let's flip the table, what do women prefer in a man?



  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I love men with sculpted legs and arms. I watched the movie 'Troy' last night and found myself repeatedly staring at Brad Pitt's and Eric Bana's legs/arms. Good lord, those men are delicious.
  • ginnyroxx
    I've loved my man when he was bigger just as much as i love him now.
    the most important things to me are a sense of humor & honesty.
    probably bc he's got both those things going for him, the amazing sexual attraction comes with the package....um...pun intended ;)
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Very telling how us guys stuck to Boobs, Figure etc etc.... the ladies are wanting nice eyes, own teeth, can make you laugh, loyal.

    Makes me think that a getting a pet dog would do the same for the girls ????

    No pet dog isn't the same, its illegal for them to gratify us lol
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    My husband is perfect for me.
    He's a little bit taller than me. He's around 5'9-10", green eyes, dark hair, broad shoulders, great smile, tattooed and lots of facial hair. Looks like a total badass. He can be incredibly intimidating to other people but he's a total sweetheart. He makes me drool. :laugh: Even after six years I still check him out daily. Hahaha.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    -If I could make my own man this is what he would look and act like: Be about 6'1, tanned, blue eyes, blonde hair, broad shoulders, a huge smile (with dimples of course), a strong chin, and muscular. He would know just what to say when your down, forgive you for your PMS and just understand, laid back, sense of humor, love to cuddle, and make me feel like a princess, be truthful and loyal :) and LOVED baseball :)

    -Its funny how someone said that they always looked @ the physical type and got something different because I was the same way! My husband is 5'7 150 has muscles but at the end of the day he is a great father, provider, very intelligent, and is really well at listening to my whining, nagging, and my over-dramatic self LOL - I am the crazy one, he is the laid back one so he evens me out and keeps me well grounded. I hate cooking so he cooks me delicious meals and has even put up with the restrictions I have placed on meats, oil, and fattening food. He is my biggest cheerleader but isn't afraid to point out that I am in the wrong when asking him advice - he isn't scared of me (if you know me most people are scared of me) so thats a definite plus. All in all I'm lucky to have him even though there are days I want to throttle him LOL.
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    Strong enough to know who he is and what he wants in life and gentle enough to hold his woman when she needs a good cry. He's honest, and doesn't run away from his mistakes or responsibilities (work, children, etc.). Most of all he knows how to laugh, and enjoy and appreciate the little things in life. Bonus if he likes camping, fishing, road trips!

    I'm happily married I might add :love: but I definitely admire these qualities in men.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    A pulse lol :P
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I honestly don't know how you can describe the perfect man??!! It's the chemistry, passion, feelings that you have when you meet that right man, and what's right for me will not be right for others. I wouldn't look soo much at characteristic traits because we are all unique, and beautiful in our own way. The feeling just has to be there for me, can't really describe it.
  • honeyrabbit
    Well first of all I noticed that on the previous thread regarding what men find attractive, all of the preferences were about physical attributes..................but on this thread regarding what women find attractive I notice that most of the prefernces are about behaviours or personality traits!! Intersting stuff!

    Since i'm on the tall side (5ft 11'' and around 6ft 2'' with heels on) i tend to prefer really tall men...say 6ft 2'' and above. Maybe it's to do with my own insecurities about sometimes feeling unfeminine and not the least bit dainty! Dating a smaller man would make me feel like I was the 'masculine' one in the relationship and I wouldn't like that very much......like i say, my own insecurities.

    In terms of build i'm not sure I have a type. I don't tend to go for skinny guys though, I prefer someone who is physically bigger than me. I think that probably dates back to more primitive times.

    I like a guy who is a little bit toned and a bit sporty looking but I don't like HUGE muscles at all. I don't mind if a guy is carrying a little bit of extra weight. I always notice arms and have a penchant for a nicely toned bicep.
    Hairy chests are fine....hairy backs are not!!
    Short hair or a shaved head is a must.
    Taking care of his appearance is a must.....vanity is a no no!

    I like a man who is confident but not cocky, a man with a wicked sense of humour and the ability to laugh at himself and a man who treats me like a princess.

    I don't want much do I??? hahaha

    .....probably why i've been single for years!! :-/
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    For me it's a strange combination...
    1- Faith and family....how he treats his mother is a big deal.
    2- Interests...do we have a few in common and a few that aren't?
    3- Career....where's he going with it?
    4- Looks...I'm all about the eyes, smooth skin, muscular without being too ripped, and tats/piercings?
    5- Can he cook/fend for himself?

    I know I'm picky...but I just got divorced so...I'm looking for everything my ex wasn't.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I've been dying laughing as I scroll through this... you gals are hysterical...

    ... and what do I like? Big shoulders, bit of chest hair, smart..

    ..... not gunna argue with that tongue skills comment either :blushing:
  • Flawlessk
    My guy is incredible. We kind of knew eachother but i was never attracted to him. Then we started chatting on facebook....Wow.

    Personality is everything. We laugh a lot. We talk a lot. I can totally trust him. He is really caring. I love that old school charm, where guys open your doors etc.

    Just so you know guys, i don't mean you have to pay for everything lol. I'm an equal kind of girl. But the little things are everything.

    He bought me flowers for no reason. He cooks dinner. If i'm feeling crappy he'll ask if i want a hot water bottle. Stripped the wallpaper in the hall for my mum.

    One thing i LOVE, he makes me feel really sexy. He's always complimenting my figure or telling me i'm beautiful.

    I also need a guy that likes sex. I'm sorry, but when i'm in a relationship i can quite happily have sex every day. It might be a confidence thing..i feel better when i'm wanted.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I like men who are taller than me, definitely a little bigger than me, strong arms, rough hands and yes, sense of humor is a must, and I like men who aren't couch potatoes, nothing irritates me more than having that man who encourages me to stay in the house and be inactive. But since i've been single for what feels like forever I'm starting to think they've all been snagged up lol :)

    I've got one that encourages me to be inactive. I want to go out and do things, and he just wants to sit in the recliner and watch TV until he goes to bed.
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    Well first of all I noticed that on the previous thread regarding what men find attractive, all of the preferences were about physical attributes..................but on this thread regarding what women find attractive I notice that most of the prefernces are about behaviours or personality traits!! Intersting stuff!

    Well, I think to be fair about it the guys were subtly set up here. If I remember* it was asked if men like skinny women, not actually what men prefer in a women(which would be more open to including behaviors and personality traits).

    I agree though, interesting stuff. I'm really disappointed that it doesn't seem that my online gaming prowess is something sought after by women :tongue:

    *I suppose I could have gone back to check.. but you know... "Lazy"boy.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Well first of all I noticed that on the previous thread regarding what men find attractive, all of the preferences were about physical attributes..................but on this thread regarding what women find attractive I notice that most of the prefernces are about behaviours or personality traits!! Intersting stuff!

    Since i'm on the tall side (5ft 11'' and around 6ft 2'' with heels on) i tend to prefer really tall men...say 6ft 2'' and above. Maybe it's to do with my own insecurities about sometimes feeling unfeminine and not the least bit dainty! Dating a smaller man would make me feel like I was the 'masculine' one in the relationship and I wouldn't like that very much......like i say, my own insecurities.

    In terms of build i'm not sure I have a type. I don't tend to go for skinny guys though, I prefer someone who is physically bigger than me. I think that probably dates back to more primitive times.

    I like a guy who is a little bit toned and a bit sporty looking but I don't like HUGE muscles at all. I don't mind if a guy is carrying a little bit of extra weight. I always notice arms and have a penchant for a nicely toned bicep.
    Hairy chests are fine....hairy backs are not!!
    Short hair or a shaved head is a must.
    Taking care of his appearance is a must.....vanity is a no no!

    I like a man who is confident but not cocky, a man with a wicked sense of humour and the ability to laugh at himself and a man who treats me like a princess.

    I don't want much do I??? hahaha

    .....probably why i've been single for years!! :-/

    Yea there is another tall chick out here!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Well first of all I noticed that on the previous thread regarding what men find attractive, all of the preferences were about physical attributes..................but on this thread regarding what women find attractive I notice that most of the prefernces are about behaviours or personality traits!! Intersting stuff!

    Well, I think to be fair about it the guys were subtly set up here. If I remember* it was asked if men like skinny women, not actually what men prefer in a women(which would be more open to including behaviors and personality traits).

    I agree though, interesting stuff. I'm really disappointed that it doesn't seem that my online gaming prowess is something sought after by women :tongue:

    *I suppose I could have gone back to check.. but you know... "Lazy"boy.

    What a total myth!
    I swear to god!
    Even on THIS website I've seen tons of female gamers.

    Gamer men need to understand, we exist and we love you.
    Now go find a gamer woman that will slobber over how strategic you are or how nimble your gaming thumbs are...or how you don't sweat on a level boss.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I prefer a man who knows how to treat a woman - does he respect his mother? A man that respects and loves his mom says a lot about how he will treat his woman IMO.

    And I prefer a man to have a personality. No someone who is quiet and stands in the shadows, but one that laughs at a joke and enjoys the company around him. Someone who returns the question "how are you doing" when asked the same thing...instead of just answering it and not returning the question out of politeness.

    Yes, yes, yes, and yes to the above! Somebody grounded and HONEST and who knows who they are....sigh..to much to ask??
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Curious question for the ladies...

    At what point is a "nice" guy too nice?
    Have read that it happens and is actually a turn off or is that a bunch of horse muffins?
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Curious question for the ladies...

    At what point is a "nice" guy too nice?
    Have read that it happens and is actually a turn off or is that a bunch of horse muffins?

    Carl, refer to gamma man.
    That's the sweet spot. That is what most women are looking for and don't even know it. Friendly nice guys go too far into beta territory lol. Depends on the woman though.