Turbo Team!! xx



  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Hemlock - you will be amazed at how heavy you can actually go. I just finished the push phase and I went pretty heavy on the lower body, and probably could have gone heavier on some of them. I am back and forth between feeling better and not. I am moslty still congested and exhausted. My week last week consisted of me coming home from my internship or class and sleeping the rest of the day away. I am going to get some different types of meds and hope that clears me up cause I really want to feel better. I did not do any cardio this week and only did weights on Monday. I am hoping to start the lean phase of CHalene Extreme on Monday.

    I hope everyone else is doing OK so far and I look forward to joining the workouts again!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Nmoreland... I sure hope you are well, soon.

    Welcome Misty. I'm glad you joined us!

    Today, I did Turbo Sculpt with 3 pound weights and Ab Jam.

    I also did quite a bit of walking & the biggest calorie burner was moving out of one of our mini storages today!!! Glad to be out of there & no longer wasting our money on it! 2 hours, 45 minutes moving out of mini storage and then unloading the rental truck

  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Well, I did a weight workout for 45 minutes this morning. I had to take many breaks, but I reaslly wanted to start doing something again. Normally, these past two weeks would have derailed me completely, but I plan on sticking with it and I want to thank you guys for that.

    No difference on my measurements, but I have lost about 1 pound from last week, and am now at 189.8. I am barely there, but I am in the 180's and am very excited about that! Hopefully I am actually starting to get better now and will be able to work out all week!

    Have a great week everyone!

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Hi Noelle. I hope you are getting better, now, too. Great job doing the weight workout this morning. And, Congratulaions on getting in the 180s!!!!!

    I did Cardio Party today. Today is the first day for me on the Advanced Workout program. It said to do the Learn & Burn, but since I've done Beginner workout for the last few weeks... I could not see just doing Learn & Burn.
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    hem- I started doing more strength training and having a protein shake immediately after. I'm not jumping for joy yet. I have to break out of my normal weight range. Once I hit 159, I will start celebrating.
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    For those of you starting Chalene Extreme, I heard somewhere, probably on here, that it is normal to gain a little bit of weight when you first change your workout. Also, keep up with the cardio :smile:
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks, Noelle. Do you have a CLX/TJ schedule that works for you?
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks, Noelle. Do you have a CLX/TJ schedule that works for you?
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I put the three mian weight workouts on my schedule (burn, push, and lean circuits) then I have to do 3-4 other types of cardio including the workouts that come with Chalene Extreme and Turbo Jam. For example my plan for this week is

    Mon - lean cir 1
    Tues - cardio, probably fat blaster (30 minutes)
    Wed - cardio, (i will see what I am in the mood for when I get home), maybe cardio party
    Thur - Lean cir 2
    Fri - cardio, I will attmept to do the burn it off from Chalene Extreme
    Sat - Lean cur 3
    sun - cardio or day off

    I am still working on adding in the ab workouts, and I might try to do that when I do the weight circuits. When I first started this I cut out almost all cardio cause I was not working out more than three days a week. I started a checklist for each week to make sure that I get in at least 3 cardio workouts along with the weight circuits and that has helped me, along with this group. :)
    I hope this helps!
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Haven't posted in a while cuz I haven't been able to fit my TJ into the schedule. I used to do it when I got home at night, but it kept me up late and I couldn't fall asleep. And I'm not a morning person, but I finally got it into me to get up and do it before work. My left bicep is killing me for some reason and all I did was Cardio Party. My arms seemed to get a pretty good workout today. The shoulders are sore.

    Hope today is going well for everyone!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Did Turbo Sculpt with 3 pound weights.
  • I just purchased Turbo Jam and I hope to start it soon. I am 130 and hope to go down to 115lbs and lose 4 inches from my waist. Hope this works and motivation helps a ton! Thanks everyone!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I did Burn It Off (CXL plyo workout) for the first time yesterday. I LOVE that program. I couldn't get all the way through some of the sets, but my heart rate was over 150 the entire time, and today I can really feel it. Burn circuit 3 tomorrow.

    Noelle, thanks for being such a great advocate for weight training. I never would have thought of CLX if you hadn't said how much you liked weights, and I enjoy it so much.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Last week, my goal was to get a minimum of either 100 minutes or 700 calories of exercise every day (with a couple of rest days)--aiming for 3500 calories during the whole week. I ended up using just over 3500 calories and I lost 2 pounds--a big accomplishment for me with my baby steps approach. :-) But even though I completed the week, I was way too tired at the end to try to make that a lifestyle.

    So my goal from April 4- May 1 is to get either 75 minutes or 550 calories of exercise everyday with only one rest day per week. I'm sharing this b/c I know if it's a private goal I'll be too willing to give up if it gets hard.
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    I havent posted or logged for a few days :( ... But im back!! Ive missed the team :)

    @Hemlock : Wooo Hoooo! awesome work. Theres nothing better than exceeding your own expectations and going beyond! Congratulations on your success. Your activity and consistency are truly inspirational!

    @Elbee : Great work! I have to say I really do like Turbo Sculpt ....or anything that sculpts :)

    @Hunny : at least you have a real reason for not posting ...unlike me! Well done on Cardio Party!

    I have planned and organised to commence CLX next week on Monday , together with my husband who will be starting P90X. We agreed to start at the same time. He's been waiting for my package to arrive. It will be great to be in sync with our programs.

    I also want to buy a kayak. Im so in love with kayaking! .... shhhhh maybe even love kayaking more than my husband! hehehe!

    Ag :)
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Hemlock - I am really glad that I helped motivate you to start with weights. I am jealous that you loved the plyo workout cause I do not like that one, but I know it is a great workout!! :happy:

    I like that you put down a calorie goal to burn each day, and you motivated me to do the same! I am going to look at what I have been doing and go from there.

    Unless something drastic happens, I want to post this evening that I worked out today!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Small accomplishment, but I did the 30 minute fat burner turbo jam. It is the first time I have done cardio in two weeks. It took a bit to get motivated to do it, but I felt great after!
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    Small accomplishment, but I did the 30 minute fat burner turbo jam. It is the first time I have done cardio in two weeks. It took a bit to get motivated to do it, but I felt great after!

    Hey thats awesome! ...at least you did it and got moving! Wooo Hooo!!!
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, Misty. As a brand-new CLXer I'm glad to know how much you love it.

    I did burn circuit 1 yesterday--with 5 and 7 pound weights. I'm going to try 5, 8, and 10 next time, b/c I could have gone heavier on some of them. I was too busy figuring out what I was doing to count reps, but I'll do that next time.

    So how is everybody doing?

    Glynis, the pounds were just melting off!! What did you change? And are you feeling better about things?

    Linda, you and Glynis have been Turbo machines this week--wow!!

    Nmoreland, are you finally feeling any better?

    Sandy, we miss you. Take care.

    Fitag, I'm so impressed by your kayaking! What a great way to use calories. Do you have pix you can share?

    Mer, are you back at work and working out yet?

    I used a lot of calories this week getting our yard ready for the first mowing--next weekend if it doesn't wash away before that. I usually hate yardwork, but this year, I put on my heart rate monitor and thought of it as a chance to exercise outdoors and actually enjoyed it quite a lot. Clearly, I've been approaching yardwork all wrong! Yesterday, I think I overdid it a little trying to get everything finished up before today's rain. So I did a longer, less intense workout this morning. I started fat blaster and just had to stop about 10 minutes into it.

    Hi Hemlock!

    I only jsut saw your posting and reference to my kayaking...so sorry :(

    I love kayaking and was doing an intro kayaking course. I used to do dragon boat paddling but found that I couldnt always make it to training so I decided that kayaking would be my best alternative......and I love it! I really want to buy my own kayak but to buy the one I want (because I want to go fast) it will cost me over $1300 and then I have to add the life jacket, paddle, roof rack etc......So I think I will just hire one for now till I have saved up some money to get my own. Winter is coming around soon , so I wont have much paddle time before it gets too cold and im too wimpy to go out in the freezing water! hahahaha :)

    You are doing so well with your consistency! Im so proud of you and also in inspired by you!

    Ag :)
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I did Chalene Extreme today. Her lean circuits are brutal, but I love how I feel now! I also did ab burner from CLX.

    I looked through my log and found that I had been burning between 2500 and 2900 calories a week on most weeks with some closer to 2100. So starting Monday my goal will be to get it to 3000 calories a week. I also am going to add at least 2 ab workouts a week.
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