SWaT Walking Group



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Jenny, I'm sorry about Leo. I know how hard it is to watch our pet family get old.

    Viggie, I hope everything goes well for you on Saturday. Those things aren't fun but at least they're not quite as bad as they used to be.

    AZ, Congratulations on your 5K. That's a major achievement. I was surprised how sore my legs got when I first added in some outside walking too.

    I did my 2 miles at lunch again today and for the first time I had some company. We went to a nearby park that has a great walking path. It was so much better than walking the streets! :laugh:

    I'm not doing so well on my strength training. :sad:

    Viggie & Tat, I don't recall ever seeing a challenge between groups on here! Could be fun! I saw it on another website and they had "teams".
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Can I count my trips to the bathroom today? I made a lot of them and some of them were at a quick pace!:sick:
    Lets see from the office up the stairs turn the corner up the stairs through the dining room down the hall. How do I log that?

    So sorry to hear about Leo. I have had a scare recently with both my old doggies and have been nursing my DIL's old pooch, who seems to be rejuvenated after the vet gave him the no go. I gave him vitamin B and live cultured yogurt and then fed him steamed chicken and rice with broth. Honestly you'd think he was 5 again the way he runs around. He is back to full feed and we had to go find him the other night as he was off on a spring jaunt.

    Hoping for a calmer Friday! Alice
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,268 Member
    Thanks for all you thoughts regarding Leo. This morning he didn't look to good but by afternoon he ate some food, drank water, and climbed the stairs to be petted. He greeted me at the door when I got home from work. I guess he's decided to stick around a little longer but he lost some weight over these past 3 days. We'll see how it goes. My mom is slowly passing and near the end of late stage dementia and seriously their patterns of behavior with up and down days, eating, etc. are very similar. I guess whether your human or an animal, the stages of dying may be similar? Too much death this past year...Sorry to be gloomy!

    AZ-wow a 5K? Great job! I ran a 10K once in college but not since. I don't know if my knees would hold up or not?
    TA- You are doing great with your food choices, weight lifting and going down in clothing size! I can't wait until I wear a significantly smaller size.
    Sandy- Sounds like a nice walk outside! You are doing great so I wouldn't worry about the strength training aspect.
    Viggie-Good luck with your colonoscopy. Don't know if you have had one before. I did about 3 years ago due to some issues and I was scared. It was no big deal! The worst part is the prep the night before but the procedure went easily. Thinking of you...

    Did you see that thread about On Demand Free Workouts on Exercise TV? I'm checking it out now. The Yoga Slimdown looks great. 25 minutes of yoga covering all parts of the body for toning, slimming and sculpting. I think I'll use On Demand to change up my workouts. Lots of choices from dance, strength training, cardio, to yoga! yay!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Happy Weekend Everyone! :bigsmile:

    Jenny, I always forget about the on demand stuff. I need to check them out too.

    I did 2 1/2 miles at lunch today. I was by myself so I walked a little faster because I wasn't yacking! lol I'm really liking the park trail. I'll probably stick to it from now on.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,268 Member
    I'm taking a day off of exercise today. Hubbie and I went out to eat and I had a buffalo burger, very lean meat. Tasted so good! I'll exercise in the morning.

    Leo my dog is holding his own. His breathing is wheezy,labored but he's climbing the stairs and eating today. Not sure if he has just rallied to stay with us or if this is some kind of virus. He's very thin! We'll just keep watching him and see how he does.

    Any big weekend plans for any of you? I'm visiting a friend tomorrow and going to her church service with her. Sunday night we are celebrating my youngest son's 16th birthday at an Italian restaurant. He turns 16 on Monday. How time flies!

    Hope the weather warms up for all of us that need it, not TA! You're so lucky you have warmth and sun with nice walks outside! Lucky!

    Bye for now!
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Hi There Walkers :happy:

    I missed being on here for a couple of days, I walked 6 miles on Friday And 5.8 miles today.
    Tomorrow I lift weights.

    Jenny... I'm really feeling for you. What your going through is not easy :cry: . My Grandmother had dementia for 10 yrs and passed away at age 93. That was many years ago, she was like my mother, I was crushed when she died. But I'm sure it's harder when it's your own mom. {HUGS} Jenny Thanks for the kind words :blushing:

    ALICE... Thanks for the laugh, I just read your message about the quick bathroom trips, LOL :laugh:

    I Love this Walking group {Thank You All! } :heart:

    Have A wonderful weekend
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,268 Member
    Leo's doing much better today and begging for food, a good sign!
    I tried some workouts from On Demand TV this morning. I did 45 minutes of something called "Dance Your *kitten* Off" which was a combo of latin and hip hop dance, a Yoga Fitness 360 for 14 minutes, and Yoga Crunch Abs?? for 12 minutes. Then I walked with a friend outside for 2 miles this afternoon while we chatted and caught up on life. Feeling good!

    Although the workout was fun I think my age prohibits me from liking hip hop. The moves got my heart rate up but I didn't enjoy them. Latin dance moves are fun.

    TA-thanks for your kind words about my mom. Sorry you had to see your grandmother go through the progression of dementia/alzheimers. It a long, slow good-bye and not merciful at all...

    Watching Dancing With the Stars for the first time. I know I'm behind the rest of the country!
    Have a nice night!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Watching Dancing With the Stars for the first time. I know I'm behind the rest of the country!
    Have a nice night!

    I'm furthur behind than you are! I have never watched any of those shows--not even American Idol! I know--awful, isn't it? I really don't watch a lot of tv and when I do I tend to watch shows like Fringe (favorite!) or comedies (LOVE Big Bang Theory!).

    I've been walking and MIGHT make my goal this month. I've also been working on my yard and garden.
    My weight in finally going in the right direction again and I plan on that continuing!

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Hello Walkers!

    pmjsmom... Thats Great your seeing the scale go down, Awesome!
    I don't like TV much either. But my favorites are anything musical So I Love "Do you think you can dance" and "American Idol". I must say this season of American Idol with the new judges, Im Not liking it. Yeah, I like dancing with the Stars too But I can do without it.
    Jenny.... I'm Glad Leo seem's to be feeling better. And your amazing doing crunches, that will not be in my vocabulary

    I just went for a short walk today. Went Boating with the husband, So I walked to the Boat ramp and we went out from there.
    Beautiful gorgeous Day, That's my new profile pic going on the boat.

    Have A Good Night!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,268 Member
    I'm not typically a reality tv show person, I think they are obnoxious. I have a few favorite shows I record and watch when I have time.

    pmjsmom-good for you that you are seeing progress, how motivating. Jealous you get to be outside working in your yard. Still 1/2 a foot of snow on the ground in my yard, ugh!

    TA-Love your new picture and you look great! Hope you had fun boating with hubbie. I'm jealous of that too!

    Leo is back to normal so we'll see how the next weeks go for him. Maybe a virus or just thinking we take him for granted and needed to shake things up a bit?

    My food diary is minimal early today because I'm saving my calories for dinner out for my son's birthday. Right now drinking my favorite tea for mid day meal/snack. I will eat a dinner salad to offset the pasta I'm going to eat at the italian restaurant tonight.

    Not walking or exercising today to give my knees a break. Zumba tomorrow evening so that is a high impact workout!

    Have a nice evening...Jenny
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,268 Member
    TA- saw your scale-aholic comment on the other thread. What kind of scale did you buy? I may have asked this before but can't remember.

  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Started my Sunday with Leslie's 5 mile walk. I really enjoyed it. I hope everyone has a good week. Patti
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49

    Jenny .. No I don't remember you asking before. It's Weight Watchers scale model ww66

    I actually got my weight lifting in 15 minutes ago, UGH! I really hate doing it! But It's a MUST.

    Jenny, How long until you felt results with weights? I'm hearing some good stories about people seeing a difference, toneing Up!
    I can't wait :wink:

    I thought that thread on the scale- aholics was funny, so I thought it cute to respond back :blushing:

    Okay I have to go out and shop for food, So Have A Great Night.. :flowerforyou:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~ :<0

    67.5 What a wimpy week!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,268 Member
    Ta- I felt stronger within a few weeks but I don't have defined muscles on my arms yet. I do feel they look slimmer though. My joints are not as sore now that I'm doing the weights.

    Buca de Beppo was great but I'm not even going to log my dinner. I'm sure it was atleast 1200 calories. Zumba tomorrow!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Fellow Walkers.

    March is winding down; I can't believe how quickly the time goes. I did the Fat Burning 5 Mile walks yesterday and today to "catch up." It looks good to make my walk goal, but I need to get those strength training minutes going to meet that goal.

    Jenny - good to hear that your dog Leo is doing much better.

    Good luck, everyone!


  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Monday morning! Already? I don't feel I had any time off since I worked a couple of hours on Saturday. Sure hope I don't have to do that again soon! (Or at least get to take a different day off if I do!)

    Didn't get much walking in this weekend and don't know if I'll make my goal. Oh well, if I count all the walking done at work I'd be well past it by now (I do count about 1/3 of what I walk there).

    Yesterday I went to a church that recently moved to my neighborhood. I really like it and plan to go there regularly.

    Take care, everyone, and have a good day!
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Okay somehow i can't get my walking ticker to change.. i went to tickerfactory .com but my ticker settings doesn't pop up :(
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Good Morning Walkers!

    I had a short walk this morning 3 miles on the treadmill, It looked gloomy out west so I decided to stay indoors. Thank Goodness because it's pouring raining outside now. We desperately needed the rain.
    Since I Only walked 1 hour 7 minutes I decided to get 20 minutes of weight lifting in.

    arwamya...... I have to make a new ticker each time I go in UGH!!

    Have A Great week everyone!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm really slacking here today. I had a busy weekend and didn't get any walking in and now I just have no energy. Why is it so hard to start back after a day or two off? It's been a cold, gray rainy day here and it looks like more to come.

    Everybody keep up the good work. I"ll try to get re-motivated for tomorrow! :sad: