Turbo Team!! xx



  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    hemlock, thank you so much for your advice. i haven't really been paying much attention at all to my sodium. I will def keep an eye on it from now on. I had no idea Vit C was a diuretic. Hello supplements! I've heard too the the perimeter of the store is better. So I'll try that and doubling workouts is a good idea too. I think I will take all of your suggestions. And I have to go back and see how much sodium I've had. I bet I'll be surprised. Thank you!
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    ps. I'm going to have to eat what I've got at my house for a few days. running low on cash. but next time I hit the store, I will shop smarter.
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member

    Can I join in with your team? I love Turbo Jam! I bought TJ back in 2005/6 (?? can't quite remember) and loved how great I felt working out and how enthusiastic Chalene is. Unfortunately I was never consistent with using it, I would start and use it for a few weeks and then stop. There was always an excuse!

    Anyway, about 4 weeks ago something clicked and I knew that this was it, I was ready to make a real change in my life. So here I am, I'm been using TJ consistently for the past 4 weeks and I feel good and actually look forward to working out. My downfall is eating, though so far I've been really good. I guess I'm looking for some support for when I start slipping off that wagon!

    I started off doing the 20min workout each day. As my fitness has increased I now alternate days and do cardio party mix 1 and ab jam one day then turbo sculpt and 20min cardio the next.

    I started out at 87.5kg (192lb) and am now 83.3kg (183lb). :happy:
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    So today I did Turbo sculpt and 20min workout. I only started doing sculpt last week and boy do my muscles feel it!!! Lol :laugh:
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    So today I did Turbo sculpt and 20min workout. I only started doing sculpt last week and boy do my muscles feel it!!! Lol :laugh:

    welcome kiwi dee!! great to have you here!

    I finished Cardio Party remix and Ab Jam! Yay!!! I had ot get some exercise in as I heading out to dinner with some girlfriends...Ill be eating smart though :)

    My eating has been great! and im very pleased so far with my clean eating and with my exercise this week. I also reset some goals for my weight :

    current weight is 64.4kg

    end of April 61kg
    end of May 59kg
    end of June 56kg
    end of July 54kg
    .......and if I feel that I need to lose more then end of Aug 52kg

    I feel that all that is very achievable. I just allowed for 2kgs per month.

    Im hanging out for my ChaLean Extreme to arrive in the mail though! ..... My husband's P90X has arrived and I want mine! lol

    Anyway, have a great weekend everyone!!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    argh- was in a car accident yesterday- trying not to be sad- i am ok but in a lot of neck and back pain.
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Oh no Merzback :( Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Just finished cardio party mix 1 and ab jam. Today is mine and my husbands 6th wedding anniversary and SIL is going to babysit so we can go out - Yay! Will enjoy myself but not tooo much! :wink:
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Noelle, I hope you're feeling better! Do you have spring break coming up?

    AG, I ordered Chalean Extreme, too! You and Noelle are such a good influence. :-) I'm so impressed with your super food choices for eating out--and making it through the 3-day cleanse is awesome.

    Mer, I so glad you weren't hurt! I lived in York, PA, for a while, but I was always afraid to drive in Philadelphia. I know it's not as bad as Boston, but it's still some pretty crazy traffic.

    Welcome, kiwi dee! I'm really bad about food, too--still struggling to break the habits of a lifetime.

    Sandy, I've missed you! I hope you're busy doing happy things and not sick.

    Glynis, I hope the pounds start dropping soon. It's so frustrating when you're doing everything right and the scale just won't move.

    Happy weekend, everyone!
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    argh- was in a car accident yesterday- trying not to be sad- i am ok but in a lot of neck and back pain.

    oh no hope you are ok! ...nothing major I hope!

    Take care and take it easy xx
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks everyone for your good thoughts. I am back from the dead and actually have energy for the first time this week. I had my spring break from classes on Monday and Tuesday, but went to my internship Wednesday and Friday (stayed home thursday) cause I am at a high school and their spring break is next month.

    I have done close to nothing this week. Now that I have energy, unfortunatly my priority is homework for now, and I will get a work out in later.

    I am struggling with my weight as well. I see some people posting that they have lost 20ish pound in a couple of months, and I just hit ten in 2.5 months. I feel that I need to watch what I eat a little more, and it was even worse because I was sick and did not feel like cooking or eating anything that was healthy.
    It is now the weekend and a new day, so maybe we can work together to eat healthy. I am going to work on incorporating more veggies into my diet. I think I will acutally put a checklist on my fridge so I can track how much I eat per day. I did that with my weight lifting and cardio workouts and it has helped me to stay on track (except for this week).
    Please share other ideas that any of you have had to eat better.

    Happy Saturday everyone!!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I would love to work on developing healthier eating habits. I can tell you how I'm staying under my calorie goal, but as soon as I do, you'll see that there's a huge difference between healthy eating and just staying under the limit. But here's what's worked for me. (BTW I started with MFP in August and GAINED about 4lbs by the end of December. But I tracked every single calorie, and that really helped me see where my problem areas were. Then I started "for real" in January.)

    So . . . my personal weight loss rules.

    1) Between 5a (or whenever I get up) and 3p, I eat about 900 calories and half my protein, but I eat it 50-200 calories at a time, so that I'm basically eating constantly all day. That helps me SO MUCH because although I'm always a little hungry, I'm never STARVING, so I don't eat the things (like big cinnamon rolls or huge bagels) that used to kill my food diary. I try to make almost all of the calories good choices (high in protein, fiber, or calcium), but I also drink bottled coffee (this is my life support system--cannot live without it).

    2) My only actual "meal" is supper, and I try to make sure that it is both high in protein and high in fiber. I've changed what I fix for supper for my whole family a LOT to try to meet this goal. I try to keep it around 500-600 calories.

    3) I save 170 calories to have cocoa (2% milk, sugar, and Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder) or a protein shake before bed.

    I have my food diary set for my maintenance calories (1900) because I knew I could meet that limit (although when I first started, it was a serious struggle every single day), and I knew that if I set if for 1400, I would go over so much of the time that I would just give up. I know it would basically work out the same if I set it for 1400 and then ate back 300-500 calories from exercise, but for me it matters that the calorie goal not be too scary. I'm still doing baby steps here, and if it's too scary, I will give up.

    But here's the thing. I'm really good about getting protein and calcium from "real food," and I do try to get at least two fruit or fruit/veg every day, but I get the rest of my fiber and nearly all my vitamins from things like vitatops, slim fast bars, and a daily multi-vitamin. I could not meet my nutritional goals and stay under my calorie goal if I only ate "real food." I might be able to if I gave up bottled coffee and ate more vegetables, but at the moment that's like saying I could fly if I had wings. :-)
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks Hemlock, that does help me. I need to really look at the foods I eat and see where I can make real changes.

    I did a 35 minute Chalene Extreme workout today. I was going to try to do the 20 minute workout after, but I got winded and a little light headed in with the weights, so I am not going to do cardio today. I will try again tomorrow with the weights, and see how I feel. I feel bad about not doing any cardio this week, but it helps to know that because of this group, I will get back to it as soon as I am able.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Read my blog- I was in a car accident a few days ago- and now can't work out- I am eating healthy- with the exception of some mexican food last night though I did take home 1/2 of my platter- did indulge a bit too much on the chips though~
    Anyway- I am on pain meds- and very sedentary, and a bit frustrated though I know it could have been worse!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Nmoreland, I had another thought: Didn't you say you were doing more CLX and not as much cardio? I wonder if that might also be why your weight loss is slower? Cause you're doing more building muscle and less losing fat? Hope you feel better soon!

    Mer, that's so frustrating. What a disappointment, when you thought you were finally ready to get back into it.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    nmoreland- have you measured yourself??
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    merz - sorry about the accident, that does not sound like fun, but maybe the meds are. :smile:

    I have measured myself and have only lost a couple of inches total.

    Hemlock - Since we started this group I have stepped up the cardio to 3-4 times a week, except for this week since I have been sick.

    I just feel like it is moving slow. I also have a large amount of stress with school right now, and I bet that is playing with my hormones as well. I know there is something going on inside me, I can tell the way my clothes fit, but it would just be nice to look in the mirror and see the differences. I know that in time that will come. And I love this site and this group for keeping me motivated. Anytime before, being sick this past week would most likely have derailed everything I have done so far. But I plan on starting fresh tomorrow with a weight workout, and an attempt at cardio again.

    Speaking of measuring, has everyone been keeping track ? My day is tomorrow and I will post if there are any differences for me.

    Just to put it out there, I told my husband today that when I quit smoking for a substantial amount of time, then I am going to order Turbo Fire. I think it looks great, but there is no way I could do it with my lungs in the condition they are in. He said that he would like to quit smoking as well, so I think it is something we will be working on together, which will make it easier, at least a little bit.

    Now that i have written a novel, I need to do homework!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I've been looking at Turbo Fire, too! I'm pretty sure (i.e. completely certain) I couldn't do it now, but maybe by July?

    So measurements . . . meh. Since our first weigh-in and measurement day, I've lost 6 pounds, but only a couple of inches (hips -1.5, waist -1, chest -1).

    I'm on spring break this week, so I'm going to try to really push the work outs--aiming for at least 100 minutes/700 calories per day. There's no real reason I couldn't do that when I'm not on spring break to be honest--just sloth--so I'm hoping to make this a permanent change.

    I ordered Chalean Extreme last week--my 15 pound reward. :-) Can't wait to get started!!

    Happy spring/fall! I hope the changing season brings good things to everyone. It seems as though the past couple weeks have been especially difficult.

  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    My weight went down one pound from last week, so I am now at 191.
    No other changes in my measurements, but I expected that since I was sick and barely worked out at all.

    Hemlock - July sounds like a good time to target for Turbo Fire. Enjoy your spring break!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Did 35 minutes of Chalene Extreme today. Didn't get lightheaded like last time, but still not up to par. I will see how I feel tomorrow to see what I will do.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Hi y'all.
    I missed an entire week. I'll post later after I do my Turbo Jam workout later, today.

    Mer -- Sorry to hear about the car accident. Hope you bounce back, soon.
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