200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- haha... glad you got a taste of Shaun T again. It's pretty crazy, right? I hear the second month of workouts is considerably more intense than the first, and the first is already pretty dang challenging!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: The Max Interval workout I did was from Month 2's workouts. (I mistakenly thought I was tough enough to handle Month 2 since I already did Insanity) It was awesomely hard. Did you know that Shaun T is coming out with the next level of Insanity called Insanity Asylum?? It's due out sometime this spring. It's supposed to be even harder as there isn't any rest breaks.

    Kerry: I LOVE steamed edemame!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm not getting anywhere near a scale until two weeks after I get back from Vegas. I'm pretty sure anything I've lost is gone right now with the going out and booze and until I get bback and get going its not worth it.
    My bodymedia fit is here...and I don' thave time to play with it. BOO!

    I ate grilled octopus with safron potatoes last night. OMG SO FREAKING GOOD! It was a total risk meal because some octopus is good and some not...GOOD!!

    Anyways ladies I'd love to respond to you all and I'm sorry that I can't. I HATE that I can't!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Yay only one and a half more hours. I really can't wait to go home. I am going to try the fit test when I get there. I'm glad to see everybody day going so well. I also have more laundry to do when I get home. Poo. Well catch yall later. I will let you know how it view tonight
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Sorry double post
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    15 minutes left and I'm sneaking out of work... my mantra right now is "I will run when I get home". I'm telling you all this so you can ask me on Monday if I didn't, and then give me crap if I bailed.

    Amy, I kinda want to buy the Veganomicon just because of its name... it reminds me of Evil Dead. (I'm hoping you get this reference!) I do want to get to a point where 2-3 dinners a week are vegetarian... it seems like a good idea. Right now I'm still at the phase where I'd rather have a little bit of steak with dinner than none at all though. :blushing:

    A friend from work that bought p90x but never uses it (he's ridiculous about fad diets and never follows through on them... its frustrating to watch) is going to let me borrow it... so I'm gonna start that after shred is done. Amber, if you get started with it we can motivate each other! I've got I think 8 days left of shredding.

    Ok, seriously, have a good weekend. You are all rockstars.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    New blog post "The art of learning to love myself:-)" http://bit.ly/hLZEqr
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Suzie: I think you've hit the nail on the head with your blog post. This is ALL about learning to love ourselves. I know it is for me.

    Kerry: The Veganomicon was actually an Evil Dead Reference. If you check out the chicks who wrote the book's blog (http://www.theppk.com/) you'll see that they are funny and a bit dark - just like the Evil Dead (one of my favorite movies by the way!!!). I like vegetarian food, I am discovering that vegan food isn't nearly as horrible as I thought it would be (I really, really like milk, butter and cheese so making food without these things totally tweaks my mind!). What really tweaks my mind is that vegan food is TOTALLY tasty!! I think P90X will be a great step up in the working out for you since you've been doing Shred. You'll like it.

    Well, my day is pretty much done here. I'm gonna post my calories and stuff tomorrow as my armband calculates calories burned up until midnight and I like seeing the end-result number rather than the where I'm at when I post my last post number. I managed to stay under my calories today but pretty much only because I did a spontaneous rowing session rather than just sitting on my couch and watching the American Idol results show. But - under is under so it is a success. On the bad side, I had Burger King for lunch (a veggie burger w/ no mayo and some onion rings) and my stomach has been messed up ever since! It's funny how when you take crap out of your diet for the most part how freaking much that crap you used to eat all the time messes with your system when you eat it once in a blue moon. Funny vegetarian side-note: When we were leaving Burger King, Gabe whispered in my ear: "Burger King makes me think of death..." (he's a bit more of a militant vegetarian than I am)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Wow, I haven't checked in for a while. Sounds like everyone has been pretty busy and I see there are already some great losses this week. Good job everyone!

    I'm not expecting much--my weight and water intake have been all over the place this week so, combined with TOM, I could be up OR down tomorrow when I weigh in. I've been chugging water all day so we'll see if it has an effect.

    I have a confession: I'm a video game addict. It's why I haven't been around for the past week or so--Dragon Age 2 just came out and I basically played nonstop til I beat it (other than working and working out on my usual days).

    Now I think I'm going to make a late supper and hang out with my extremely grumpy husband for a bit.
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485

    I just started MyFitnessPal and this thread really inspired me to get back on track with my weight. May I ask, how does the 6-week challenge work for this group and may I be part of it?

  • Gtg329x
    Gtg329x Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I was wondering if I could also join in on a six week program
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy I tried the mirena iud for six horribly horrible months. I got depressed, I gained weight, I had horrible back cramps, I could feel it. I had to use it because the pill after I had Gracie makes my bp spike super high. Now I use nothing. But yeah. They say tht the mirena is a local dose of hormones but I call bs on that. I'm gonna check out the veganomicon book...maybe tomorrow.

    Jeff and Gracie are leaving at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow to head to Medford to see the Giants world series trophy and I'm going to remote into work from my comfy couch for a few hours. Then best buy, old navy, massage, grocery shopping, dog food, target and home. Sunday I need to make spaghetti and chili for the fam to eat while I'm gone. I need to buy some comfy black shoes for the trade show too.

    I'm going to wait to get my bmf going until I get home next Friday. I want to jump into it and hit the gym and cut meat out of my diet. I think it's what'd getting me. If not then dairy. Sigh.

    Ok I made it to past 10. I'm going to bed.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    How about "Pushin' for less Cushion" as the new challenge name??!!?!?!!!

    Id really like to lose my @ss. I'm noticing that where I used to have this nice hourglass figure, my legs are slimming up nicely and my top but this pregnancy tire that's 4.5 years old and my @ss have GOT to go!!!!

    As of next march 28th I am setting a 45 miles run/walk goal for a 30 day period. That's not too much but it will be a push in the right direction. Or something similar for he whole of the challenge but at the moment that's too much math for my peabrain right now.

    Nighty night!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I LOVE Pushin' for less cushion as the new challenge name!!!! I have the mirena IUD now. It has definitely made my cramps and PMS worse but it's the only birth control I can use besides condoms (and where's the fun in that).

    Gtg329x & hkallembach: We are always happy to have new people around here. Our challenge runs 6 weeks. This one ends next Monday but then we'll start another one. Some people have been around here for about a year, I've been here since this past summer, and some people are pretty new to the group. We chat about all kinds of stuff (not just weight related) and we motivate each other. It's a great group and I'm glad to have it. We weight in over the weekend (whichever day works for you) and post our weights by Monday so that Kristina (akasullengal) can put the chart together that shows our progress. Other than that, welcome! Tell us something about yourselves and just jump in and post - it's the best way to get to know everyone around here.

    sarah: I think I have too much ADD for video games. My son and husband can spend hours (ok...days) playing and beating a video game but I just cannot do it. I start to get all stiff from sitting in one place too long and then I think about stuff I'm not doing and I'm done...gotta go do something else. I'm seriously good for an hour of video games at one time...tops. I'm kind of like that with anything though. I can't even sit through a movie I've seen before without wandering off to check my facebook or do laundry or whatever. I can only sit though a movie I haven't seen before and give it my full attention.

    Good Saturday morning all! Here are my Friday stats: 1923 calories eaten/ 2801 calories burned/ 878 calorie deficit - definitely not my best showing but as I kind of treat Fridays as "free days", I think it's pretty good. Today is P90X Shoulders and arms and Ab RipperX and then I'm bowling with The Hubbs while The kid is at a birthday party. The eating will be back in check today as I don't want to lose momentum since the weight is coming off pretty steadily now. Have a good day ya'll!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I got home from work and shopping at 9 pm last night. My exercise was hauling in and putting the groceries away. I spent some time in the exercise dept - I bought a Yoga tape with 3 dif 20 min workouts. Much better than P90X 90 min. Check in for yesterday 2595 eaten and 2435 burned - over by 160... I plan to make up for it today...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just a quick check in this morning. Happy Saturday! Was up before dawn to take Emma out, and then go for my group Saturday run. The time kills me, but it was nice. Just under 4 miles according to mapmyrun/dailymile, but our chart said it was 4... I logged conservatively. The course was VERY hilly, so I'm proud of my 11:30 pace! About to do INSANITY cardio recovery, take a shower, eat a snack, take Emma to the dog park, and then nap for a while.

    My stats from yesterday: 1403 eaten/ 652 burned/ 449 left
    Remember, my burned calories are just pure exercise calories that MFP tells me... doesn't include any other activity during the day like those wearing those fancy armbands in the group!

    Will check in either later today or tomorrow.

    BTW, LOVIN' "Pushin' For Less Cushion"
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yup! Pushin for Less Cushion gets my vote too.

    I slept in. It was glorious. Maybe this weekend I can reset myself so I won't oversleep two times next week.

    I can play games like Super Mario Bros but any of that 3d stuff gives me a motion sickness headache.

    I went over to the bff's house last night and we watched the movie Burlesque and then a documentary about burlesque. Today we are going out on a mission to find pasties and tassels lol. Yes, randomness is just how we roll.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I got to sleep in until 8:25. I still feel kind of zombieish but a good 75% better than I did last night. It is no good to be traveling for work and beign tired before you even go!!! I think I'm on the upswing though. I need to work but I'm seriously enjoying watching redundant tv with no one being home and sipping on coffee. I think I will work tonight.

    I so want to get my body media going but I have to wait till I get back. It would just be one more thing I would think about next week.

    Oh gawd I just realized I havent made any of my dinner reservations for down there either!!!! Oi ve. Oi ve. Ok, I have to get moving!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm dog sitting today and just got back from a nice walk in frigging 28 degree temps - it's actually snowing here (*boo, hiss*)...

    Welcome to the new ladies!!!

    This post maybe # 500. So don't forget to look for the part 2 thread!!!