200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    ugh. Who schedules a 2.5 hour training call for a new system on a Friday from 11-1:30?? I had to work through lunch but get to leave early. And then how come they have problems getting everyone across the country on the massive phone call when you've had this call twice already this week?? They wasted 15 minutes at the beginning just trying to get set up. And then the 2.5 hour call ended up being a 3 hour call!! omg. 11-2...on a new system that doesn't really coincide with the work we do but we have to use it to log our production time and PTO requests. There are so many kinks and "exceptions" it ain't even funny. And then there were all these morons who don't know the meaning of a "mute" button so theres all this background noise. One person even put the phone on hold so it started playing music in the middle of our training!

    And then my team had a meeting after the big call for 30 minutes to try to figure out how the hell this applies to us!!



    Kendal - LOVE THIS!!! PAssing it around at work!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just a quick check in before I collapse for the evening.

    7:15 group run tomorrow morning. Not so down with that on Saturdays, but I can always nap. Then an insanity workout in the afternoon.

    I did another insanity workout this evening, which went pretty well. Again, there were some moves I couldn't do, which required a lot of upper body strength, which I don't have, but I'll get stronger as time goes on. Also 2 walks with Emma today.

    Intake for the day: 1685 eaten/ 687 burned/ 202 leftover

    Lunch was Olga's... which the vegetable wrap was a little caloric, but not horrible.. terra chips, which I love, but I only like the taro chips, so I picked out those two and didn't eat the rest of the bag. Did eat the smallish caramel pecan cookie that was included, which was uh-mazing. Dinner- leftover quinoa soup from the freezer, little bit of cheese and crackers, some brussel sprouts. Happy Kristina.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Sarah - Yay about the dropping BMI levels:-):flowerforyou: How is your grandfather now?

    Van - Welcome to the group.. it is fun and supportive group:-)

    Kristina - Thanks for the recipe.. sounds incredible... definitely something I am going to make soon:-) Appreciate it much:-) Also, hats off to you for the training schedule you are putting yourself through.. I just tire reading about it.. but it keeps me so inspired to push more & stay committed.. so thanks.. you are very inspiring:-)

    WIChelle - how is your back now?

    anvy1221 - How are you doing with your detox?

    marian723 - welcome back:-)

    Kerry - did you get your ford yet:-)

    MrsMarvelous - Yay for your loss in inches. I am waiting to the day that will start happening to me:-(

    KendelBee - that sucks.. I am soo sorry you are going through this.. it makes working out even tougher, but I am so glad you are staying the path, caz it will make you stay sane & able to do all you need to do to get through this. I would love a sugar daddy too:-) Only problem is the sugar daddy I had was not a good natured one.. so I had to dump him!!! i think Aunt's on either side of my families had a heart attack - I was the first in generations to think about divorce!!! But staying sane is healthier & better for you in the long haul. Hugs. If there is anything I can help with.. let me know.

    KaeChelle - good to see you here again:-)

    I am sorry for not coming here frequently enough.. will try for more consistency.

    I will give an update on me tomorrow as I need to run... But have a GREAT weekend all.. weigh in for me is Monday:-)
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Just stopping in to tell you I did go to the gym today and I stayed under my calories! There's no telling how much I ate in the past 2 weeks of not logging my food because I ate and ate and ate and ate... and a lot of it was sweets! That's what I do when I'm stressed, but I'm ready to change that because I sure didn't like seeing the scale go back up 5 pounds last week! I will officially weigh Monday to see if this week turned out better!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Friday's check-in 2455 consumed/2474 burned (per Bugg)/19 left over... Baby steps - I keep telling myself that its better than Thurs. I was pacing the kitchen thinking "I need food", reading the labels/cal info and resisting. I felt like such a nitwit. Today will be a good day. Mom and I are going snowshoeing... I'm super excited the next week has forecasts of 44 every day - Goodbye and good riddance to the snow!!! We got so much Thursday, the plow guy showed up (sighs)... I'm really tired of snow.

    I should get up and start moving... Enjoy your Saturday!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wowsa - I just uploaded Bugg info. I'm cont to have an ave daily burn of 2400. So I updated MFP activity level to get me eating goal of 1900. I had to select Very Active. It made me proud!!! One positive thing as I restart my climb back up this mountain of getting back on track (*can someone come by with a car and get my 1/2 way there????*)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria can you wear that thing on you calf right below your knee? You make me want to get one though I'm not super stoked about wearing it to bed. Good job for getting going again this week and I feel you on the food. I've just wAnted to eat for no reason and am pretty sure I underestimated my cal intake. Even the fitbit would give me a better idea of where I'm at burn wise at this pOint.

    First minimal sign of light and my body wakes up. Sigh. Can someone walk out and turn the coffee on for me please???
    Today I'm along gracie to get manicures and pedicures as a girl date and then I'm getting my hair done and hitting the gym. I need to return a few things to old navy too hut might wait til lunch next wek when it's not as crazy busy.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I did not work out last night. Instead, I got up this morning and did it. I plan to do today's workout tonight, if I have enough energy. I'm about to hop off here, shower and go sundress shopping. I LOOOVE sundresses and they are on sale for $9 at Old Navy (regularly $19.50 yall!!).

    Then I will come back home and start massive yard work. Fertilizer, seeds, shoveling (moving dirt to fill in holes/uneven parts of the yard), mole repellent stuff (just to make sure they are actually gone from last year), raking up a whole big area for my wildflower garden, laying out the garden compost, putting my little 1 foot tall fence around the area so Lexi won't get in it (she won't jump over the tiny fence), and then finally pulling up as many weeds as possible and using roundup on the whole area so they won't come back.

    This may be a two day job. (for the fertilizer and seeds, I'm going to borrow a hand held seed spreader thing from my dad, so I will be walking my entire yard several times)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - so jealous that your doing yardwork!!! Hope you find a great dress.

    Lacey - I haven't tried it on my calf. It says to wear it in left tricep. I may try it later.

    Mom will be here soon for our exercise. I'm excited to see how many cals it burns
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: Enjoy your exercise. Do you log your food on the Bugg website AND on MFP? That seems kind of tedious. The Hubbs bought me a Bugg and today is the first day I've played with it. So far, it's pretty cool but I'm irritated that my iPhone keeps un-pairing with the Bugg and I have to re-connect it to make it display. I also think it doesn't calculate the burn for P90X correctly. I wore my heart rate monitor and there was a HUGE difference between what the 2 things reported.

    Kendal: That's an awesome sundress sale. I miss Old Navy.

    Lacey: Your girl date sounds fun.

    Today was a pretty good day. I did my P90X Back & Biceps workout and then we went to the movies to see Rango. I :heart: Johnny Depp very much so I had to see it. It was good. A lot of the dialogue went over Gabe's head but it was perfect for me. We also hit up Alnatura to get more blood oranges. Trav brought some blood oranges home on Friday and we seriously ate them like they were cookies. They were SOOOO good. We had some blood oranges in Italy but they don't seem to be an overly popular fruit with Americans and I have NO IDEA why - they are 100% better than regular oranges (and I love regular oranges).

    So here's my breakdown for the day: 1737 (calories eaten)/ 1128 (calories burned)/ 671 (calories left over)

    I ate some popcorn (no butter) and had a few sips of root beer at the theater but, other than that, it was a pretty decent food day.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - congrats on getting a Bugg!!! You have a nice husband!!! The Bugg uses something like 5 dif things sweat, temp, an accelerometer, etc to calc your activity level. It's supposed to be 95% accurate. HRM only look at 1 area. Does your HRM have a programable VO2 max and have you been resetting it as you physical fitness improves? Is take what the Bugg says as more accurate... The first week that I wore the Bugg, I was obsessed with looking at the updating display. It's been a month now and I only look twice a day plus connect just before exercise, once info updated, I hit trip rest. After exercise I sync it again to see what I burned. I've gotten used to resyncing it. I only have to reset the password when I turn Bluetooth off to save the battery. It did take me awhile to realize you only need a quick button press to reconnect the units, it generally sends the info over within 30 sec.

    HRM are great for instant feedback in keeping the intensity of you workout up. Cheap HRM are not very accurate. How off was the HRM to Bugg? Did you test it with the Back/legs and ab ripper video you did today? If I remember correctly, the are weights and lots of short stops. Cal burned with weight lifting is lower than pure cardio. The other day, I did the new BL workout with weights and my burn was 177 vs my normal 220 with Leslie Sansone walking video for 30 min.

    I'm only logging food on MFP. Im used to the way MFP works. Good luck and enjoy.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello ladies! TOM has arrived and my uterus is trying to kill me.

    Nice way to start the post, right? haha.

    So my calf muscles were uber tight and sore this morning when my alarm went off. The group run was just not going to happen. My first time with them on a Saturday I didn't want to be hobbling. So instead of getting up before 6 in time to walk Emma and get to the running site, I slept in until 9:30. Haha. BUT did an extra long walk with the dog this morning, which helped loosen up my muscles a bit, and I did INSANITY, which was the cardio recovery workout, which is a lot of stretching, so it probably was a good fit for today. It'll continue to be the recovery dvds on my days of my long runs. Now, tomorrow, I'll run the 4 miles instead, and do another INSANITY video before my rest day on Monday.

    So now that TOM has really really arrived, I know my scale numbers will be warped for the next several days, so I can keep that in the back of my mind. No comfort eating though! If I eat what I've logged out for the day, I'll be under calories.

    Victoria- good job with the eating! the point is that you're logging, girl! Way to get back on the wagon! It's less than you were eating before when you weren't logging, so just stick with it! You're still under calories for the day.

    Kendal- proud of you for doing the workout this morning to make up for yesterday! I'll have to check out the sundresses at Old Navy. It's been a bit since I've tried anything like that on. All that yard work is great for a burn though!

    Amy- yay for another Bugg user. You'll have to tell us all how you like it. Will be interesting to hear how your experience compares with Victoria's. I might need to get one at some poing. Mmm for blood oranges, and yay for being under calories!
  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 473 Member
    whassup!! i'm a newbie (1 week exactly)...not sure of what 2 do...I'm 30 sahm of 2 beautiful kids...i need seriously 2 shred 90lbs...my current is 245...bummed cuz my first week weigh in did not change...at least it didn't go up.right....i need to b inspired...HELP!!!!!!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Im sitting in the chair at the salon I've got two sections of foils and my hair is sticking up in all different directions. Lol.

    I bought the fitbit today. I'm going to try to start using it tomorrow for 29 days and see how i like it. I'm also going to start eating either 1900 cals a day or half of my exercise cals. I want to break thru to onderland and there is really no reasOn to wait until I get back from Vegas to do it. If I don't like the fitbitni might get the bugg or mediator. Bestbuy has he media fit in stock for $180.

    After this I'm going to the gym. Yeah!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hey everyone! Just a quick post to check in - I've been spending most of my free time since Thursday playing Dragon Age 2 :P. Anyway, I had a fantastic week in the weight loss department as I'm now down to 231.6 lbs. That's a -4 lb difference from last week. Not sure what caused me to drop so suddenly but hey, I'll take it! TOM is due next week so I'm expecting to stay the same and not lose.

    For those who asked, my grandfather is still hanging in there. So that's good, I guess, as long as he is comfortable.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I'm sitting here on my six plus year old Macbook and I can't get the fitbit to sync. I left my laptop at my office so I am going to have to wait to start using the thing which is a total bummer. I think that the syncing issue has to do with the fact that this is old computer...hopefully. Dernit I REALLY wanted to use it tomorrow at the gym and start it tonight when I went to sleep.

    I hope everyone had a good day! I will try to hop back on tomorrow and reply to everyone.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi All,

    Last two weeks my main focus has been to work out regularly. I have been on my treadmill slowly sustaining a steady pace between 3.0-3.5 speed from 45 mins.. am up to being able to do 65-70 mins a session. I also tried a Jazzercize class & a yoga this morning.. then crashed... did not realize that today I did not have protein shake caz I was trying to make sure I got my complex carbs in.. and felt downright exhausted.. then someone pointed out I might need to up my intake... so had a shake & that helped a LOT!

    I am a bit frustrated that my weight does not seem to be moving at all in the last two weeks!!!! Agreed I had my TOM, but now that has passed & I am perplexed! That's is why I am trying the other classes, caz I know I need to bring in strength training..
    but want to slowly work my way to it. I am planning to start the 30 day shred next week... but am wondering if I am eating right! or enough or not enough or too much!!! Uugh! Still playing around with carbs%/fat%protein% bit as well.

    Any ideas, suggestions or feedback are greatly welcome:-) I have made my diary public.. so take a look..

    Hope I can get beyond this.. as Blessedmommy2x just pointed out to me.. "that even losing just an ounce puts me closer to my goal. We just have to do our best! And in time WE will get the results we want :-) "

    I definitely would not have lost the 5 lbs I already have if it were not for MFP.. & surely not without all of you:-) So I will just keep plugging away.. continue learning from you and what my body is telling me.. and keep my fingers crossed.

    Thanks all.. much :heart:

  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    few additional things:

    1) I have changed the labels on my meals recently, so if you go back.. it might seem puzzling.. though you can still see what I ate for the day.

    2) I am currently set to 30% carbs; 40% protein & 30% fat

    3) No inches lost either:-(

    I am netting about 850-1100 cals a day (that is including exercise). Only Saturday did I go to 1149 cals.

    Any feedback is welcome:-)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Saturday check-in... Burned 2749/consumed 3038/over by 289... Exercise burn 351 with an hour of snowshoeing. Sat night drink combined with spagetti fund raiser dinner put me over. I plan to make it up today with my 8 mile run. Most of my food yesterday a guess on cal. I made baked falafel and a taboulli mix that I got from the bulk food section of the health food store. I just made my best guess on the numbers. My homemade tazeki was good. I need to get back to sleep.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    215 weigh in. i'll be back to post after taking ds to a class