Turbo Team!! xx

Hi Turbo Team Members

So its day 1 and hopefully everyone is excited to get started! For beginners and advanced we have Learn & Burn! No problem if you have done this previously and want to go straight into a workout!

Good luck all & let us know how u get on!

Dont 4get to take a before and after photo!



  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there Team Turbo!!!

    I just did 30mins of Cardio Party Live Remix with sculpting gloves. I was meant to do 20min Turbo Jam workout but my 11 yo son wanted to do that so I thought at least Im doing something!!

    Anyhow, its about 8.50pm on Monday night now and Ive just finished working out. I must say I was rather sluggish and slow to move this evening.... but im moving!

    So according to my HRM I burned 300 cals , not too bad, I would have liked more but thats ok because I burned some :)

    Hope everyone else is Jamming and having FUN!

    Bring on Day 2!
  • nikkih7869
    Hi there Team Turbo!!!

    I just did 30mins of Cardio Party Live Remix with sculpting gloves. I was meant to do 20min Turbo Jam workout but my 11 yo son wanted to do that so I thought at least Im doing something!!

    Anyhow, its about 8.50pm on Monday night now and Ive just finished working out. I must say I was rather sluggish and slow to move this evening.... but im moving!

    So according to my HRM I burned 300 cals , not too bad, I would have liked more but thats ok because I burned some :)

    Hope everyone else is Jamming and having FUN!

    Bring on Day 2!

    Thats excellent go you!!!

    I did the 20 minute today and kicked up a right sweat!! Bring on 2moro!! and especially bring on Sunday night when we can see how well we have done!! xxxx
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Good morning fellow Turbo Team-mates! Here are my starting measurements:

    Chest 43.25
    R. Arm 13
    L. Arm 12.75
    Waist 41.5
    Hips 43
    R. Thigh 26
    L. Thigh 26.25
    Weight 181.2 lbs
  • nikkih7869
    Good morning fellow Turbo Team-mates! Here are my starting measurements:

    Chest 43.25
    R. Arm 13
    L. Arm 12.75
    Waist 41.5
    Hips 43
    R. Thigh 26
    L. Thigh 26.25
    Weight 181.2 lbs

    Morning Sandypants... Thanks for the measurements! xxxxxx
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    It is going to take me a while to get used to the time differences, cause it is Monday morning for me right now. :) I posted my measurements on the other thread, but let me know if you want me to redo them on this one. I will post later on what I do today!

    I just wanted to say that I am really looking forward to this. I have been trying to work out and eat right for a while now, but there has been little difference in my weight and no diffeerence in my measurements. I think that having to report to everyone here will help me keep up with the cardio and eating better (which I think is a large part of the problem), so thanks ahead of time to everyone here!
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Morning Nikkie! Welcome nmoreland & yay fitag!! Okay I just finished my Learn and Burn workout - I burned 220 calories and it was so much fun! Then I did a 55 minute step aerobic workout!

    Nikkie, should our group make a committment to do this until at least the first day of summer (June 21st) - That's a 4 month committment, but we should all be in amazing shape by then. What do you think Nikki & fellow Turbo team members?
  • SlimLittleMrs
    oh, and nmoreland - it's Monday morning for me too!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I think that is a great idea to have this go to summer!
    Also, if it makes things easier, my name is Noelle. :smile:
  • nikkih7869
    Excellent idea! We will go until summer! BEACHBODY!!! woohooo!

    Well done to everyone who has done or doing day 1! Hope u all feel amazing! The hard work WILL pay off, take a look at my success pic on my profile... that was all Turbo Jam & Calorie Counting.. Im going to do it all again and take u all with me!

    Lets loose those inches girls! xxxxxxxxx
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I posted these to the old thread, but I'll put them here now to have everything in the same place.

    My starting measurements are

    chest 45.5
    waist 43.5
    hips 52
    l leg 25
    r leg 26
    l arm 14.25
    r arm 14.5.

    I did Learn and Burn this morning. Thanks for being such a great motivator, Nikki!!

    I'm totally up for a 4 month comittment!! :smile:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hi Y'all.
    I'm reposting my measurements on this thread, too.
    My measurements:
    Left Arm 12.5"
    Right Arm 12.5"
    Chest 41.5
    Waist 39.5"
    Hips 46"
    Left Leg 24".5"
    Right Leg 23.5"

    I did Learn & Burn, today.
    Go Team!!!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I did a 30 minute Chalene Extreme weight workout today and Cardio Party 3 at different times today. I almost fell a few times and really struggled after the turbo, but I finished it!

    Here are my measurements again from this morning (I put them on the other postings too):
    chest 42
    waist 41
    hips 47
    r leg 27
    l leg 27
    r arm 14
    l arm 14
  • nikkih7869
    Well done everyone!

    I hav made a lil website just for me to keep log of everyone and to update measurements, feel free to have a look, I still need to add a few of ur measurements.


    I know! the web address is spelt wrong.... had a very tiring turbo jam day! haha will change this 2moro

  • SlimLittleMrs
    Congratulations on an excellent day 1 everyone!! We rock! Nikki, you are an awesome leader, thank you for our fancy web page!
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    Oops! I forgot to give you my chest measurement. It's 41.5"
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    He Nikki!

    Thanks so much for the Awesome website! I love it!!

    Im sure everyone would agree that we are really grateful and appreciative of all the effort you've gone to, to keep us on track, focused and inspired!

    I love the 4 month commitment. But for me it'll be winter, its summer here right now. Im below the equator if any of you are wondering :) ...my profile says WA but that means Western Australia.

    Im so excited and pumped now.....Ive got Turbo Jamming Buddies!

    Thank you Nikki!

    Go TURBO TEAM!!!!!

  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    btw, Nikki,

    did you notice that our measurements are quite similar :)

    Although im 148cm (thats between 4' 10'' and 4' 11") and Im 65kg (143.3lbs)

    Not sure if you wanted those measurements too
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Turbo Team!!!

    Its 11.20am Tuesday here in Perth and I just finished Cardio Party Mix . Burned 474 cals . I used my scultping gloves for half of the session.

    Feeling fantastic!! ....and of course drowing in sweat again! :) ....pool time!

    Thanks for the motivation and inspiration Turbo Girls! :)
  • nikkih7869
    Morning everyone or afternoon, evening whatever it is where you are! Sooo confusing haha!!

    Glad u like the website, just thought it would be easier for us all to see how we are doing and then I can show all our loses in charts!

    Yes I did notice how close our measurements are! ;-)

    Im really really enjoying this group, working as a team makes me feel like I cant quit and that we need to stick together!

    Have done my 20 minute workout today and feel amazing!!

    Good luck everyone! xxxxx
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    It's Tuesday morning in Kansas (USA). About 40F (before sunrise), and I saw a fox on my dog walk!!

    Oh yes, and I did turbo jam 20 minute and part of ab jam for a total of 45 minutes and 273 calories (according to my HRM). I have karate tonight, so I was doing low impact--saving my knees for tonight. :smile: