Sharon's coaching thread



  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Good Morning everyone and Happy Easter!!!!! Had my last day of recovery week yesterday and today is my rest day before month 2 begins of Insanity but I will probably jump on the treadmill at some point for a little run especially with Easter Dinner looming. TOM is also looming which explains my belly bloating, and salty sweet snack cravings lol. But a great week to begin Month 2 because it'll make me push harder.

    -Sjlepkowski so glad to hear that everything is ok with your friend. My father suffered a massive stroke a few months after my daughters birth and although I am blessed that he is still here with us he is definitely not 100% like he use to be. And the stress of everything sometimes really takes it's toll on my mother even though she would never say that it's to much. It's important to make sure that you have a break sometimes.

    -Sharon, I am right there with you TOM can mess things up.

    -Cookie great burn yesterday! Keep it up. Enjoy your off day.

    -Chrissie- Hope you start feeling better soon.

    Enjoy your day everyone!
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    Thanx Pheef, you know exactly what my life is like then.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Happy Easter Everyone :flowerforyou: : :flowerforyou:
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Hi Ladies!

    Happy Easter!

    Got in a quick 30 minute treadmill run and now we're headed to my uncles to celebrate. Luckily he always makes lamb and I don't eat lamb, and lots of things have mushrooms and I don't eat mushrooms! Taking my own water bottle and eating some grilled chicken beforehand so I can just visit and not munch! Make it a great one ladies!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies! Happy Monday to you all.

    Fire 60 for me this gloves since my chest and shoulders are still sore from Saturday's monster CLX lean workout. HRM showed 543 calorie burn!!!

    I ate like crap yesterday (might as well confess my sins here right???) and saw it on the scale this morning. Sigh...only good thing is that TOM is just about done so my cravings should also be more controlled this week. I'm moving my Shakeology meal to lunch this week to see what, if any, impact that has on my eating.

    Make it a great day and know that I think you are FANTASTIC for working so hard. Remember, we are on a journey, not a diet...small slips are ok as long as you get right back on track. I'm back...are you?

  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 60 and Stretch 10 , burned 628 cals, tomorrow is 45 EZ and Lower 20, hope u guys are having a fabulous monday :flowerforyou:
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Ok so I can say about my first day of month 2 is Holy Hell :grumble: !!! This was crazy!!!! I made 2 crucial mistakes today.
    Mistake 1- I thought waiting 2 hours after dinner would give me enough time for my food to digest before the workout, ummmm not so much :sick: .
    Mistake 2- I didn't take a break between my fitness test and starting the max interval circuit workout so I was tired before I started.

    Fitness Test Results #1, #2, #3
    Switch Kicks - 30, 45, 51
    Power Jacks - 44, 55, 60
    Power Knees- 82,127, 132
    Power Jumps-22, 27, 37
    Globe Jumps -6,9,10
    Suicide Jumps- 9, 11, 12
    Push-up Jacks- 16, 23, 23
    Low Plank Oblique - 33, 44,50

    I improved for the most part not drastically by far (especially with push up jacks) but I'll do better next time. I hope everyone had a great workout today.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Today's my rest day so no exercise but ate pretty well and will weigh in in the morning (haven't stepped on the scale in a few days...go me)! Tomorrow will get in a treadmill run and P90X...I think it's chest and back?

    Felicia - Great job with the fit test! I love max interval circuit...but hate that last set of moves! Killer!

    Will check in tomorrow!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Nice job on the fit test Felicia! Those globe jumps are KILLER...up to 10??? You rock!

    CLX Lean Circuit 1 arms are on fire!

    Hope you all have a fantastic day!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey everyone I have Max Interval Plyo today and all I can say is wow. I was dripping sweat everywhere and burned 769 calories. I'm still trying to get use to all the new moves so hopefully I can improve this number next go round. I must say that my arms are officially shot with my late night hell workout yesterday (consisting of the fit test and max interval circuit) and todays workout. I am looking forward to what tomorrow brings. My body is feeling it but in a good way. Now to get my calories consumed for the day.

    Have a great one.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 45 EZ and Lower 20, burned 462 cals, hope everyone is having a beautiful day :flowerforyou:
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Ok ladies, I NEED YOUR HELP!

    35 minue treadmill run this morning, and just did chest and back. But for the first time, I didn't WANT to do chest and back. I kept putting it off and kept finding other things I could do around the house instead of that workout. And I normally love this one!


    Keep me on track ladies...I can feel my momentum slowing down...
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Britany you just have to do it. Lock yourself in a room for 60 minutes and commit to your workout.

    Sometimes energy wanes...for one day it's not a big deal BUT if you find yourself skipping multiple workout days then you have a problem. Don't stress this time but be aware of how you feel today...are you extra overwhelmed by something? Is your son sick? Are you coming down with something, etc. Maybe you just needed to pick a different 2nd workout to do?

    Keep me posted if this malaise continues tomorrow.
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Ok ladies, I NEED YOUR HELP!

    35 minue treadmill run this morning, and just did chest and back. But for the first time, I didn't WANT to do chest and back. I kept putting it off and kept finding other things I could do around the house instead of that workout. And I normally love this one!


    Keep me on track ladies...I can feel my momentum slowing down...

    This was totally my issue with p90x and marathon training for that matter. I got so tired of the repetition and the pace I just couldn't take it anymore. Finish up your p90x because you have come so far but throw something else in there to break the monotony. You can do it girl!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Thanks for the support ladies!

    Woke up early this morning to a crabby 19 month old with a fever! BOO!

    Anyway, while I was planning a treadmill run this morning, it didn't happen. But I did manage to get in a 25 minute kettlebell workout which definitely got me sweating. Love those workouts...may start to incorporate them more over this next 30 day period rather than contining my P90X and Insanity hybrid. I think the different workout really kind of helped break up the routine. Still going to finish out this week's shoulders/arms workout, and also planning to do the shoulders/tri and back/biceps before my 90 day pic results on Tuesday. But I think maybe my body needs something different. So I might change plans here instead of going for a full 120 and do treadmill runs 3 days a week, insanity 2, kettlebell or P90X 2 days...but for a total of only 6 days a week. Then maybe in a few weeks I'll be ready to get back into my routine. What do you think?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning everyone! Turbo Fire day for me...Fire 45 today. Burned 446 calories as a result.

    So I have a question for you all...very personal so don't feel compelled to respond if it makes you uncomfortable. Many of you know that I was recently laid off from my job and that I've been focused on building my coaching business to see if that's something I could actually make money doing full time. My family is encouraging me to create a website specifically for clients to pay me to coach them 1 on 1 through their health, fitness, and nutrition challenges. I am not a licensed therapist nor have I formally studied any of these subjects in school. My education comes from a) my own personal journey and the success I've had with my own results and b) research I've done and continue to do for my own knowledge.

    So, my question for anyone that wants to help me you think this is something I can and should pursue?

    Thanks guys!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed turbo fire 30 and upper 20,burned 385 cals, hope u guys are having a great afternoon:flowerforyou:
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey all Max Cardio conditioning today burned 681 calories. My body is tired it took a lot of energy to get it done but glad I did. I'm sure my lack of motivation had something to do with TOM. Hopefully I am more motivated tomorrow for recovery day. Enjoy your Wednesday everyone.
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone. Insanity Max Recovery today burned 471 calories. I definitely didn't anticipate all the are work in month 2 but hey if it whips me into shape I'll do as many as I can until I can't pick myself up off the floor. I hope everyone is has a good day!!