Turbo Team!! xx



  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    woke up early and worked out this morning just doing 20mins TJ and burned 192 cals (not what I like but hey, its still cals burned)..I didnt get to workout yesterday. I figured that I would not take a break this weekend and just work out this weekend to make up for it!

    Sorry to let the team down yesterday!

    Awesome to see everyone is doing such a great job Turbo Jamming!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    Aw, Fittag. It's okay. You jumped right back in and got it done! Yay, you!

    I did I did the 20 Minute Work Out, again. This is my 4th day on the beginner track. I'm not scheduled to do any TurboJam according to the beginner schedule -- First Week -- for the next 3 days. This seems so strange to not do it for 3 days. Did I read it right?

    I will plan on doing an alternative workout tomorrow. I will probably do a 30 minute Leslie Sansone Interval DVD with light weights.
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    So, yesterday was not a good day for me. I ate too much and I did not work out.
    So on my schedule today is to do a 30 minute weight workout and a cardio workout - I have not decided if i am going to do a long one or short one yet. :) I am putting this up here now so I will be held accountable for what I plan to do.

    Thanks everyone and I will check back in at the end of the day (it is 8 am for me now)
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I did Punch, Kick, and Jam today for 370 calories. You can probably tell that I'm not following the schedule printed in the TJ booklet. I hate the 20 minute workout, so I tend to substitute other things for it if I can possibly make time for a longer workout.

    Also, I took my rest day yesterday b/c my son had surgery and I spent the day with him at the hospital. He's fine, but I'm still a little stressed.

    I used the weighted gloves for about the first ten minutes of PK&J. Wow!! They make a HUGE difference for those pull downs. It's been three hours since my workout and I'm definitely feeling it in my core.

    Happy Friday!!
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hi gang, so sorry that I didn't check in yesterday - my life has been a little crazy this week. Got my workout in yesterday though - hope you're all doing well. I'm going on to nights starting next week for 7 weeks so I will be much more available on the boards. Have a nice day!!
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    I just did 30 mins of Turbo Jam 3T burning 186 cals. Great resistance work out. My body really felt like it needed that resistance work to firm up. Ill be doing some cardio TJ later today :)

    I was a little disappointed with the amount of cals I burned but I figured more muslce burns more cals, so I wasnt overly concerned....guess I just wanted to see bigger numbers! :)

    Anyway, have fun today with your Turbo Jam girls!.....Turbo Power ..Turbo Girls!
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    Hey guys!!! Sorry I don't write much on here. I'm a person of few words. But, I wanted to tell you all how excited I am!!! I got my new Polar F11 today!!! I used it during Cardio Party and burned 410 cals in 40 minutes!!! It's just a bit less than MFP estimated my calories burned at, 483! I'm so excited!!! Woohoo!!! I also wanted to thank you all for being here and making me stick to this plan. I probably would've given up by now if it weren't for you all!
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Noelle, Hemlock, Fitag & Glynis - WAY TO GO!!! I'm very proud of you, way to get those workouts in! I'm a bit surprised we haven't seen more of our Turbo Team reporting in today - I hope everyone is doing well! Anyway, I just wanted to drop a quick note and say hello! Have a great night!
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all! Is anyone else as sore as I am? My shoulders are killing me! But I keep telling myself that it means my body is sculpting itself into a leaner me. Cardio party was fun and I didn't realize it was going to make me that sore. I wasn't even that sore when I did Sculpt. So far Sculpt is my favorite because I sweat the most while doing it. I need to try out the other bonus workouts.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    :smile: Me too. I'm still feeling yesterday's PK&J in my shoulders. I was kind of sceptical about those weighted gloves, but I believe in them now!

    I haven't done my workout yet, but I wanted to say I've reached my first mini-goal--200 pounds on the way down! The scale actually said 199, but I always lose a pound right before TOM, which should be this week. I don't want to claim 199 until I know it's for real.

    My next mini-goal is 197--what I weighed in 2008 and my lowest weight since (ahem) my almost 16yo son was born. I can't even really remember any milestones below that because unfortunately they all went by pretty fast on the way up. I think I was about 153 when I got pregnant with my 21yo daughter, but then I just zoomed up to 212 and have more or less hung out there ever since.

    Happy day.
    Hi all! Is anyone else as sore as I am? My shoulders are killing me! But I keep telling myself that it means my body is sculpting itself into a leaner me. Cardio party was fun and I didn't realize it was going to make me that sore. I wasn't even that sore when I did Sculpt. So far Sculpt is my favorite because I sweat the most while doing it. I need to try out the other bonus workouts.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!
    I ended up doing a 30 minute strength workout yesterday and no cardio (I feel asleep REALLY early). But today I did the 50 minute cardio party 3 and I think I burned 590 calories. I still have a ways to go on what I eat before I will see a difference. I noticed that by the end of the week, I do not want to cook dinner, and so we end up eating junk. It is something that I am working on though. Also, I am a smoker. Now that my body is getting into better shape, my lungs are killing me during my workouts. I am going to work on a way to start keeping track of how much I smoke and how to cut it down. It will be aprocess, but I am looking forward to it. I have this group to thank for that. Now that I have a group to work out with, I feel a push to do my best in the workouts, and quitting smoking would help me to do that.
    We will see how it goes! :)

    Hemlock - congrats on reaching your first goal! That is exciting news!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    Hemlock -- Congrats on making your first mini goal! WTG!
    Nmoreland -- hoping the cutting back or stopping smokiing goes easy for you. I wish you the best.

    Yesterday was a rest day for me. Beginner. Today and tomorrow are indicated to be rest days also for this first week doing Turbo Jam. I did do an Interval Aerobics DVD with 1 pound weights. I found it so much easier & I had a lot more energy after just these few days of doing Turbo Jam!
  • nikkih7869
    Your all doing soo well cant wait to see todays measurements :) xxxxx
  • nikkih7869

    I have taken my measurements and NEVER EVER thought I would have lost as much as I have so fast!! How motivating!! I hope u guys have the same reaction!!

    Left arm Right arm Chest Waist Hips Left Leg Right Leg
    Nikkih7869 12.5 12 36 32 42 24 24
    Week1 11 11 34 28 41 24 24
    Loss 1.5 1 2 4 1 0 0
    TOTAL 9.5
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Just checking in to say I did Punch, Kick, and Jam today, and used the weighted gloves for a little more than half. Very proud of myself for that, and I can really feel it, now.

    Wow, Nikki--those measurements are so inspiring!!

    Nmoreland--That's great that you're ready to take the next step. I know you can do it!

    Elbee--Isn't it amazing how quickly things get easier? It makes me very ashamed of how long I spent saying that I was too out of shape to start exercising.

    Just to make myself accountable, here's my schedule for this week.

    Sunday PKJ--done!
    Monday Cardio Party
    Tuesday Karate, yoga, and pilates
    Wednesday Cardio Party
    Thursday Karate, yoga, and pilates
    Friday PKJ
    Saturday Cardio Party

    I'm using yoga and pilates instead of Ab Jam and Sculpt, and Karate instead of the 20 minute TJ workout. Our class is an hour, but only about 20 minutes of that is serious cardio.

    I'm afraid to take measurements again so soon, but I'll measure next week. I'm going try to get a before picture this week, too!

    Looking forward to a great week of Turbo Jam inspiration. :flowerforyou:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    Nikki -- WTG! That is just awesome!

    Hemlock -- Yes, I was really surprised.

    I have a question and I'm wondering if y'all might be able to help with this. I want to do the Conservative Couch to 5K. Do you think that this can be done back to back in the morning with the Turbo Jam as long as I feel okay and have enough energy? I think the Conservative Couch to 5k starts with only walking for the first 4 weeks. And, if that's okay to do... which one do you think should be done first? I will definitely be more exhausted after doing Turbo Jam. Since Turbo Jam is my main focus right now, I was thinking of doing it first & then walking afterwards...

    I appreciate your thoughts on this. I really want to start running and yet I also want to do Turbo Jam regularly with y'all.
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member

    waist 37"
    hips 42.5"
    bust 41"
    arms 11.25"
    thighs 23"

    I lost a total of 2.5"
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I took before pics. They are pretty awful. I'll share them with you in June. :-)
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hi gang, my measurements haven't changed at all yet. I'm so glad tomorrow is Monday so I can do my Turbo Jam again! Happy week 2 everyone!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Monday morning for me, and I just took my measurments. I lost one inch in my waist, and that is it. It is the firstt ime I have seen a difference in any measurement, so I am happy. I also lost almost 2 lbs, but this is my TOM, so I am not sure how real it is. :happy:

    This week is going to be crazy for me; my brother in law, his wife and their 3 kids are staying with us starting Tuesday through the weekend. Our house is not that big, so I am not sure how much turbo jam time I will get in, but i will do my best!