200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well it's 8pm here and here's my numbers for the day (so far): I ate 1635 calories/ My Armband says I've burned 2605 cals/ leaves a deficit of 970 calories. We had veggie burgers with steamed broccoli and grilled sweet potatoes for dinner. OMG! The grilled sweet potatoes were sooooo good! Yum! And no guilt. Double Yum!

    On a funny side note: My "good jeans" are a size 16 and I was able to pull them off and on without un-buttoning/zipping them (of course, I DID this in the kitchen in front of a big glass window but I'm pretty sure that no one other than The Hubbs and The Kid got a peep show). The Hubbs said I should look in to a smaller pair of jeans. What brands of jeans are you girls liking these days?

    blessedmommy2x: Great loss!

    Kendal: I'm glad you get to see your garden bloom. I hope you can sell the house so you don't have to get foreclosed on.

    jamielr84: I've noticed that my body kind of stays the same after I lose more than 2 pounds in a week. I don't there's anything wrong, I think it's just getting used to the new "normal". Don't worry about it - you are doing freaking awesome!

    Andrea: Wat to keep at it over the weekend! You rock!
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    I am so close to the end of my C25K program now! I am now in week 8. That scary 20 minute run in week 5 seems so far away now. I no longer fear my treadmill!

    Amy- Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    mmm I love sweet potatoes! Oh and I can't wait until I can get back into a pair of 16's!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Andrea: You'll be in 16's before u know it. I started this adventure in 18/20's and I just put in 14's that had been buried in my dresser so long they had dust on them (LOL).

    jamielr84: C25K is an awesome program! It can make a runner out of anyone.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Andrea - I can't wait to see 16's either! We both started at the same weight. Glad to be on this journey with you!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Amy, so excited that you are rockin' smaller pants... that is the GREATEST feeling. I also always find it super interesting to see how many different heights/weights/etc wear the same size pants. When I started MFP I was 240 and wearing an 18... I could still squeeze into some of my 16s, but it sure wasn't pretty. Now most of my 16s come off without unbuttoning them! On the opposite side, pant shoping still just drives me crazy... I have a pair of banana republic jeans in my closet that are supposed to be a 16 and I just was able to put them on and button them about 2 weeks ago... still too much muffin top to possibly wear out in public, but its just so aggravating! I refuse to buy a new pair of jeans until I can walk into banana republic and grab a pair of 14s of the shelf and have them fit perfectly. That's my big reward to myself, because I LOVE their jeans. I'd really love to get my a** into a 10 someday. I think the last time I wore that I was 15 though. Stupid being tall and having ginormous hips.

    Jamie, what is C25K? How does it work?

    I made bake sweet potato fries last week with just a little bit of olive oil and basil on them.... they are so freaking good! Grilled sounds amazing, I'm gonna have to try that.

    I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I've decided what I need to do is pick up on my working out on Friday and Saturday to compensate for my calorie intake. I'd rather have to bust my butt and still be able to go out and drink the drinks I want to (which is usually just some sort of beer) and not have to give it up, especially since I've been so solid all week long. So... anyone have awesome suggestions for serious calorie burning? I ALMOST went out and ran this morning, but I did Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown and L2 of Shred, so I was spent. Plus, I'm just nervous about running. When you guys started, did you have a regimen set up that you followed? HELP! :tongue:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I've got to catch up on posts from this afternoon/evening. Busy day, but I'm tired and am going to hit the sack early.

    Just a small update. Checking in with numbers for today:
    1466 eaten/ 681 burned/ 415 left over

    Was supposed to run. Got home and dressed up for it... thought it was sprinkling outside, but it was worse than I thought, so Emma and I only went around the block (1/4 mile) before I realized it just wasn't going to happen. So, I did INSANITY that was supposed to be for tomorrow (cardio power & resistance). Sweated up a storm. So, tomorrow, it'll be the 4 mile run instead, and that's it. Thought I would perhaps do it in the morning, but there's still a chance of rain, so I'll do it in the evening instead. Should be fine, I think. *shrug* Oh, and I took before pictures to see what results I get from my current routine over the next 60 days (INSANITY's length). Might post it in the end (or the one in my sportsbra and shorts... it's not a pretty sight. definitely won't post the bathing suit one. *shudders*)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - there is a chance that when your house goes on auction that it won't sell and then you can stay there even longer. Often times mortgage companies are wanting people to stay in the houses so that they maintain them even if they aren't making payments...especially when they plant flowers and make the yard all pretty!!

    I wish I had more time. Work is curazy busy right now. I've got my Australian dude coming in two days and trying to keep up with the work load so that I don't leave much left behind to deal with when I get back from Vegas is hard. Usually I can leave things for the next day but thats a major bad idea right now. So I am working late each night to make sure all is well. I will still get to work from home next Friday and the following Monday when I am off though...that is how my job is. Even if I take time off, I am bound to answer phone calls and emails.

    And DUH for me...I don't know why for the past six months I've been thinking I can drop G off at school Monday and go to work then catch my flight...and next Friday drop her off at school and go to work late....ITS SPRING BREAK! DUH!HelllllllloooooOooo!??!??!!? IT literally just dawned on me yesterday morning that school's closed. DUH! LOL.

    My bodymediafit shipped yesterday. I am so hoping it gets here by Monday before 11am (lol) so I can get it all synced and start wearing it that night. I really want to wear it for a few days without working out, etc too kidnof get an idea of what my baseline daily burn is.

    Ok I've got to home now!
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there Ladies

    We are multi-tasking. My girls go to gymnastics on Tuesdays and my husband and I take turns taking them. Well, today it was warm enough to be outside and the sun was SHINING! So I dropped off my youngest for her class and my oldest walked for about 30 minutes. And then we switched. My tummy was growling! My husband had dinner ready when we got home and I devoured a big plate of pasta and veggies. (I highly recommend keeping frozen stir-fry veggies handy. They thaw in 5-6 minutes in the microwave and mix easily with a variety of meals. Add different seasoning to fit the rest of your food.)

    Have a great night and I hope to read more posts tonight.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy what cleanse did you and Travis do? My stomach is so messed up. I think that I need to cut dairy and meat and see what happens and white carbs and get my tummy fauna back in order. I can bring my magic bullet to work and make smoothies for lunch. I need to do something. Bleh. Did it make you guys feel better?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: We didn't really follow any program. We just eliminated processed carbs (white anything), meat, coffee, diet sodas, wheat and dairy for a week. We pretty much lived on brown rice, fruits and veggies, and beans. It wasn't so bad as I mostly eat all that stuff anyway. The most horrible part was the caffeine withdrawal headache (mind you, I only ever drank 1 cup of coffee a day and I STILL had a horrible headache for about 4 days). But I dropped over 2 pounds and my stomach problems kind of disappeared. Now we have added dairy back in and I have had a diet soda and a little bit of wheat this past week but I'm feeling ok. I think my body just needed a "reset". I'm excited for you to get your Body Media Fit!! I really like mine. It's soooo cool to see your calorie burn and it's motivating to see how it increases with more movement.

    Noelle: You're right about stir-fry veggies. They are awesome and I always have some in the fridge, just in case.

    Kristina: I bet your "after" pics are gonna be amazing with all the running and Insanity. You rock!

    Kerry: You can get info about C25K here: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml I used an app on my iPhone to coach me though the training program and I really liked it because I didn't have to keep looking at my watch to figure out when I was running and when I was walking. It's a great program to ease into running. I bet you'll be rocking those Banana Republic jeans before you know it! You're doing great. I've never tried their jeans. My favorite jeans came from Express when I was in a size 6/8 (this was about 8 years ago - right before Gabe came along- LOL), but I'm too freaking cheap to spend nearly $100 on jeans for my big 'ol booty when I don't plan on fitting into them for very long.

    Well, I woke up at 5:30 this morning because it was too freaking HOT in my room and it gave me a headache. How lame is that?!?!? It's almost 50 degrees outside and it's only 7 am. I like the spring timey weather but I'm not digging the warmness when I am trying to sleep. I HAVE to have coolness to sleep. Unfortunately, Europe doesn't have air conditioning so I'm gonna have to go dig out my fan and get it going so I can sleep tonight. <sigh>
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Hi Folks! My name is Liz and I would LOVE to join the conversation. 5'6" 246lbs. I have been on MFP sine the 1st of the year ( At 253 lbs), but I just started getting serious about watching calories for about two weeks now. I am married and have two boys... anything else you want to know.....Just Ask!!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Welcome Liz! Everyone here is super friendly/chatty.... some have been together for forever, some (like me) just joined a little bit ago. Feel free to chat about whatever, and ask any questions... everyone on here is full of all kinds of knowledge that can help you out!

    Lacey, I'm sorry work has been so insane for you. I hate times like that. I always find it gets to be so hard to stay positive about everything else when you're stressed at work. Hopefully during your time off you at least don't get a ton of calls or emails and can enjoy it a little bit. I'm excited to hear about your body media fit and how you like it once you get it!

    Noelle, I totally agree about having stir fry veggies in the house... or just veggies at all times in general! It really is true that if you stock your house with stuff that's good for you, you'll eat it.

    Kristina, I'm psyched to see what Insanity will do for you... I sort of wish I would have taken before pics in general for myself, just so I could see the progression from flabby to fabulous (hopefully!).

    Amy, its hot in your house? Holy crap am I jealous. Chris (hubby) and I decided that since we're supposed to hit 65 this week we should just commit to turning off our heat since I'm sick of paying for it... and now its like 52 degrees in my bedroom. BRR! I totally get where you're coming from though when it comes to being hot and sleeping... I can't stand it! We sleep with 2 fans pointed at us in the summertime and we have air conditioning.

    I keep forgetting to post my calorie stats... Monday I was over by a whopping 5 calories (lol), yesterday I was under by 118.

    Tomorrow I start level 3 of shred... I'm excited to move on, even though I'm sure its going to be a total pain. It is so awesome to see and feel myself getting stronger. When I started level 2 I always had to stop and take a 5 second breather during plank jacks and plank twists, and now I just rock 'em out. Make me feel pretty awesome.

    Another thing that makes me feel awesome is on Saturday I bake 2 pies for Chris for his birthday... a whipped cream peanut butter pie and a kahlula brownie pie. I ate a piece of peanut butter pie on Saturday, and haven't had any since. Plus he brought home cupcakes that he got from work that are from the best bakery in town, and I haven't touched them. AND yesterday a coworker brought me in a donut and I just gave it to somebody else. Who knew it? I HAVE WILLPOWER!

    My most recent food obsession is edamame. I bought individual steamer bags of them and have been eating them for lunch... 150 calories of protein filled yumminess!

    Okay, I've rambled for long enough... have a great day girls!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I only ate a little over 1000 cals yesterday. I'm trying to think if I ate something and forgot to log it (maybe those 3 hershey kisses?). I half-assed Monday's missed workout yesterday morning. I basically stopped trying halfway through. I don't think it helped that TOM finally arrived so I'm just a little worn down. After my appt with the attorney, I had to drop my sister off at my mom's so I stayed and talked to them for a little while. By 4:30 I was home again and it took 3 minutes for me to realize how incredibly bored I was. I texted the bff and asked if I could hang out with her. Of course she said yes. I stayed over there till 9pm (just long enough to watch Glee). I wasn't really hungry until 11pm so I ate a 240 cal Smart One meal and got ready for bed.

    I've decided I'm not going to try to save the house. In the past few months Joey has threatened to kill me and has sent harassing messages implying that I'm being stalked/spied on. In the short run, it MIGHT save my credit, it would definitely save his (if I could get it approved, which is HIIIIIIIGHLY unlikely considering my debt-to-income ratio). In the long run, I don't want him to know where I live. Maybe it will sell and I won't have to deal with a foreclosure. I'm not holding my breath. I'm prepared for a very rough next 7 years. I've always wanted to be credit card debt free and if all my cards lower my limit or choose to close my account, then I guess thats good...

    manager coming to my desk...more rambling later
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Stats Sunday ate 3238 and burned 3304 exercise 8 mile run, Monday ate 2449 and burned 2800 with 30 min low impact aerobics for exercise, Tues didn't log food but burned 2955 and exercise 4 mile run. Sorry I've been MIA. I really didn't think work could get busier but it has. My current caseload is 21. I'm freaking out and working 10 hours days and then coming home to do paperwork and exercise. My new words of the week is "No, I'm sorry my caseload is full"... I turned down 2 local clients yesterday. MFP time has been severely dented - sorry ladies. I'll be back when I can. My break is over and I've got more people to go see. Catch you later...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I know it's only 7:30 but I'm fading fast (waking up to early will do that to you). Here's my stats for the day: I ate 1666 calories/ the Armband says I burned 2816/ which leaves a deficit of 1150 calories which is probably a bit low but I don't really want to eat any more. I ate a fabulous dinner of Caribbean Black Bean Curry with plantains over brown rice. Here's the base recipe I used: http://www.theppk.com/2010/09/caribbean-curry-black-eyed-peas-with-plantains/ I substituted black beans for black eyed peas and then I thickened the sauce with a bit of cornstarch. I also used 1 cup of light coconut milk rather than the smaller amount called for in the recipe so we'd have a bit more sauce. It was fabulous. Seriously, I would have paid money for the curry. It is also vegan. Have a good night ya'll.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kerry- I saw you asked a few posts back about how some of us started running. I can't speak for everyone, but I know both Victoria and I started by doing the Couch to 5K program and then continued to up our distances from there. It's a challenging program, but completely do-able. And i was NOT a runner. I think when I started I was still around 210ish pounds.

    Victoria- we've missed you! Thanks for checking in! Keep logging that food missy!!

    Sorry for being MIA today. Work was hella hectic. Literally by 11am, I'd already sent 40 emails out. Ugh. Food has been pretty good, though I did sneak 2 pieces of chocolate (though I logged them) that were completely not worth the calories. My friend is coming over after work to run the 4miles with me and Emma. She's been training completely on the treadmill, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes for her... maybe it'll help with my slow pace. So yeah, 4 miles planned for this afternoon. It's gorgeous outside- 55 and sunny. If only it would stay like this!!

    Oh, and I stepped on the scale this morning and I was down another half pound. It's hard to calculate though how much is me dropping like whoa cause I'm rockin' some good eating and exercising and what is TOM weight coming off. It's some sort of combo of the two. Either way, unless I completely eff up, I should have a stellar loss this week.

    ETA: I'll have to check out that curry recipe. Keep the vegetarian/vegan recipes coming. I can always add more to my arsenal!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just got back from my run with my friend. She's faster than me, but a nice medium from my other friend/coworker who's a speed demon. The result? A little over 4 miles at an 11:03 pace! I was FEELIN' it. I could run it, but was pushing it. Emma went with us and was a champ! An 11minute mile was basically where I was at for pace on a fast day for a short run, so I was proud I was able to push myself to this. I think we might do this intermittently, which'll be good for me in the long run.

    And now I collapse for the evening...

    Oh, checking in:
    1,459 eaten/ 723 burned/ 464 left over

    Good eating day for me!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Woo hoo I got in! I keep getting an error message on here. I'm not sure what is up but I am up 5 lbs since Sunday! Hope it goes back down for the weigh in. Ok off to work early today. have a great day!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Woo hoo I got in! I keep getting an error message on here. I'm not sure what is up but I am up 5 lbs since Sunday! Hope it goes back down for the weigh in. Ok off to work early today. have a great day!