200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    You know how each person on BL has this emotional break through and then they start really dropping weight like flies? I think I've realized this weekend that until I get this stuff from "that night" in December resolved (And a few other issues) with my husband the likelyhood of my losing weight is pretty slim. I keep seeing Victoria's signature about how losing weight won't change your lifeand it is so true.
    We finally talked about what went down last week and my stomach is in knots, I've been subconsciously clenching my fists all weekend and having to stop myself and I'm just flat out feeling lost and trying to hold it down and together for my daughter.
    Because I've not ever really said what happened before...in a nutshell we went to a party at my bosses house. He binge drank, got embarrassed at something someone said, screamed at me in the car and when I pulled off and kicked him out he punched and kicked the car. I didn't let him come home for a week, hes been in counceling and isn't drinking. Last week was the first time we've really talked about because I just flat out didn't know how to bring it up. I have this huge shame at work even though the people that were there are totally cool with it, and shame that I let him do that to me. The trust is completely gone. I've never been so humiliated in all my life.
    Now I'm supposed to go to a counceling session with him to talk about how I can help him be a better man when I learn that he hasn't fully divulged everything from that night. I don't understand how thats fair to me or him in this situation. So I have to "nut up" and bring it up again tonight and I am dreading it.
    Anyways, I am going by myself to see his person Friday and I am trying to look at it as a way to alleviate some of my own frustrations and stress before I leave fro Vegas. And hope that when I come back I'm a bit more refreshed and can sink my teeth into this new bodymedia fit and the issues at hand and get moving in the right direction instead of hanging in limbo like I've done for the past three months.

    I've got some errands to run this week and I've got the customer coming Thursday so if I can get to the gym great, if not right now I have to not care about it so much. I'm going to focus on putting healthy foods in my body and taking enzymes more, as that will help to reduce some of the nastys going on in my system right now.

    Thats my story for the day anyways!

    Kerry - food on the weekend is hard. Try to maybe think ahead of what you want to eat, like two or three days ahead of time...enough so that you can look forward to it but also know in your mind you've already set some limitations. Yeay for the new car!!

    Karen - woohoo!!

    Kristina - you go girl on the working out! Damn! I hope I can also grow up to be like you here in a few weeks. For now, I'm not going to weigh anymore. Its just one more added thing to the stress level I don't need.

    Amy - I hate not sleeping well.

    Noelle - congrats on the loss!

    Kendal - yard work is a great work out and super satisfying too because its like instant gratification when you are done!

    I've got to get back to it...thanks for reading my whining lol!
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Weighed in this week at 234. That is 6lbs less that last week! I know I worked out hard all week and stayed on track with my calories, but that was a big surprise. I'll take it! I love this program!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Weigh in today: 186.4 - a 0.4 lb loss.

    I measured myself around the stomach today.. and actually 1" down. So I am excited about that. For the rest of the week plan is to focus & keep doing all I need to keep doing.. ie making wise choices, calorie counting, exercising eventually things will start moving.

    Kendel - that is a lot of hard work! But all worth it for you to enjoy this summer:-) Seems like you are doing a great job with working out:-)

    Noelle - Yay on the loss:-)

    Amy - I am going to be making the scones as well:-) They sound delish.

    Kristina - way to go with your running:-)

    Lacey - I am considering gettin the bodymedia fit! as well. Thanks for the info about the Costco deal:-)

    You know you are probably right about there being a correlation between wight loss & unresolved issues! Who would have thunk not only can we not eat our way through emotions anymore, now we have to deal with them too:-(

    This i hard work & I am sending supportive vibes your way... I am sorry you are having to deal with this.. but once you have gone through it, you will know what you are comfortable dealing with & make your peace either way. No easy answer.. but life happening! Hugs.

    Have an AWESOME week gals:wink:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Suzie: Way to go on your loss and losing an inch off your stomach is freaking awesome!!!

    jamielr84: Holy cow!!! Awesome loss girl!

    Lacey: I'm sending you hugs. I haven't been in your situation exactly but my marriage did go through a crisis a little over a year ago and it was a major trust issue. It was serious enough that I thought about walking away but I really love my hubbs and love having the family I have. So I was left with helping the Hubbs figure out how to get himself back together and it was a turning point for me as well. I began putting myself first in my list of priorities. If I don't take care of me, no one else is going to. I also learned how to really communicate with my husband. He also learned how to communicate with me. The past is in the past. It's not exactly forgotten (it was kind of a major deal, it's hard to forget) but it IS forgiven and we are a much stronger couple now than we were then. So, once you get through this really uncomfortable part, it can get better. And that's what I hope happens for you. :flowerforyou:

    Kerry: I like Lacey's idea of planning weekend food ahead. I try to do this (my menu planning for the rest of the week kind of builds weened dinners into it so I already know what we'll be eating for dinner when I make my grocery list for the week) but I am not so great at weekend control. But I AM getting better. I have found that even if I can't control the calorie input so much, I can help it out with calorie burning all weekend long.

    Karen: Great Loss!!

    It's the end of the day. I've eaten 1688 calories/ Armband says I've burned 2628 calories (and it's not yet 8 pm) so that leaves me with a calorie deficit of 940. The Bodyfit Media website says I should aim for a daily deficit of 1000 calories to lose 2 pounds a week so I'm sure I'll have met my deficit by bedtime.

    I only ate one chocolate-ginger scone today. I had planned to eat it and it fit into my plan for the day. I was thinking about eating the OTHER one that was sitting on the counter but managed to talk myself out of it (it was hard - it was calling to me!). Me and the dog had a bonus walk to watch the sunset. We walked a mile and a half in 28 minutes - not bad for a walk. Have a good one ladies!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- sorry to hear you haven't been sleeping well. That's the worst! I've been sleeping sort of poorly as well. Fall asleep quickly, but lots of walking up in the middle of the night. Don't know what's up with that, as I've really never had a problem before with it. Unresolved issues can certainly lead to issues down the line. I know you're not looking forward to the counseling session, but perhaps it'll be good to get your feeilngs out in the open with him and the counselor? Hang in there, and you can always vent to us!!

    Kendal- GIRL-- Lucky Charms?? What you thinking?? And just before bed? Tsk Tsk. I do like the good conversation with a boy online. Tell us more! Working out in the yard totally counts as working out. I bet you burned a ton of calories!

    Amy- shut up. You are a working out machine! The calories you're burning daily are amazing! Superstar! And your scones I'm loving. I might have eaten 2 yesterday. I haven't had one today, but one is calling my name for when I get home, as I should be okay in terms of calories. I froze several in packs of 2, so I can have small treats to myself certain weeks and I'm bringing the rest into the office. Yum!

    Karen- thanks for checking in! 1.5 pounds is a great loss! Yay! *twirls*

    kmturtle- alcohol is a killer! I remember Victoria has some problems with that--- you've definitely got to set aside extra calories for that! Try and work on some lower cal cocktails and spread them out a bit. Definitely don't go for the uber caloric ones. Anything super sweet has got to be a bad move! I've learned to love me some vodka tonics (pref. with diet tonic water). Glad you still fessed up to what you ate this weekend. Believe me, I've had MANY a bad weekend, and the important thing is fessing up to it and owning it. You're less likely to do it down the line. Running outside is great. I loathe the treadmill as well. The upper 30s are perfect for it. Get out there!

    Jamie- holy crap girl. What have you been (or should I ask, not been) eating?? I want a 6 pound loss!

    Suzie- see! don't always focus on the number. I'd take an inch off my waist over a few pounds overall any day!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    The day has flown by. I was not feeling hot this morning (headache, hadn't slept well), so I came in late to work and have been going non-stop since. Just finally got a break, and I'll be leaving soon. I want to take a tour of the new building we're moving to in a couple of months, because I'm trying to decide between 2 offices. One interior one, which is a good size where most other project managers are going to be stationed. Will be sharing with a swing desk, so I'll mostly have it to myself, but very little light I think. Would be close to my boss, which I'm fine with, and I like being where other project managers are. Or, in the extra wing our department has, away from most of the action, but with most of the rest of my team. I need to see the size of the office again, but I'll have a window, and I'll be sharing again with someone who isn't around all that often. I think I'd rather go with the window. We'll see. My boss basically said it's up to me. Plus, if I choose the interior one, this guy I work with will be stuck with a cubicle, which I feel bad about, when he could have an office.

    Anywho... today is a rest day, but I'm thinking about doing my INSANITY workout for tomorrow this evening. Why? Because Tuesdays is group run in the evenings, and I'm not going to get up early and do INSANITY in the morning. I clomp around and it isn't fair to wake up my next door neighbor with my fat *bleep* banging up and down. So, tonight is cardio plyo circuit (fun?) and tomorrow will be another 4-ish miler. It looks like on the schedule it would be a 2m tempo run, with a one mile cooldown, but I might still try and do the 4 miles. We'll see. Food was on point today so far. Helps when you're so busy you can't think about it, and I prepacked a yummy salad and greek yogurt for lunch. More lentil soup for dinner tonight and will probably treat myself to a ginger chocolate scone (mmm thanks Amy!), and if I do INSANITY, I'll be way under calories-- probably more than I should, but it's just one day.

    ETA: Also, I was only up 0.4 pounds this morning on the scale (184.2), which, considering I'm mid-TOM bodes well for weigh in next week if I keep things up, as I'm usually up at least 3 pounds this time of the month.
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there Ladies

    My girls have been on spring break for the last week so I haven't had the attention span to be able to read/write posts.
    School is back today so hopefully I will be able to focus more on myself this week.

    I did well with my calories for the last week and it shows in my loss, but it is icky cold her in NE and I don't want to move out of my livingroom. The sun didn't shine yesterday and I felt so blaahhh. ugg. And today we started out the same way. I have been productive today which always makes me feel good.

    Please keep your workout stories coming. I am amazed at all of your ambition and dedication to your workouts. I know that exercise is essential but I am lacking the motivation to actually get off my bum and get moving.

    Have a great week. I have some reading to do.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Have you gals gone & read the recipe for the "Ginger Chocolate Chunk Scones" that these girls are talking about. I thought to check it out caz I have a sweet tooth... and I almost fell off the chair laughing. Dang that women has a sense of humor!!!! You have got to read it, even if you have no mind to make the scones!!!!

    Have a happy week:flowerforyou:

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    I just had to post this for the other food lovers in this thread! How cool!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Noelle- great to hear from you. We've missed you!

    Suzie- the recipe was amusing, though it took me some time to actually figure what the instructions were!

    Checking in for the day at 1602 eaten/ 720 burned/ 318 remaining.
    I was really under for a while, so ate a bit more this evening, egg white sandwich and a scone (mmm). Proud of myself for being over in protein. that NEVER happens.

    I did do INSANITY. Plyo Cardio Circuit for the 2nd time. It went better. I was able to do most of the moves better and more intense and was sweating up a storm. I still struggle with the plank section. I mean the people on the video are dying and I have no upper body strength, so you know it wasn't pretty for me. I could only get through it twice and then did some other cardio (jumping jacks, etc) for the last runthrough. Tomorrow then it'll just be the run in the evening with the group.

    AND... *drumroll* the numbers for the week:
    Name/Starting/Last Week/This Week (Pounds)(% Lost)

    Kristina / 182.4 / PASS / 184.4 (+0.4)
    Victoria / 192 / 192 / 193 (+1)
    Kendal / 217.6 / 217.2 / PASS
    Lacey / 206.6 / 207.8 / PASS
    Kim / 196.5 / ?? / ??
    Amy / 211.2 / 208.2 / 206 (-2.2)(1.06)
    Karen / 255 / 259 / 257.5 (-1.5)(0.58%)
    Sarathes / 241 / 235.6 / 231.6 (-4.0)(1.7%)
    blessedmommy2 / 231 / 221.0 / ??
    wichelle / 218 / 217.5 / 215 (-2.5)(1.15%)
    jamielr84 / 247 / 240 / 234 (-6.0)(2.5%)
    ct1986 / 217 / 214 / ??
    suzieqdiva / 191 /186.8 / 186.4 (-0.4)(0.21%)
    Amber / 237.5 / 238 / ??
    Noelle / 213 / 205 / 204 (-1.0)(0.49%)
    Bethany / 189 / 191 / ?
    andreasoulcastle / 260 / 255 / 255.2 (-.6) (0.23%)
    kmturtle3 / 225.1 / 222.2 / 218.6 (-3.6)(1.62%)

    This week's winner in both amount lost and % body weight lost is *DRUMROLL* jamielr84 :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: who lost a whopping 6 pounds and 2.5% of her body weight. Dayam girl! We had several people losing over 2 pounds this week and that's uber impressive. Keep it up ladies! So proud of all of you :heart:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    congrats jamielr!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Today turned out to be very unexpected. At 1pm I got a text from my showing company saying someone wanted to see the house at 4pm. Since I spent all weekend working outside, the inside was a WRECK. My totally amazing awesome manager actually let me come home in the middle of the day and clean up!! The downfall was that I had to log back in and finish my hours tonight here at home so I worked until 8pm. Its now 8:50pm and I'm not going to work out tonight. I have my first day of PTO of 2011 tomorrow so I plan to make it up in the morning.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey ladies. This week head been crazy. I am passing on weighing this week. I am going to restart the c25k.program tomorrow. Wish me luck. Well thats all she wrote today good night ladies
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Amber: Good luck with C25K - it's a great program!!!

    Kendal: I'm sure you burned some calories getting the inside of your house ready to show off. Bummer that you had to work until 8 though.

    Kristina: Great job doing Insanity!!! You rock. I would pick the office with a window. I like windows and it would be cool to be near your team.

    Suzie: I really liked the writing style of that food blog. I found it through a friend of mine who is in culinary school and decided to go Vegan for Lent (more power to her - I could never give up milk and cheese). The writer of that blog also wrote a killer cookbook called the Veganomicon (which you can get at Amazon for a pretty good price) and is full of totally doable recipes.

    Lacey: the "food" in those pictures hardly looks like food at all! Very beautiful photography. I'd never pay that much for a cookbook.

    Noelle: Spring break would keep you busy! I home school, so my son is here all the time. Sometimes, I miss the days of sticking him on a school bus and having the day to myself.

    Today is a beautiful day! Dare I say - spring is here?!?!?! (watch, we'll get a snow storm all because I said that) It was 45 degrees and beautifully sunny when we went on our morning walk. We even stayed out a bit longer than usual because it was so nice. I'm sure we'll be out there roller blading once school and P90X are done. The scale has my UP a pound for no apparent reason (which is super-irritating because I've been really good with my food and exercise and sodium and my TOM is a couple of weeks away). I'm trying not to be pissed about it. Have a good one ladies!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amber- glad you checked in. Keep us updated on how c25k goes. Such a great program!

    Amy- spring would be lovely to arrive. It was 20 something this morning when I was walking Emma, but it's supposed to get up to around 40 today, and up to 50 tomorrow, which is hard to believe. Though it's supposed to rain later today, which I'm not pleased about, because I have a potential run in it. Ugh.

    Today should go by pretty quickly. Splitting it between the U and the VA, which usually moves things along. I found out I might be going on a business trip to CO in May, which makes me pretty happy. A friend moved out there about 6 months ago, and I'd love to see her. Work continues to be busy, but not uber stressful at this point. Just several big projects that are converging at once, which could prove to be problematic. And trying to figure out how to divide up people's workloads, and reprioritizing things. Oh management--- I never thought I would have to deal with you.

    So yeah, as I mentioned above, there's a good chance of rain this afternoon/evening which puts a damper on my group run tonight. If it's sprinkling, I'll go, but if it's full on raining, I'm not going out there. I'll then move my INSANITY from tomorrrow to today and move my run to tomorrow (will have to run 2 days in a row, which I need to get used to anyways). Either way, I'll move my body this evening.

    Stepped on the scale this morning and it was 182 (was 184.4 yesterday). Was excited, but also thought it could be a fluke, and also just TOM weight peeling off, but I'll be very curious to see where I land at weigh in this coming week. I still haven't taken before pictures which I need to do soon, so I can really see what INSANITY and running have done to my body, as it's sometimes hard to tell when you're just living it day to day. I did take measurements though.

    Well, hope everyone has a good Tuesday!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Good morning! So much for getting back here after taking ds to his class sun and after those errands. Here it is Tues and I just got here :) I had yesterday off but was sure busy catching up.It was so awesome yesterday we warmed up to 45! Today I plan to do lots of cooking for the freezer. I've been trying real hard to cut down meals out. Partly because of trying to stay on my eating plan and partly because we are saving for the grad party, $1000 for rockfest and we have all four of our birthdays in the next few weeks. It is just so much easier to control what goes in my mouth if I make it! Speaking of that~ My blood sugar numbers have improved so much since i got serious again. the Dr will be so thrilled instead of hollering at me!

    Do you think MFP exagerated the amount of cals burned. When I do chalean it is saying sometimes as high as 400+ . The workout is hard but doesn't seem that hard. I really enjoy the lifting. I notice i am in real bad shape cardio wise though. I get out of breath easy. Crazy as months ago I was ok there. I decided to do a little walking and build up on top of the chalean. Yesterday I was winded BAD at 15 min going 3mph on the treadmill.

    Suzie~ did you decide to up your cals a bit with all the exercise? The program I'm doing suggested 1500 cals so that is my goal. I'm just ignoring the exercise cals for now.Great job on the loss!!!

    Kristina ~you are sure knocking out those runs!!! I've never heard of a swing desk! Wow are you a busy lady!

    Victoria ~wow you sure are too! 8 miles! You runners amaze me!

    Lacey~ I love those high boots too. I have an awesome pair but can't get my fat calfs in them now. I bet you'll have your boots before you know it! I hope seeing somone helps you get the issue resolved with the hubby.He needs to divulge it all.Sending you a hug! If It's not to nosy how long have you been married? I've been with dh going on 20 and married 18. We have seen a few ups and downs.

    Kendal~ sorry for the sore muscle from holding that bag. however I thing you are pretty darn strong to be able to hold it that long!

    KaeChelle~ I am also amazed by these ladies fitness. However those of us that are not there will get better and better! Just think how awesome it will be to be in a body that strong.

    Noelle ~ congrats on the loss!

    Amy~ sorry to hear you are not sleeping too well. Have you ever tried midnite sleep aid? It really works well with no groggyness. I was the insomnia queen for months and this and Yogi bedtime tea really helped. the Midnite is even ok to take when you wake in the night.

    Kmturtle~ Congrats on the Escape!!!! They are so cute. I personally think it is ok to cut loose on your eating once in a while. I give myself A FREEBIE every 2 weeks. Sure I lose slower but I figure once we all have to learn to maintain our loses we are going to have occasions we eat off plan a bit. Hope that made some sense to someone :)

    Jamielr84~ Great job!

    Dixie~ good luck!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone, didn't have that bad of a weekend!! I only went over like 100 on one of the days! I have been in and out, and probably will for the remainder of the week, our building is getting a lot of remodeling done and I am hanging out at the library near us to escape all of the ruckus..I have been on top of all of my school work though hehe. Also I am going home to California on Friday for my spring break, so I will try to check in as much as possible.

    Hope everyone is well,

  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    I dont understand this at all! My weight loss is all over the place! In the last 4 weeks I have lost 5lbs, then nothing, lost 2, and then lost 6! I know I should be so happy that I lost 6lbs, but all I can think about is next week. What if I gain a pound or lose nothing??
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Bad: I got served foreclosure papers.

    Good: I already have an appointment with my attorney this afternoon so I can take him a copy and ask him what to do.

    Good: I now know a time frame of when they will foreclose on the house. I have either until November 15th (the court date) or December 6th (the date and time of foreclosure sale). That gives me a lot of time to A) try to save it or B) for it to sell.

    Good: I will be here all summer and will get to see my flower garden grow :smile:

    Funny: I woke up to Lexi barking and the doorbell ringing. I walked halfway down the hall, then realized I needed to put on my glasses cause I can't see for $ h i t without them. Then I decided to peak through the blinds to see who was there....it was the sheriff. I opened the door looking like crap in my WAAAAY to big gray tshirt that says "I <3 Football" and pajama pants (without a bra), and the alarm went off. I said "hold on, alarm" and ran back down the hall to turn it off. Went back to the door and as sweetly as I could said "good morning" and kinda laughed at it. He smiled and laughed too and then served me the papers.
  • blessedmommy2x
    Well weigh in is tomorrow morning... I will keep you all posted. In the mean time, I started my very first blog!!!
    Check it out:

    If you like it, follow me on there. I will be putting my weigh in results on there (and here), including low calorie recipes - (with pictures) that I have made, adding motivational quotes as well as weightloss humor :-)

    I forgot to post my weigh in results! I WAS 220.6 on 3/5.... on 3/12 I weighed 214!!! I lost 6.6lbs last week!!!:happy:
    That said I ate HORRIBLY over the weekend and gained 1-2 lbs back :sad: So now I am trying to burn my "weekend weight" I gained... as well as additional pounds- but we will see on Saturday if I am successful???
  • blessedmommy2x
    Noelle- great to hear from you. We've missed you!

    Suzie- the recipe was amusing, though it took me some time to actually figure what the instructions were!

    Checking in for the day at 1602 eaten/ 720 burned/ 318 remaining.
    I was really under for a while, so ate a bit more this evening, egg white sandwich and a scone (mmm). Proud of myself for being over in protein. that NEVER happens.

    I did do INSANITY. Plyo Cardio Circuit for the 2nd time. It went better. I was able to do most of the moves better and more intense and was sweating up a storm. I still struggle with the plank section. I mean the people on the video are dying and I have no upper body strength, so you know it wasn't pretty for me. I could only get through it twice and then did some other cardio (jumping jacks, etc) for the last runthrough. Tomorrow then it'll just be the run in the evening with the group.

    AND... *drumroll* the numbers for the week:
    Name/Starting/Last Week/This Week (Pounds)(% Lost)

    Kristina / 182.4 / PASS / 184.4 (+0.4)
    Victoria / 192 / 192 / 193 (+1)
    Kendal / 217.6 / 217.2 / PASS
    Lacey / 206.6 / 207.8 / PASS
    Kim / 196.5 / ?? / ??
    Amy / 211.2 / 208.2 / 206 (-2.2)(1.06)
    Karen / 255 / 259 / 257.5 (-1.5)(0.58%)
    Sarathes / 241 / 235.6 / 231.6 (-4.0)(1.7%)
    blessedmommy2 / 231 / 221.0 / ??
    wichelle / 218 / 217.5 / 215 (-2.5)(1.15%)
    jamielr84 / 247 / 240 / 234 (-6.0)(2.5%)
    ct1986 / 217 / 214 / ??
    suzieqdiva / 191 /186.8 / 186.4 (-0.4)(0.21%)
    Amber / 237.5 / 238 / ??
    Noelle / 213 / 205 / 204 (-1.0)(0.49%)
    Bethany / 189 / 191 / ?
    andreasoulcastle / 260 / 255 / 255.2 (-.6) (0.23%)
    kmturtle3 / 225.1 / 222.2 / 218.6 (-3.6)(1.62%)

    This week's winner in both amount lost and % body weight lost is *DRUMROLL* jamielr84 :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: who lost a whopping 6 pounds and 2.5% of her body weight. Dayam girl! We had several people losing over 2 pounds this week and that's uber impressive. Keep it up ladies! So proud of all of you :heart:

    Just realized I missed out on this... I didnt realize that you all were keeping track like this- I wouldve posted earlier. Don't know what I will lose this week...seeing that I gained a little already this week... I weigh in Saturdays so I'll let you all know then HOPING for good results!!!