Palelo Support Group?



  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hie everyone - got as far as page 4 ... comment then go back to reading. I am on day 4 of starting Primal... I'm having a 'carb flu" major headache, pain behind my eyes and light headness. Constantly thinking about the carbs I'm not having, esp since my family, namely my kids who are with me all day are still eating.

    After advice here and there decided to start with cutting out grains and refined sugar. I still have my honey in my tea, but I have cut even that down to a third of what it was before. Also used (and use in the future) dates as sweetener in the future once I get the white sugar out of my system.

    I don't think I will ever cut out some of the fruits I read about online that contain more sugar. Neither do I think( at this time) I will cut out dairy. But we will see ...

    Days 1 - 4 have been a hell - physically,mentally and emotionally. My husband is complaining I am too cranky (of course!) And my energy is so low. All I want to do is sleep. Also I have barely found the energy to work out ...

    Question - are there any women here doing this lifestyle with PCOS ... or very overweight? Any stories of very overweight people who have lost quite abit of weight with this change? While I am very interested in a healthier life (habits) I have this subconsious worry I will not lose the weight (due to my PCOS)

    I'm hoping this gets better - esp these headaches and mood . But all the support of my MFP friends out there has helped ... Anyone/everyone is welcome to add me ...
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hie everyone - got as far as page 4 ... comment then go back to reading. I am on day 4 of starting Primal... I'm having a 'carb flu" major headache, pain behind my eyes and light headness. Constantly thinking about the carbs I'm not having, esp since my family, namely my kids who are with me all day are still eating.

    After advice here and there decided to start with cutting out grains and refined sugar. I still have my honey in my tea, but I have cut even that down to a third of what it was before. Also used (and use in the future) dates as sweetener in the future once I get the white sugar out of my system.

    I don't think I will ever cut out some of the fruits I read about online that contain more sugar. Neither do I think( at this time) I will cut out dairy. But we will see ...

    Days 1 - 4 have been a hell - physically,mentally and emotionally. My husband is complaining I am too cranky (of course!) And my energy is so low. All I want to do is sleep. Also I have barely found the energy to work out ...

    Question - are there any women here doing this lifestyle with PCOS ... or very overweight? Any stories of very overweight people who have lost quite abit of weight with this change? While I am very interested in a healthier life (habits) I have this subconsious worry I will not lose the weight (due to my PCOS)

    I'm hoping this gets better - esp these headaches and mood . But all the support of my MFP friends out there has helped ... Anyone/everyone is welcome to add me ...

    Go over to and search the forum there for PCOS I know I have seen some with this in the title.

    Welcome aboard, the "flue" will go away, I didn't get it to bad, I think because I had been about 50% primal and low carb for a few weeks before going all the way.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Thank you Freerange I will do that! =)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I am doing Whole 30 in April. Anyone want to play along?
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hi Im Nikole

    After reading the whole thread ... I have some questions/comments:

    How do you change your setting to adjust the protein/fat/carb ratios? I was looking but maybe I'm duft -not seeing it!

    For about a one month, increasing my protein, lower carbs. I was lowering to oner serving a day, but then I just got crazy and a few days of eating 3servings a day.
    M>FP says I need 57g of protein, while I checked on another site it said 90g, while yet another site said 200g ... which is correct? what should i aim for? I am eating micromeals now every 3 hours ... I was eating normal sized meals before. But either way I get instensly hungry right around every 3 hours.

    If I don't eat then I get migraines, pain in my stomach to the point I feel like I want to vomit. What am I doing wrong and how to stop it? Will eating more protein help?

    I agree drinking lots of water is essential. I started drinking 3L daily 2m ... it was something different since I wasn't doing it before. But now my body craves it! Week ago I wasn't able to get my 3L in and I felt like **** --- so I know for me is a must!

    Also what do you all think of olive oil? reading everyone here seems to agree coconut oil is best;I have not been able to find any where I live. And while I could buy it online, I try to buy local foods ... artisan, organic if you will.

    And do you all think of dates, date sugar and date molasses as sweetener for cakes and things. Me personally I don't plan on eating cakes etc less I may fall off the wagon. but for my family I have been using these instea od fsugar. I make the date sugar myself so it's not refined. they sell stevia powder and agave but I found it is ver y refined. And stevia liquid I can't find.
    BTW I would *like* my family also to join in on my lifestyle but i have to take it slower with them, esp dh. I started with the sugar, then work to the next thing.
    I see some ppl have posted reipces with condiments like soy sauce, mustard, ketchup, etc are these allowed ? Im' sure Grok wasn't eating these ...

    Pam those cookies look amazingly tasty!

    Freerange mentioned this is not all an all meat diet ... so what are some healthy carbs allowed?

    I have been mainmy eating turkey and chicken. But I live near the sea, so there is bountiful amount of fish and seafood. I just need to stop being lazy and buy some! I hate cleaning it! =( Before my diet we were eating beef and lamb like 2-3x weekly. after reading all this I may go back. I rather like liver and bone marrow but have not gtten the taste for heart and kidneys.

    Kim I would be pissed too if my daycare gave my kids foods I did not want them to have. I'm blessed to be able to be SAHM and here children are given a high quality meals in general (france) oppsed to what I was used to in the US.

    grokette joining your forum also ---like now!

    Thanks everyone have a great day!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hi Im Nikole

    After reading the whole thread ... I have some questions/comments:

    How do you change your setting to adjust the protein/fat/carb ratios? I was looking but maybe I'm duft -not seeing it!

    For about a one month, increasing my protein, lower carbs. I was lowering to oner serving a day, but then I just got crazy and a few days of eating 3servings a day.
    M>FP says I need 57g of protein, while I checked on another site it said 90g, while yet another site said 200g ... which is correct? what should i aim for? I am eating micromeals now every 3 hours ... I was eating normal sized meals before. But either way I get instensly hungry right around every 3 hours.

    If I don't eat then I get migraines, pain in my stomach to the point I feel like I want to vomit. What am I doing wrong and how to stop it? Will eating more protein help?

    I agree drinking lots of water is essential. I started drinking 3L daily 2m ... it was something different since I wasn't doing it before. But now my body craves it! Week ago I wasn't able to get my 3L in and I felt like **** --- so I know for me is a must!

    Also what do you all think of olive oil? reading everyone here seems to agree coconut oil is best;I have not been able to find any where I live. And while I could buy it online, I try to buy local foods ... artisan, organic if you will.

    And do you all think of dates, date sugar and date molasses as sweetener for cakes and things. Me personally I don't plan on eating cakes etc less I may fall off the wagon. but for my family I have been using these instea od fsugar. I make the date sugar myself so it's not refined. they sell stevia powder and agave but I found it is ver y refined. And stevia liquid I can't find.
    BTW I would *like* my family also to join in on my lifestyle but i have to take it slower with them, esp dh. I started with the sugar, then work to the next thing.
    I see some ppl have posted reipces with condiments like soy sauce, mustard, ketchup, etc are these allowed ? Im' sure Grok wasn't eating these ...

    Pam those cookies look amazingly tasty!

    Freerange mentioned this is not all an all meat diet ... so what are some healthy carbs allowed?

    I have been mainmy eating turkey and chicken. But I live near the sea, so there is bountiful amount of fish and seafood. I just need to stop being lazy and buy some! I hate cleaning it! =( Before my diet we were eating beef and lamb like 2-3x weekly. after reading all this I may go back. I rather like liver and bone marrow but have not gtten the taste for heart and kidneys.

    Kim I would be pissed too if my daycare gave my kids foods I did not want them to have. I'm blessed to be able to be SAHM and here children are given a high quality meals in general (france) oppsed to what I was used to in the US.

    grokette joining your forum also ---like now!

    Thanks everyone have a great day!

    Great questions, I’m sure others will chime in too, but here is my take on some of them. First don’t get too caught up in what is “allowed” and what is not. I look at it like this as long as you know what the food you are putting in your body will do to it, you can make informed decisions as to what you want to put in it.

    To change your settings go to your home page, go to goals, change goals, custom, and there you can change the %’s of Protein, fat, carbs, someplace in there you can have your food diary so how much fiber you are eating too, it took me awhile to find it, and I don’t remember how, maybe someone else will know, or I’m sure you can find it if you play around in there. Anyhow I find that helpful because you can subtract the fiber from your carbs to get your net carbs, which is what you need to know.

    Protein, it varies so much, a good rule of thumb is between .8 to 1 gram per pound of lean body weight. I don’t worry too much about it right now, if you are lifting heavy and trying to pack on muscle I would worry more about it then, but for now as long as you’re eating a good serving of protein a couple times a day you should be ok.

    If you are getting hungry every three hours,,,,,,,, then eat, or if this is a problem, try adding more fat, avocado, fish, coconut oil, nuts. I normally have a hard boiled (that reminds me I need to make some more) about mid morning this really helps me get thru the morning to lunch.

    Healthy carbs are vegetables, really there are very little in the way of veggies that are not on the “good” list. Some are higher in carbs, like potatoes that you want to be careful with, but basically the more veggies you can add to your diet the better. Try to get them are fresh, if you use canned watch out for sugar and hydrogenated oils added.

    Turkey and chicken, again are ok, but from what I have read they are higher in omega 6 oils and you want more omega 3 instead. But don’t let that get to you much for now. As you learn more about this life style you can tweak and adjust your foods. Lamb and beef are good choices, grass fed/finished lamb and beef are better, same with any meat, pork, chicken, turkey. But again don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

    Olive oil is good of course make sure it’s EVOO, read up on it at Marksdailyapple.

    Sugars IMO the more natural the source the better, honey, maple syrup etc.

    The headaches are most likely from your body kicking the sugar and processed flour habit. Once you get that out of your system you should be fine. IMO adding fats will take care of that, what your body is doing is learning how to use fats for energy instead of sugars.

    Where do you live, In my area (Colorado) the Wal-Mart stores carry Extra Virgin Coconut oil, look in the baking area, it’s called oil but it looks like a paste or kind of like Crisco. Any health food store will have it too, you just have to ask if you can’t find it. And if you find some and try it and don’t like it, try a different brand I found there is a huge diff in taste from on to another. You can use it for cooking just about any place you use any oil. I take about a half cup and half a dark chocolate bar, melt in a double boiler (glass bowl set on top a pot of boiling water) pour in a mold stick in the fridge and break off chunks and eat.

    Heck that’s enough for now. Remember this is not an overnight deal, keep asking questions, keep reading up on it, again marksdailyapple is a great resource, but there are many other places. Someone on this thread posted a bunch of links, see if you can find that, and just surf around the web.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Thank you very much to answering my questions. I live in a small town near Marseilles, France. I have looked and looked no coconut oil (or natural coconut anything for that matter) around. But real local olive oil plenty! I may have to look fruther from my area.

    I started using flaxmeal to make "bread", crépes and pancakes instead of flour. I enjoy them and so does my family! It's helping or sabotaging my goal to cut out flours I'm not sure yet! I'm eating 'fake bread' LOL!

    Checking the setting and changing them! Thank you, I must be blind not to have seen that LOL!

    I agree Mark's daily apple is filled with so much info! I'm reading daily for hour at time trying to get it all! But you are right, no need to be prefect ... guessing that comes with time!

    Thanks again ... have great day everyone! Will check back later!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Careful buying "local" with out doing some due diligence. Visited 4 "local" egg sources. 3 were free range grain fed, 4th was free range, no grain in sight and helped me avoid some other wasted trips. Also picked his brain about some of the locals claiming free range grass fed beef, poultry, and lamb. Got to scratch a few more places off my list. I learned this lesson from farmers markets too by sending samples off to a lab. Can't afford that anymore though.

    The farmer really committed to providing what you are looking for will quickly rat out competition trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Thanks Cora and Pyro! The cookbook is awesome very informative too with lots of great recipes! And Pyro I will take a better look at the local foods to make sure they are really what they claim to be!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Careful buying "local" with out doing some due diligence. Visited 4 "local" egg sources. 3 were free range grain fed, 4th was free range, no grain in sight and helped me avoid some other wasted trips. Also picked his brain about some of the locals claiming free range grass fed beef, poultry, and lamb. Got to scratch a few more places off my list. I learned this lesson from farmers markets too by sending samples off to a lab. Can't afford that anymore though.

    The farmer really committed to providing what you are looking for will quickly rat out competition trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

    I agree with you. I have my CSA membership in which I will hopefully start getting weekly deliveries very soon!! I get chicken, eggs, and dairy from a local farm in which the chickens just run all over the place eating what ever they want. I get raw dairy from the same farmer.

    I get beef and pork from a local meet market who only buys from local farmers with in a 35 mile radius and you can visit their farms too.

    In 2009 we bought a side of Bison and it was awesome. They were left to pasture graze as they wanted.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Boy the ignorants and myth believing people are out in record numbers today. I believe I need to stay off the forums as I have been doing.

    This site gets more ignorant by the day. As long as you believe the typical belief system that has been put in place in the last 40 or 50 years, you are good to go. If you believe anything else, you will be ostricized in this community.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Uh oh... apparently I'm missing something.... well other than the girl having sex with her bf in his car. :laugh: :laugh:

    I usually just stick to "my topics" and don't branch out much.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Boy the ignorants and myth believing people are out in record numbers today. I believe I need to stay off the forums as I have been doing.

    This site gets more ignorant by the day. As long as you believe the typical belief system that has been put in place in the last 40 or 50 years, you are good to go. If you believe anything else, you will be ostricized in this community.

    I know, I'm about to give a couple vegans a coronary with the truth,,,,,, how much fun is that? I better tone it down some before I get thrown off the site, if you don't hear form me for awhile you'll know what happened.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    LOL... I love message board drama :laugh:

    Nomming down a smoked paprika chicken thigh and roasted broccoli. :love:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I think I need to re-balance the inflammatory foods I eat. Don't know why that crossed my mind but it did and it seems like the inflammatory needle is pointing a little in the wrong direction. I need to get a few things back in the regular rotation especially with the introduction of coconut oil.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hey Y'all!!
    Dr bork bork (sorry if your name isn't in your siggy! i'm going to forget it! i have a horrible memory!) I'm doing the 30 day challenge with you! starting monday. i know putting it off, but it's going to be hard letting go of butter and my crystal light packets, need a couple days to mentally prepare! lol

    Hi Nikole!! freerange, you did an awesome job at answering her questions! agree 100% i too found coconut oil at walmart. but i guess since she's in france it could be completely different. do they even have walmarts??

    hey everyone else!! lol, personally i love drama threads!! esp love seeing all the uptight people stressing about all the booties! personally i love it! it's great when people can have fun with stuff! i wish my booty was picture ready! but it's not! lol. did anyone else see the "supposed" april fools thread bashing the posters for booty/booby shots??? do yall think it really was an april fools joke??? i'm torn. but still amusing! lol
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Hey Y'all!!
    Dr bork bork (sorry if your name isn't in your siggy! i'm going to forget it! i have a horrible memory!) I'm doing the 30 day challenge with you! starting monday. i know putting it off, but it's going to be hard letting go of butter and my crystal light packets, need a couple days to mentally prepare! lol

    an april fools joke??? i'm torn. but still amusing! lol

    I only start new things on Mondays. i almost tossed the rest of my english muffins this AM and frankly am getting a little tired of butter, heavy cream, some cheese etc. It would go good with re-calibrating my anti-inflammatory aspect of things. I may pull the trigger Monday. I can take all the stuff I may eat to the Harvest for Hunger bins at the grocery. I have a few beers and bananas(getting rid of for a while) to eat.

    Oh, and being under 100g carbs a day has affected my strength weight lifting. I'm trying to move the lifts to days I'm fresh(weekend morning) instead of weekday nights when I have less energy. If this helps I want have to carb cycle to get around it.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So glad you are going to play along, Kim!

    Another gorgeous day here in O-Town. Took my kid to the park for some Vitamin D osmosis and saw a couple of dads and older young men playing with their kids/siblings. Very cute. Very primal. Gives me a reminder that Grok wasn't always provider. He was daddy and friend, too. Makes me appreciate my man all the more.

    As the day wears on, I steadily wrap my head around W30, already butting heads a little. Didn't realize I'd have to give up bacon until this morning. There's added sugar in it. Gaaah! Beautiful uncured bacon and they throw sugar in. Why can't they realize that bacon is awesome by itself? It's not even maple or anything! I was SO looking forward to bacon wrapped scallops for dinner.
    We also can't really afford grass-fed/organic stuff, so I'll have to modify W30 and just go with the meat we already have and can afford.

    My first 2 weeks of W30, I'll be doing a meat-only induction. Trying not to think about the un-fun-ness. Oh and no gum for the month either. *Sigh*

    Someone promise me it's not as bad as I'm thinking.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    did anyone else see the "supposed" april fools thread bashing the posters for booty/booby shots??? do yall think it really was an april fools joke??? i'm torn. but still amusing! lol

    That thread cracked me up.... what a nutjob
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    They say don't worry about the grass fed, finished, organic aspect. Oh, new tea I tried. Green Tea and Ginger. Very tasty. This is in tea bags but can be had in loose leaf form.