V&F~ April Fools Challenge :happy:



  • Juicyyy
    Juicyyy Posts: 38 Member
    Hey My new current weight is 196.8. Yay!!! I am out of the 2's and into the ones, I don't plan on ever going back!!! Woohoo. On track for April! Have a great week.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    woo hoo! 170.2! It really works.... It is going to start getting harder though!
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    My new trick for eating more fruits is to prepare a see-through container of cut red grapefruit and oranges and keep it in the fridge. Got the idea from those stunning displays at Whole Foods, which cost about $6.00 for a small container. This week I bought one huge grapefruit and 3 large oranges. Cut off all the skin. Slice each orange down the middle, then into slices running against the grain of the fruit. Store in a container, put it in the front of the refrigerator, and it looks good enough to eat!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Breakfast- banana
    Lunch- broccoli
    Dinner- avacado
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    As of this morning, my weight is at 144.2, I lost 3.6lbs! Yay!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Today I am making a cabbage soup. so lots of veggies! I've never had it before, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it tastes okay. I am trying to drink more water, I know it will help me this week. It's just hard when I'm not working out as much, so I'm not as thirsty. I've been eating more of a variety because I tend to get bored easily.

    I'm going to do some pilates today and upper body work.
    I've been cleared to workout again, but I am going to start slowly. I am going to zumba tomorrow morning and then I won't workout again on Thursday night. Friday, no cardio, just strength. That's my end of the week plan. I want to take the good habits into the weekend. I hope the scale agrees with my efforts on Friday, it seems like I have been stuck at this weight for a while, even before my injury.
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Weigh in today and I'm down to 170.0. Very happy with progress!:wink:
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    well, I was going to update the list, but I forgot to email myself the most recent copy from home. So, I will update tonight between the gym and belly dancing. If anyone wants to be updated, get in those weights :)
  • my weight still at 187.0 although it could be a little higher do to tom. i am hoping to way in next week. hope everyone has a great week.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    chicken kabobs...
    chicken breast
    yellow squash
    skewered and basted while grilling with fat free basalmic vinagrette and spices while grilling

    tasty and made enough for left overs!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Woot!!! We have a brand new ONEderlander! Great job Juicyyy!!! Hopefully I will meet you on the other side of 200 soon!
    There are a lot of us on the cusp! :D
    Great job everybody on your exercise and veggies and thanks everyone that's posting recipes! :)

  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    146.0! :happy:
  • iawierz
    iawierz Posts: 65
    So I gained quite a bit of wieght over the weekend I gave into the yummy food at work. I have lost all of it this week...again, but I really hate that when I do that. I would possibly be under 200 if I wasn't loosing the wieght I gained. I need to remeber that the next time I feel the need to overindulge. So more than likely no change for me this week. Hopefully with in the next two weeks I will be in Onderland! I
    I would really love some snack ideas if anyone has any!

    fruits- and-veggies
    breakfast- bananna
    lunch- salad
    snack- homemade veggie pattie (I MUST get the recipe to share with you all from my mom so yummy!)
    dinner- will more than likely be a lean cuisine...does tomatoe sauce count?
    - bag of freslike steamfresh veggies

  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    Still nothing lost....:grumble: Maybe i should start measuring myself... whoever said losing the last few lbs was hard wasn't kidding! :noway:
  • LCardo24
    LCardo24 Posts: 56
    I'd love to try my first Challenge! I'm fairly new and have been wanting to join a challenge. Looks like folks are weighing in on Mondays, sounds good!

    SW: 141
    GW for April 1: 134
    Final GW: 120

    I'm not sure if that's realistic, but seems like a good goal! Now, time to hit the gym...
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My starting weight is 219
    My current weight is 213.5 I lost 1.5 pounds this week !
    My goal weight for April ist is 200 ! I hope i can either get at 200 or pretty close !
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    today's weight in 163 :smile:
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    today is weigh-in.......the verdict........is.........252.3 which is a loss, so I am happy with that.
  • Katcatters
    Katcatters Posts: 90 Member
    todays weigh in 179lb - I know its only 1 lb - but its the right direction!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Today's weight 177.2 !! Yippee!! I think those extra veggies have really been helping. I've been trying to drink mucho water too!! And more green tea, less diet pepsi. Also, I have tried to eat less bread and I try not to eat afte 9 or while watching tv! I was so happy that I was able to do zumba twice this week, even though I had to do the low impact modification version. I was just happy to be back in that environment. Now the key is for me not to blow it over the weekend.
    I'm glad that this is an April Fool's challenge because I go see my doc again on 4/4 and I would love for her to see a loss on the scale from me.
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