Day by Day Challenge- March Part 7



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nam, hope you're feeling better.

    Steph, hope you had fun bowling!

    Jess, how was lunch with your friend?

    Kathy, hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are!

    March 8's goals:
    1. go to kickboxing class in the AM. YES
    2. try my new sweet potatoe recipe. NO, I TRIED ANOTHER RECIPE AND IT ENDED UP THE TRASH!
    3. finish off the rest of the cabbage (no one in the house eats cabbage, but me) NO GETTING SICK OF EATING IT AND IT MAY HAVE TO GO IN THE TRASH AFTER TOMORROW. I HATE WASTING FOOD!
    4. drink atleast 80 ounces of water. YES, STOPPED AT 80
    7. no night time snacking esp since I'm going to bed early. YES...SO FAR

    So its day 2 with no diet pepsi. Its not even intentional, I just haven't had a taste for it. I've been sipping lemon water all day and haven't even thought about it until now. I won't open a can unless I know I will drink the whole thing and since I know I won't finish it, its no point in opening it and letting it go to waste! I BROKE DOWN AND HAD ONE TODAY TO WASH THE NASTY TASTE OF MY RECIPE GONE BAD!

    March 9's goals:
    1. Zumba!
    2. Water!
    3. Read!
    4. stay under calories without depending too much on exercise calories.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Under on calories - Yup
    2. Exercise: Walk & Jillian Michaels Banish fat DVD - Yup
    3. Water - Yup
    4. Draw - No was mucking about making pancakes
    5. Laundry - See above

    Super quick post

    1. Water
    2. Swim
    3. Laundry
    4. Put out smart clothes for tomorrow's meeting

    Have a great day everyone!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Ok, nap turned into just sleep, so things didn't go so well yesterday.....
    3-8-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium - Only about 5
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat - No, thanks to not getting to my cardio...
    3. Start that dang sit-up challenge again! - No, partially because my back was still bothering me more than I'd have liked.
    4. Do some home cardio - No, like I said, nap turned into sleep....
    5. Bed by 10 - Yeah, by a pretty good bit... lol

    3-8-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Dishes x2 (dishwasher & handwashed - Dishwasher, yes. Handwashed dishes, no.
    2. Finances - No :ohwell:
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat
    3. Do some home cardio
    4. Bed by 10

    3-9-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Finances!!
    2. Handwashed dishes
    3. Get to Ash Wednesday service tonight
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Yesterday's Recap
    1) Water ( had 5)
    2) Make a healthy dinner ( Yes)
    3) Some exercise after Reagan goes to bed ( No, my back is still bothering me)
    4) Laundry ( No, but I did clean my kitchen!!)

    1) Water, nothing else to drink!!
    2) Healthy dinner
    3) LAUNDRY!!! or I will have nothing to wear tomorrow!!!!!
    4) Shred after Reagan goes to bed- Day 1
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 8:
    1 Water.--Should have been more.
    2. Exercise and yoga before work.--Yes.
    3. Portion control (pancakes for dinner--and ice cream cake--it's my birthday:happy: ).Did quite well on this one!
    4. Get to bed on time.--Yes.

    We ended up with a sunny day yesterday! It was very nice and there was actually a bit of work, too--moving fruit trees and some baby maple trees to their tables. I really hate not having any work to do!

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had a really nice day, my son cooked dinner--AND cleaned up afterward--and Ihad just a SMALL piece of the ice cream cake!

    Goals for March 9--
    1. Water!!!
    2. Exercise and yoga before work.
    3. Healthy choices and stay under my calories.
    4. Get to bed on time.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    3.8.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - eh
    2) Bowling tonight no time to work out :o( - We won last night :o)

    3.9.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Don't go over my calories!
    3) Turbo Jam
    4) Make dinner
    5) Yoga
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for today 3/8
    1. Laundry--started
    2. Water at least twice what I got in yesterday--fail but i got in the same as the day before:)
    3. clean coffee table (I think its still under all the paper and mags and empty cans that have collected on it hehe)- DONE

    Did good yesterday except the water. :) I'll work on that water thing today!!

    Goals for today 3/9
    1. WATER
    2. Laundry
    3. go thru my shoes and get rid of most of them!! I haven't worn alot of them in over a year I think its safe to get rid of them.

    It's raining here so I'm not going to be able to go do anything outside and its gonna be in the 50s... would be perfect walking weather otherwise. Hope you all have a good day!!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Water - No
    2. Swim - No
    3. Laundry - No
    4. Put out smart clothes for tomorrow's meeting – Er yes but changed my mind in the morning!

    Morning Everyone,

    Yesterday was pretty much a fail, but I feel great, whats that about? I had to work late and stayed up way past my bed time (apparently I’m 5 years old) putting together a present and making gluten free cornflakes for a work friend's birthday today (quality control on those put me a little over my calories:blushing: ). Normally I would feel like I’d been run over in morning but actually I feel fantastic, even woke up before my alarm!

    Today there’s a big scary future of our department meeting so I’m going to try and keep today’s goals fairly light.

    1. 30 mins cardio
    2. Laundry – Seriously or I’m going to have to start wearing dresses.
    3. Water

    Hope you’re all having a great morning.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    K, I hope all goes well at the meeting! What's wrong with wearing dresses?

    Rav, it rained off and on all day yesterday too. I didn't mind the rain, but it was so cold.

    Steph, great job on the Turbo Fire. I've seen the infomerical; it looks intense. Great job on the win in bowling. Does your league bowl every Tuesday?

    Kathy, glad you had good weather and had a nice time for your birthday!

    hutchins, Hope your back feels better? What's on the menu for dinner tonight? I love your plan to only drink water.

    Yesterday's recap:
    March 9's goals:
    1. Zumba! YES
    2. Water! YES
    3. Read! YES
    4. stay under calories without depending too much on exercise calories. YES

    March 10's goals:
    1. Workout in the AM.
    2. Have 2 meal replacement shakes today, instead of one.
    3. Zumba in the PM.
    4. water, water, water.

    non-fitness goals:
    1. start washing and packing winter clothes, start unpacking and washing spring/summer clothes.
    2. Bag all clothes that my daughter has gotten too big for and all the clothes I've gotten too small for to donate to the church.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 9--
    1. Water!!!--no. Lost my water bottle at work! Luckily, I have another I can take with me today.
    2. Exercise and yoga before work.--Yes.
    3. Healthy choices and stay under my calories.--Close but no.
    4. Get to bed on time.--Yes.

    Kim--I don't own a single dress! (Shocking, I know.)

    It has been pouring down rain here and it will be like that today, too. Got a fairly large plant and shrub order arriving today and almost all of it goes on uncovered tables. Yellow rain slicker time!

    Goals for March 10:
    1. Water--Lots of it!
    2. Exercise and yoga before work.
    3. Stay in my calorie goals.
    4. Get to bed on time.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for today 3/9
    1. WATER-not so good
    2. Laundry--work in progress still
    3. go thru my shoes and get rid of most of them!! I haven't worn alot of them in over a year I think its safe to get rid of them.-OMG I have too many shoes!!! I satarted in on it and haven't even gotten halfway thru!!

    Goals for today 3/10
    1. Get nails done
    2. water
    3. finish laundry and shoes

    Have a doctor's appt this morning so no time to chat! Be back later hopefully to check in with everyone and see what's going on:) Have a great day everyone!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Steph - congrats on your bowling win! I used to be in a league while I was in college and I miss it SO much!

    Kim - Hope your meeting goes well!

    Kathy - Better you than me to be working outside! I sure hope it's warmer where you live than it is here....
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium - No
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat - No (I know my diary says I was, but when I still was thinking I was going to do some cardio, I had an extra treat my mom brought back from Russia that doesn't have nutritional information.)
    3. Do some home cardio - No
    4. Bed by 10 - No

    3-9-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Finances!! - No :grumble:
    2. Handwashed dishes - Started
    3. Get to Ash Wednesday service tonight - Don't want to talk about it.... I missed it, and it was for a REALLY stupid reason. :mad: (At myself)
    Looks like I need to give myself ANOTHER kick in the pants! GRRR! But, I'm not working today, so should be able to get plenty done, right?

    3-10-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat
    3. Gym, preferably for both strength and cardio
    4. Bed by 10:30

    3-10-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Do those finances, including getting to the bank
    2. Finish handwashed dishes
    3. Start cleaning/organizing my bedroom
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Felt sick last night, so basically I accomplished none of my goals...bah!

    Leela - I haven't tried Turbo Fire, I'm on Turbo Jam, but so far I'm liking it. It's kicking my butt and i'm still on the introductory part to learn the moves LOL. Yes, our league is every Tuesday. We were in 6th place before bowling this week, so we'll see. I really want to win money so we don't have to pay that much for next season.

    Shannon - Thanks girl! I really like it. This is my first time being on a league. I'm super bad, but it's fun. I saw a post on here about a Dave Ramsey book to help with your finances. Maybe you can pick it up at the library??? I need to do the same thing :o)

    Kim - haha isn't that funny that the "nice" clothes are a last resort because we didn't do our laundry. If I'm all fancy it's because I've been super lazy in the laundry department. Too funny! I've been waking up, I mean wide awake, at 4am lately. Then I go back to sleep and it's like I can't get enough of it and don't want to wake up at my normal alarm. Perhaps I should just get up when that happens.

    House sitting for my aunt. Well, really cat sitting. So I'm not sure what is going to happen. I have to figure out a new routine. And my routine thus far hasn't been so good. Ugh! So I believe I will have to get up wicked early to accomplish things and I don't enjoy that. I'm much better at going to bed late. I need to figure this out...BAH!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for today 3/10
    1. Get nails done-done
    2. water-eh drank some but not nearly enough
    3. finish laundry and shoes-FAIL didn't even really work on any of it. Dr's took longer than expected.

    So I think I've finally got caught up with all of you:) You all seem to be doing well for the most part, we all have our bad days I know that one too well!!! hehe

    Hoping that in the afternoon here it will be warm enough for me to go for a walk somewhere. Its supposed to be sunny and in the 40s should be good for at short power walk at least.

    Goals for Friday 3/11
    1. try to be sensible in what I eat after breakfast. My mom is stopping by in the morning and is going to bring me breakfast (which means fast food either McD's or BK) I'm gonna have to see which is the better option for me. I know I really don't want any of it but I also can't really tell her no when she does this.
    2. Drink nothing but water and unsweetened tea. I need to get my caffine in somehow or I can't function.
    3. Work on shoes and laundry. I've almost got a bag for donation done. Hoping to at least get it filled so I can get it out of my living room.

    It will probably be late tomorrow evening before I get back on here. I have to go to a rehersal dinner tomorrow night. I know I won't be on much all weekend with it being my SIL's wedding this Sat. I'm so excited though:) I can't wait and I know I'm gonna tear up. I also am not looking forward to having to give a speech.....damn those traditions sometimes...hehe

    Hope you all have a good evening and Friday:)
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Steph - Thanks for that suggestion.... I might have to try that. But what I meant by that was just updating my tracking of stuff on my computer program.

    Ravyn - Based on the book "Eat This, Not That" McD's is actually JUST healthier than BK. (My dad had a copy that I looked through a bit while I was visiting him a couple of weeks ago.)
    3-10-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium - 7, so not bad, though I could have done better....
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat - Yes!
    3. Gym, preferably for both strength and cardio - Yes!
    4. Bed by 10:30 - Just barely, but yes

    3-10-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Do those finances, including getting to the bank - Well, I didn't realize just how long this was going to take.... HOWEVER, I finally got STARTED at least, including making sure I had enough money to pay a credit card on time, which was a major concern.
    2. Finish handwashed dishes - Didn't realize how long the finances thing was going to take.
    3. Start cleaning/organizing my bedroom - See above
    3-11-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat
    3. Bed by 11:30 (Since I can sleep in tomorrow, lol)

    3-11-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Finish up those finances
    2. Handwashed dishes
    3. Start taxes
    4. Watch the first game of the Pittsburgh Power Arena football team
    5. Start laundry

    Doesn't this look like a fun Friday night? lol
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Yesterday's recap:
    March 10's goals:
    1. Workout in the AM. YES
    2. Have 2 meal replacement shakes today, instead of one. YES
    3. Zumba in the PM. YES
    4. water, water, water. YES

    non-fitness goals:
    1. start washing and packing winter clothes, start unpacking and washing spring/summer clothes. JUST BARELY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE.
    2. Bag all clothes that my daughter has gotten too big for and all the clothes I've gotten too small for to donate to the church.

    March 11's goals:
    1. Zumba?
    2. Jillian Michael's 6 pack abs
    3. Make a new recipe for dinner.
    4. Don't be discouraged if the scale doesn't agree with my efforts.
    5. drink water all day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 10:
    1. Water--Lots of it!--Not bad.
    2. Exercise and yoga before work.--Yes.
    3. Stay in my calorie goals.--Yes.
    4. Get to bed on time.--Yes.

    Still working on the water--I know I need to drink more.

    SKismet--We're not really cold this time of year--40's and 50's. The wind yesterday, though, was incredible--25-30 mph with gusts up to 50mph! Supposed to be nicer today.

    Steph--Hang in there. You'll figure out a schedule (I'm a morning person, myself, and do better if I am up early and go to bed early.)

    Ravyn--Have fun at the wedding--your speech will be great!

    Tomorrow we are going to my brother's house to celebrate this month's birthdays--mine, his, amd DDs boyfriend/partner (how DO I refer to him, anyway?). I will need to be VERY careful! LOL!

    March 11 goals:
    1. Water!!!
    2. Exercise and yoga before work.
    3. Healthy choices and stay in my calories.
    4. Watch the Friday night snacking!

    I'm pretty proud of myself for getting the yoga in every morning. I already feel the difference!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    midday check in:
    March 11's goals:
    1. Zumba? YES
    2. Jillian Michael's 6 pack abs NOT YET
    3. Make a new recipe for dinner. NOT YET
    4. Don't be discouraged if the scale doesn't agree with my efforts. SURPRISED IT WENT DOWN TWO POUNDS! YIPPEE!
    5. drink water all day! IT COULD BE BETTER, GONNA STEP IT UP
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I finished up the rest of my goals. I did abs and tried a new easy cheesy chicken enchilada recipe. It turned out good. I had it with a side of black bean salsa, brown rice and a small side salad. I am stuffed!
    I guess everyone is out having a good time tonight. Hope to see you guys around soon!

    March 12's goals:
    1. put pot roast in the crock pot before tumbling class.
    2. workout after my daughter goes to tumbling class. (try to get some good miles in)
    3. do not give in to temptations that the weekend holds.
    4. drink as much water as possible.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    3-11-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium - Not quite. About 4 1/2.
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat - Yep! :smile:
    3. Bed by 11:30 (Since I can sleep in tomorrow, lol) - Just barely, though I don't think I was asleep until at least midnight.

    3-11-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Finish up those finances - No. :grumble:
    2. Handwashed dishes - No. :grumble:
    3. Start taxes - No
    4. Watch the first game of the Pittsburgh Power Arena football team - Yeah, but they lost. :frown:
    5. Start laundry - Define "Start." :laugh: I sorted out the load I was planning on doing and pre-treated a couple of stains.

    Doesn't this look like a fun Friday night? lol
    3-12-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat
    3. Get to the gym before work
    4. Bed either by 11 or first thing after I get from work, which ever is later

    3-12-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Finish up those finances
    2. Handwashed dishes
    3. Do that load of laundry
    4. READ at work instead of watching tv or playing on my phone (Though talking to my co-workers would also be appropriate.)