Worst Thing You have been Witness to at the Gym!



  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    Can I just say that I go to a 24 hour fitness (not in eugene) and though I never really paid any attention before, it seems like the biggest cruising spot in the planet.

    I'm a gay female so I have no problem with that, but it makes me feel so_awkward to go to the sauna (which i love...its actually the only reason i signed up at 24 hr. because the other local gyms didn't have a sauna) and it's all very fit dudes who seem to hang out in the pool/sauna area all day....................

    just sayin'.
  • jadedjade24
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    This basically ties in with TC's post. At many of the 24-hour Fitness gyms, it seems that the thing to do for 65+ year old males like to do in the locker room, is to aim the hand dryer towards their crotch and start jiggling, flopping, and slapping their wrinkly prune-sacs underneath the heat for some good ol' fashioned, literal "slap-skin" methods of air drying their balls, with one leg raised onto the sink countertop, a la Captain Morgan.

    Refreshing. Now extrapolate that image and envision 2 fully grown older "gentlemen" doin' that *kitten* facing each other sharing the same hand dryer. And viola! Need some Purell for your imagination?

    [I'm well aware "viola" is a stringed instrument and that the correct expression is spelled V-O-I-L-A... It's for humorous purposes, so trolls need not apply your trollolololing here. I'm a GameFAQs veteran. I know how to counter-troll =B]

    :noway: BAHAHAHAHA, too funny.:laugh: My husband is asking where I'm reading this.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    At the gym I go to, the women typically are mostly on the treadmills and there are men typically only in the weight section. Well, the way the room is set up all the equipment is facing one direction ((with everybody (treadmills, machines. etc.) facing the lifting section).

    Well, my new routine is almost all strength training related so my partner and I are the only two women who really use the weight section. When we go, I sit in front of the mirror so I can make sure my form is okay and I guess men don't realize that I CAN see them staring at me in the mirror!! EVERY time we go, a man (a different one everytime!!!) will sit on a machine behind us and do NO reps and just STARE for over 10 minutes!! It is CREEEEPPPPPYYYY because I can look back at them!!! Last time, we had a man sitting on a machine staring and 3-4 other guys staring at us (one of them smiling... creeeppppyyy)! Can we get a break and just come to do our workout without being stared at!!????

    I almost forgot to mention, twice there have been two different very fit looking girls who come over, do nothing, and just straight stare for over 10 minutes. They never look away. We never see these girls workout and when we leave the weight section they are GONE! We don't know where they went to but they were nowhere in the gym (small gym so you can see).

    I am doing strenth training today.... uggghhhh
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    At the gym I go to, the women typically are mostly on the treadmills and there are men typically only in the weight section. Well, the way the room is set up all the equipment is facing one direction ((with everybody (treadmills, machines. etc.) facing the lifting section).

    Well, my new routine is almost all strength training related so my partner and I are the only two women who really use the weight section. When we go, I sit in front of the mirror so I can make sure my form is okay and I guess men don't realize that I CAN see them staring at me in the mirror!! EVERY time we go, a man (a different one everytime!!!) will sit on a machine behind us and do NO reps and just STARE for over 10 minutes!! It is CREEEEPPPPPYYYY because I can look back at them!!! Last time, we had a man sitting on a machine staring and 3-4 other guys staring at us (one of them smiling... creeeppppyyy)! Can we get a break and just come to do our workout without being stared at!!????

    I almost forgot to mention, twice there have been two different very fit looking girls who come over, do nothing, and just straight stare for over 10 minutes. They never look away. We never see these girls workout and when we leave the weight section they are GONE! We don't know where they went to but they were nowhere in the gym (small gym so you can see).

    I am doing strenth training today.... uggghhhh

    Well, you apparently are quite hot and deserve to be stared at ... LOL! But I agree, totally creepy!
  • hjsyndrome
    hjsyndrome Posts: 215
    I think a couple of these actually made me vurp!

    I dont go to a gym any longer I work out at home. The old guys hanging out nekid in the locker room is funny to me. There was this one guy that used to lay down on the bench butt nekid and take a nap.

    The guy that that just won the wierdness award at the gym I used to go to used to just crack me up. After his shower, he would head off to the blow dryers, turn about 3 of them on, dry off with his towel, then to top it of put the towel between his legs and start pulling back and forth. He would go on like this for several minutes. I bet his "taint" ( I guess that the name of it for a guy) was the dryest in the gym after that. I could go shower and come back and we would still be riding his towel. I would be in tears just knowing what this guy was doing even with my back to him. I am just glad he wasnt wearing a cowboy hat and boots. Just sayin!!!!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Today I witnessed another funny person. This man who looked to be in his 50s just wandered the gym the ENTIRE time I was working out. I started my floor exercises and he was slowly walking around watching people doing NOTHING but slowly walking for 20 minutes stopping randomly and standing in the middle of the floor with his hands on his hips. Then I went to the weight section and saw him slowly walk over to the weight section and stood right in front of the treadmills to watch the big t.v.s. He watched t.v. for about 15 minutes and then wandered back to the circuit section to watch people. I streched, he was still wandering. When I left he was still wandering not working out. WIERD!!!
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    In defense of myself (any many others) - being naked in the change room isn't THAT bad!! It's amazing when you get to the point where you have the self confidence to do that! I used to hate my body for so many years, but now I'm fairly content walking 100% nude to the shower or back to my locker. I don't mind if others do either.

    I guess the disclaimer I have to make is that I don't have any pubes, I'm not 90, and I'm not obese, lol. My gym doesn't have change-stalls, just open areas or bathroom stalls (gross!).

    I dunno, I just don't see the grossness!! Sure, not all bodies are going to be perfect, but the sooner you're comfy in your own skin, the better!! :wink:
    . Naked people in the locker room is ok, but when you take forever just lounging around or talk to me when your naked that's where I draw the line. We have a membership at the Y and I take my little girls swimming 3 and 2. My 3 year old likes to point of the naked people. We have had many conversations that it is not ok to say "hey mommy I can see her butt" I was more embarrassed than anything
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    let me just say that after reading most of these i am glad that i don't go to a gym to workout :tongue: I am happy that i have a great church and they allow me and a few other ladies to use a room in the church to workout...no embarrassing stories there thank goodness....these definitely gave me a good laugh though:laugh:
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    bumping just so i can come back and read everything...i know its old... >.>
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I love this thread! I'm glad it was resurrected.
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    I was taking a power yoga class with a friend for the first time. We set up our mats in the back. I noticed my husband's (newly divorced) boss come in. Apparently he was a regular because he was chatting up all the ladies. He didn't notice me, but set his mat up right in front of me. He was wearing very loose, short shorts. Unfortunately, during my first downward dog I was faced with the fact he was also NOT wearing any underwear! I made it through half of the class before I was laughing so hard, I had to roll up my mat, grab my shoes and ditch my friend. I don't think he ever realized...but the company Christmas party has never been the same for me.

    omg! Wayyy too funny!!!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Took a step class at my school's rec center? The cheerleader in front of me had serious whale tail going on in the back... and kept rolling her waistband ever lower....:noway: I hated class that day...
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    This was inspired by the skimpy bikini wearing cyclist.

    Thongs and ten-speeds are half the reason I vacation in key west.

    The worst so far was me. After watching someone try for about 5 minutes to do a pullup, flopping around like a snagged kipper, I thought I'd offer some help. After introducing myself and finding that he was receptive to advice I showed him how to use a resistance band, looped over the bar to help him take some of the body weight off. I guided him through one or two to make sure he had the form and then went over the the free weights.

    I few minutes later I heard a sound like a melon hitting a tuning fork of immense proportions. Seems he somehow got a little overzealous and managed to use the band as a slingshot and propelled himself into the bar above head first. I checked him out and sadly sent him to the hospital with a minor concussion.
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    Was on the treadmill and a guy got on the weight bench in front of me and he didnt have ANY underwear on and his "baby bird" was looking at me! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And I do mean BABY bird, lmao) :sick:
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    just funny weightlifting failures...

    saw a guy trying to squat a rediculous amount of weight on the smith machine! the entire machine flipped over. no injuries

    saw a guy trying to squat several plates on each side of the barbell without securing the ends. unfortunately he misscounted the number of plates on each side. you can picture what happened next
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Last time I was at the gym there was a woman running on a treadmill two down from me and she kept saying things out loud to herself like:


    I thought it was adorable but it was so weird and I tried not to laugh and I didn't want to get in the way of her self motivational awkward speeches so I ended up moving across the gym to do something else. She was also my mom's age so it was super weird.

    She should probably get an ipod and record herself saying these things so I don't have to hear her yell it to herself. Then again if she's anything like my mother (who she reminded me of, which is why it was so weird in the first place) then she probably doesn't know how to use anything like an ipod.

    lol..that is hilarious!
  • JsGirl93
    JsGirl93 Posts: 1,156
    After reading this I have decided 1. My gym is heaven 2. I'm going to make a concious effort to watch what I do while there 3. People are CRAZY! 4. There is now, nor has there ever been, any danger of me walking around naked in ANY public place. I consider the gym locker room public! Lol
  • violon
    violon Posts: 74 Member
    Took a step class at my school's rec center? The cheerleader in front of me had serious whale tail going on in the back... and kept rolling her waistband ever lower....:noway: I hated class that day...

    Ok, I can't for the life of me figure out what "whale tail" is...
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Whale tail: when the thong rises up over the waistband...appearing like the tail of a whale. Mostly done on purpose. **shudders**