200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I feel like maybe I need to step up my workouts you guys are inspiring me, I have spent these first 2 weeks trying to bet into exercise slowly again..and maybe I should continue to do that for a bit, but eventually I will need to hit that gym up. I mean could I really continue to lose weight using the wii? I am not sure, but it is working for me right now.

    I had a horrible allergic reaction yesterday because of some face makeup that I bought and tried for the first time. It is causing me to have some issues with self esteem since my face is full of tiny red bumps and blotches...and I am avoiding wearing any makeup until in clears up, it is going down slowly thank goodness.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Andrea - sorry to hear about the allergic reaction... As for stepping up your workouts, you'll know when your ready to. Most of us have been doing this for over a year and gradually increased our workouts. The key is to shake it up when you start to plateau and to find workouts that you enjoy (*even if we complain about them*)...

    Kristina is sooooo right and I've realized I'm an idiot. I decided to just log and eat like I have been to see the results. 3051 consumed and 2817 burned. No wonder I've been gaining a 1/2 pound a week. I see the errors of my ways. Now to fix the problem and get back on track. Awhile ago we did a challenge where we posted cal consumed and the amount over or under for the day. Anyone else want to join me with this? I need the accountability and to be thrashed when I screw up!!! I keep looking at that d@mn log from yesterday and thinking - how the blank did I consume 3051 cal. I do see how to be better and my goal for today is to be at or under cal. thanks again Kristina for giving me a wake up call...

    TGIF. I'm scared to get up and weigh in...

    Audible is having a great $4.95 book sale!!!! I just purchased 11 books. Everything from classics, to love stories, to murder mysteies, to true stories. I love books. Water for Elephants and Dragonfly in Amber (2nd book in Diana Galdon's Outlander series) are on the list... Both are awesome books.

    Okay, it's time to bite the bullet and go have a fling, or at least flirt with Mr. Scale.. Crosses fingers... Do you think he'd respond to a striptease act as I get out of my jammies? Maybe I'll do it anyways as the wiggling around would burn a few more cal. My real problem is the food and drink. I CAN fix it. I can control what I put in my body. I will log all food. Sorry - I've got to give myself a pep talk so that I remind myself to do better today. I'll post today's numbers so you gals can flog me if I slip off the path again.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yeah - I'll starve if I ever have to depend on my striptease skills to survive. Mr. Scale and I are on the outs. (*sighs*) my check-in is 193... I'm going to update my ticker and refocus. Time for fresh juice - apple, grape, carrot today.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I just wanted to say a quick good morning before I have to get to the shop! No exercise again today. I'll try to pop in tonight to read and catch up on the posts. Have a terrific day!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Mr Scale LOVES me today!!! My check in is 206 (I lost 2.2 pounds this week!). *twirls*

    WIChelle: Have a great day!

    Victoria: Your juice sounds yummy! Sorry the scale is being pissy at you. I like your idea of posting our calories to keep us accountable (especially good for me as the weekend is upon us and I always suck over the weekend). I'll totally post with you. I'll also have to pop over to Audible and check that sale put (although I think I have a credit or 2 waiting for me to use them). I'm gonna have to check out that Outlander series you keep talking about - sounds good.

    Andrea: I'm so sorry you had an allergic reaction. I know how self-conscious that can make you. I have really sensitive skin on my face and so I've had to deal with my share of bumps and/or flaking skin. I hope it goes away super-fast!

    Well, I got my dog walk and my Plyometric workout in for the day. If the weather stays nice, I'll probably get some rollerblading in with Gabe too. Tonight for dinner is a spinach-stuffed soy schnitzel with lemon butter sauce, brown rice and broccoli. Not much else going on in my neighborhood. I was watching the horrible Tsunami devastation in Japan on CNN. Holy COW!! That's crazy.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    So Friday weigh in and went from 255.8 to 255.2 lost .6 pounds, not as much as I anticipated but it is a loss non the less!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats on the losses Andrea and Amy!!! Much better than my gain. But, I'm determined that I will lose next week despite TOM...

    This logging takes way more time than I remembered. It took an extra 15 min to log breakfast and lunch. Now I'm behind for the day. Hopefully, the roads will be clear and I can make the time up somewhere. Not sure what I have planned for exercise since mom has the day off and I wont get home until 6:30. Maybe I'll go right to her house and make her do something. Hasta..
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    So I got the first bit of paperwork saying they are going to start the foreclosure process on the house. I knew it would come eventually, but it still sucks and put me in a sad mood yesterday. I did not eat my emotions but I also half-a$$ed my yoga workout last night.

    I also decided to finally look at the paperwork required to lower my student loan payments to an income-based level. You either have to pay the monthly interest or 1% of your gross monthly income. yeah.....1% of my gross monthly income is $25. The interest I pay every month is $189. My current payments are $213/month. I only pay $25/month on the principal of a $47k loan. :explode: :cry: There is no point in throwing away $189/month for an entire year.

    I need a sugar daddy.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- I'm glad you got to the gym and you're continuing to up the intensity level! I know a lot of people cover up the monitors on the machines so they can't keep looking at them. I'm a compulsive checker to see how I'm doing/how much time I have left, and I don't think it helps! I agree with Amy... especially with running, so much of it is a mental game!

    Andrea- take exercise with stride. You should do what you can, and then increase over time as you get stronger. We're all at different activity levels in this group, and believe me... I was barely struggling to make it through pretty much anything when I first started. Take your time. We're all individuals! And, congrats on the weight loss.. it's still a loss!

    Victoria- I'm totally down for posting calories in/burned/left. I can use the accountability. In the same way, if I don't post here for more than a day, and I don't explicitly say I'm going out of town or something, please kick my behind, call me on it, and reel me back in! Keep up with the logging. You were so good about it for a long time, as was I, and it makes all the difference. Face the music of the scale, but it'll go down if you keep up with the exercise and the logging! It's worked before. It'll work again! It takes extra time, but when you get back in the habit, it'll just be part of your day!

    Amy- you're wasting away on us. FABULOUS loss--- you're SO close to ONEderland. Keep up the amazing work. you've been an inspiration to me!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    My scale was up again a wee bit this morning, but will weigh in officially on Monday. I ate pretty well yesterday and was under my calories, but I think it might be all the water weight from the intense exercise.

    So, day 2 of insanity went well. Plyometric cardio circuit. i was able to get through most of it. It really is the sort of thing that if you're doing the moves correctly and at the speed and intensity that they are, it is INSANE. I'm not there yet. I was trying to make sure I was doing the moves correctly, so wasn't near as fast or as hard, but I imagine over time that I'll be able to push it harder. There was a whole circuit of exercises that involved the plank though, which is not my bag. I have no upper arm strength, so I went through 2 rounds of it... sort of, and the last round, I just ran in place really quickly to keep my heart rate up. I know my back wasn't straight, my rear was all up in the air, and what really made it difficult was that my wrists were killing me! But it's a start, and a definitely calorie burner! I just logged it as high impact aerobics, but I wouldn't be surprised if I burned more calories than the log said I did, as I wasn't wearing a HRM.

    Today's exercise will include 2 Emma walks and another Insanity DVD. I can't remember off the top of my head what it is. I'm a bit sore today, but it's manageable. It might hit me worse yesterday.

    There's snow on the ground again. ugh. Only an inch though, but still. Spring, come on!

    Food could be a bit tough today. Have a lunch talk, and they always have lots of food. Usually the packed lunches come with both something salty and something sweet. I'm going to have to choose one or the other OR have half of each. It's a step better than I have done in the past! Dinner should be on track though. Will post my calories to be accountable, as Victoria wanted to do.

    FYI: logging from yesterday (I have mine to lose 2lbs/week): 2096 eaten (higher than I wanted)/1117 burned/ 221cal remaining
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Here's my calorie info from yesterday: 1678 eaten/ 1011 burned/ 613 left over.

    Kristina: Maybe you should get a HRM for the Insanity workouts. I found that I burned a TON more calories than MFP said I did once I got a HRM. Great job sticking it out with the workout. It's super-hard but it will get easier and you will get stronger.

    Kendal: I'm sorry about the foreclosure. Good job not eating your feelings, though! That's a major deal!!! I'm with you on the student loan misery. I've been paying $200 a month for what seems like forever and it doesn't seem to make any kind of dent it what I owe. I'll probably die with student loan debt. I'm ok with that though, I guess.

    Victoria: Logging DOES take some time! At least for me it does. I have found that if I kind of plan things the night before and put them in my log, it makes the morning (and the rest of the day) easier because I just have to edit a few things and then I'm good to go.

    So, I'm freaking exhausted. I was ok all morning and then it kind of hit me midway through my Plyo workout. I was seriously dragging butt through my shower and then I decided on the ever-so-fashionable sweats rather than deal with pants with buttons. Gabe has been sick, I hope I'm not coming down with anything. I'm just sooooo tired....
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hey Ladies. So sorry for not being around. I've been struggling lately, but I am ready to get back into the swing of things. I am going to start logging my food again today, and I am going to the gym for the first time since I joined a week ago. I'm dressed and ready to go in a few minutes! I will check back in later and try to read up on how you are all doing. Thanks for your continued support! :flowerforyou:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Happy weigh in day everyone!

    Victoria, I agree that holding each other accountable for calories is awesome. I'm set up to lose 2lbs a week. Goal 1280/ Food 1410/ Exercise 268/ 138 remaining.

    Andrea, any weight loss is better than no weight loss! Congrats on keeping the scale headed in the down direction! I'm super sorry about the allergic reaction, that's no fun.

    Amy, can't wait to hear how the soy schnitzel is! It sounds amazing.

    Kendall, sorry to hear about the house and the BS with student loans. My loans are like $180 a month, it sucks. Money pretty much sucks all the time. Its great that you didn't let that get to your food intake though- good job! And I'm sure there's a sugar daddy in your near future, so no worries. :happy:

    Kristina, you got snow? Ew! Weird that you're in Ann Arbor and I'm in Lansing and we didn't get any. It was snowing/raining all day yesterday, but nothing stuck... I'm still so freaking sick of it being 30-some degrees outside. All I want is 50 and sunny. I don't think that's asking too much.

    My husband's birthday is tomorrow, so we are going out to dinner tonight and then having a big party tomorrow... I WILL LOG MY FOOD, I WILL LOG MY FOOD, I WILL LOG MY FOOD... this is my mantra for the rest of the weekend. That and not taking a day off from working out. That's my ultimate goal. I am making a peanut butter pie (pies are a bit of a passion for me... which isn't very condusive to weight loss, but they're just so FUN), so it could get ugly.

    Ok, time to weigh in. Last week I was 222.2, today I'm 218.6. Loss of 3.6! That's my best week yet! :happy:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hi ladies, I have to say logging on and following up with you all makes my day EVERYDAY!

    Victoria- I :heart: the idea of logging, in one of my other groups we always log for the day or the previous day our calorie intake ( how much remaining or how much we went over), our exercise and activities with how many calories we burned, our water intake and then state something that we are proud of. I have to say it does help people stay accountable.

    Amy-OMG great job girl 2.2 pound loss!!! :drinker: cheers

    Kendal- I am sorry to hear about the financial situation...it can get stressful, but I know you will come out strong! And LOL @ Sugar Daddy :glasses:

    thank you everyone for the advice, I do need to just keep myself active and my body moving and just focus on eating right ...I know that good things will come from focusing on those steps. My face is clearing up thank goodness...I hope it will be gone by next week. Also the weekend is almost here, how is everyone planning on getting through it. I am only going to allow myself to go eat out once this week...and cook at home all other meals, I also made a rule for myself to limit my alcohol consumption to only Saturdays..we will see how this goes.
  • Well weigh in is tomorrow morning... I will keep you all posted. In the mean time, I started my very first blog!!!
    Check it out:

    If you like it, follow me on there. I will be putting my weigh in results on there (and here), including low calorie recipes - (with pictures) that I have made, adding motivational quotes as well as weightloss humor :-)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Having people call your house at 5:30 in the morning so you'll turn on your tv and watch the tsunami warning to get to high ground blows. I had four people call. And I took G to work with me for a bit and once I felt better I took her to school. There is a pretty decent mountain range between Eugene and the coast line so it was highly unlikely, but damn. The pacific coast is due for a huge earth quake at any time too. Makes me all paranoid and shiz.

    Last night we had take out cheeseburgers and fries and this morning I am back down to 206.4. You all inspired me to get on the scale. Hoping Monday morning will show me back down around 205 or under. I too want to roll under 200 so bad. Gotta keep up the intensity on the work outs and be consistent in going.

    Well its a cluster F situation at work so I've got to get off here...bleh.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ugh. Who schedules a 2.5 hour training call for a new system on a Friday from 11-1:30?? I had to work through lunch but get to leave early. And then how come they have problems getting everyone across the country on the massive phone call when you've had this call twice already this week?? They wasted 15 minutes at the beginning just trying to get set up. And then the 2.5 hour call ended up being a 3 hour call!! omg. 11-2...on a new system that doesn't really coincide with the work we do but we have to use it to log our production time and PTO requests. There are so many kinks and "exceptions" it ain't even funny. And then there were all these morons who don't know the meaning of a "mute" button so theres all this background noise. One person even put the phone on hold so it started playing music in the middle of our training!

    And then my team had a meeting after the big call for 30 minutes to try to figure out how the hell this applies to us!!


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    oh yeah....Kristina- I won't be weighing in this week :-D
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Sorry for your day-long battle with stupid. Hopefully the weekend will cure you from the effects in time for you to deal with it all again on Monday.

    Lacey: We're soooo close to One-derland...can you feel it???

    blessedmommy2x: Your blog is cute!

    Andrea: I like the idea of making a battle plan to survive the weekend. My battle plan will include NOT eating popcorn at the movies tomorrow evening, making sure that I exercise both Saturday & Sunday, and no alcohol. Oh - and I will LOG everything!!!

    So it's about bedtime here in Europe so here's my stats for the day: 1866 (calories eaten)/ 1106 exercise cals earned/ 520 cals left over. It's actually a LOT cleaner than my usual Friday night but that's just cuz I didn't make pizza. The schnitzel was freaking awesome!! (I posted a pic on my facebook for those of u I'm friends with, for those that I'm not friends with - send me a friend request my screen name is the same as it is on here) Have a good night!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - YES!!!!!! The fact that you and I are right at the same weight makes me want to push all that much harder. Kindof sucky I'm going to the land of sin and vice in two weeks, but here's to hoping all the walking I will do at the tradeshow will offset the amount of booze I will be imbibing. Basically the drinking will start once I hit the airport to get on the first flight and won't stop till I get home at Midnight four days later. We've even had to drink tomato beers in the morning to sober up enough to function for business that day!

    Speaking of the land of sin and vice...while I am no where close to where I wanted to get by this time, its time to get in my closet and try on clothes to see what things look like and how they feel tonight or this weekend. I am also going to have Jeff take more pics and I will post them even if the difference is nill. I need to go get a pair of black capris I can wear all dressed up with my wedges and cute tops for a dinner one night. Thats the only thing I need I think clothes wise. Yeay!
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