Starvation Mode is Real, and ugly



  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    I have definitely been there, done that. Many years ago when I thought water for breakfast and lunch was a good idea! So, I have confidence in telling you that your metabolism WILL recover... it may take time, but it will. Concentrate on eating small portions very often, eating as soon as you wake up in the morning, and exercise frequently. All of those things will remind your metabolism to get to work, and as long as you give yourself enough calories to do so, it will get back to normal. It totally sucks, but it will come back!!!!

    Awesome eat more, lose more article:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Ahhh, my dear Marla, from one MFP Lifer to another. I'm very proud of you. You know I'm a know-it-all S.O.B. but if you need help, don't hesitate to ping me.

    I'm glad you came to this realization, I'm sad that it took this much pain to reach it, but I feel solidly that your metabolism will fully recover from this issue, and you will soon after, be that much stronger, and that much healthier, and in a unique position to help others not only by knowledge but by experience.

    Sometimes, when I post things similar to your endo's conclusions, I get the feeling people are thinking "you don't know, you've never been in starvation mode". And that's probably not true (it's not, I have been, trust me), but it's easier for someone to relate when they have something in common with you. S now you can not only heal your self, but help others to heal as well. And be that much more strong and beautiful for it, outside and in!

    congrats and best luck going forward.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ahhh, my dear Marla, from one MFP Lifer to another. I'm very proud of you. You know I'm a know-it-all S.O.B. but if you need help, don't hesitate to ping me.

    I'm glad you came to this realization, I'm sad that it took this much pain to reach it, but I feel solidly that your metabolism will fully recover from this issue, and you will soon after, be that much stronger, and that much healthier, and in a unique position to help others not only by knowledge but by experience.

    Sometimes, when I post things similar to your endo's conclusions, I get the feeling people are thinking "you don't know, you've never been in starvation mode". And that's probably not true (it's not, I have been, trust me), but it's easier for someone to relate when they have something in common with you. S now you can not only heal your self, but help others to heal as well. And be that much more strong and beautiful for it, outside and in!

    congrats and best luck going forward.


    Okay, so make me cry, why dontcha? I'm proud to be a lifer alongside the likes of folks like you, Banks-- you're the best.

    I'm also proud of not giving up through this. It was proof to me that I'm NOT the same person who found this site. I never gave up. Never stopped exercising or counting my calories.

    Sure, I now know that the counting and the reducing and the zig-zag and the veggie juice fasts (!!!!!!!!) and all the things I tried to "jumpstart" things was hurting me. But, still I never gave up.

    The old me would've given up, and turned to food.

    When this turns around, yes, I'll be stronger than before in many ways-- and I have to tell you, that it's the support and kindness of you folks that continues to strengthen me.

    Thanks to all--
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Thanks so much for sharing! Your journey sounds very familiar. :)

    These days, I'm taking it easy, making sure my base cals are 2000 (for a 5' 6" woman at a high weight) and when I burn a lot of cals (which I do daily), I eat well.

    I've only been at this a few months, and taking things one step at a time.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    If you love and respect your body it will love and respect you back. If you treat it poorly and try to beat it into submission then expect a fight. You will probably lose...
    Man, I love this.

    To the OP, I want to say how sorry I am that you are going through this. I pray that you will be able to reverse the damage and get your metabolism back on track.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    oh, I'm shirking my duties. Ceelove, thanks, I meant to bump this earlier today.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Anyway-- early report so far, and I mean early-- I'm only just entering day 4 of the raised calories-- I'm down 2.5 pounds from Sunday morning. I know a lot of it's water, blah, blah, blah-- and I don't expect to keep up that rate of loss.
    I obviously hadn't read past the last post I quoted. I'm rooting for you! Here's to the incredible power of the human body!
  • jcch00
    jcch00 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you for posting and sharing your story. This truly helps me realize that my continually eating 1200-1400 daily is probably not a good idea. I'm going to reevaluate my needs after reading this.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thank you for posting and sharing your story. This truly helps me realize that my continually eating 1200-1400 daily is probably not a good idea. I'm going to reevaluate my needs after reading this.

    Thank you, and PLEASE do reevaluate. You're younger than I am, so who knows how long you can skate before your body says enough. But, don't chance it.

    Personally, right now I'm just totally thrilled that while I nearly doubled my calories, I haven't gained all week. A year ago when I freaked out about even thinking of doing what I'm doing now, I was terrified to do this. If I was gaining on 1400, I thought, why in the world would I want to raise it to 2100?

    Wow-- do I wish I'd have gotten a clue sooner.
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    sounds like insulin resistance and/or hormone imbalance, especially in light of your thyroid issues.

    So far, all they've found is Hashimoto's-- I've been in their faces for almost a year, basically telling them what to look for. "Look for this. Okay, now look for that." They're getting tired of me, no doubt. I had three doctors blow me off as soon as the TSH came back fine with the "Well, you know, you are getting older," crap. Totally pissed me off.

    I finally found a doctor who took me seriously and kept checking-- at my urging she checked for ovarian issues since I have a history of cysts, and while I do have small ones, they tell me they're not pertinent to my weight gain. I'm not so sure, but nobody will do anything about it.

    They just did a full blood panel, and nothing is out of order in the sugar realm-- it's been maddening, to say the least.

    Also, I have to add-- since being on a measly 25 mcg of Synthroid, my TSH and free t4 levels are now "within normal" range, so they won't even increase the dosage.

    I've been dealing with thyroid issues as well. Synthroid really gave me no relief. My weight just kept increasing and I was told my metabolism was ruined after years of medication and dieting. Finally, I tried the natural way. There is a product call Raw Thyroid by Natural Sources. I get it from my local health food store. It's not a miracle product, but I find that it's working for me. With diet and exercise I'm starting to see results again.

    I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Thank you for having the courage to share this for the benefit of others.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    sounds like insulin resistance and/or hormone imbalance, especially in light of your thyroid issues.

    So far, all they've found is Hashimoto's-- I've been in their faces for almost a year, basically telling them what to look for. "Look for this. Okay, now look for that." They're getting tired of me, no doubt. I had three doctors blow me off as soon as the TSH came back fine with the "Well, you know, you are getting older," crap. Totally pissed me off.

    I finally found a doctor who took me seriously and kept checking-- at my urging she checked for ovarian issues since I have a history of cysts, and while I do have small ones, they tell me they're not pertinent to my weight gain. I'm not so sure, but nobody will do anything about it.

    They just did a full blood panel, and nothing is out of order in the sugar realm-- it's been maddening, to say the least.

    Also, I have to add-- since being on a measly 25 mcg of Synthroid, my TSH and free t4 levels are now "within normal" range, so they won't even increase the dosage.

    I've been dealing with thyroid issues as well. Synthroid really gave me no relief. My weight just kept increasing and I was told my metabolism was ruined after years of medication and dieting. Finally, I tried the natural way. There is a product call Raw Thyroid by Natural Sources. I get it from my local health food store. It's not a miracle product, but I find that it's working for me. With diet and exercise I'm starting to see results again.

    I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Thank you for having the courage to share this for the benefit of others.

    Thank you! I'll definitely look into it. I've read testimonials from Synthroid patients-- a lot of people say it doesn't work for them, either. It's hard to know if some people think it should be a magic pill and don't do their part, ya know? But, if patient after patient says the stuff sucks, you'd think something else could be done?? I don't know-- I'm no fan of the medical community, by any stretch, and if there's something I can do alternatively, I'd do it. So I'll look into this.

    Thanks so much!
  • 2bfitforever
    2bfitforever Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you and I wish you luck in getting everything back in sync.
  • Thanks this really opened my eyes,sorry to hear you have to start again though,yes this should be a sticky!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- well a full week into the new calorie intake-- got on the scale and I'm up 1.5 this morning from last Sunday. I know this is going to be a slow, arduous process so I'm not going to freak. I do believe I'm on the right path. My body is also gearing up for cyclical matters-- :blushing: sorry, fellas, if it's too much information. So I know extra weight is expected.

    I was a little dejected, to be sure, with seeing the scale up. But, I know the initial loss that I'd reported earlier in the week now was due to my diuretic I'd taken Monday night.

    What I'm seeing in hindsight now is that my body began to rebel a long time before I even realized it. I was on 1200 calories for over a year before I went up to 1400. Towards the end of 1200, my body began to cling to every drop of water. So, to combat it, I simply asked for a diuretic from my doctor-- with my history of mild hypertension and premenstrual water, blah, blah, blah, I got it no problem. So I started taking it daily to counteract the bloat-- more stupidity, I know.:noway:

    As my body continued to shut down, one of the first things I noticed was that my face was oddly holding water in weird places. In addition to just looking bigger from weight gain, it had a weird cartoonish look to it around the cheeks when I'd smile. Nobody would notice it but me, probably-- but, this is what I'm talking about--


    Yeah, I'm 47 years old, but those lines around my face are new-- I have a layer of water under the skin all over my face. This picture was taken yesterday-- and is a little, teeny bit better. But, I'll be charting this-- I want my face back.

    As things progressed, possibly due in part to stress, to boot-- the bags under my eyes were enormous--


    Ignore the spaced out expression-- ha-- but check out the bags under the bags, under the bags-- I have horizontal lines from the puffing. Again, marginally better.

    I've learned through this that my body also began to rebel on wheat bread in particular-- I seem to be able to handle some gluten products, but stone ground wheat? Holy Hannah-- put a pin in me, please, to release the pressure-- this is from this week, one hour after eating bread. Wayyyyy uncomfortable-- mental note. Stay away!!


    My body went on a total autoimmune crisis, apparently-- psoriasis, hashimoto's, celiac-like symptoms-- people smarter than me will have to tell me if all related to malnutrition-- but, I'm pinning it on there, too-- my last weeks before the body simply said, "ENOUGH" in the fall of '09 I was going hogwild on nothing but plain yogurt, and rice cakes to get off the last few pounds-- ironic, eh? 1200 calories of rice cakes and plain yogurt, running 15 miles a week, 100 pushup challenges, crunches, walking, weight training-- the ol' bod just said "no freaking more," so it seems.

    Positives since last Sunday? My appetite-- I'm hungrier. I'm feeding my body, and it wants more. Every 2.5 - 3 hours, I need to eat. Concentrating on proteins, lower carbs, blah, blah, blah-- eating clean, good food throughout the day.

    Even though I'd never stopped exercising, my muscle tone had nearly gone, and was hidden by the layers of watery fat on my body. I was feeling weaker. This week, with better eating, even through 5 days of P90x, I feel stronger. My muscles are slowly, slowly seeming evident again-- the layer of glop is still very real, very there.

    Also, my overall digestion has improved-- my body was not letting ANYTHING go-- I was not losing. I could not sweat. I was constipated. No matter how much I drank, little water was leaving unless I forced it with a diuretic.

    But, the overall shape of my body through week one is a bit tighter as if my body seems willing to consider one day forgiving me, and ending its grudge, and allowing the fat to burn back off....IF I continue to treat it nicely.

    I'm not going to rush it by any means. While I was hoping to see a loss right out of the starting gate, I am not deterred. I believe this could take months to iron out, so I'm staying committed to it.

    Thanks again for everyone's support-- I'll be posting this in this thread and back with my black team. I've been blessed with a lot of support through this site, and it really touches my heart. Thanks to all.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    M, I just saw this for the first time and read through the thread. I am so glad you are sharing this with the community, it is so important to be willing to use your experience for the common good.

    I truly hope this is a turning point for you and you will start to see some relief. It has been a long journey.

    Big hug for you.

    Oh, what the heck? Have a flower, too :flowerforyou:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    bump. thank you
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    bump again; Thanks for being so painfully honest Marla
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story...
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