no help to pain medications. I HOPE You can get past those side effects.. STAY STRONG!!!

    Just walked to the beach and Back home, 81 degree's Sunny, slight breeze and Gorgeous !!!!!!

    I just made it OUT of the OBESE range. YAY!!! THANK GOD!!!! I Finally made it into the 160's ( very high 160's :bigsmile: )

    EveryOne keep up the Great Walking :happy:
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Ok got my 4 miles in today. It felt good once I got started. One thing accomplished today.

    Have a good night guys.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Congrats Teresa for being in the 160's! Great job! I also love hearing about your walks and wonder if we should all come visit you so we can walk with you! Sounds so wonderful to be on the beach about now.:bigsmile:

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    I walked 4 miles with Leslie today and it felt so good! Two miles left until my goal of 45 miles for the month. I plan to do 30 Day Shred tomorrow or Friday and my 2 miles on Saturday. I'll probably exceed my goal and walk more miles. I hope we all do this again for March. It was so motivating and nice to check in with all of you. I've noticed on some of my other message threads that people are fading away and not posting or maybe have given up. Everyone in this group seems pretty committed and it's nice to touch base every day or so. Seeing all of your progress motivates me. Thanks for being there!:flowerforyou:

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Mid-week check in...

    Not just for our walk group, but I also weigh in on Wednesdays. Sadly, I gained 0.2 pounds since last Wednesday. I'm not beating myself up over it since it was two tenths of a pound, but it does remind me how important my walking routine is. In my last post, i noted that I did not do any of the walk videos on W, Th, or Sat. Three days off was too many (plus I hadn't walked Tuesday either, so it was three days in a row plus Saturday). Anyway, just a reminder for all of us how important it is to stick with an exercise plan. On a brighter note, I'm two miles away from my February goal, so I'm sure to exceed it.

    Teresa: CONGRATS on getting out of the obese range. What a great feeling for you. I have a ways to go, but am so looking forward to being able to post the same.

    Patti: Sorry to hear that physical therapy has got you down. Don't get discouraged and stick with it; it will pay off in the long run.

    Sabrina: Sorry to hear your surgery was postponed and hoping it all works out well for you.

    Only a few days left in February. Good luck to everyone in making their walking goal.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I have been getting 2 miles in every morning before work but I won't get them in today! I have to leave early so I can take it easy on these icy roads. It is still snowing--VERY unusual for this time of year here!

    Teresa--Good for you! I want to just be overweight, too!

    I hope you all have a good day.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning Walkers !! :flowerforyou:

    Thank You ......... Jenny & AZchatter

    JENNY.... I agree!
    ITS Great that we check in everyday or every other day or even once a week is Great!!! I LOVE hearing everyones stories And yes I think it keeps me motivated. I Thank You All for being here :happy: . I'm also Hoping for A March Challenge!!!

    Sandy!! Hope your still going to keep us going for March :bigsmile:

    Walked to the Beach again and back toward home and over 11 ave bridge. walked 4.52 miles for 1 hr 34 minutes. A little cloudy the whole way & Now it's beautiful and sunny out :ohwell: . Well I didn't sweat

    Almost time for work, so I need to have my lunch early { UGH!! Hate that!} Since I start work at noon.

    Happy Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!! Love our Group :drinker:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I have not jogged in quite some time! It is very cold outside (not as cold as some but I'm used to scalding heat of the desert) and I don't want to freeze out there. I own no 'walking' dvd workouts, and I really can't stand the treadmill! When I go to the treadmill I only stay for like 20 mins then I get so bored out of my mind I can't continue.

    I just don't know how to make my goal unless it gets warmer. I've been having such a fun time doing workout dvd's at home that I haven't felt the urge to walk for a while. :frown:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Crazy busy here today no walking so far>