"Move-it" Challenge 360 Minutes for Each Week in March



  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: 502 calories burned (walk 5 miles)--minutes 66
    Tues: 671 calories burned (spin, back & arms)--minutes 98
    Wed: 543 calories burned (C25K & glutes)--minutes 68
    Thur: 1018 calories burned (spin, back circuit & walk 5 miles)--minutes 148
    Fri: 1039 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit & walk 5 miles)--138
    Sat: 964 calories burned (spin, glutes circuit & rollerblading 9 miles)--132
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4737 calories/647 minutes
    Left to go: 0 (zero) calories (over 237 calries)/0 (zero) minutes left (over 287 minutes)

    Oh Happy Day:happy: :happy: :happy:!!!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Sorry!!! Posted twice.
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Monday - 30DS workout 20 minutes
    Tuesday - 2.5 hours of walking (leisurely) - didnt do my 30 DS workout today - oops
    Wednesday - 30DS workout 20 minutes
    Thursday - 95 minutes powerwalking + 20 minutes 30DS
    Friday - 30DS workout 20 minutes
    Saturday - 30 DS workout 20 minutes 2.5 hours walking
    Sunday -

    495 minutes done - 135 minutes over :)
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Look at you girls go! Outstanding workouts. I am having a poor week due to way too much work. I will try to do somew catch up tomorrow.

    I am so impressed with you all, way to go!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Mon: 35 min Leslie Sansone DVD 2 miles.....................................................325 min to go!
    Tue: 56 min LS DVD 4 miles.............................................................................269 min to go!
    Wed: 85 min, 40 bike, 45 weights.....................................................................184 min to go!
    Thu: 68 min, 25 min Elliptical, 15 bike, 28 min weights...............................116 min to go!
    Fri: 60 min, 45 min LS DVD, 15 min walk...........................................................56 min to go!
    Sat: 31 min LS DVD................................................................................................25 min to go!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: 502 calories burned (walk 5 miles)--minutes 66
    Tues: 671 calories burned (spin, back & arms)--minutes 98
    Wed: 543 calories burned (C25K & glutes)--minutes 68
    Thur: 1018 calories burned (spin, back circuit & walk 5 miles)--minutes 148
    Fri: 1039 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit & walk 5 miles)--138
    Sat: 964 calories burned (spin, glutes circuit & rollerblading 9 miles)--132
    Sun: REST DAY Thank God:wink:!

    Total: 4737 calories/647 minutes
    Left to go: 0 (zero) calories (over 237 calries)/0 (zero) minutes left (over 287 minutes)
  • terrivision
    terrivision Posts: 58 Member
    Missed my goal by 97 calories. Although I'm sure the calories I didn't count (shopping,house work, and playing) would account for the 97 cal.

    Goal for the week of 3/14/11: 400 min, 3500 Calorie Burn

    Mon: 100min
    P90X-Plyometrics,1.6mile walk
    Tue: 58min
    Wed: Needed a rest day.
    Thur: 58min
    P90X - Legs&Back
    Fri: 90min
    Turbo Fire, Basketball
    Sat: 90min
    Sun: 160min
    P90X-Shld,Chest,tri;yard work;walking

    Total: 556min

    Left: 0min
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Week 3

    Sunday: rest day
    Monday: 45 minutes/527 calories running 5.5-8.0; 25 minutes/388 calories Arc trainer; 45 minutes/373 calories doing Zumba

    115 minutes/1288 calories burned :-)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I could just NOT get out of my funk last week and exercise...I ended up with about 60 mintues for the week...IDK, been in a funk

    So, this is a new week and I set my goal at 2500 calories since I am schedules 5 of the next 7 days. I have requested off this evening and then I will go to Zumba.

    Have a good week and rock your bodies!!!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    I could just NOT get out of my funk last week and exercise...I ended up with about 60 mintues for the week...IDK, been in a funk

    So, this is a new week and I set my goal at 2500 calories since I am schedules 5 of the next 7 days. I have requested off this evening and then I will go to Zumba.

    Have a go,od week and rock your bodies!!!

    You fell apart? Look what I did, my body just stopped. . I over slept three days in a row after spending most of the night trying to sleep. Time change or just to tired? I don't know, but I it again this morning, and just had time to get to work. I must work in a session later today. I feel like such a leaker!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    You fell apart? Look what I did, my body just stopped. . I over slept three days in a row after spending most of the night trying to sleep. Time change or just to tired? I don't know, but I it again this morning, and just had time to get to work. I must work in a session later today. I feel like such a leaker!!

    Alice, I got up off my *kitten* and went to the gym...Now, you HAVE to do the same

    Here's this week's mantra:

    1) WE ARE NOT going to be mushy:noway:
    2) Our thighs WILL NOT rub together when we walk:sad:
    3) WE WILL make our goals this week:flowerforyou:
    4) Things WILL NOT jiggle unless we dancing and we want them to:smokin:

    Monday, 105 minutes...768 calories, elliptical and walking from from gym
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: 772 calories burned (walk 3 miles, C25K and arm circuit)--minutes 112

    Total: 772 calories/112 minutes
    Left to go: 3728 calories/248 minutes

    **I will be weighing in in the morning....I am very scared becasue I have been doing some stress eating the past two weeks:cry:**
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    **I will be weighing in in the morning....I am very scared becasue I have been doing some stress eating the past two weeks:cry:**

    Seems to be a common theme....
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    last week:
    monday: nada
    tuesday: nada
    wednesday: walk 70/432
    thursday: 5.5 mile run 60/521
    friday: 3.6 mile run 37/359
    saturday: irish jig 5k 27/309
    sunday: 5.25 mile run 45/564
    total: 239 minutes/2185 calories...not too bad for being sick the start of the week :)

    this week :
    monday: level 1 30 day shred 27/224, walk 45/219
    total so far: 72 minutes/443 calories
    to go: 288 minutes/2057 calories
  • terrivision
    terrivision Posts: 58 Member
    Week of 3/20/2011 Goal: 500 min, 3500 Calorie Burn

    Mon: 178min
    P90X Plyometrics, DIY Project

    Left to go: 247min
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I don't know what I finished with last week, I forgot to track.

    Mon. 3/21: 67 minutes (27 Level 3 Shred, 40 Interval Treadmill)
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Well it did'nt happen for today, 10:50 p.m. and just finished my work day! Off to bed and I will make my self get up and get a workout in for Tuesday. So far the woman who is supposed to be at work for me tomorrow has not called in to confirm,

    Onward and upward, Alice
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Wk 4
    Monday~ :<0
    Tuesday~ 57/585 PW/W


    Sleet and snow this a.m. and the woman who was supposed to be covering my other job just called in to " he he he" say she wouldn't be in today. Oh brother!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Mon. 3/21: 67 minutes (27 Level 3 Shred, 40 Interval Treadmill)
    Tues. 3/22: 93 minutes (27 Level 3, 26 Level 1, 40 interval dreadmill)
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Week 3

    Sunday: rest day
    Monday: 45 minutes/527 calories running 5.5-8.0; 25 minutes/388 calories Arc trainer; 45 minutes/373 calories doing Zumba
    Tuesday: 25 minutes/207 calories Stairmaster; 34 minutes/282 calories Zumba; 31 minutes/350 calories running 5.5-7.0

    205 minutes/2127 calories burned :-)
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