Sharon's coaching thread



  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire Sculpt 30 and HIIT 25 today, burned 351 cals, tomorrow is 55EZ,hope everytone is having a great evening :flowerforyou:
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 55 , burned 540 cals, tomorrow is Tone 30 and HIIT 20, i might go for a little walk today, hope u guys are having a beautiful day today :flowerforyou:
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Great job Moraima!

    Today was back and biceps, and ab ripper x. Might get in some treadmill work after the little man is in bed tonight. We will see! Can't wait for it to warm up so we can get outside!!!

    No work for me tomorrow so depending on the weather I might try to get a double cardio in. Will definitely do max cardio conditioning and will try to fit in either plyo x or kenpo I think.

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hello Ladies! You all are doing so great.

    Glad to see you using your HRM, Felicia. Those workouts you're doing are no joke so knowing how many calories you're burning should help you determine how many you're able to eat w/o gaining weight.

    Moraima - fabulous effort as always. You are rocking those workouts!

    Brittany - Girl you and I have already discussed how fabulous you're doing earlier today. Keep it up. You will be a rock star...I can feel it!

    Hope everyone else is having a great day!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey everyone hope your enjoying your Thursday. I had Insanity Cardio Recovery (33 minutes) today and burned 200 calories which seems a little low but I guess since it's more stretching and such thats normal. Loved the stretch though may jump on the treadmill later.
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Good Job Cookie on your workouts!

    I did a nice brisk walk in the freezing cold this morning burned 384 calories doing 50 minutes of walking. Had to take a detour back into the house to get a hat! I really wish that spring would get here, and its only going to be in the 30's for another week :(

    I have been really trying to eat the protein, Still have 17 more to go for today, but I have my almonds waiting for me!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Nice job on the protein Chrissie! Almonds are any low fat string cheese cause that's a good one too! Keep up the great work!

  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Ok I've become even more addicted to this site! It's a good thing I don't have a facebook or I'd never leave the computer!

    Anyway, just wanted to share a couple of NSV that I'm super proud of right now!

    Number one...I just got finished with my treadmill run...and it is absolutely amazing to me how much P90X and Insanity have helped my running! I used to be able to run at a 7.5 mph pace for long distances (well up to an hour), and while I'm not quite back to that speed, I did just run a 5K on my treadmill in 29 minutes...which is awesome because I wasn't dripping in sweat and I could have kept running did I not have laundry and dishes and other misc household chores to tend to while I can before bed!!!

    Number two...I have not had to wear my knee braces or my ankle brace in over 30 days! THAT IS AMAZING! And haven't had any pain, even with that run I just did!!! YES!

    So thank you to all of you for being my support group, and a special thanks to Sharon! See you in the morning ladies!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Wow Brittany that is certainly amazing progress!!!! I'm so proud of you for completing that run....and that you're sharing your amazing journey with us!!!! :wink:

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Friday! Turbo Fire day for me today so Fire 45 is now in the books! HRM said I burned 459 calories and believe me I was workin' it!

    Talk to you guys later!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Insanity max cardio conditioning done! Up for another treadmill run tonight (have to wait until hubby is home because my treadmill is in my unfinished basement, plus probably not a good idea to have the little man around a treadmill anyway!

    Having a protein packed lunch after that workout and then it's a cleaning day for me!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire Sculpt 30 and HIIT 20, burned 335 cals, tomorrow is Fire 30 and stretch 10,does anybody here run or jog, i want to try to incorporate it into my routine, any tips advice welcome, hope everyone is having a wonderful friday:flowerforyou:
  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi everyone I',m in!
    My name is Aneta, I'm 5.5 and I weight 134 lb. I need to lose 14 lb. All the time I'm up and down 5 lb, I got days when I eat preatty well, but other days I eat all the time, everything I can find in the kitchen!
    I 'm pretty active, especially in a summer, I used to do P90X last year, I did 30 days and I quit, but I love this workout, my body changed so much back then! Now want to start again, but every day I keep saying tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. So I think its time!
    Enyone who is in this program feel free to friend me.
    How many calories per day do u guys eat while doing P90X and trying to lose weight, and do you watch how many proteins, fat or sugar you eat or do u just count calories?
    Thank you!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Aneta! Welcome to the family! Brittany is doing P90X and Insanity right now and I know she probably has some great insight for you. For me, I spent years on a vicious cycle of weight loss and then regain until I figured out (through trial and error) how many calories my body needs to maintain and lose weight. It was critical for me that I figure out how to eat real foods, not boxed foods like Jenny Craig, so I could eat with my husband. Believe me, it took 5 long years to figure it out but through research I discovered the principles of clean eating and started following them. I'll say I follow this discipline about 80 - 85% of the time. I still drink wine one night on the weekend. I definitely eat a bit more on Sundays so we'll call it the day I have my "cheat meal".

    The food tracker and suggested calories in MFP have been a great guidance. I'm less religious about logging every day but mostly that's because I tend to eat the same things over and over. Is your diary public? I would be happy to review it and offer some suggestions.

  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Sharon
    Thank you.
    I know a lot about nutrition and how I should eat, but I dont have a will power to say no to a certain food. Thats my problem.
    I was doing so good last year when I was doing p90x, I eat really good because I was working out so hard.
    I need to start p90x again so I will get back on track.
    Dont even check my diary now, because I wasnt doing good lately , I didnt even write down everything. Give my 1 week and I will be back to life!
    Thanks guys!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi Aneta, welcome!

    Brittney, great job on the accomplishments!

    Sharon, I do have the cheese, but my kids eat it all before I get to it, I have come to hide things from them hehe
    I tried making the turkey meatballs today, had them with some diced tomatoes. noticed the tomatoes had 2 gr of protein too. very tasty with the two of the things together, almost like a meatball soup lol

    I did a quick HIIT today, did double duty yesterday, walking and CHE :) and bought myself 15 lb weights yesterday!!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Did P90X Plyo this morning! I like it but don't feel like I get as good of a burn as I do from the insanity workouts. But it's good to change things up since there are different moves in there! Hate the rockstar jumps! Will try to get in another workout at some point today!

    Yesterday I decided to start blogging. I was going to just do it on this site, but have decided to start it on a blog site instead. The link is in my profile if anyone wants to read about my trials and tribulations with insanity and p90x and the struggle to get to goal weight!
  • harmonykay
    Hi! My name is Harmony. I am trying to get rid of some extra lbs. I have been working out everyday for about an hour. I do mostly exercise dvds. I want to lose 20lbs. I started working out at the end of January. I have lost 17lbs so far. You can frend me if you want so we can chat.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Ladies! How are you all today? CLX day...Push Circuit 3 (chest, back, glutes) and then thew in Turbo Fire Abs 10 to work my core.

    Welcome Harmony! What exercise dvds are you using? 17lbs in 3 months is fantastic!!!! Those last 3 should be easy-peasy (LOL)! I'm so happy to have you join us. Look forward to chatting with you more! I will definitely friend you.

    Brit - I am going to check out your blog. WTG on today's workout and on sharing your story with others!

    Chrissie - I LOVE turkey meatballs!!!!!! Yours sound yummy! Do your kids eat them too like they do with the cheese??? That's pretty funny! Lean protein sources are the name of the game so whatever ones you enjoy you should feel free to eat any time...even better if you eat protein with your morning/afternoon snack to keep you full longer!

    Aneta - I hear you about feeling out of control with your eating. That's when I know I need to come back to the fold. We're here for you so ask any questions you might have as you begin to "right the ship"!

    Hope everyone else is pushing play and having a great Saturday. Off to run some more errands! Talk to you guys later.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo fire 30 and Stretch 10 , burned 357 cals, tomorrow is my off day but i think i will do insanity pure cardio, hope everyone is enjoying their weekend:flowerforyou: