Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • CaptainJim157
    Hey! Work went really well today, I worked 6 hrs and wasn't anxious at all! I brought some snacks from home to eat, and even had a nice spring mix salad from work too, under my calories for once! I'm very proud of myself! :D
    How was your day?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-Have fun on your mini vaca :)

    spell-welcome back :) I am sure that you won't get back to where you started...just stay focused and all will be well!!

    lola-good luck with not buying any junk food :) you can do it!! as for the metamucil...I haven't had that, but I have had fibersure and it does help fill you up a little bit, but just keep in mind that it does have some cals still and you won't want to start off with a whole bunch because it may "bind" you up a little bit...i would recommend starting off slowly with it!

    aly-hope you feel better soon :)

    Meag-thanks :) and i surely hope you start feeling better soon and that your GP has some useful info for you on Thursday when you go in! good luck, and hang in there girly :)

    Mike-great job on getting on track!! way to be under your cals!!

    AFM-I cannot seem to get focused these past 2 weeks...I don't know what is up, but I know that I will def have a hard time reaching my weight goal for the month, which is very disheartening! I know that I am very happy with my progress up to this point and that I need to remember what I want and where I have come from to get me back into the game...for these last 5 days I plan on having 0 days over on my cals and burning at least another 500 cals for the month, finishing out the entire month with meeting my water goals and my 3X/week arm WO goals, and hoping for at least 5 of my 6lbs lost goal. Wish me luck :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Fact: I had pasta today! Weirrrdddd... That's two weekends in a row and I *HATE* pasta. Ugh. Not again, at least not for a longgg time.

    But for those of you who like it, here's a decent recipe to try out:

    We added tons more veggies and some chicken for protein, and only used 2oz of whole grain pasta (and no chick peas) per person. Not too shabby, but not exactly a party in my mouth either. C'est la vie! They can't all be amazing...

    OK well I'm off to work now! Have a great Sat night folks :wink:
  • kbellnurse
    hey team

    This one will be short. Sorry for my mad absenteeism this past week. Been a bit of a struggle, things are super busy (not an excuse) and I've just been on all kind of extremes lately. Good and bad, I've had some seriously good work outs, and some good meals/calorie days. I always had two binges this week (well one "binge"and one careless snack attack with my skinny brother #trend?!) and went out for dinner at a steakhouse!! The day after the steakhouse my weight went up two lbs, I knew that it was ridiculous, I didn't even "go to town" with my order (salmon and potato!) so I knew I didn't eat the 6000 cal responsible, but when after two days of meticulous dieting with uber water intake my weigh was still only down 1lb (still UP from the previous week) I got discouraged and let it all fall down. Now I'm not going to make my goal for this month and I'm feeling pretty discouraged. My goal wasn't even that hard it was my SAME goal for february. Just not that happy with myself this week. I don't know if I would have made it this week without any stumbles, but I'd like to imagine that I could have.

    Last Saturday I saw 151 (feeltingly!) on the scale, even though my official WI showed 152.4 I'm sure if I would have really punched it this week I could have seen my 149.9 by Saturday. Kind of disappointed that I let myself go. Anyway - I'm trying to pick myself up today and get back together. I'm so good at the unravelling part of diet failure. Need to get better at "getting back on the horse"! I had originally told myself that I was going to just go to town this week, serious "cooler 1" as I call it (based on Tosca REno's books) and do a week of "detox" type thing. Then I remembered that I have an oilers game (only one I'll get to see all season! 75$ for nosebleeds! yikes!), a concert, a going away dinner and my brothers hockey team provincials!! I'm really going to work on this one guys.., and work on being around here more often too.

    *deep breath*
    now off to spin class to reaffirm these feelings..
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    hey team

    This one will be short. Sorry for my mad absenteeism this past week. Been a bit of a struggle, things are super busy (not an excuse) and I've just been on all kind of extremes lately. Good and bad, I've had some seriously good work outs, and some good meals/calorie days. I always had two binges this week (well one "binge"and one careless snack attack with my skinny brother #trend?!) and went out for dinner at a steakhouse!! The day after the steakhouse my weight went up two lbs, I knew that it was ridiculous, I didn't even "go to town" with my order (salmon and potato!) so I knew I didn't eat the 6000 cal responsible, but when after two days of meticulous dieting with uber water intake my weigh was still only down 1lb (still UP from the previous week) I got discouraged and let it all fall down. Now I'm not going to make my goal for this month and I'm feeling pretty discouraged. My goal wasn't even that hard it was my SAME goal for february. Just not that happy with myself this week. I don't know if I would have made it this week without any stumbles, but I'd like to imagine that I could have.

    Last Saturday I saw 151 (feeltingly!) on the scale, even though my official WI showed 152.4 I'm sure if I would have really punched it this week I could have seen my 149.9 by Saturday. Kind of disappointed that I let myself go. Anyway - I'm trying to pick myself up today and get back together. I'm so good at the unravelling part of diet failure. Need to get better at "getting back on the horse"! I had originally told myself that I was going to just go to town this week, serious "cooler 1" as I call it (based on Tosca REno's books) and do a week of "detox" type thing. Then I remembered that I have an oilers game (only one I'll get to see all season! 75$ for nosebleeds! yikes!), a concert, a going away dinner and my brothers hockey team provincials!! I'm really going to work on this one guys.., and work on being around here more often too.

    *deep breath*
    now off to spin class to reaffirm these feelings..

    Don't get discouraged, the salmon or the patato may have had more sodium that what was taken into account and I find that it is hard for me to lose that water witheld for a couple days. You will make it to 149.9 soon!

    I've had an up and down week as well and I need to start over today. Wedding stuff is just throwing me way off.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey all. Wow can't believe its almost the end of the month where has everyone gone!?!?! *Hangs head* I know I know I have disappeared too.

    I've hinted over the past few weeks that I am struggling with finding the balance. I would say from beginning of December until February I was a lifting, running, working out machine (and eating pretty good). And then BAM I hit the wall. I was just so burnt out. I had been obsessing on my routine and everything for months. Dont get me wrong I FELT great making all those changes, but it wore me out. For the past almost two months I have been struggling with just finding the balance. I am trying not to fall down that slippery slope of not working out at all. So its a daily struggle for me right now, but the point is I dont want it to be a struggle either way. I dont want to obsess on it, but I also dont want to ignore it completely. So in a nutshell that is why I have stepped back from the group a bit over the past month. It had turned in to part of my obsession, and at times I was seeing others on here do exactly what I had done to myself.

    Im in a pretty good place right now. Just taking it a day at a time. Getting ready to run a 5k in a few weeks so have to work towards that. Just trying to keep and enjoy the healthy habits I have set up for so long. I hope everyone else is doing well and things aren't too crazy! Keep up the great work ladies and gents!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Uhhh Only 5 days left!!! Holy cow... Where has the month gone?!?

    Life's been crazy this month, I guess, and like many of you I've also been fairly absentee (considering...) Work this weekend was extremely dead but my body is still feeling run down. So much worse than even at the height of my training in Jan/Feb. I am not sure how to account for it, really... I just hope that things turn around soon and I feel like I can get back to a regular exercise schedule. I'm going to try Body Flex again tomorrow and see what happens.

    Food's been alright. Trying to log as accurately as I can but it's not always possible, especially when other people are doing the cooking. I've also been eating out more than usual, so that's a toughy. None the less, I've been losing, and I'm down to 123lbs which is scary-low IMO. I can tell that I've lost some muscle definition since I stopped having time/energy for the gym, so I am hoping to gain some of that back and just keep up with monitoring my food intake. Hopefully everything will right itself and my weight will go back up to a healthier level (around 126-128). Either that, or more ice cream!

    Wishing everyone the best possible last week of March - Make it count and reach your goals folks, and then get the hell back here for April! :tongue:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I agree...let's just finish this month out and then really kick some *kitten* in April!!

    AFM-I have had a few bad days for the month BUT am hoping to reach MOST of my March goals still :) I also have been thinking about my April goals and just a "pre-warning"...I will be aiming a bit drastically to try and make up for this month!! Let's finish as strong as we can, so that we can be on the right path for next month, and I know that I will be kickin it until my WI on Wed for sure!! Good Luck everyone!! :)
  • CaptainJim157
    Hey girls, it's 10:30 pm, going to bed now, but just wanted to stop by and say that I switched my goals to 1 lb loss a week, it should be better (& easier for me) to do that, anyways, tty all tomorrow! Night!
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Hey everyone, hope we're all ok.

    Lost another 2 lbs this week - aerobics rocks!

    Also ordered 30 day shred - think I'm going to need some luck!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    NicNac-congrats on your loss and good luck with the shred!! :)
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Thanks Tara :smile:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Meag- take care of you! I know how frustrating this has been for you with everything going on and then your foot to boot. One day at a time lady. Sometimes that’s all we can do

    Tara- glad to hear you are going to kick it the rest of this week. You are one tough cookie. Don’t be frustrated by your setbacks just jump back up and push harder. You got this

    Mike- I think that 1lb a week is a good choice! Great job this week glad to have you back

    NicNac- awesome job on the WL. Good luck with the shred. That Jillian is a wild woman

    AFM- my motto of late is one day at a time! Yesterday happened to be a good day. Got a run in when I got home. Not a great run in terms of time or anything because the knee/ITBS started acting up. My own fault though I have learned through trial and error that I need to do a really good stretch before I run and didn’t this time. If any other runners on here struggle with ITBS let me know. I discovered this great stretch in a yoga class that has done worlds of difference for my knee and IT band. Im back running again because of it. Anyway, happy Monday everyone!!!!
  • CaptainJim157
    Good news! I showed my boss I can do it with my anxiety, that he gave me 3 shifts this week :) I'll probably work 18-20 hrs this weekend (Fri-Sun) :D
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Wow! I leave for Hawaii in 4 days and I am super anxious/excited. I have so much packing to do and organizing it is insane. I am still getting over my cold but I think it is almost gone. I was good and didn't work out all last week to kick this sickness in the butt! I also didn't drink any alcohol all weekend and plan to keep the no drinking going until after my race that will be a total of 2 weeks. It is so much easier to stay in my calorie range without drinking at all. Also not working out combined with being sick has made me have less of an appitite. Which is good because it could be the total other way around.

    I have been working on my blog a lot lately and that is where I update mostly, if you get a chance check it out. I just redesigned the layout.
    Please leave a comment about what you think of the blog or the post!

    Sorry I am so MIA everyone, I am just so busy with work, packing and my blog I have no time. I love you all and kick *kitten* this last week!!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey everyone! Sooo I've been MIA lately. Missed my first days ever logging in since I started MFP. When I first joined I thought it'd be so easy to log in every day and keep up with it all the time. I couldn't even imagine how people forgot about it or fell off the wagon. Well, now I know. This month has been so crazy..and I let it slip. I've been stressed with everything else going on and I guess something had to take the hit. I haven't really been keeping up with the scale the past few weeks. I haven't spun out of control or anything but I have been thinking less before I put food in my body. Not all bad.. but not all good either. Needless to say, this month will not go down in MFP history for me as far as goals and whatnot. I just haven't been able to keep up with it the past couple weeks.
    BUT today is a new day. And almost a new month too. I started a new boot camp program last week. Well I started the free week trial to see how I like it. I've been SO sore all week.. and I love it! It's definitely intense. It's mainly circuit training and it has been VERY effective for my friend that started it a month ago- she introduced me to it. It's definitely going to be a positive force in my life. And I think it's going to help with my crazy schedule to have a set time for exercise certain days a week. So I guess today will be my first official day enrolled in it.
    Ok I have lots to get done today. My class got cancelled today but still lots to do! I'll be checking back with everyone! Have a great week!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm still here, too! I think March seems to be a hard month for everyone. It has been sunny and beautiful here the last couple days, but still around 30-40 degrees. I'm ready for warmth. I also got off on my goals for the month. My son got sick and his asthma was acting up, and today same thing for my daughter. I was at the doctor's instead of the gym. I did lose this month which I was happy about. Even though I made a point to make non scale goals.:smile:
    Hopefully, I can get to the gym at least one day this week, and see if I am able to run 2.5 miles without stopping. I'm hoping I can do that at a 6.5mph pace.
    I'm super excited about the soup I made for supper today. I found it in my taste of home cookbook and with a few modifications made a pretty low calorie low fat high fiber yummy soup! It was called Lentil Barley soup. I ate 3 servings which was 3 cups. I know that's a lot, but I was hungry and as I said it was good. :laugh:
    Also decided I'm doing a spa day with my friend who is also losing weight when we reach our goal weight so I have some added motivation.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Well it seems as though I am not alone in the MIA hasn't been crazy for me or anything...just making a few decisions to spend more time with my family and to put them first again now that I know how to fit almost everything in. :laugh: I do have to make some sacrafices otherwise I wouldn't have anytime with them.

    When my daughter was sick I honestly didn't have time to be on MFP. At first I was very anxious and nervous that I would gain a bunch of weight but I was able to maintain for 2 I know I can do it!!!

    Life does get in the way and we just need to remember where we were before we got here and that we don't want to go back there...we have all learned so much from this site and from each other and I from the bottom of my heart thank you all for keeping me on track, supporting me, and motivating me :flowerforyou:

    Sunday marked the end of my 12 week training for my half marathon!!!! I was able to run 13 miles for a second weekend in a row. Plus I was able to shave 5 minutes off my time...SO I am hoping that some Saturday my nerves will go away!!! Plus with this being my first 1/2 I decided I want to dedicate this run to my dad. I am wearing his picture on my back and I can't wait for my mom to see it!!! My 5 year old is wearing his picture for her race too!

    I wish you all the best for the last 2 days of March :drinker: I'll check in with you all tomorrow!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    NicNac-you are so welcome, and keep up the great work :)

    Cait-thanks girly!! I am back on track and my head is back in the game!Great job on getting in the run :)

    Mike-congrats on the "props" at him he made the right decision by scheduling you more, and that you are up for the challenge :) good luck!

    Aly-have fun on your trip! and great job on the not drinking...that def does save you some extra cals!

    Emmarie-congrats on getting back into it full force, and joining the new bootcamp! I know you will rock it in April!

    Rachel-I think March has been a hard month for everyone...I hope that you and I, as well as everyone else, can really kick it into high gear for April!

    Melissa-congrats on your run and cutting so much time off of it! you are gonna do great on Saturday, and I am sure, would make your dad proud :)

    AFM-still doing good on cals and water...really hoping that all of my hard work for the month(minus those few days) shows on my final weigh-in!! Only 3 days to go everybody!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I'm back!!!!

    I missed you guys on my vacation but I had soooo much fun!

    I ate whatever I wanted, but kept in mind not to stuff myself. I actually think that I am so use to eating smaller more frequent meals that I just wasn't able to eat a ton anyways. And it helped that we walked everywhere. I feel really refreshed and I am remotivated and focused. Tomorrow I am going to go for 3 miles. I really hope I can do it otherwise I won't hit my non-scale goal for the month. But no matter what happens I feel good that I managed to maintain all month. I had a rough time finding balance between working out and eating right and not over doing it- just like Cait talked about and I am feeling much better. I think that sometimes we push ourselves so hard that we get worn down and can't keep up that pace. Any who- I just wanted to say hi and I will do my best to catch up later!!
