Day by Day Challenge- March Part 7



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    March 11 goals:
    1. Water!!!--Did NOT do well with this at all!
    2. Exercise and yoga before work.--Yes.
    3. Healthy choices and stay in my calories.--No. My son brought home Papa Murphy's Pizza! (I'd have been fine if I had just had the thin crust veggie obw but I had a slice of the stuffed crust one, too.)
    4. Watch the Friday night snacking!--Actually did okay on this one as I did not eat after having dinner.

    I wa disappointed to see that the scale went up a pound--surprised, too, because my clothes are starting to feel looser again! I'm hoping it is sodium but I also know I need to do better with my choices.

    Tomorrow I am starting my lower carb diet (no point today because I am going to my brother's and have NO idea what he is serving us) and will cut out all added sugars and also simple carbs. This has always been the best way for me to be successful at losing and I hope it will help again!

    Goals for March 12:
    1. Water! (There IS water at my brother's house, after all!)
    2. Yoga
    3. Portion Control.
    4. Make the best choices possible.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    I wa disappointed to see that the scale went up a pound--surprised, too, because my clothes are starting to feel looser again! I'm hoping it is sodium but I also know I need to do better with my choices.
    It could be you're gaining muscle... Maybe try taking measurements as well so you know if you're losing inches?

    Oh, and due to some changes in my schedule today, I'm changing the gym goal to just exercising before work. Haven't seen my boyfriend much this week and he wants to come over. He's gonna bring over his Wii. :smile: Not quite the same workout as going to the gym, but at least it's something!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    "Ran" outside for the first time today. Went to a trail out here with my roomie. So happy about it. I'm hurting though. Had to Tony Horton's Power Half Hour Stretch. Sooo glad I did, I'm still sore and the stretching was definitely necessary. It's been a good day.

    1) WATER
    2) Feed the cats AM
    3) Exercise
    4) Feed the cats PM
    5) Laundry
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    March 12's goals:
    1. put pot roast in the crock pot before tumbling class. YES
    2. workout after my daughter goes to tumbling class. (try to get some good miles in) YES (YES)
    3. do not give in to temptations that the weekend holds. NO
    4. drink as much water as possible. NO

    I gotta have a better today tomorrow. The second half of the day went totally bad.

    march 13's goals:
    1. don't overeat, no snacking.
    2. water and more water.
    3. workout atleast 90 minutes.
  • jrm39
    jrm39 Posts: 29
    sorry guys, i've been totally out of the loop for the past few days!

    i'm putting down my challenges for the next 5 days (through friday) because school makes it tough to keep up with mfp daily--

    monday, march 14th goals:
    01. 8 cups of water
    02. cardio x before school, maybe some jogging during 2nd period
    03. work on scholarship applications

    tuesday, march 15th goals:
    01. 8 cups of water
    02. legs & back + ab ripper x sometime during the day
    03. wear an outfit that makes me feel adorable because it's gonna hit 50 degrees finally!

    wednesday, march 16th goals:
    01. 8 cups of water
    02. kenpo x before school, maybe some jogging during 2nd period
    03. resist temptation of mini hershey bars at work

    thursday, march 17th goals:
    01. 8 cups of water
    02. eat more vegetables!
    03. jog after school! it's going to be beautiful

    friday, march 18th goals:
    01. 8 cups of water
    02. chest & back + ab ripper x before school
    03. pack a large but healthy snack for work
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1) WATER - working on it still
    2) Feed the cats AM - CHECK
    3) Exercise - still to come
    4) Feed the cats PM - CHECK
    5) Laundry - In the wash now...switching to the dryer after writing this

    Well, I'm still pretty sore today. So I believe Tony and I have a date to stretch me out. Man, I really love that workout! In fact, I ordered it for myself last night! YAY!

    3.14.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Exercise AM
    3) Cats AM
    4) Exercise PM
    5) Cats PM? gotta check the calendar, I think I have a reprieve this week.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Ok so I am back after a week off from... well... life. Kind of. I had spring break last week ... and I did nothing. Nothing at all.... well minus going to see The Adjustment Bureau (which was awesome! btw) The original plan was to get back on track, get ahead etc. last week but I was so burned out I could not do anything (and I was sick for the first 3 days). But I am back, recharged and rearing to go. So I'm posting my goals for tomorrow tonight!

    1. Ace my exam!
    2. Water... and only water for the day.
    3. Back to the gym (hopefully I can fix my IPod somehow)

    Have a good day week everyone! It's good to be back!

  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Not a terrific day yesterday.....
    3-12-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 glasses of water, depending on my sodium - Only 4 :ohwell:
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fat - Nope, though I might have burned a few of them off at work... It's hard for me to track that, especially since I have a "lightly active" life
    3. Get to the gym before work (Changed to just workout/Wii) - Even changing it I failed on this, partly because the bf forgot to bring the Wii!
    4. Bed either by 11 or first thing after I get from work, which ever is later - Not quite.... Got a message from a cousin I'm close with that she needed to talk, so was up until 2/3 AM. (old time/new time)

    3-12-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Finish up those finances - No, due to bf coming over. DID start to clean my bedroom, though.
    2. Handwashed dishes - See above.
    3. Do that load of laundry - Yes
    4. READ at work instead of watching tv or playing on my phone (Though talking to my co-workers would also be appropriate.) - Yes, more talking to co-workers than reading, but I wasn't playing on my phone much.
    Ummmm. Oops! Definitely thought I posted this before leaving earlier today! lol

    3-13-2011 goals (Today is gonna be a "doesn't really count" day I think....)
    1. 6-10 cups of water depending on the sodium deal
    2. Log things the best I can (Things are probably going to be estimated because I'm going to a birthday party for a friend's son then dinner at my boyfriend's.)
    3. Portion control!
    4. Bed by 10:30
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    1. 30 mins cardio - Yes
    2. Laundry- Yes
    3. Water - Not so much

    Hi All,

    Thanks for all you kind wishes about the meeting (and my laundry :laugh: ). It didn’t go too badly and, with the risk of jinxing things, it looks like we’re secure but with an increased work load, which doesn’t bother me too much, it all looks like it could be fairly interesting and being busy at work is always a good thing.

    I had a bit of a rude awakening at the weekend. I went into town to buy new work out gear it quickly became clear, while I am with out a doubt smaller then I was, all the days of “ah well I’ll work it off later” or “its Friday, I can relax” have caught up with me. So once again I am back with renewed determination.

    Steph – Well done on your run! I’ve just ordered my running shoes this morning. I’m SO nervous just about going for a run outside let alone the 5k I’ve got coming in June. I think I’m a bit worried the local school kids will make fun of me.

    Monday’s Goals
    1. Order Running Shoes – Done!
    2. Water – No excuses Kim! Type one handed if you have to but that bottle doesn’t leave your hand all day!
    3. Exercise: Walk, Body Attack & Body Balance – Must wear HRM
    4. Healthy choices - May have enough calories for junk food that doesnt mean i should eat it. :grumble:
    5. No TV – This worked so well last week I’m going to try it again this week.

    Hope you all have a great day! See you later!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Jess, great goals for the week! I especially love #3 on Tuesday. Best of luck with the scholarships.... If you'd want some suggestions on where to find more financial aid help, message me! I went through that stuff not THAT long ago (Not to mention will be some again in the near future.) and have a few sites I found really helpful.

    Nicole, great to see you back! Sorry you weren't feeling well for half of spring break, not fun at all! Good luck on your exam!

    Steph, hope you're getting that schedule down. :smile:

    Kim, so glad to hear your meeting went well! On the other hand, sorry to hear about your "rude awakening." Stay strong and I'm sure you'll do fine! :smile:
    3-13-2011 goals (Today is gonna be a "doesn't really count" day I think....)
    1. 6-10 cups of water depending on the sodium deal - Not so much... About 4-4 1/2
    2. Log things the best I can (Things are probably going to be estimated because I'm going to a birthday party for a friend's son then dinner at my boyfriend's.) - Definitely estimated, but I DID do my best on this! :smile:
    3. Portion control! - So-so, there were some REALLY good meatballs at the party that I just couldn't resist getting a second helping of, and I probably should have had a slightly smaller piece of cake. :embarassed: lol
    4. Bed by 10:30 - No, and boy am I regretting it now! :yawn: Running on about 6 hours of sleep, which is no where near what I've determined I need to be well rested. Awake and fully functional, yeah, but NOT well rested.... :ohwell:
    Now, back to the grind.... lol

    3-14-2011 fitness goals
    1. 6-10 cups of water depending on my sodium
    2. Stay under on cals, carbs and fats
    3. Seriously, 200 sit-up challenge! Week 1, Day 1
    4. Bed by 10

    3-14-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Be up from my nap (if I even take one) by 5
    2. Finish updating and balancing the rest of my finances, including applying for some financial assistance stuff
    3. While I'm at the above, start taxes, especially local since I KNOW I'm getting a little money back from those
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 12:
    1. Water! (There IS water at my brother's house, after all!)--Did okay.
    2. Yoga --No.
    3. Portion Control.--Yes.
    4. Make the best choices possible.--Yes.

    Saturday went well and so did Sunday. I had a little slip Sunday night but I am not letting that derail me. I WILL beat this sugar monster that has been hanging around my house! Also drank LOTS of water on Sunday.

    Goals for March 14:
    1. Water.
    2.Exercise and yoga before work.
    3. Stick to my eating plan.
    4. Get to bed on time!

    Raining today and windy again, too. Usual weather for this time of year--yuck!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    March 13 recap:
    march 13's goals:
    1. don't overeat, no snacking. YES, YES
    2. water and more water. TRIED, BETTER
    3. workout atleast 90 minutes. ONLY 65 MINUTES

    March 14's goals:
    1. workout from home
    2. eat sensibly, but not like a bird.
    3. add lemon or mint to water to drink more. Make some tea for the afternoon

    Simple and straight forward. I hope to start my week off on a good note.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for Friday 3/11
    1. try to be sensible in what I eat after breakfast. My mom is stopping by in the morning and is going to bring me breakfast (which means fast food either McD's or BK) I'm gonna have to see which is the better option for me. I know I really don't want any of it but I also can't really tell her no when she does this.
    2. Drink nothing but water and unsweetened tea. I need to get my caffine in somehow or I can't function.
    3. Work on shoes and laundry. I've almost got a bag for donation done. Hoping to at least get it filled so I can get it out of my living room.

    1. had a mcmuffin and forgot how good those can taste:) Ate pretty well for the rest of the day too:)
    2. FAIL...Diet dew was so much easier to just grab and go with.
    3. FAIL....gonna blame hubby on this one cause he came home early from work and wouldn't leave me alone;) hehe not all bad but still didn't get this done.

    Wedding was awesome! Can't wait to see all the photos:) My speech was short and sweet. I don't remember what I even said though hehe.....She was gorgeous in her dress and that was the best looking her husband has ever looked for as long as I've known him:) hehe He's one of those sweats guys so I never really see him in much of anything but sweats and ratty t-shirts. He looked good in his white tux!! hehe

    Friday night me and the hubby got a date night:) We went to a movie and saw "I Am Number Four" all I can say is that it is one of the best movies I've seen in along time!!! It was so much better than the previews made it look! Highly recommend people go see it!!

    So my goals for Monday 3/14
    1. Water
    2. clean kitchen
    3. laundry
    4. finish the shoes.
    5. go to post office to return something so I don't owe them $70 itds not really worth it! hehe

    Hope you all have a great day!!!
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my posts, soo busy with my 11 month old, and now she has a cold :( Anyway.

    Goals for 3/14/11
    1) WATER
    2) Gym tonight after Reagan goes to bed.
    3) Laundry
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1) WATER - FAIL
    2) Feed the cats AM - CHECK
    3) Exercise - FAIL
    4) Feed the cats PM - CHECK
    5) Laundry - In the wash now...CHECK

    3.14.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Exercise AM - Slept in, was feeling quite sore still
    3) Cats AM - CHECK
    4) Exercise PM
    5) Cats PM? gotta check the calendar, I think I have a reprieve this week.

    Kim - You can do it girl! It's a struggle, believe me, but at some point I will really RUN...that's pretty exciting to know. I too have been slacking off some and it's not helped me out one bit. The countdown is about 46/45 days till Colorado so I really need to take some inspiration from Nam and step it up too.

    Nicole - glad you're back and feeling better

    Ravyn - I really liked that movie too. And bonus...Timothy Olyphant is in it! I didn't see the previews to know that. I hope they have a sequel...It was quite enjoyable.

    Skismet - Still working on the schedule...but it's coming along :o)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    March 14 recap
    March 14's goals:
    1. workout from home YES
    2. eat sensibly, but not like a bird. YES
    3. add lemon or mint to water to drink more. Make some tea for the afternoon STILL HAVING A HARD TIME WITH WATER. I KNOW I WILL DO BETTER WHEN IT WARMS UP. YES, I DD MAKE SOME TEA, SO THAT HELPED. STILL NOT AT 96 OZ

    Simple and straight forward. I hope to start my week off on a good note.

    March 15's goals.
    1. kickbox in the morning
    2. abs in the afternoon.
    3 50 push ups in the evening (broken down into 5 sets of 10)
    4. log all my food
    5. drink more water.
    6. go to bed early.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Monday’s Goals
    1. Order Running Shoes – Done
    2. Water – Yes!
    3. Exercise: Walk, Body Attack & Body Balance – Yes, No & No
    4. Healthy choices – Yes and no
    5. No TV – Yes!

    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was more win then lose, I didn’t make it to the gym after work but I did spend the evening organising my friend’s hen/bachelorette party. I did give in a little to the snacks at work, but stayed strong when my boyfriend got fish and chips in the evening (it just about killed me).

    Speaking of the fella it’s his birthday today so its dinner with his parents tonight. They’re very nice in most ways except that they are very judgemental about peoples’ weight :angry: . They also expect people to eat like a horse and drink gallons of wine. To add to the fun I used to work for his dad as an Architectural Technician and chucked it in to work admin at a hospital so that I would have enough free time to do more art. He has never said it but I know he thinks I threw it all away to work a dead end job. Any way my real point was, before confusing this thread with Oprah, I must stay strong and know that I can have either pasta or birthday cake but not both. Also I must work out hard as I can before we go out tonight.

    Rav – Glad the wedding went so well and loving the new profile picture, you look lovely.

    Steph – Thanks, you’re right; we can do this and it’s going to be awesome! I’m completely ready to bitten by the running bug. When I walk at lunch I’m feeling more and more like I want to break into a run.

    Hutchins – Hope your daughter feels better soon.

    Leela – I’m so there with you on the water. I’m hitting the pure peppermint tea more and more to get my water in.

    Nicole – Good luck with your exam

    Kathy – Love the idea of a sugar monster, it regularly jumps out on me around too.

    Tuesdays Goals:
    1. Water
    2. Burn at least 500 calories on top of lunch time walk. I want to have at least 1000 to play with at dinner.
    3. More laundry - comes around fast doesn’t it?

    Sorry for the INCREADIBLY long post. Hope you all have a great day! See you later.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So my goals for Monday 3/14
    1. Water-FAIL
    2. clean kitchen-DONE
    3. laundry-NEVER ENDING LOL
    4. finish the shoes. -FAIL
    5. go to post office to return something so I don't owe them $70 itds not really worth it! hehe- DONE

    Goals for Tuesday 3/15
    1. Water to combat the retaining I'm doing.
    2. relax as to not make the cramps any worse.
    3. take daughter to dr's and remember that she needs to wear tennis shoes for her new insoles.

    TOM came this morning....I feel like crap...I know with what'll taste good and make me feel better its gonna be a bad day but it usually is this day every month.

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Drank a bunch of green actually got some "water" in. YAY! Had a bad day at work and didn't do any exercise yesterday or so far today for that matter. Hope to rectify all this afternoon.

    3.15.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Exercise AM - Slept in, TOM makes me a bum
    3) Cats AM - CHECK
    4) Exercise PM
    5) Cats PM
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 14:
    1. Water.-YES!!!
    2.Exercise and yoga before work.--Yes.
    3. Stick to my eating plan.--YES!!!
    4. Get to bed on time!--Tes.

    Had a really good day yesterday and plan to have a good one today, too!

    Goals for March 15:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise and yoga before work.
    3. Stick to my eating plan.
    4. Get to bed on time.

    Everyone seems to be doing pretty well so far this week. Let;s keep it up!
    Have a good day, all.