Day by Day Challenge- March Part 7



  • TheNewJessieMae
    March 2:
    1.) Finish the work. Just Log off of MFP and do it. It has to be done, thats why I'm getting paid!!!! **YAY ME
    2.) get on the water!!!! probably going to be a high sodium day with the meats I'll be eating since I'm trying to VERY low carb today. **YAY me!
    3.)LOW CARB-today is my rest day from TurboFire and I don't see me having the opportunity to do much of anything this evening so I'm going VERY low carb today. ****Only 30 Net Carbs !!! WOWOW
    4.) Finish in the green, calorie wise today. NOMATER the carb thing. If I'm not in the green by bedtime I better find something to do to get me there.I didn't BUT per my zig zag chart, I'm still under for the week so I'm GREAT!

    March 3.
    1.)4:30am Workout, go Ahead and tell ya-I didn't want to. Tried to go back to sleep but hubby guilted me into it at around 5am and I got it done. Glad I did!!!
    2.) Water!!! I've went from 156 on Sunday to 152 point something today and all I can say it's that it's my water intake!!!
    3.) Watch my carbs. Not too low, not too high. Gotta hit the sweet spot!
    4.) Bank today........ Signing refinance papers for my house which means dear ol jess will be a nervous wreck!!!! DONT EMOTIONALLY/NERVOUSLY EAT!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday and stay MOVIN"!!!
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Sorry it took me awhile to find the new thread. Had a few tough things going on. I would love to rejoin the group tho, if it's okay.

    My name is Stephanie, I'm 22, almost 23. I have a wonderful husband of 2 years, and a beautiful baby who will be a year old in 14 days!! ( where did the last year go??) I'm doing my best to stick to this diet, I'm the matron of honor in my best freinds wedding on July 23rd and I would like to lose 30 to 40 pounds by then :) I also just want to get healthy, have more energy, and be happy with myself. Hope everyone has a great month!!

    Today's Goals 3/3/11:
    1) Water
    2) Track Everything, (I'm only cheating myself if I don't do this!!!)
    3) Shred tonight, after Reagan goes to bed
    4) 2 Loads of laundry
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 1 and 2:
    1. WATER!!! (still need to work on this!)--better
    2. Make healthy choices.--mostly yes.
    3. Walk 1 mile and Yoga--already done.--yes, before work.
    4. Walk amother mile after work.--no, felt too bad.
    5. Get to bed on time!--no and yes.

    I didn't get here yesterday. I felt really bad for the last day and a half but I feel a little better today (so far). I did find that doing yoga has helped with the congestion in my head but I just did not have the energy for another mile after work. We'll see how it goes today.

    Getting fluids in has been easy since the medicine I am taking is drying everything up! I am constantly thirsty!

    Goals for March 3:
    1. Water.
    2. 1 mile and Yoga before work.
    3. Healthy choices.
    4. Get to bed on time.

    Kim I am SO sorry about your cat. I doin't know what I would do without my furry little girl!

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Hi all! I'm Steph! I'm 28 about to be 29 and I've been following the challenge for a few months now. Last month, not so much. But I am recommitting myself once again. I have a lot of goals to reach by the end of this year, starting with my Birthday Breakthrough challenge. I have 13 more lbs. to lose to reach this goal, but would rather it be 15 lbs. I have my first 5k run on June 4th and before the end of the year I will have to run a few 10k's and such to make it to my ultimate goal of the 1/2 marathon in Las Vegas in December. So...I really need to start busting hump. I've been slacking for far too long!

    Today is half over and I have tomorrow already in my sights. So I'm just going to post my challenges for tomorrow.

    3.4.11 Goals:
    1) WATER!
    2) Turbo Jam in the AM
    3) Exercise in the PM
    4) Log my food!

    Lee - I hope you are recovering well.

    Jess - You are doing fantastic!

    Kim - Sorry about your loss
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Onto Thursday...
    1. Water throughout the day. *YES*
    2. Combat after work so leave on time. *YES*
    3. Be productive at work. *YES*
    4. Healthy food choices. Got to work on getting more greens in. *KIND OF!*

    Crazy day today to get everything done at work and so glad I made it to combat this evening. Have the day off tomorrow and am off to Ireland for the weekend to see some friends. They have a lovely place in the countryside so looking forward to a little retreat! Need to get packing my little bag but I'll comment more next week. Probably won't be on too much over the weekend so I'll post goals for the next few days.

    K sorry to hear about your cat. Hope you're doing ok.

    1. Training in the morning and either a bonus class or at least a run on the treadmill.
    2. Lots of water.
    3. Don't miss flight.
    4. Enjoy a real pint of guiness!
    5. Have fun.

    1. Have fun.
    2. Water.

    1. Have fun.
    2. Water.
    3. Don't miss flight home.

    Hope you all have a great few days and I'll catch up with you soon!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    1. Keep my food diary
    2. stay under calories
    3. exercise
    4. Drink my water

    Well, I think I did pretty good for my first day. Completed goals 1, 2 and 4!!! the exercise just didn't happen. I ran out of time in the day with a meeting that I forgot about! So I will work on that. as for tomorrows goals, I going to keep them the same and shoot for 100%!!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Thursdays Goals
    1. Sleep in - Mmm it was lovely
    2. Work out - Yes, body attack followed by body balance.
    3. Plan meals before going to the supermarket, try and get some green stuff in there too. - Yes though a little low on the green stuff
    4. Drink more water! Seriously I drank none yesterday - Yes
    5. Today I WILL come in under my calories - Yes!

    Fridays Goals
    1. Give body a chance to recover from yesterdays work out
    2. Under on calories
    3. Water

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Yesterday's Goals:
    1) Water (Pretty Good)
    2) Track Everything, (I'm only cheating myself if I don't do this!!!) ( Well that didn't go well)
    3) Shred tonight, after Reagan goes to bed (nope)
    4) 2 Loads of laundry (YES!!)

    Friday's Goals
    1) Water
    2) Track Everything
    3) Dishes and Clean my kitchen tonight!!

    Saturday's Goals
    1) Water
    2) Eat within my calories
    3) Do something fun with Reagan

    Sunday' Goals
    1) Water
    2) Prepare to Start the Shred on MONDAY!!
    3) Get all my cleaning organizing of my second floor DONE!

    I know I probably wont get on this weekend, hope everyone has an awesome weekend, see you all Monday!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 3:
    1. Water.--did pretty good with this one.
    2. 1 mile and Yoga before work.--yes
    3. Healthy choices.--mostly yes.
    4. Get to bed on time.--yes.

    Goals for March 4:
    1. Water.
    2 1 mile and Yoga before work.
    3. Healthy choices.
    4. Watch the Friday night snacking!

    Have a god day, all!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    3.4.11 Goals:
    1) WATER!
    2) Turbo Jam in the AM - FAIL - went to happy hour, got home at 2am! Ugh! Fun times though :o)
    3) Exercise in the PM
    4) Log my food!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    March 3.
    1.)4:30am Workout, go Ahead and tell ya-I didn't want to. Tried to go back to sleep but hubby guilted me into it at around 5am and I got it done. Glad I did!!!
    2.) Water!!! I've went from 156 on Sunday to 152 point something today and all I can say it's that it's my water intake!!! ---Good Job
    3.) Watch my carbs. Not too low, not too high. Gotta hit the sweet spot! NUP OVER
    4.) Bank today........ Signing refinance papers for my house which means dear ol jess will be a nervous wreck!!!! DONT EMOTIONALLY/NERVOUSLY EAT!!! I failed miserably

    March 4--Little late in the day posting But I've already worked out today....................... BLEW MY carbs already because of the McD's luncht that I thought would be healthy. So I only have 3 Things.
    1.) Water
    2.) Clean
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi Jenni- welcome, sorry its a late welcome!

    Stephanie- glad you found us!

    Nam- have a safe trip!

    Nicole- hooray for a light load for spring!

    Steph- keep up the good work on Turbo Jam! Are you seeing results yet?

    Kathy- I agree about Friday night snacking.

    Kim- Great job staying under your calories. Did you enjoy your rest day?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    March 4's goals (better late than never):

    1. Keep chugging water, 1 diet soda only with dinner.
    2. workout from home, including resistant bands, push ups, abs, pilates and some low impact cardio.;
    3. Do not eat while watching tv.

    Non-fitness goals:
    1. Clean the house!
    2. Mail my brother's birthday present.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Friday's recap:
    March 4's goals (better late than never):

    1. Keep chugging water, 1 diet soda only with dinner. YES, YES, I DIDN'T EVEN FINISH THE WHOLE CAN.
    2. workout from home, including resistant bands, push ups, abs, pilates and some low impact cardio. YES
    3. Do not eat while watching tv. YES

    Non-fitness goals:
    2. Mail my brother's birthday present. YES

    March 5's goals:
    1. Only eating the meal plan that I prepared in advance.
    2. Drink water all day.
    3. Finish cleaning.
    4. Finish reading my book.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    I didn't too well keeping track of things yesterday. but I did spend the day wondering round the local royal horticultural society gardens which was lovely if a bit chilly, can't wait to go back in a few weeks when spring has picked up a bit more pace.

    I'm going to post Sundays goals now:
    1. Healthy choices at tomorrows lunch.
    2. Work out before we set off
    3. Draw when we get back.

    Hope you're all having a great weekend.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 4:
    1. Water.--Pretty good.
    2 1 mile and Yoga before work.--Yes
    3. Healthy choices.--Mostly, should have been better.
    4. Watch the Friday night snacking!--UGH!!--This is why #3 is "mostly" and not "yes"!

    A bit late posting today. It's been a pretty good day so far. Took it off from exercising but have been eating pretty well. Started some seeds for my (very small) garden and did some grocery shopping. Need to drink more water, still, though.

    Hope everyone is enjoying themselves this weekend!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Went to the running store today and managed to blow over $300! How on earth is running so freakin' expensive!?!?!? I guess now that I know what I need, I can get cheaper things later on the next round. I hope to be completely "safe" to start running. Meaning not injuring myself with this goal. Two 5K's coming up in June to train for. The Susan G. Koman and the Spartan Race. I am really nervous about that one. I've never ran a 5K before and then having them basically a week apart is intense. But if you have a minute...check out for the craziness my friends want me to embark on. A 5K with 10 obstacles including water, mud and fire...insane! Yet, I really need to start training for the Rock n' Roll 1/2 Marathon. we go!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    March 5's goals:
    1. Only eating the meal plan that I prepared in advance. NO, BUT I DIDN'T DO HORRIBLE EITHER.
    2. Drink water all day. YES
    3. Finish cleaning. ALMOST
    4. Finish reading my book. YES

    March 6's goals:
    1. make an awesome breakfast for my fam.
    2. workout atleast 60 minutes from home, incl. abs, pilates, push ups.
    3. drink water and green tea, 1 soda with dinner (optional)

    non-fitness goals
    1. clean the bathrooms
    2. finish last load of clothes
    3. start a new book.
  • jrm39
    jrm39 Posts: 29
    hi! i'm jess. :) i'm graduating high school this june, and my goal is to look awesome by graduation/the subsequent beach trip i'm taking. i'd love to lose 30 pounds by then!

    my march 6th sunday goals:
    01. drink 8 cups of water
    02. do all 90 minutes of yoga x for the first time EVER
    03. look in the mirror and smile
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Sorry I've been MIA over the past few days.... To be completely honest, it was partially because I was getting kinda annoyed with myself on NOT reaching so many of my goals and embarrassed that you all were seeing my failures. :embarassed: I've kinda kicked myself in the butt over the weekend, though, and I think I'm ready to try this again. Hopefully getting back to reaching some of my goals, too!

    Anyway, welcome Jess! (You'll find your name is rather common in this topic for some reason.... :laugh: )

    Steph: I would sure hope equipment you had to spend that much on will keep you safe.... I can't IMAGINE spending that much on fitness supplies, unless it was a machine!

    Nam: Hope you had a terrific trip! I spent about a week in Ireland my last year of high school, and would LOVE to be able to get back someday!

    3-7-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat
    3. Start that dang sit-up challenge again! (Unless my back is still bothering me as much as it is today. Spent a lot of time yesterday bent over, long story.)
    4. Bed by 10

    3-7-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Dishes x2 (dishwasher & handwashed)
    2. Finances
    3. If I don't get called to work, start cleaning/organizing my bedroom

    P.S. Almost forgot! I got some good personal news on Thursday that I'm really excited about, so would like to share: I was accepted to the graduate school program I was working on applying to for so long last month! :smile: