Sharon's coaching thread



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Team! ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 1 and Turbo Fire Core 20 today. Used my new 25lb weights for squats and my legs are burning right now!!!

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning.. time for me to hit Fire 55 then I'm going to do the jay johnson ab workout I was looking for. there was a free download on demand tv :)
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey Sharon! I think I made it public! Let me know if you still can't see it. You might be right I might have to be done since I just seem to stay here! Ugh! I just feel like I have a little but more! How much is the shakeology cleanse? Today is fire 55, I took my rest day yesterday since I was super sick. I am planning on getting a colonic in a few weeks, i'm hoping that will help clear me out!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ashley! Yes your diary is now public...thank you! The most glaring thing I see is that you're not eating enough protein and you may be eating too many processed carbs. Let's make that the first change to your diet...increase your protein intake so you're eating around 1x your desired body weight in protein grams (in your case let's shoot for 100g of protein each day to start) and decrease your processed food intake as much as possible. You'll want to replace the chips, ice cream bars, etc. with protein but you can have 1 treat per day so you don't feel deprived. Let's see if rebalancing your calories so you're eating more protein and less processed foods has any impact on the scale. Try it for 2 weeks and track your progress so we can review and revise if necessary.

  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    I actually loved Insanity the only reason I ended up stopping it was that I re-injured my back while doing it one day so the doc advised me to stay away from the plyo workouts for a while so after rehab I wanted to get back in to working out so I tried turbo fire since it wasn't as high impact but it just didn't seem the same. Insanity gives me that feeling that I love. I was a basketball player so the interval training that is what Im use to. I love the hit workouts and fire workouts that Turbo fire provides the longer workouts like fire 45 and 55 and the EZ ones I find myself getting bored with after a while.

    Working out 6 days a week isn't a problem for me I'm just not a morning person at all. I would much rather work out later in the evening when my child is in bed. I have tried to workout with her with me which is easier with turbo fire because of the music but i much prefer insanity. Honestly I think the group workout dynamic is one of my favorites so if i was actually in one of the turbo fire classes at a gym I would love it but when i do it at home I have the opportunity to be interrupted. But gym time is something I don't have at the moment. I get there when I can but it's not to easy. I'm off work this week so I'm gonna try to do the insanity in the morning a few days and see how my energy holds up. If it works out well i'll try to may early rising part of my daily exercise regime.

    Also I don't have body media or bodybugg at the moment but I am thinking about getting one if I can find a reasonable price. Until then what are the average amount of calories burned during an insanity workout so I can log it on MFP.

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Felicia! I'm glad to hear you love Insanity but sorry to hear you injured your back. Those plyo workouts are definitely intense! At least in Turbo Fire there's a modifier to show you how to change the moves to be less jumpy.

    Until you get a heart rate monitor or Bodybugg that you can customize with your own information, you can use the circuit training entry in MFP which will give you an average burn amount for the time duration. It's not entirely accurate but as long as you don't eat back 100% of your exercise calories you should be ok.

  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi Sharon, Would you want to take a look at my food diary, see if you can see if I'm doing something wrong? I never make it to my full calories. but I am eating almost every 2 hrs if not more lol. some of my dinners I didn't log, but I always eat pretty good. I don't fry anything, eat it grilled that sort of thing. Dinners out are hard to log but I always eat a salad (no cheese) and always just wine vinegar and oil and if its a burger, I eat half of it with no bread :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Chrissie - for sure you're not eating enough food period. Like Ashley, you need to eat more protein and less processed foods. Have I showed you Michi's Ladder? You want to eat as many foods from the top 2 tiers to have a really healthy diet.

    What's your goal weight and where are you today? Again you should try to eat 1x your body weight in protein to give your muscles some fuel to grow so they'll burn fat.

    How about you do the same thing I recommended to Ashley...try to eat 100g of protein a day to start and decrease your processed food intake as much as possible. Let's revisit your diary in 2 weeks and see how you're doing.

  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Chrissie - for sure you're not eating enough food period. Like Ashley, you need to eat more protein and less processed foods. Have I showed you Michi's Ladder? You want to eat as many foods from the top 2 tiers to have a really healthy diet.

    What's your goal weight and where are you today? Again you should try to eat 1x your body weight in protein to give your muscles some fuel to grow so they'll burn fat.

    How about you do the same thing I recommended to Ashley...try to eat 100g of protein a day to start and decrease your processed food intake as much as possible. Let's revisit your diary in 2 weeks and see how you're doing.


    Thanks Sharon, I do have a copy of it.. Guess I just have to eat more of it! I am at 130 and would like to be back down to my 120-123 and of course I am not moving anywhere. Was just telling my friends that I am so tired too. even after all the working out lol I will try getting more protein in, I guess it just feels like I'm eating all the time!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Try eating protein with your other snack foods to bolster your calories. You might be eating frequently but you're not eating enough during those times. Try aiming for 400 calories per meal and 100 - 200 calories per snack...I see you're eating 5 times a day so that would work out to between1400 - 1600 calories per day.

  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Hey ladies! I had a pretty horrible and draining day at work yesterday, and then couldn't get my son to sleep last needless to say I didn't get on here! Mondays are my usual day off anyway, but I like to check in and log every day!

    P90X Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps and insanity max interval circuit are in the books for me today! And I got everything in before the little man woke up from his nap!

    Hi Felicia, and welcome! I also love Insanity! I hurt my ankle pretty badly when I was in my second month of Insanity and had to take 6 weeks off from all exercise while the tendonitis healed! I modify! I only do pure cardio, max interval circuit, and max cardio. There's jumping, but nothing like the plyo specific workouts! I basically made my own hybrid with P90X and am loving it. Maybe you can try something similar with the Turbo Fire workouts you like?!

    Chrissie - just some ideas for you as I'm working hard to increase my daily calories! If you like peanuts (or any other nuts), you can always grab a handful for a good calorie boost and protein. We eat lots of avocado and cottage cheese here too! I usually try to hard boil eggs at the beginning of the week for a quick grab snack and/or cook turkey meatballs as those are a quick grab snack for us too! All things that my son loves as well so that makes it easier for me!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Fire 45 and stretch 10, tomorrow is sculpt 30 and HIIT 25, burned 547 cals, little sore but will keep pushing play, have a great evening guys :flowerforyou:
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks Brittney and Sharon, I'm going to try the turkey meatballs, as I do like turkey :) and I can handle the hard boil eggs, but I don't eat the yolks in them, they are sooo dry! I bought some bare naked granola and was putting that in my yogurt, to try to increase. I don't eat avocado or cottage cheese YUK!!!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Sharon and BK2011 thanks for the advice. I did Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit today and have Cardio Power and resistance tomorrow which I am looking forward to.

    1.) I have a have a heart rate monitor that I am going to use tomorrow and see how accurate the readings are. I am however curious what people think is better to use are far as a good reader for calories burned I have a friend who swears by Body Bugg and I have heard a lot about Bodymedia. I also saw some post about the Polar FT series. Is anybody familiar with these items or have any recommendations.

    2.) I have a history of being prone to cramps especially during more intense workouts, no matter how much I stretch and how much water I drink I can't avoid them especially late at night when I am in bed. I have tried peanut butter, bananas, orange juice, more water and I still get them. Any more suggestions for things to try?

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Felicia - I'm always going to recommend Shakeology because it is complete health in an all natural chocolate shake! My friend's son gets severe cramps during football season (he plays college ball) and she said the Shakeology helped to minimize them during the time he took them. Once he went to college, his coach put him on another regiment so he stopped drinking the shakes.

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ladies! Turbo Fire day for me...Fire 30 with weighted gloves and Greatest HIITs. I scorched those calories off my body :laugh:

    How are you today? Did you press play?
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey Thanks! What kinds of foods do you suggest to get more protein? I need stuff that is yummy so I am willing to eat it! haha! :) Okay and today is fire 55 again because I did fire 30 sculpt 30 yesterday after realizing that it was back to back with tone 30 since those kick my butt right now and I don't take my break day in between like it says to since I like to take it on Sunday! Hope everyone has a good day and I will do it!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    WOW! I really brought it this morning for pure cardio...sweating is dripping down my face! YES...LOVE IT!

    Today I looked in the mirror and thought I could see more changes in my body. Down another pound today! And I wore my pink work out shorts, which I haven't worn in about 10 days or so, and they are much more lose than the last time I put them on!

    Will be taking my 60 day measurements and pictures on Tuesday morning! Still can't believe I'm about 2/3 done with this! Really hoping the last 30 days show some great results! And I'm still thinking I'm going to continue for at least another 30 days to make it 120 days total with this schedule! Sharon, I know a lot of women do an extra 30 do I do this? Which phase workout schedule would I follow when I get to that point? THANKS!

    I'm off to make a recovery type drink...can't wait to order my Shakeology within the next few days!!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ashley! Good protein sources include plain greek yogurt, low fat or fat free cottage cheese, low fat or fat free milk and cheese, skinless chicken breast, fish and shellfish, pork, lean cuts of beef (i.e. anything that ends in "-loin", etc.) and protein supplements (powder, bars). Of course I recommend Shakeology as a great source of not only protein but all your vitamins, minerals, superfruits, greens, probiotics, etc.

    Michi's Ladder (Tiers 1 and 2) is really the best reference to use to find lean sources of protein...

    Brittany - you are amazing! I'm so proud of all your hard work. I'm sure the changes you're seeing in the mirror are real and that the world is seeing even more than what your eyes allow you to see.

    As for adding another 30 days, OMG Girl you are CRAZY!!!! I think you might be ready for the Asylum, which is due out in mid to late April by the way. In the meantime, I think you can spend the next 30 days either mixing and matching workouts from both Insanity months to keep your cardio endurance up or simply repeat the Month 2 schedule since you've worked your body up to those longer sessions. On alternate days, if you're looking to include P90X sessions in your weeks, you can do the same exact thing...either mix and match from all 3 months OR just repeat month 3. Once you decide to add an extra month or two to your current program there really isn't anything set in stone for what it's supposed to be. Just remember that plenty of people are on their 4th, 5th, and 6th rounds of P90X and they start from the very beginning each time but use heavier weights to keep the workouts challenging.

    Also, don't forget about the opportunity we discussed. I really think you're ready to take it on with your amazing story and the discount should serve to sweeten the deal. :wink: Ok off my soap box!

  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey everyone so i wore my HRM today while I did Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance and I'm glad I did because I burned 450 calories. i'm definitely glad I pressed play today and even though I'm a little sore it's the good kind that I use to love to get the first week official practices started up when I was in college. It will go away as my body gets use to the Insanity workout plan again. Now If I can just get myself into a more consistent eating regimen I'd probably have even more energy to do my workouts regardless of which time of the day that I do them. Hope everybody enjoys the rest of their Wednesday.
