Turbo Team!! xx



  • SlimLittleMrs
    Noelle, you can do it - just get those kids doing it with you - it will be SO much fun!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    I lost 3.6 pounds.
    Here are my measurements:
    Chest: 40
    Left upper arm: 11.5
    Right upper arm: 11.5
    Waist: 41.5
    Hips 46
    Left thigh: 23
    Right thigh 23

    Lost 2.5 inches.
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hello ladies, I'm so proud of your accomplishments from week 1 - way to go! I just finished the 20 minute workout - but I did it twice, and then a Bollywood dance workout - so 85 minutes spent working out today with a total calorie burn of 564 calories!! I hope you're all having a wonderful day!
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    I did my cardio party today!! I can't believe how much easier it was after just 1 week!!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    Yay, GlynisH!!!
    I did the 20 minute Work out and I enjoyed it much more this time, too. This being my 3rd time to do this work out, it was easier to do because I get the moves now.... I mean, I will work on doing them even better, but I didn't feel lost and was able to keep it high due to knowing the steps.
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    So, this week has not been off to a good start for me. I am a master procrastinator, and have had a lot of homework to do for yesterday and today, so there was no workout yesterday, and I am not sure about today. I am in my last semester of my masters for social work, and I think I have checked out. :smile:
    I have to run an errand after my afternoon class and have to go to my evening class early, so there will be little time in between. But tomorrow is a new day, and I am goin to take Sandypant's advice and try to get the kids to do it with me if they want to. (I think they are coming at some point today)
    So enough of my complaining...
    Great job to everyone else that has been doing good this week!! I am inspired by you all! I want to be able to say that I lost as many inches as some of you!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    If the kids don't want to do it with you, I bet they'll still enjoy watching. My kids find it very entertaining, and they're great cheerleaders. "Only one more minute, Mom! You can do it!!"

    I did Cardio Party yesterday, and I've done the yoga part of my yoga/pilates/karate scheduled for today.

    NSV: I have saggy butt pants today--not a good look, I guess, but I'm loving every baggy wrinkle.

    You guys are awesome!!
    So, this week has not been off to a good start for me. I am a master procrastinator, and have had a lot of homework to do for yesterday and today, so there was no workout yesterday, and I am not sure about today. I am in my last semester of my masters for social work, and I think I have checked out. :smile:
    I have to run an errand after my afternoon class and have to go to my evening class early, so there will be little time in between. But tomorrow is a new day, and I am goin to take Sandypant's advice and try to get the kids to do it with me if they want to. (I think they are coming at some point today)
    So enough of my complaining...
    Great job to everyone else that has been doing good this week!! I am inspired by you all! I want to be able to say that I lost as many inches as some of you!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    Yay, for saggy pants!!!

    I did the 20 minute workout.
    Didn't want to do it, because I was stressed and tired. This is where it helps so much being part of a team. I felt you all urging and cheering me on. Thanks for doing this with me and especially to Nikki for starting us up!
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    I did the 20 minute and the ab jam today! My abs hurt!!!
  • annieviolent
    Hey there! Would it be okay if I joined you guys? I'm starting TurboJam this week and was hoping to find some "friends" on here to keep me accountable.

  • nikkih7869
    Ouch!!!! Ab Jam definately works those Abs lol about to start my Cardio Party..... here goes xxxxx
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Welcome, Annie!

    Just stopped in to say hey before I do cardio party.

    Have a great day, ladies!
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hi Annie Welcome! The more the merrier!
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hey ladies, I'm struggling a little - my fibromyalgia has really been bothering me so I'm not able to go very hard at the Turbo Jam workouts - I'm still doing them but burning very few calories - I feel a bit discouraged because I like to be able to work hard and see results. Right now, I haven't lost any weight in the past two weeks and my workouts are just not that intense.

    I think I could use some encouragement to help me ignore my body pain and stay motivated. Thanks friends,

  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Hi Sandy,

    Have you tried tai chi? It's like yoga in that it's slow and very low impact--very, very gentle on the joint--but can be a great workout. I love it.

    Maybe during your flare-up, you need to stay motivated by eating well and nurturing your body through gentler forms of exercise?

    I love your picture, and I always think of you in the pool. Maybe this would be a good time to do more water-based fitness activities?

  • SlimLittleMrs
    Thanks Janet! Those are some really great ideas - I did do aquasize on Monday, and it is definitely easier for me, but still a great workout. My problem is shiftwork, I go to aquasize when I can depending on when my schedule allows.

    I did my Cardio Party today, I'm so glad I did it - I just took it easier but still managed to burn 366 calories.

    I hope you all enjoy your workouts today!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Sandypants - remember that any calories burned in a workout, even if you don't feel like you are pushing, are more calories burned then if you did not work out.
    Also, I found that when I stopped worrying about the scale, I lost some weight. My numbers had stayed the same for a few weeks, and last week I was more focused on getting the workouts in then what my numbers were going to be, and I saw a difference in my measurements for the first time in two months and my weight went down a little.
    Another also. :smile: when we lose weight, it takes some time for our bodies to catch up. Even if we don't see a number difference, there is something good going on inside our bodies.

    Good news on my end - no in-laws staying at our house and no kids! I came home today and did a chalene extreme weight workout, and I plan on doing cardio after some homework.

    Question for all of you: what shoes do you use and like? I just bought some, and they hurt my feet, I think I have wide feet and I have always struggled to find shoes that work for me.

    Happy Wednesday to all!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    SandyPants... I am sorry to hear about the painful Fibro. I can't believe you did Cardio Party... now I feel like a wimp. I did it for the first time today, and had to actually stop and get a drink of water and slow down for a few minutes. I did really enjoy CardioParty, though.

    And, I missed that I was supposed to have done Ab Jam yesterday along with that 20 minute workout. Duh. Don't know how I did that, but I did. I think that I will add it in on one of the rest days.

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    About shoes... I am glad you asked. I need some new ones. I didn't notice them at all during the workout. But, now that I am sitting.. they are not the most comfortable. I have a very high arch & a tiny foot. These shoes kind of bother me on the top of my foot. I am wearing Mizuno but would like something else.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    About shoes--I like Brooks and Aetrex.