do men prefer skinny women?



  • jersey0725
    jersey0725 Posts: 62 Member
    I just googled Christina Hendricks, I can see where these guys are coming from!
    Me too! It's interesting how most images are of her upper body.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    my boyfriend doesnt really have a type. he likes very skinny women and he likes curvier women too as long as theyve got a nice face
  • ascoope
    ascoope Posts: 42
    My boyfriend likes skinny, skinny skinny. But still big boobs. *rolls eyes*
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Depends on the man. My hubby met me when I was big and stayed with me to my biggest. Now that I losing he is realy supportive but has this fear that I will get too small. He keeps saying 'not the butt or the boobs'! Not really something I can control....
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    My boyfriend likes skinny, skinny skinny. But still big boobs. *rolls eyes*

    Same with mine along with a nice *kitten*.
  • kathy1117
    kathy1117 Posts: 27
    idk, i had a bf that once told me i was chubby, mind u, i only weighed 114 lbs at the time, but im only 5 feet tall. still i dont think i was chubby. my daughters father, hes always perferred women that are a normal weight, not skinny, not chubby, but healthy.he said women that r 2 skinny have no body even if they have big boobs. i really think it depends on the man, some do, some dont
  • RobMacca1
    RobMacca1 Posts: 51 Member
    NOOOOOOOO! toned, with Shape and healthy is best!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes, men do prefer skinny women. There . . . the truth is out. Just like women prefer men who are muscular versus a wimpy guy, right? Be honest. All the same personal stats--would you choose a wimpy or fatter guy over someone who is ripped and in shape given that you know that both men are equally attracted to you?

    I like thin men. My ideal man is David Tennant. I don't like muscley or ripped men. I find it a bit off putting. Brad Pitt has always made me go bleurgh.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    i like men who:

    - reciprocate my feelings
    - are cute - they don't have to be Jesse Spencer or Ryan Reynolds or anything, but they take care of themselves most of the time and are just... cute in their own way, even if that means a little chunkiness - my first crush in high school definitely wasn't 'hot' but his eyes were like WOW
    - are intelligent, wise occasionally, and passionate for something (preferably something that could be beneficial to others..)
    - MAKE. ME. LAUGH.

    i think the looks don't matter as much when the person is really amazing, but I won't lie, some sort of certain feature usually is helpful for getting me interested... Like, you could have a super 'hot' guy physically, but if he's a total bro/*kitten*****, forget about itttt
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    this is like asking if men like broccoli. the question is pointless because everybody is attracted to different things.

    i've always been a heavy girl and i've never had a real problem (no more than anyone else) attracting, catching and keeping boyfriends / lovers / relationships.

    but there are plenty of men who would not consider dating me because i'm heavy; and if i were not heavy, there would be plenty of men who would not date me because i'm self-assured or there are plenty of men who would not date me because they're simply not interested in a person like me.

    so while many men like thin women, there are also many men that don't. love what you have.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Well i for one dislike these topics...because everyone has a different opinion. So if the guys all say they like skinny, the girls who arent skinny will get discouraged and some try to set their goal for that which as everyone knows isn't healthy.

    But then if guys say they like makes those of us who are naturally small feel bad about ourselves. I say just reach YOUR OWN GOAL and who cares about what the guys or fellow girls think. Because if you are only doing it to get noticed...that is sorta the wrong motivation. But of course....the last 5 minutes of me talking was just own HO!!!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Yes, men do prefer skinny women. There . . . the truth is out. Just like women prefer men who are muscular versus a wimpy guy, right? Be honest. All the same personal stats--would you choose a wimpy or fatter guy over someone who is ripped and in shape given that you know that both men are equally attracted to you?

    Depends on the man. My 23 year old daughter has always been "average" sized. She's never had any trouble getting the boys interested in her. She has great curves, a beautiful face, and a really cute personality. She hasn't been single for more than a week or two in the last 10 years.

    'Average' on a woman and 'average' on a man are two different things. And 'average' body wise with a beaufitul face, and great curves...with a really cute personality isn't 'average' in any way, shape or form lol.
    idk, i had a bf that once told me i was chubby, mind u, i only weighed 114 lbs at the time, but im only 5 feet tall. still i dont think i was chubby. my daughters father, hes always perferred women that are a normal weight, not skinny, not chubby, but healthy.he said women that r 2 skinny have no body even if they have big boobs. i really think it depends on the man, some do, some dont

    Your boyfriend that called you chubby needs disciplined =p. I agree on the normal weight thing, not skinny, not chubby (we're talking LOOKS here...pick a girl out of a lineup without hearing them talk, or in any other way being clued in on personality). I personally don't like BIG boobs...the boobs should fit the person. Some girls look great with large c's, some girls look great with small b's. Anything in between is more than enough to keep me happy lol, and there's exceptions in either direction.
    i like men who:

    - reciprocate my feelings
    - are cute - they don't have to be Jesse Spencer or Ryan Reynolds or anything, but they take care of themselves most of the time and are just... cute in their own way, even if that means a little chunkiness - my first crush in high school definitely wasn't 'hot' but his eyes were like WOW
    - are intelligent, wise occasionally, and passionate for something (preferably something that could be beneficial to others..)
    - MAKE. ME. LAUGH.

    i think the looks don't matter as much when the person is really amazing, but I won't lie, some sort of certain feature usually is helpful for getting me interested... Like, you could have a super 'hot' guy physically, but if he's a total bro/*kitten*****, forget about itttt


    We were talking skinny or not...but this is what makes a woman 'attractive'. Again girls...I said it in another thread...but anything that makes your guy say to himself 'MINE!!' when he looks at going to make you attractive to him. Most often, personality does that far more often than looks. My ex wife wasn't perfect at all...though at the time she was the most beautiful thing to me in the world. When I started to have to worry about whether she was actually 'mine' or not though...every flaw in appearance or personality the girl had leapt right out into plain site.

    That's the way it works =D.

  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    i'm a uk 12, and i'm pretty sure most men who see me as bigger.........i think fhm, nuts and other magazines, help their perceptions.

    I am definitely fat as a UK 12.
  • alkruszka
    alkruszka Posts: 21 Member
    I think most men are just excited to get any woman naked. I mean, I'm definitely a big girl, but I've never gotten any complaints ;-)

    Of course, I know *I* will feel more confident when I hit my goal - and maybe leave the lights on and the covers off for a change :-)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    All men are different. Some like sticks, some like fat girls, and all shades in between. All that matters is a man who truly loves you will love you no matter what the scale tells you.
  • LauraSchaller
    LauraSchaller Posts: 106 Member
    I've always wondered this too.. not to mention, I MISS DATING!


    It's now become more of a focus.. after focusing SO much on my career the past 3 years after a really tough break-up with a horrible guy. *sigh... every girl has a "horrible guy" in their life, just like every guy has "a *****y girl" in their life!*

    What I HATE the most is being approached on dating websites with things like "Oh, look at you thickness. I like thick ladies"
    Do NOT call me thick. Am I thick? Yeah, probably.. but please don't remind me ;) LOL!

    From my perspective though.. I don't like skinny guys. Bring on the stocky, husky, bigger kind of guys. This girl doesn't like to snuggle with boney bodies. (Or anything smaller than me.. Lol!)
  • Mekob25
    Mekob25 Posts: 88 Member
    I think a majority of men prefer skinny women for fear of what others may say if they dated anyone with curves. It's the men who have some semblance of self-esteem who appreciate a curvey woman.

    Amen Sister!!! I couldn't agree more!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I think a majority of men prefer skinny women for fear of what others may say if they dated anyone with curves. It's the men who have some semblance of self-esteem who appreciate a curvey woman.

    Amen Sister!!! I couldn't agree more!

    I disagree here...I'm a guy and have had a lot of male friends in my life, and dated girls from all spectrums. It's never what their friends or others would's always just personal preferance. Guys aren't like girls...very few of us really care what our friends think. Matter of fact, the less our friends like our girlfriends...the more we often hang on...go figure.

    Some of my heavier girlfriends by the way were just as good of buddies with my guy friends as I was.
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