Turbo Team!! xx



  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    hemlock - where in Kansas are you? I am in Virginia now, but I grew up outside of Kansas City.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    Hi y'all. - 2nd day! Yes!

    I am so motivated thanks to our terrific team!

    Nikki -- Thanks for starting the team & for the great website! You are wonderful!

    I did the Learn & Burn this morning. I may need to repeat it as I am in such bad condition. I still don't think that I have a couple moves quite right... I mean, when I put it together in the Burn part. I can do it fine in the instruction part. I was a little sore from yesterday and I like that. I know it means that I am getting a good workout, etc. Hard to believe that I am a former athlete, and also used to teach step aerobics at one time in my life and now I am struggling to just get started, again. Oh well, I guess that is what my unwise choices has caused. Hopefully, I will get back in better condition someday (hopefully, soon!)

    I hope that everyone has a great day!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm in Pittsburg. Before moving here we lived in Pennsylvania, so I'm still getting used to how strange it sounds to say Pittsburg and see more or less the middle of nowhere. :-)
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Morning ladies! I just did my learn and burn workout (only burned 175 cals today because I had low energy - but that's OK) and also did a half hour aerobic workout and burned 209 calories. Have a wonderful day!
  • nikkih7869
    Well done girlies!!! Every1 is doing such a great job! Cant wait to see the end results! I hope u have all taken before pictures bcoz u will NEVER EVER see that body again! xxxxx
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I was feeling lathargic today and didn't want to work out, but it helped knowing that I would have to check in here.
    Mondays and Tuesdays are my 'light' days, so I have no excuse not to work out. I ended up doing the 30 minute fat blaster and feel much better now that I did.
    Hemlock - I can imagine how you feel with the different surroundings. Even though I grew up in KS, I had been in Phoenix for the past 10 years, and now I am in northern Virginia - so it is all very different for me too.
    Off to do dinner and then to class for me.
    Keep up the great job ladies!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Me too--Tuesdays I have to be at work at 8a, and since karate is Tuesday evening, I usually skip exercising Tuesday morning. Today, though, I felt like I HAD to do Turbo Jam b/c I didn't want to let you all down. Thanks for that little extra bit of motivation, everybody!
    I was feeling lathargic today and didn't want to work out, but it helped knowing that I would have to check in here.
    Mondays and Tuesdays are my 'light' days, so I have no excuse not to work out. I ended up doing the 30 minute fat blaster and feel much better now that I did.
  • nikkih7869
    Well done all!! Thats EXACTLY how we should all be feeling, missing a day and not trying is not only cheating ourself but cheating the rest of the team members who are trying!! I am sooo proud of how much effort everyone is putting in and how much you are all supporting each other!

    "Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can!"

    Did my 45 minute Cardio Party today and now im aching!! Well worth it tho... already im feeling amazing! xxxx
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    Hey everyone! I want to join your team.
    I have used Turbo Jam before, but got away from it, and now I am starting back today. Monday I did 60 min on the treadmill and yesterday I did Slim in 6 Burn it Up (ow!), so today is Cardio Party day.
    Did you already formulate a rotation for the team? Or are we supposed to create one on our own?
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    It was a real challenge for me today. I woke up late 8am and felt like sleeping the whole entire day. I spent most of my day yawning and wanting to sleep so badly. I wondered when and how I was going to get my Turbo Jam in or if I was going to do it at all. So much dialogue going on in my head today about doing it and not doing it! ...But then I thought I made a committment to not only myself but a committment to our Turbo Team. So I thought its only going to happen after dinner goes down. I even set up my laptop in the bedroom to do it (all other tvs were being used)

    So there you have it, I am committed to Turbo Team and to my own success!!!

    Thanks team for being here and keeping me on track :)

    309cals 30mins Turbo Jam Fat Blaster
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Today I did cardio party (my favorite of the Turbo Jam workouts) and burned 420 calories.

    At karate last night, the punching drill was jab, cross, and hook--with special emphasis on the twisting motion of the hips. I was all over that. :-)
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I did Cardio Party today and only burned 336 calories. WTF? I was doing it exactly like Chalene and was jumping and sweating and giving my ALL.
    So I did a little of Ab Jam and got up to 382 calories...but still. Boo!

    Hoping over time it will get this body in check anyway, even with the low burn rate.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    How are you calculating calories burned?
    I did Cardio Party today and only burned 336 calories. WTF? I was doing it exactly like Chalene and was jumping and sweating and giving my ALL.
    So I did a little of Ab Jam and got up to 382 calories...but still. Boo!

    Hoping over time it will get this body in check anyway, even with the low burn rate.
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    I did Cardio Party today and only burned 336 calories. WTF? I was doing it exactly like Chalene and was jumping and sweating and giving my ALL.
    So I did a little of Ab Jam and got up to 382 calories...but still. Boo!

    Hoping over time it will get this body in check anyway, even with the low burn rate.

    Dont be too concerned about how many cals your burning. I used to compare my calories to others (maybe youre getting fitter and need more intensity) but the main thing is that you are moving and getting healthier for you , your kids and your family. And that you a are creating a lifestyle habit!

    I think you've done very well by adding some Ab Jam to your exercise... I havent done that yet!

    Keep up the great work!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I found that when I start a new turbo jam workout I do not burn as many calories. I think it is because I am learning the moves.
    Also, if you have a heart monitor with a strap, I found that mine sometimes slides up and onto my sports bra, so the reading is not constant.

    I did a 45 minute workout from Chalene Extreme called burn intervals. It alternates between cardio and light weights, and I did not burn as many as I usually do in that amount of cardio. But it was new to me, and my body was getting used to the moves, so I could not push myself like I can when I know what is coming. Also, I hate that type of interval. :smile:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    I did the 20 Minute Work Out. This is my 3rd day on the beginner track. First time to do the 20 Minute Work Out. I hope that I am understanding it all correctly. I was to do Learn & Burn the first 2 days and then 20 minute Work Out the next 2 days. And, then nothing 3 days in a row... according to the Beginner plan first week in the book. So, I am determined to do something for the next 3 days. May do the Learn (to review the moves) & walk some.
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all!! Sorry I haven't kept up on the site. I know I still owe some measurements. I can't find my measuring tape! But I'm gonna go to my mom's to and have them to you.

    So I did Cardio Party for the first time tonight. I kept up for the most part. I wasn't able to do all the jacks and I got lost in the choreo sometimes, but I was impressed that I kept up. Looking forward to doing it again!
  • nikkih7869
    You guys are doing an amzing job!! Im hoping ur all really proud of yourselves!!

    Altho its 20minute workout for me today I thought id go for a big sweat up and do Cadio Party... wow did I sweat and I can definately feel it in my legs!! Walking up the stairs today is a struggle! Haha!

    Not long till we can measure how well we have done!

  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    Oh, I didn't give my measurements either did I? I didn't know we were supposed to do that.

    Anyway, I have a heart rate monitor - a Mio - without a chest strap. I was averaging 170bpm, but when I was done it said 336 and I was like WTF?! I was busting tail!

    Oh well, you are right "fitag", what's important is the movement.
    Oh, and "nmoreland" - I am actually the opposite! lol When I am learning a new routine I am working so hard to keep up I end up burning more calories than later when I know the routine perfectly. And with Turbo Jam, I know the routine almost without the DVD. I did it consistently for 6 months last year, and now am starting again after all the other things I tried didn't work either.
    (Meaning, my body still looks like someone stuck a pin in me and let all the air out).
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hi guys, sorry I didn't report in yesterday - just didn't have a chance but I did get in my 20 minute workout - and that was all I had time for yesterday. On to a wonderful day 4 - have a great day everyone!