Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Just checkin' in...

    Finally did a much harder workout than I have done in over a week. So happy to be healthy again, but it was such a struggle toget through the last part of my workout. My breath control is all out of wack. Thankfully the weather is beautiful and I got a good run/walk in today so I don't feel like a slacker.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Keep up the great work everyone! So nice to see so many newer Kick *kitten* faces keeping the group moving!

    You ladies are rocking it :bigsmile:

  • CaptainJim157
    Phew! Just went for a 25 min brisk walk, it was really nice out here today, just a bit cold, but enough to wear only a sweater, feels good to get out for a walk! Going to go for one before work tomorrow morning, gonna have to get up around 7:30 but w/e! So gonna be worth it! How are you girls doing? :D
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    mike so good to sere you back here!
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    I'm super slow at reading and keeping up with everyone, but you people are awesome. Maybe next month I will be more involved with the forum so i can get to know you all better.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Erica-congrats on the loss!! Remember not to get TOO upset if you gain back a lil bit of it...that happens sometimes when you have a big loss while being sick!! And way to get back to the working out :)

    Meag-I am sorry to hear that life is still being stressful for you right now, and can completely understand you needing to step back and evaluate things a little bit on your own. Just know that NONE of us mind hearing about things that you might need some emotional support with and we will be hear when you need us :) good luck girlie!

    Rachel-congrats on your loss!! And I feel ya on the dancing and coordination...I don't care though...when I am at home, and no one can see me, it's game on!! LOL

    jbars-NO GUILT ALLOWED!! you are not only working out for yourself, but you are also working out to be healthier, and to ensure that you continue to be around for a long time for your son!! I definately think that however you can include him (walks in the stroller, chasing him around at the park, even taking taking him on bike rides in those little seat thingys) is a great idea when it's warm enough...but until then, just remember WHY you are doing it and WHO you are doing it for!

    Cheralicia-as I have told others on tends to get in the way sometimes...the important thing is that you are ready to get back on track, and that you now have a friend to help you along the way! You CAN do this...if you are applying for law schools you are most definately strong enough to pick up this healthy lifestyle!!

    bstamps-congrats on reaching your March weight goal!! and no worries about getting on your bike still have half of the month left! Get 'er done!! lol :)

    Megan-I have full confidence that you are gonna get your eating back on track! I also feel that you will hit your 5k goal with no problems, and if you keep working on these 2 things you may even still hit that 7lbs in the last half of this month :) You got it girly!!

    Mike-glad to hear that you got out there and got some fresh air, keep it up!!! :)

    AFM-My WI was today, and with 2 days over on my cals this past week, I gained 0.6lbs (which sucks, since I feel that I more than made up for it)! With being down in the dumps about it and having been fighting off fast food cravings for almost a month...I caved and went and got McD's :( Now I feel that I can move on, and I have no worries about continuing on and reaching ALL of my goals for the rest of the month!! Only 15 days to go ladies!! :)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    TJ- Thanks so much for the boost of confidence! Sometimes you need to know someone else believes in you so you can believe in yourself!

    So this morning I was suppose to get up and do my bootcamp class which I really love doing. Well I get a nice pat on the shoulder from my hubby and he goes, we over slept. I looked at the clock and it says 6:20- guess what time bootcamp starts- 6:30 ARG!!!

    I was so pissed! I flung on the lights threw on my gym clothes grab my breakfast and ran out the door. Didn't make it to the gym until 7 because of course I got stuck behind every slow person in the world. So by 7 its a little late to join the bootcamp class has its 2/3 of the way done, so I hop on the treadmill. I have really been struggling with this 2.5 mile run distance and I know that's what I need to do. So I set my treadmill to go for 35 minutes, I do my typical 5 minute warm-up, then I hit my speed and cover the treadmill up. I figure it will take me about 10 songs to run for 30 minutes straight assuming they are all shorter songs so I just start running. I purposely set my time to be exactly how long it would take me to run my 2.5 miles at my 5 mph pace so I don't need to fidget with the machine and I don't get caught up in the time. Instead I concentrate on how many songs I've listened too. Well once I hit song 7 it was pretty exhausting so I took a peak and I only had 6 minutes or that last half a mile to go. I covered up the treadmill again and told myself just 2 more songs and you will be done. I am happy to report that I did it!! I struggled for sure, but this is the first time I feel like I have really done my 2.5 miles at my pace that I feel comfortable at. Every other time I have had to either slow down, or I get half way and have to run to the bathroom really quick which gives me a sec to catch my breath. So I am feeling really accomplished this morning. To top it all off, I am wearing a pencil skirt that I got about a year ago that I wore to my interview for my job I currently have. Its high waisted and really cute when you tuck a shirt in. Well today I am struggling with keeping it a high waisted skirt because it is about 3-4 inches to big and keeps falling down! So 2 huge NSV for me today so I am in a much better mood, and actually kind of thankful my husband turned off the alarm instead of hitting snooze!

    Happy St. Patty's Day!:drinker:

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick post to keep my place on the thread... Missed Survivor last night *gasp* and trying to avoid spoilers online... Damn blogs! :laugh:

    I am really struggling with eating out a LOT lately - almost every day it seems. I just have zero time and my family/boyfriend try to make things easier by suggesting we just pick something up quickly. I know it's possible to make healthy choices and I've been doing well with it, but the uncertainty about what EXACTLY is in my food tends to get to me. Still working on "balance and moderation" I guess. I haven't been totally honest with my logging either... Considering a total hiatus from logging for a little while but not sure I can commit to that atm. I think it might just be too hard right now to cope with.

    Working out is basically on the nix right now. Work at the bar is tough enough on my body, and everything is hurting. Been trying to get in easy, low-impact workouts but I am just totally exhausted and burnt out. Can't wait for the warmer weather and for life to get a little less hectic. Then hopefully I'll be able to find a routine that works!

    Megan - Fabulous NSVs today! The run and pencil skirt - WOOT! You are kicking so much *kitten* :bigsmile: Great job girl!

    Tara - Just a 0.6lbs blib in a very long, steady weight-loss journey. I know it's discouraging to see a gain but you'll get it back in no time. Just keep on truckin'!

    Mike - Nice to have you back :flowerforyou:

    OH! And yes - today is officially day 17 - NO SWEETENER! At least I'm doing something right...

    Meag :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    TJ- Thanks so much for the boost of confidence! Sometimes you need to know someone else believes in you so you can believe in yourself!

    So this morning I was suppose to get up and do my bootcamp class which I really love doing. Well I get a nice pat on the shoulder from my hubby and he goes, we over slept. I looked at the clock and it says 6:20- guess what time bootcamp starts- 6:30 ARG!!!

    I was so pissed! I flung on the lights threw on my gym clothes grab my breakfast and ran out the door. Didn't make it to the gym until 7 because of course I got stuck behind every slow person in the world. So by 7 its a little late to join the bootcamp class has its 2/3 of the way done, so I hop on the treadmill. I have really been struggling with this 2.5 mile run distance and I know that's what I need to do. So I set my treadmill to go for 35 minutes, I do my typical 5 minute warm-up, then I hit my speed and cover the treadmill up. I figure it will take me about 10 songs to run for 30 minutes straight assuming they are all shorter songs so I just start running. I purposely set my time to be exactly how long it would take me to run my 2.5 miles at my 5 mph pace so I don't need to fidget with the machine and I don't get caught up in the time. Instead I concentrate on how many songs I've listened too. Well once I hit song 7 it was pretty exhausting so I took a peak and I only had 6 minutes or that last half a mile to go. I covered up the treadmill again and told myself just 2 more songs and you will be done. I am happy to report that I did it!! I struggled for sure, but this is the first time I feel like I have really done my 2.5 miles at my pace that I feel comfortable at. Every other time I have had to either slow down, or I get half way and have to run to the bathroom really quick which gives me a sec to catch my breath. So I am feeling really accomplished this morning. To top it all off, I am wearing a pencil skirt that I got about a year ago that I wore to my interview for my job I currently have. Its high waisted and really cute when you tuck a shirt in. Well today I am struggling with keeping it a high waisted skirt because it is about 3-4 inches to big and keeps falling down! So 2 huge NSV for me today so I am in a much better mood, and actually kind of thankful my husband turned off the alarm instead of hitting snooze!

    Happy St. Patty's Day!:drinker:


    Megan- NSV are the BEST! so glad to hear that you conquered that two miles I know you have been really working at it so you deserve it! LOVE the pencil skirt story- guess you will just have to go out and get a new one... teehee

  • Yvalcaraz
    Yvalcaraz Posts: 8 Member
    I plan on participating more with this forum next month as well. So see you then!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Cait and Meag- I am so excited for my NSVs! I've been having to readjust my skirt at work all day, and my boss said that she wasn't exactly sure how I was managing to keep it on! Feels great!

    Where is everyone today? I guess with the St. Patty's Day everyone is on the hunt for the luck of the Irish!
  • Yvalcaraz
    Yvalcaraz Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Yolanda and I am new to this forum. I first spoke with Meag and she invited me to this group so I am super excited to get to know everyone. I plan on participating next month with the mini goals and I am just going to use the rest of this month to catch up on some reading so I can get a feel for everyone. Originally I didn't want to post my "Hello" until next month but last night I was having a hard time and really needed some advice or an ear from someone who is or has gone through this.

    To start I should give a little background about myself.

    I have 24 years old and I live in California with my loving boyfriend and my father. If you have ever seen that show King of Queens, that pretty much explains my living situation. Well about 4 years ago I begin packing on the weight and reach a whopping 238 lbs. At 5'4 that was not a pretty picture! When I noticed the weight gain I isolated myself from everyone and would literally eat all day and night. I finally said enough was enough and slowly started to make changes in my life; such as cutting out fast food and sodas. Now I realize this wasn't a huge change but it was a start and I got down to about 210-205. I have been at this weight for about a year now and I finally decided once again I need to MORE because I just feel so unhealthy and I hate. So I begin walking 4 miles every day and recently joined a gym and I have been going 7 days a week for about 2-3 a day. I have completely changed my eating habits and no longer eat out and have a 1200 cal diet over 5 meals a day. I drink water ALL day and now only have black coffee. The changes are endless and I could go on forever but I am truly happy and feel a lot better. Well I have lost 15 lbs since I start this change on Feb 14th 2011 and once more, I feel great.

    However, the last week I have been noticing that my scale is starting to rise again and I have no clue why. I have been sticking to my healthy eating habits and continue to put in the time as the gym. Some tell me that I am gaining muscle (I have been taking weight lifting classes) and I should expect to see the number drop soon. But I must admit seeing the number rise is depressing because I am working so hard.

    Has this happen to anyone? How did you deal with it?

    FYI - It has been a 4-5lb weight gain, which for some may not seem like a lot but for me it has been a bit upsetting.

    Thanks for hearing me out. :)

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    1200 cals/day for someone at your height and weight is VERY low ...

    1) Are you 100% sure that you're not pregnant? Seriously... That's the first thing I'd make sure of. Just saying.
    2) Are you eating your exercise calories? If not, you better start. You should be eating no less than 1200 calories per day PLUS whatever you burn, as a general rule of thumb. Because of the extra weight you have on your body you could easily stand to eat 1500 cals a day and still see a loss every week.
    3) How honest are you being? Do you measure things? Do you have a HRM? What are your MFP settings?

    Definitely shouldn't be seeing gains, even with muscle gain, if you are eating that low and being as regimented as you have said. There's got to be something else going on. My inclination would be to tell you that you need to eat a little more, or try cycling your calories (a few days a week of extra cals, say 1400-1500), to keep your body guessing.

    Either way - 15lbs over 1 month is EPIC so you should be very happy, but yes, the cals are very, very low. Make sure that you are eating enough!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey all-

    CRAZY MONTH and I've just fallen out. Even now I've only got a sec but at Meag's suggestion I wanted to share this that I found on a post:

    I <3 it of the lots. It's awesome.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    1200 cals/day for someone at your height and weight is VERY low ...

    1) Are you 100% sure that you're not pregnant? Seriously... That's the first thing I'd make sure of. Just saying.
    2) Are you eating your exercise calories? If not, you better start. You should be eating no less than 1200 calories per day PLUS whatever you burn, as a general rule of thumb. Because of the extra weight you have on your body you could easily stand to eat 1500 cals a day and still see a loss every week.
    3) How honest are you being? Do you measure things? Do you have a HRM? What are your MFP settings?

    Definitely shouldn't be seeing gains, even with muscle gain, if you are eating that low and being as regimented as you have said. There's got to be something else going on. My inclination would be to tell you that you need to eat a little more, or try cycling your calories (a few days a week of extra cals, say 1400-1500), to keep your body guessing.

    Either way - 15lbs over 1 month is EPIC so you should be very happy, but yes, the cals are very, very low. Make sure that you are eating enough!

    ditto to what Meag said about eating too few calories... I started here at 206 at 5'5" and ate 1700 to lose one lb a week... and I did consistently until I started exercising so much that I wasnt getting enough calories... so really consider upping the calories and eating back your exercise calories like Gonk posted above!!!!

    welcome to the group! its a great group with lots of new faces this month so its a perfect time to start!

  • Yvalcaraz
    Yvalcaraz Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the comments and to reply to a few questions....

    1. Am I pregnant?

    No. I am completely sure. Pinky swear! :)

    2. Am I eating the calories I burn?

    I stick to my 1200 cals and don’t eat after 8pm. I'm usually hitting the gym around 830pm so anything I burned I don’t replace. I was never certain if I should be eating the cals I knew I was going to burn during my evening workouts. On the weekends I usually do exceed my 1200 cal limit by about 300 cals but just with extra servings of veggies or fish (or whatever meat I am eating).

    3. How honest are you being?

    Very honest! That's the part that is depressing me. I think if I knew I was cheating and sneaking a fry or candy here or there I would at least have an answer to the extra lbs. I just feel a bit discourage because I have been measuring my food, reading ALL labels, cut out salt, no longer eat red meats, and just everything else I have read that you are suppose to do. I also have the Lose It app on my iPod where I log my food in. I know I know, I feel like I am cheating on this website (lol) but I started at lose it and just continued with it but found that this website had better forums with people I could relate to.

    I am seriously going to sit down tonight and take a long hard look and see if there was something maybe I did wrong that I didn’t notice. I promise I am not going to beat myself up over this and I am very proud of what I have been able to accomplish over the last month and I know I will move on from this small bump in the road.

    Again I appreciate the input and will be taking your advice to up my calorie intake per day. I will keep you all updated and let you know where I am at the end of the month.

    Thank you

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-I only call it like I see it girly!! You are always pushing yourself and striving for your best...which def deserves some words of praise!! WTG at the gym, and congrats on the 2.5miles and the skirt :)

    Meag-thanks!! I am staying focused, so no worries here! :) Congrats on the 17 days, and it for sure ISN'T the only thing that you are doing right!! As far as I can have done EVERYTHING right up to this just keep up the good work!!

    Yolanda-seems that you have been on the right path for sure!! First of all, congrats on the 10-15lbs that you have lost (and kept off)! When I started this journey (way back when, before MFP) I was 5'3" 226lbs...and when I started MFP in October I was 181lbs...since I have been on this site I have been eating the 1200 cals/day that it gives me, and on average I eat back about 1/2 of my exercise cals 3-4 times/week. With doing this I have lost 40lbs so far (which is about 1.7lbs/week). I tend to have a lot of ups and downs, but always have a loss of inches AND pounds over a month's time. I recommend taking your measurements ASAP and once/month, and then looking at your total loss at the end of the month! If, on average, you are losing 1-2lbs/week at the end of the month...then you are doing everything right! Until then...don't get down on yourself, don't change the GOOD things that you are already doing, and DON'T give up!

    AFM-I feel good again today...I will not let the tiny gain that I had this past week upset me!! and like I said yesterday...I WILL for sure hit ALL of my goals this month...I am bound and determined! Good luck everyone!! 14 days to go!!
  • kbellnurse
    hey team, super quick "selfish" post here again.

    *rant alert*
    Meal plans have been going very well but I have to confess that this week I've been starting to have some really unhealthy calorie/carb anxiety.. I think it's just the remnants of previous diets (long gone) but it's just been kind of bringing me down lately.

    It's kind of a slippery slope for me - I will make the assumption based on some of the things shared by other members here that I am not totally alone on this - when I start to really "buckle down" and make myself be honest and accountable with my tracking and with my diet I have this tendency to go a bit "too far" the other way.

    On one extreme I have the "non-diet" Erin/Kelly who eats whatever she pleases in larger than healthy portion sizes and binges emotionally. I do feel guilt when I eat and act like this, On the OTHER extreme I have myself sitting in a class working out meal plans for the week. Manipulating meals to make everything fit into my perfect like macro-range and with appropriate calorie deficits. (in addition to my weekly "work out" plan which I revamp several times a week as well) Which leads to days like today where some of my eating plans had to change on the fly and resulted in a final "Food Diary" that well still being within my calories was far over my comfortable carbohydrate range.

    It just seems so damn tricky! I want to be healthy! (and thin) but HEALTHY! i want to eat because i am - du du du - hungry and to fuel my body so it can do all the healthy activities I put it though! I don't want to agonize over the 3 crackers I ate while waiting for my tea to warm up because it "throws off" my whole plan. I honestly sat in a class today and felt mild ANXIETY over eating greater than 200g carbs a day. Because I never do that. Not unless I binge. And I felt a little ill.. Even though I did an hour-long sweat fest spin session and my body obviously needed the energy!

    Even though I see someone eating 1200cals a day and cringe. "That's not enough!" I say - if my number creeps over 1600 I get a little hot around the collar. I weigh over 150lbs and I exercise as much as I can, why does 1700 seem like a death sentence?
    I haven't weighed myself in over a week, it's my TOM and before my last weigh in I was starting to step on the scale every morning (another one of my slippery slopes) I'm eager to see what I'm at this Monday, I've really been working so hard and I'm hoping that if it's a happy number I will be able to drop the hackles a bit over this carb obsession, see where the next week goes.

    have to get some work done on a school assignment now (Story of my life!)
    i'll post back soon in response to some other people's posts, sorry again for my selfishness!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Erin-It is hard to get the balance just will find what works the best for you eventually and then things will seem a lot easier!! Seems that you have been right on track this week and I wish you the best for Monday's WI!! good luck :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Oh how I miss you all!~!~! My schedule is SooooOOOO crazy here. I dont have time for anything but therapy, class, homework, and meetings. (I guess thats the point though right>!>?!?!!>) We do have 45 min of PT everyday so I have gotten in some cardio. Today the gym was closed so we did an intro to Army Combatives and Circuit Training. It was really cool, I hope we get to do that again. I havent been eating too bad but It could be better, its just really hard.

    In three days I will have 30 days sober!~!~~! I miss you all!~!~! Keep Up the good work!~!