Starvation Mode is Real, and ugly



  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    To our good friend Marla, who single-handedly doubled the size of our "How do I post pictures" thread, :wink: yes thank you for this great post. I hope others get to read it.

    There are far too many newcomers (and sometimes not so new) that think if dropping a few cals is good, dropping a lot is better. And they do more harm than good. There is a healthy way to lose weight and an unhealthy way that doesn't really work long-term. I wish everyone understood this. Thank you! :smile:
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Thank you for sharing! I wish this could be a sticky thread so all the newbies could read it and learn from your experiences. If you had the determination and stamina to lose all the weight once, I have faith that you will overcome this obstacle handily. Good luck, and keep us posted!! :flowerforyou:
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    Wow. Thank you SO much for sharing this. And I wish the best of luck to you!!
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member

    I agree. The body is so good at recovering and adjusting; I don't see irreparable damage being very common.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing. I hope this point gets across!
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    :cry: :smooched: Thank you, so much!!!!!!
  • Thanks so much for sharing.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    :cry: :smooched: Thank you, so much!!!!!!

    If you are in a mind expanding mood read this as well:

    Our bodies are amazing self regulating mechanisms. Lyle McDonald goes into greater depth on this subject in his book "A Flexible Guide To Dieting." Our bodies have a natural "settling" point where it likes being. To coax it from that happy place it is much better to approach it gently rather than try and beat it into submission. After all, our bodies have thousands of years of survival evolution on its side....
  • TBirdGirl
    TBirdGirl Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you for sharing!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    :cry: :smooched: Thank you, so much!!!!!!

    If you are in a mind expanding mood read this as well:

    Our bodies are amazing self regulating mechanisms. Lyle McDonald goes into greater depth on this subject in his book "A Flexible Guide To Dieting." Our bodies have a natural "settling" point where it likes being. To coax it from that happy place it is much better to approach it gently rather than try and beat it into submission. After all, our bodies have thousands of years of survival evolution on its side....

    You don't know how much I appreciate this-- thank you SO much-- !!!!!!!!
  • firmbug
    firmbug Posts: 57 Member
    sounds like insulin resistance and/or hormone imbalance, especially in light of your thyroid issues.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    sounds like insulin resistance and/or hormone imbalance, especially in light of your thyroid issues.

    So far, all they've found is Hashimoto's-- I've been in their faces for almost a year, basically telling them what to look for. "Look for this. Okay, now look for that." They're getting tired of me, no doubt. I had three doctors blow me off as soon as the TSH came back fine with the "Well, you know, you are getting older," crap. Totally pissed me off.

    I finally found a doctor who took me seriously and kept checking-- at my urging she checked for ovarian issues since I have a history of cysts, and while I do have small ones, they tell me they're not pertinent to my weight gain. I'm not so sure, but nobody will do anything about it.

    They just did a full blood panel, and nothing is out of order in the sugar realm-- it's been maddening, to say the least.

    Also, I have to add-- since being on a measly 25 mcg of Synthroid, my TSH and free t4 levels are now "within normal" range, so they won't even increase the dosage.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Bump because its so important
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    That is a great website. I have read the hell out of it and learned so much. Explore the whole site, those of you who haven't. If you like learning and reading, you'll love it.

    I had to say that but mostly just wanted to give this thread a much deserved bump.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    thanks, Robin and Jilly-- I really want to get this message out. I know a lot of people will ignore it. I did for over a year. My friend on here warned me almost a year ago that based on what she was learning from Tom Venuto in his Burn Fat, Feed Muscle program-- or whatever it's called-- that I needed more calories. I didn't want to listen.

    I was training for a half marathon, running 15-20 miles a week, then moved on to Insanity-- and kept my caloric base at 1400. Since I was not only in a plateau, but beginning to gain, it'd freak me out and I'd cut to 1200 for a week, then bounce up to 1600 or 1800-- but, my needs still weren't being met.

    At the time, my basal metabolic rate was, yes, 1471. But that's what my body needs never getting out of bed.

    With all the exercise I was getting, my caloric needs at the time were actually 2300-2500--

    Yes, I was eating my exercise calories back in, but still not nearly enough nutrition-- and I'm paying the price.

    I want to share this, but am deciding where and with whom. There is so much misinformation on this site, and I know in a lot of cases I'll be talking to walls.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    thanks, Robin and Jilly-- I really want to get this message out. I know a lot of people will ignore it. I did for over a year. My friend on here warned me almost a year ago that based on what she was learning from Tom Venuto in his Burn Fat, Feed Muscle program-- or whatever it's called-- that I needed more calories. I didn't want to listen.

    I was training for a half marathon, running 15-20 miles a week, then moved on to Insanity-- and kept my caloric base at 1400. Since I was not only in a plateau, but beginning to gain, it'd freak me out and I'd cut to 1200 for a week, then bounce up to 1600 or 1800-- but, my needs still weren't being met.

    At the time, my basal metabolic rate was, yes, 1471. But that's what my body needs never getting out of bed.

    With all the exercise I was getting, my caloric needs at the time were actually 2300-2500--

    Yes, I was eating my exercise calories back in, but still not nearly enough nutrition-- and I'm paying the price.

    I want to share this, but am deciding where and with whom. There is so much misinformation on this site, and I know in a lot of cases I'll be talking to walls.

    Let me get this straight. Are you seriously telling me you survived on that level of calories coupled with a high exercise volume for well over a year? Please tell me that you had at least 3 or so breaks from your diet at that time where you ate at maintenance and cut back the exercise. Please tell me that you allowed yourself a free meal once a week or so and maybe a refeed day as well?

    If you didn't....damn. I am sure that would be considered as torture under Article 3 of the ECHR. Sorry to be sexist but what is it with women? Do they see it as a badge of honour to see who can be the most miserable for the longest amount of time? If you told me I had to follow the plan that you did I honestly think I would cry...and the last time I cried was when I watched Bambi as a kid.

    I would wholeheartedly endorse "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto. I have consulted it many, many times over the years. This is what he has to say about starvation mode:

    Anyone who says starvation mode doesn't exist needs to take a hike. Yes, the concept is poorly applied sometimes ("if you miss one meal or breakfast you are in starvation mode" etc) but it is very real.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    thanks, Robin and Jilly-- I really want to get this message out. I know a lot of people will ignore it. I did for over a year. My friend on here warned me almost a year ago that based on what she was learning from Tom Venuto in his Burn Fat, Feed Muscle program-- or whatever it's called-- that I needed more calories. I didn't want to listen.

    I was training for a half marathon, running 15-20 miles a week, then moved on to Insanity-- and kept my caloric base at 1400. Since I was not only in a plateau, but beginning to gain, it'd freak me out and I'd cut to 1200 for a week, then bounce up to 1600 or 1800-- but, my needs still weren't being met.

    At the time, my basal metabolic rate was, yes, 1471. But that's what my body needs never getting out of bed.

    With all the exercise I was getting, my caloric needs at the time were actually 2300-2500--

    Yes, I was eating my exercise calories back in, but still not nearly enough nutrition-- and I'm paying the price.

    I want to share this, but am deciding where and with whom. There is so much misinformation on this site, and I know in a lot of cases I'll be talking to walls.

    Let me get this straight. Are you seriously telling me you survived on that level of calories coupled with a high exercise volume for well over a year? Please tell me that you had at least 3 or so breaks from your diet at that time where you ate at maintenance and cut back the exercise. Please tell me that you allowed yourself a free meal once a week or so and maybe a refeed day as well?

    If you didn't....damn. I am sure that would be considered as torture under Article 3 of the ECHR. Sorry to be sexist but what is it with women? Do they see it as a badge of honour to see who can be the most miserable for the longest amount of time? If you told me I had to follow the plan that you did I honestly think I would cry...and the last time I cried was when I watched Bambi as a kid.

    I would wholeheartedly endorse "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto. I have consulted it many, many times over the years. This is what he has to say about starvation mode:

    Anyone who says starvation mode doesn't exist needs to take a hike. Yes, the concept is poorly applied sometimes ("if you miss one meal or breakfast you are in starvation mode" etc) but it is very real.

    I'm loving the stuff you're posting-- thanks again for a great link. I'll have to make time to devour it later.

    You know, yes, I did survive at that. I didn't eat rabbit food. I have 9 kids, and operated on a very tight budget. So, I lost 47 pounds eating 1400 calories of "real" food-- peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti-- whatever I fixed for the family, I had to eat. Tons of boxed crap-- and then right towards the end of my down streak, just as I was 3 pounds from goal, I'd just gotten out of a "rice cake, and yogurt" kick-- plain yogurt, berries, a tablespoon of granola--

    And yes, we women are idiots-- go ahead and be sexist. Let me share with you what my husband wrote to me today from work--


    Just wanted to tell you how bad I feel for you about killing your metabolism. Hope it comes back.

    I am reminded of (the apostle) Paul who used the phrase…”a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge”. You had a zeal for weight loss, but not according to knowledge….LOL. In both cases, zeal without knowledge is DANGEROUS!

    Love you. "

    Dangerous, also, to generalize and speak on behalf of all women, but personally-- I'd become so driven to reach goal, so proud of my loss, so happy to be thin and fit, that I threw all caution to the wind. I took at face value this site in particular, and what it said I needed to eat if I wanted to lose X amount of weight. I exercised, and then would ramp it up as the weight loss slowed down-- but never refed my body.

    Along the way, yes, I'd have higher caloric days, but not many. And even when I did, I'd log them to be accountable. I never, ever wanted to go back to being the fat chick-- and now freakin' look at me....grumble.

    Barring any medical reason (doctor called today that all ovarian cysts have dissolved, so they're not the problem, either) my TSH is back in normal limits, I don't have cancer, blah, blah, blah-- seems this is it. I blew my metabolism to hell.

    Really, really appreciate your links-- thanks so much.
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