Pregnancy 2011 - March



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Amanda - Hope your shower goes well!

    dragonfly - Love the name, so cute!!

    Heather & Ron - I'm glad that your appointments went well!

  • jamielangner
    I am so excited. I got an email today from amazon telling me that someone purchased something from my registry that would be coming soon. I checked it out and a good friend from back home got us a pack of baby washclothes and the playmat we registered for.

    A friend of mine from NY had let me know she wasn't going to be able to make it to the shower, but that she was mailing our gift. I had to fix something on my registry anyways, and I happened to notice what she bought off of there.

    My husband's aunt told me that I was cheating and that I shouldn't look at the registry anymore because I won't be surprised at anything I get. The packages arrived in the mail and she told me if I open them I'm spoiling the "surprise", even though I already know what they are.....she thinks I should save them for the shower and open em in front of everyone.

    I'm not 7, I didn't peak at "Santa's" stash of Christmas gifts....

    Do/did you guys save any gifts that came before your shower until the shower? Do/did you peak at your registry?

    I don't think you should have to bring everything to the shower & open it in front of everyone & then have to bring it BACK home with everything else, that is just silly to me. You already know what is on the registry anyway, and I feel like you need to check to make sure you still have things for each price range still available. Peek away!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Who is an epic failure you ask?

    this chick right here........ :ohwell:

    Just got done with my Dr's appointment. Baby is doing great! Mom, she's in trouble.... 24 weeks, 4 days, 25 lbs.... that's an 11lb gain since Jan 27th.

    Dr. wasn't as much of a biotch as I thought she would be. She just really encouraged me to watch my sodium intake (check), no more soda (down to one a day so, half a check), avoid takeout and boxed/canned food (don't really do takeout, I'll work on boxed food, so half a check), and exercise 30 mins a day (definitely need to work on this one). She said she would really REALLY like for me to not gain any more weight at all, so we'll see.....

    Ugh....I hate to admit that I cried when I left....I've just been overweight my whole life and now I have someone pointing it out to me on a monthly basis.... Time to put my big girl pants on and get over it :ohwell:

    You are NOT a failure. Your doctor upsets me greatly. Take one day at a time and focus on being as healty as you can for your baby. Who cares about how much you weigh?
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    I had my first OB appointment yesterday. I had an u/s because of all the cramping I've been having. He said that my yolk sac looked great and that the cramps I have been experiencing were not due to possible miscarriage. That makes me feel so much better! I asked him about weight gain, too, and he said I shouldn't worry about it at all. He said that the baby will take what it needs from me and so there's no reason to worry about every calorie in and out. He said to just be healthy and that my body will determine how much weight I put on. So far, I love him. Very good visit.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    Lynn, You're not a failure at all! I think we should figure out some sort of challenge for each other, especially about exercise. I've been in limbo waiting for my new gym to open (was supposed to open this week but they got held up by the city). I should really wake up 30 minutes early & exercise but for some reason I haven't been making myself do that. Maybe I would if I felt like someone else was counting on me to do it? I would love to not gain more weight but I feel like that my be unrealistic. So my more reasonable goal is to only gain 10 more pounds which would make my total gain between 30 and 35 pounds. Anyone else want to join me with this or have any suggestions?

    I would like to join for the exercise part. I havn't gained too much yet but I have really let my exercising go. I ran a 1/2 marathon in 2 hours and 20 minutes in october and the I started coaching (working 12-14 hours a day) and was getting so sick I almost stopped except for weekends. I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I brought my walking clothes today and I am going to go walk just because of this convo!! Maybe we could try to have like a goal milage for walking or minutes exercised per week or calories burned per week or something... and each time we get it (as individuals) we can reward outselves in some way...
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm in on that challenge. I really need to work on my weight gain also after having gained 6lbs in 3 weeks. As some of you might remember. So far i've been walking at least 20 minutes a day, only because that's the amount of time of sunlight i have left after I get home, changed and out the door. Lately i've been craving chocolate and I prob wouldn't eat any except my co-worker has some in a dish on her desk I need to resist!!! This is a great idea!! Should we have a day to check in??
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    I'm really enjoying watching the show One Born Every Minute on Lifetime. Usually the hubby and I watch it together. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. I prefer it over those baby story shows.

    Thanks for the reminder. I have been wanting to check this out and keep forgetting. Is it on in the mornings?

    I'm going to catch up on these on
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    There were so many posts sorry if I forgot people.

    Lynn- They really shouldn't make you feel bad about your weight... you know whats best for you. I am sorry C

    Dragonfly- I love your name you choose and your CUTE baby belly.

    Ron- I am so happy you got to see the baby moving all around. How exciting!

    Heather- I saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks but I had a close friend who didn't. They went back at 8 and there was a healthy heartbeat.
  • jamielangner
    I would love a challenge, but I'm having a hard enough time making sure I do my prenatal yoga everyday. I've found that the yoga really helps the pain I've been in lately since I'm getting so close it's pretty uncomfortable to do the eliptical anymore :(

    I had an appointment yesterday and my doctor kind of made me feel bad for losing 2 pounds in the last week. I'm actually back to my pre-pregnancy weight right now. I don't know what it is with me lately but I have had no appetite. I have to force myself to eat most of the time. I stand in front of the open fridge for a very long time before I can even find something to try to eat. I remember getting like this toward the end of my first pregnancy also, anyone else have this problem?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I know there are a lot of posts on here about people who's doctors may or may not handle addressing weight gain very sensitively - but I was wondering - I don't necessarily think it is wrong for the Dr to tell you that you're on the high end, or you should try to not gain any or much more (key word TRY). I know that we're all on this board in the first place because we want to lose weight and be healthier - and that, very often, comes with a lot of emotional baggage. Weight-conscious predispositions, combined with the emotions of a pregnant woman - it could be likely that some might be projecting their own thoughts on the issue onto what they think they are hearing from their doctor?

    Of course, ideally, a doctor who has the time and interest in talking about your daily intake, what you're eating, and realistic weight gains etc is best, but I have to imagine that the majority of people they see are not as tuned in to their nutrition and they're sort of just going by the book as they move through seeing 30 people a day. I've gained about 6 lbs in the last 2-3 weeks and I know it was because of the ice cream and fast food, combined with a slowing metabolism from 6 weeks without any significant exercise. If I kept this up, I would expect my dr to mention it. But I would also expect or hope that they are compassionate enough to listen if I were to say - I've just been eating broccoli and lean protein and walking 2 miles a day - and agree that it's just nature's course, vs just saying "bad!". But, I do also still think that, just based on my own thoughts of my weight and what it is and has been and the difficulty of seeing the scale move in the "wrong" direction, I could very well even take supportive and very appropriate comments as criticism and let it depress or upset me.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Looks like I'm not the only one having a hard time logging onto MFP this morning! My cramping hasn't been as bad as it was that night. The doc also said that there is probably some implantation still going on. She also said that me being a little queasy is a good thing. Having GI symptoms is very hopeful she said. Now if I can just get through the next 2 weeks before my u/s I'll be good! Has anyone had a 6 weeks u/s and NOT seen the heartbeat? I know most of the time you can see it so I'm praying that is the case! My DH leaves the day after so I'm praying it is all good news!

    Well I hope you all have a good day. I will post what my hcg and progesterone levels are when they call me!

    I had an u/s at around 6 weeks because I had a history of ectopic. I can't remember if we saw it. I know I went at 5 weeks and we only saw the fetal pole and sac I think, then went back a week or maybe 2 weeks later and saw the HB.

    Good luck I hope it goes well. Try not to worry too much.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Last minute call in appt with doc today.....5 lb weight gain in 1 week. I was like no freakin' way, she said it's fluid. That puts me at almost a 15 lb gain in 5 weeks. I think it is all in my feet and ankles.

    I was really set on not getting above 250 lbs, which would have been 30 lbs, now I"m bloating.

    I ate low low low sodium yesterday with alot of water. She said it can take a couple of days for some of the fluid to pass. My blood pressure was great, heart beat was good, and no protein in the urine. Guess it's just getting that time for me.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I think we should figure out some sort of challenge for each other, especially about exercise. I've been in limbo waiting for my new gym to open (was supposed to open this week but they got held up by the city). I should really wake up 30 minutes early & exercise but for some reason I haven't been making myself do that. Maybe I would if I felt like someone else was counting on me to do it? I would love to not gain more weight but I feel like that my be unrealistic. So my more reasonable goal is to only gain 10 more pounds which would make my total gain between 30 and 35 pounds. Anyone else want to join me with this or have any suggestions?

    I have my follow up back apt on Tuesday and he'll let me know if I am released to do more than just walk (since we have found I am obviously NOT motivated to just walk!). I am hoping he does, maybe he will OK me for some easy jogging or walk run. I might keep that up in the morning while the weather is changing nice since it keeps my attention a little better than just walking (and I can get more done in less time). Or I can re-evaluate the gym here and see if there is any way I can make it work. I suppose for $100 for a 3 month family pass if I only went a couple times a week then swimming with my son on the weekend it'd be worth it. And my non-active metabolism burn has dropped a good 100-150 a day since being static for 6 weeks, so I need to get on it!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ok so much to catch up on so sorry in advance if I miss anyone.... first and foremost Lynn do not let the doctor get you down. Pregnancy weight is temporary and you will have plenty of time to loose later. I gained 130lbs with my first and had lost all of it by the time he was 9 months old. This time I have been hard on myself but I know that it is just really difficult because I started this pregnancy much heavier than any of my others.

    Amanda and MWilson- I hope your showers are AWESOME this weekend! I can't stay out of my registry and always knew when something was purchased. I never knew who bought what but still there are plent of people who do not shop off of registries so you will have plenty of surprises.

    I have found that sometimes healthier choices can have more calories. I have been really big on strawberries with vanilla non fat yogurt and granola... super yummy but like 600 calories. Hubby says who cares about the calories when it is nutritious and better than the calories in a burger or something.

    TMI alert--- sex has officially become no fun, it feels different down there and I don't know if it is because with all of the contrax and such I am begining to eface or dialate but it was rather bothersome. Annabelle?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I ate low low low sodium yesterday with alot of water. She said it can take a couple of days for some of the fluid to pass. My blood pressure was great, heart beat was good, and no protein in the urine. Guess it's just getting that time for me.

    I've found with sodium that i am either easily at or under my levels or I am WAY (double or so) over. No in betweens! Most of them occur when I eat out rather than at home - like the other day IHOP pancakes - 1600+mg!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am SO excited. I had told my mom about the travel system that we really wanted with an extra base... all together it was 400 dollars but we didn't want to spend that much/have someone else spend that much so we registered for a nice one but cheaper... WELL my mom just called me and someone at our church was selling the exact stroller we wanted with an extra base for 200 dollars and it is only 1 year old. She still has the warrenty on it and everything. They are pregnant again so they are getting a double. She bought it for me :smile: :smile:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I'm really enjoying watching the show One Born Every Minute on Lifetime. Usually the hubby and I watch it together. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. I prefer it over those baby story shows.

    Thanks for the reminder. I have been wanting to check this out and keep forgetting. Is it on in the mornings?

    I haven't caught it on T.V. yet but it's on Tuesday nights @ 10. I'm sure there are repeats at some point, not sure when though. There is always online viewing too.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay for an exercise challenge! Maybe we should start out slowly & say we need to exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week? Or maybe we should set our own goals, share them, and then check in weekly on what we challenged ourselves to do & whether or not we were successful?

    Maybe we should change the challenge weekly?

    I got in a 35 minute brisk walk on my lunch break today. :happy: The weather here is gorgeous! It'll be too hot to exercise outside here (for pregnant me, at least) in about 5-6 weeks so I'm super glad I'll have the gym again by then.

    I also get bored with just walking but for some reason I feel like it has been drilled into my head that walking is the only cardio "safe" enough for me to do right now. I worry about all the jiggling that would come with running, I worry that clumsy me would fall off of a bicycle (and I LOVE cycling), I've stopped video workouts like 30 Day Shred because of all the jumping & crunches (I guess I could modify those things well enough). Bah!
  • Mamatoabunch
    I am SO excited. I had told my mom about the travel system that we really wanted with an extra base... all together it was 400 dollars but we didn't want to spend that much/have someone else spend that much so we registered for a nice one but cheaper... WELL my mom just called me and someone at our church was selling the exact stroller we wanted with an extra base for 200 dollars and it is only 1 year old. She still has the warrenty on it and everything. They are pregnant again so they are getting a double. She bought it for me :smile: :smile:

    Just make sure it has never been in an accident carseats should never be used after any motor vehicle accident, even a very low impact.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I think that I am going to try to do the 4 times a week for a least 30 minutes challenge. Right now I am only doing probably 2. I walk 4 miles on Saturdays and Sundays with a friend. I am okay with people doing there own challenges though as well.

    I am going to try running again, I just need to start slowly to build back up. I also have a gym membership that I havn't used in forever. I need to make myself go if it isn't nice out.