Death to the Scale Challenge



  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Viggie - I agree with Desirai remove that word from your vocab. You did not fail, you tried a challenge and you did it for x number of days and you start again.

    Des - That is awesome, you are really being put to the scale test these past few days.

    I needed a fix this morning, I know I am feeling leaner and I needed an affirmation.

    I didn't go to the scale!

    I pulled out my tape measure and measured only my waist and I'm down 2 1/4 inches! Woot Woot! That was very satisfying, knowing I went by how my body felt and not by the number on the scale. Knowing my body I may not have lost any pounds as I'm also building muscle.

    Thank you so much Des for coming up with this challenge. It really is a great lesson in discipline and learning to listen to your body.

  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Viggie - I agree with Desirai remove that word from your vocab. You did not fail, you tried a challenge and you did it for x number of days and you start again.

    Des - That is awesome, you are really being put to the scale test these past few days.

    I needed a fix this morning, I know I am feeling leaner and I needed an affirmation.

    I didn't go to the scale!

    I pulled out my tape measure and measured only my waist and I'm down 2 1/4 inches! Woot Woot! That was very satisfying, knowing I went by how my body felt and not by the number on the scale. Knowing my body I may not have lost any pounds as I'm also building muscle.

    Thank you so much Des for coming up with this challenge. It really is a great lesson in discipline and learning to listen to your body.


    Karen you are doing a amazing job. Keep the focus!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Good Day Ladies & Gent! How is everyone doing? Its Friday! Yeaaaah!!

    Well I went to my 2nd appointment yesterday. My nutritionist said she was happy that I was focusing more on being healthier than losing weight. So I'm going to pass that all off to you all as well. By not focusing on the scale you are definitely doing yourself a great service. This change should be more about eating healthy, being more active and trading not so good habits for better ones. The weight loss is going to come with that change. I think we are just a "right now" society but unfortunately weight loss takes time because our bodies can be a bit tempermental when a change is being made. Just know you will succeed if you stick with it.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Desirai - Thank you for sharing this with us, it is so true and a great reminder for all of us.

    Good job staying away from the scale.

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i'm in. i just had a parting-of-ways with my scale last wednesday. i totally need support!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    i'm in. i just had a parting-of-ways with my scale last wednesday. i totally need support!

    Welcome to the challenge! You can do it. Just stay focus!

    Its mighty quiet in this topic ladies & gent! I hope everyone is having a great week-end!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Its Monday! I hope everyone had a lovely Saturday and Sunday. How did everyone fair out this week-end? Did you stay focus without the scale or did you need a little peak for reinforcement?

    I'm still on task. That dang blasted scale is staying in that trunk!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    I'm still on track! Actually I am not evening thinking of that darn scale, just enjoying how my clothes are feeling!

    The month is half way over and we are doing this!

  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day! How did I forget to even mention that.

    Its funny. I really have to program myself to remember this challenge because I don't think about the scale. That is such a bad thing yet a good one also lol.

    Karen I'm glad you able to witness your changes by how your clothes feel. Thats awesome. You are definitely tuning in to yourself! Excellent!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm still working towards March 1st, are you? Lets us know how you are doing.
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    Wow!!! I think that would be hard!!! I get so excited to get on the scale every morning. I think it keeps me motivated but....... I might start with baby steps and wait until the end of the week!!lol.:tongue:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Wow!!! I think that would be hard!!! I get so excited to get on the scale every morning. I think it keeps me motivated but....... I might start with baby steps and wait until the end of the week!!lol.:tongue:

    It can be hard, but we are taking 1 day at a time. 24 hours is a big accomplishment for some and should be celebrated. We are just trying to take the focus off the scale and more onto ourselves. A lot of us do not know our bodies. Can't recognize the signs it gives us. So we are having a month of self observation.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Very rough morning for me. I caved in! I was so full of myself and have been noticing the changes that I though why not? I could use the instant gratification! What I was not ready for was the scale had not moved and it lead me to feeling depressed and lead to a binge and now I feel disgusted with myself.

    I let the scale win! I let it dictate who I am and how I feel and how I let it define me.

    Actually, I am not letting the scale win, there is a lesson here and today I will reflect upon this and try and figure out why I let the number set the mood for my day. Why I could not be satisfied with seeing and feeling the change in my body, why did I need to know that number to justify all that I am doing is working?

  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    Actually, I am not letting the scale win, there is a lesson here and today I will reflect upon this and try and figure out why I let the number set the mood for my day. Why I could not be satisfied with seeing and feeling the change in my body, why did I need to know that number to justify all that I am doing is working?


    You got it Karen!!! Thats the reason for this challenge. We have to figure out why we bow down to that wretched scale. You didn't fail. You accomplished almost 15 days without the need of the scale!!

    On another note. You haven't gained any weight. So that says you've been on task. If you hadn't you would've gain. Remember to just your measurements.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Just checking in to see if everyone is doing ok. We are in our last full week of this challenge. I know a couple of us are still going strong and a few of us had a brief lapse but started over again. I hope to see everyone on March 1st. I can't wait to hear how you have triumph over the scale!!
  • kpovich
    I can't wait to weigh in on Tuesday! A little scared too..... I know I haven't gained weighr, but I'm worried that I may have only lost a pound.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I can't wait to weigh in on Tuesday! A little scared too..... I know I haven't gained weighr, but I'm worried that I may have only lost a pound.

    That fear has been trying to creep up on me for the pass couple of days, but I've been shaking it off. Isn't it funny how our inner selves try to play with our heads.

    Come on Tuesday!!
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    YES.. I'm not weighing myself for a month lol Evil scale..... I am however going to keep an eye out on my body fat %
  • KadieA
    KadieA Posts: 167
    Tuesday can't come soon enough! I got a new scale that measures fat %.
    After this Challenge I think I'll only be weighing once a week or once every other week.
    Cant wait to see everyones results!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    Ok ladies and gent tell your stories. How was this month for you? How did you struggle? How did you overcome the struggle? What did you notice about yourself when you were less focus on the scale? Did you take your measurements? Did you see a difference?

    Tell us everything!!!

    I struggled on the days I went to the doctor & my nutritionist. I wanted so bad to just look at the scale both days I got weighed but I didn't and I made sure I told the nurse and my nutritionist not to tell me. I know none of you would have been the wiser, but if I cheat on you then I'm cheating on myself. Thats not worth it. I also struggle a little last week. It was the home stretch yanno. I was so anxious!! But the scale is still in my trunk. My husband just flew in from Japan on Friday. I think he thought I was joking when I said I put it in the trunk. When he went to put in suitcase in there he started laughing. I had to make this challenge fail proof for me. The next time I do this type of challenge I will try to leave it in the bathroom and see how long I can go without stepping on it.

    I noticed last week I was sort of bloated which made me feel a bit heavier. It could be all in my head though. Our heads can play mind games. I've lost 4" in the waist so even if I have dropped a pound my body has gone through so positive changes. :-)