Sharon's coaching thread



  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 30 And Lower 20, burned 375 cals, tomorrow is 55EZ And Abs 10, still a little sore from upper yesterday , will be drinking lots of water today, hope everyone is having a beautiful wednesday :flowerforyou:
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey everyone well the week is almost over and to my surprise this evening I actually had Insanity Cardio Plyo instead of recovery :embarassed: . Thank goodness I had my late afternoon coffee it gave me the energy I needed to kick it into gear and burn 583 calories. Now I need to figure out what to eat since it's kinda late and i'm nowhere near my calorie intake. Tomorrow is Cardio recovery ( I checked twice this time). Day 3 Week 4 of Insanity knocked out. :happy:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning team! ChaLEAN Extreme this morning...Push Circuit 2 (shoulders, hamstrings, and glutes). Was able to increase my weights from 15 to 20 lbs for shoulder presses, Arnold presses, and front presses.

    Hi Jinxed! Welcome to our group!

    Moraima and Felicia - great job as always not only with your workouts but also with remembering to log your time here!

    Hope you all have a great Thursday!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning, did fire 55 yesterday burned 575 calories and today will be lean 2.

    Nice job on the weight increase Sharon!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    YAY! My boss is officially back in town and I'm back to my much loved and very much appreciated part time job!

    So little man and I are getting ready to push play...shoulders and arms glamour routine is up and ready! Then after he's in bed I'll be running on the treadmill.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I just found this thread!! WOW!!

    I am doing strengh training 3 x a week (core, legs & arms/shoulders)
    I'm doing cardio w/ my dog (walk/light jog) 2 -3 a week depending on homework load

    Working on learnign & implementing on my food diary.
    Definitely have the water part down!!!!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 55 EZ And Abs 10, burned 494 cals, lower then usually but i was having stomach pains and i gave it my all, tomorrow is fire 60 and stretch 10, hope everyone is having a wonderful thrusday :flowerforyou:
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey Everyone burned 263 calories this morning doing Insanity Cardio Recovery and decide to hop on the treadmill for 24 minutes to get a little more Cardio to burn another 367 calories. 2 more days until month 1 of Insanity is done. Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tomorrow.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I just found this thread!! WOW!!

    I am doing strengh training 3 x a week (core, legs & arms/shoulders)
    I'm doing cardio w/ my dog (walk/light jog) 2 -3 a week depending on homework load

    Working on learnign & implementing on my food diary.
    Definitely have the water part down!!!!

    YAY you found us! Welcome!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Today was Pure cardio and cardio abs 720 calories burned. Day 5 week 4 is done and I have one more day til I'm finished with month 1 of Insanity. Plyo Cardio tomorrow. Have a great Friday everyone.
  • Shrinkmfs
    I also just found this support group and I am happy to be here. I am a 61 year old woman who has struggled with my weight since I was a teenager. I am an emotional eater. Right now I am on the 3 Hour Diet (Jorge Cruise) that I have had success with in the past. I regained about 10 pounds-which to alot of people is not big deal but when you are only 5"4":" tall it is a big deal to me. At any rate, I will keep posting daily and will offer encouragement to others and hope for any supportive words and help back. As for exercise I do spinning classes 3 days a week for 45 min at a stretch and also do some weight lifting at those times.
    I first started exercising at the age of 50 when I went to the gym and took a spinning class. Some ladies who didn't know that I saw them in a mirror were laughing at me, as I was alot heavier. I got so determined from that I became a certified spinning teacher. WHile I don't teach, getting certified to teach was one of the most edifying experiences of my life. So here goes..Present weight 153 pounds-height 5"4"". (Friday 4-15-2011)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Friday Peeps! Today was my re-attempt at Fire 55EZ with my weighted gloves but minus the sugar overload the night before! HRM showed 508 calories burned...MUCH BETTER result than last time!

    Welcome Shrinkmfs! I love your spirit and determination. Can't wait to hear more from spinning instructor...that's AMAZING!!! I love spinning...such a great calorie burn.

    I love how so many people are finding us now. Makes me a little misty :blushing: Look forward to hearing more from all the newbies (and of course all my old friends) on how well you're doing with your journies.

    Have a wonderful Friday and remember...I'm around if you need anything!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Great job today Sharon! I can't believe in another couple of weeks, we will have been at this thread for the first 90 days! CRAZY!

    Today I did 4.55 miles on the treadmill and then added in some pure cardio because I'm INSANE, and like Shaun T says, when I wonder why I do the things I's because I want to look good!!! Burned about 1000 calories total today! And it was all accomplished while my little man napped!

    Now we are fixing a snack and going to watch a movie together since it's cold outside! Also going to add in a blog post since it's been a week since my last one!

    Scale looked good this morning! In true Brittany fashion, I will give it some time to stay the same and then log my loss! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    I got in lean 3 today for 200 and a nice brisk walk with my girlfriend for 350 today. We finally have sort of nice weather! I have to say, my legs were killing me on the up hill climbs, my street is great for walking as there are a lot of hills!

    welcome Shrinkmfs! Thats great that you got your certification! My best friend just took her test for jazzercise instructor, but it didn't go so well. :( So congrats to you! !
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Great Job , sharon, brittany and kiki, today i completed turbo fire 60 and stretch 10 ,burned 618 cals, :bigsmile: , tomorrow is core 20 and stretch 40, hope everyone is having a fabulous friday :flowerforyou:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Saturday y'all! Today marked the last day of the ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit. Next week starts the last month of the program...LEAN CIRCUIT.

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Ok today was Day 28 the last day of my first month of Insanity and I burned 669 Calories :bigsmile: I also stopped by the gym and did a vicious full body weight lifting session that burned another 433 calories. So all total today I got a wicked crazy burn of 1102 I'm pretty siked. Rest day tomorrow and the Recovery week starts Monday. I can't wait to get back into month 2!!! I had to get measured today for my friends bridesmaids dresses and I was down one size. Thanks to the support of everyone on MFP.

    Have great weekend everyone.

  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire Core 20 and HIIT 30, burned 354 cals, tomorrow is a rest day, but will try to get something in, hope u guys are having a blesses weekend :flowerforyou:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi All! Rest day today so Glenn and I will be taking Cocoa out for our usual 3 mile walk to enjoy the beautiful Vegas day. Blue sunny skies and the weather man says the temp is supposed to reach 93 degrees!

    I have really got to get my eating back on track this week. I'm not gaining but I'm not losing either and June is right around the corner. Ugh

    Hope you all have a fantastic and restful Sunday.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Hey Ladies!

    Got in a 40 minute 4.6 mile run on the treadmill today while the little man was napping! Really hoping that my weigh in on Friday reflects the extra work I feel like I've been putting in. I try to make my runs interval like in that I warm up at 6.5mph, then keep increasing speed until I max at 7.5mph. Then switch back and forth between speeds. I maintain a lot of my run around 6.9-7.0mph or so but then increase for sprints during it! Hopefully that helps.

    Plus this week I'm back on my normal work schedule...sort of! I work Mon, Wed, am filling in Friday for someone, and then working Sat morning. But I have Thursday, which is a normal work day for me, off. So I should still get in some good time! Going to really bring it with P90X and get in at least 2 insanity workouts in addition to the treadmill. Have a great Sunday!