V&F~ April Fools Challenge :happy:



  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Hey!! I'm sorry I didn't post anything before you put up the chart! I didn't lose any weight this week so we're cool on that point. I'll be sure to post by Tuesday-Wednesday. Thanks!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    drum roll .......Weigh-in ......254.6. (for a loss so far of 6.2 pounds since the beginning of this challenge).:smile: Yay! another great week on this really long journey. Wish I could fastforward so it goes more quickly but I guess that's not reality. :tongue:
  • So I am VERY disappointed with myself this week. I barely worked out, I ate a tone of crap and I gained a little.....ugh! I just don't have the energy, all I want to do is sleep, and thats pretty much all I have been doing. I was doing so good! Then bam! Almost two months into it and I screw up.....All I can do is make better choices, but like I said I'm just tired. Not sure how to get out of this funk!?. My goal was to lose 20 lbs in two months, well next week, March 4, is my two month mark and I don't think that I'm going to make it. Guess I'm going to shoot for a 18 lb loss.
    So no loss for me this week =(
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Just wanted to get everyone updated. I look forward to seeing all of the weigh ins this weekend!! :)

  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Sorry I haven't been back lately. Things have been CRAZY at work.
    I'm still at 187.2. I'm hoping that I can get it down this week. I want to meet my 175 goal by March 15 and for sure my April 1 goal!
  • snain
    snain Posts: 21 Member
    No change this week; still @137.7
  • Hi. Last week 141.5. I'm on vacation in florida right now but I'll weigh in this Sunday We'll see how much trouble I get into.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My hame is kristen screen name is kris1085
    My start weight is 219.5
    last week i was at 218.5
    This week i am at 215.0 for a total loss of 3.5 this week !
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    no change so far
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Well........no change in the scale this week.

    But I ate kinda late last night & ate before I weighed in as I forgot today was my weigh-in! lol Hopefully I'll see something happen for me next week. Good luck with your weigh-in's everyone!! :)
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    All righty folks, we have not posted any challenges yet!!
    What do you want to work on? More work-out time, more veggies, more water???
    Post your challenges for the coming week! :)

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    More fruits and veggies is definitely one of my personal goals. Ideally, I would like to eat a fruit or vegetable with every meal. Let's all try it for a week and see if it helps us stay fuller, longer.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I have another challenge. Try a new recipe (or one of your old favorites) and share it with the group. Try to keep it with simple, basic ingredients that we may already have or that are inexpensive and easily accessible. And then we can try new things in a fun way to eat more fruits and veggies!! How 'bout it?
  • MsImperfect0
    MsImperfect0 Posts: 127 Member
    don 2 more pounds :D
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Leela, that sounds great! It will be difficult for me for breakfast, but I'm up for it!! The recipe idea is good as well, people are constantly posting around the message boards that they are bored of health food and don't know what to eat! :)

    Everyone doing these challenges, post your fruits and veggies for the day here starting Monday!!

    I also think we should reinstate the commercial challenge. That means get up and do something, anything active during commercial breaks. I have a split level, so I will probably do stairs.. and my arms have been getting flabby from the lose skin, so I will be adding small weights up over my head lift things to try to address that as well! :)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I need to work on getting more fruit and veggies into my diet~
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    good job everyone... I am down to 172.2! :happy:
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    I am so excited to be part of this challenge. I am new to MFP, however I have been loosing weight for the past 5 months. My goal for April 1: Current weight 238 My goal for April 1 is 230. This is a very important goal for me as it is the weight in which I was married in 1998 (since divorced) and I have not been at that weight since. Wish me luck!!
  • exercisechic927
    exercisechic927 Posts: 64 Member
    still 173 with weekly weigh in today
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Margie, breakfast is not that bad. If you have eggs for breakfast, mix in some green peppers, onions, mushrooms and make it like a scrambler. Or have a side of grapes, apple, orange, berries, banana, on the side of your cereal or oatmeal or whatever you're having. One serving of grapes is only about 10 grapes. Most medium size fruits are 2 servings. I know we can do it!
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