Pregnancy 2011 - March



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Today is my first-ever OB appointment. Well, it started out as a yearly exam that I'd set up months ago, but since then, on the way.
    I've read that it's routine to have a pap when you're first pregnant, but is there really anything else they'll do today since I"m only 6 weeks along? What can I expect?

    At my 6 week apt they didn't do a pap or physical exam because I had just had one 2 months earlier. They talked about things I should/should not do and I asked some questions. They took my blood to run some tests and I had an US.

    I didn't even see the doc at my 1st appointment (at 12+2). I had an ultrasound, they took my weight, bloodwork, and then we had a little class (there were like 5-6 preggos in there) about what we should/shouldn't do. I had another appointment 3 days later & that's when I saw the doc & had a pap (since I hadn't had one in 2.5 years thanks to health insurance not covering well woman exams) & that was about it. The 12+2 appointment I had was what they would have normally done at around 8 weeks but I waited longer to go for insurance purposes.
  • Mamatoabunch

    Today is my first-ever OB appointment. Well, it started out as a yearly exam that I'd set up months ago, but since then, on the way.
    I've read that it's routine to have a pap when you're first pregnant, but is there really anything else they'll do today since I"m only 6 weeks along? What can I expect?

    Don't expect much. It is common to do a pap, if you have had one in the past year you can refuse. They might do some blood work. Some do U/S, some do not.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    For anyone who likes a deal, has Dr. Seuss books for 40+% off with free shipping to home. This makes some of them $3.00! I just ordered 6 books & paid $20.33 with tax. I only got the ones that were in stock for $3.00 because I know I didn't have any of them when I was a kid (my mom saved everything down to my freaking baby booties so hopefully she saved some kiddie books while she was at it) & I got one that was $4.00 to be read "in utero." :laugh: I know I can find most of the rest of them used for less than they cost on sale (most of the rest of them are $5.00 on sale).

    I'm sure it's a little premature for me to be looking for books but reading was such a huge important part of my childhood I want my kid exposed to books immediately.

    I don’t think it’s premature. The borders by is closing and everything is 40 – 75% off, so I picked up a bunch of kids books. I went to school to be an elementary teacher so I had a huge children’s book collection, which my mom threw away after I got married and moved out. I had thousands of dollars worth of books I had collected throughout high school and college. I forgot they were in my bedroom closet and I swear she had the CIS clean team come in and get rid of every trace of me. :explode: Can you tell I’m still bitter? :laugh:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Annabelle- screw what people think/say, I love the idea of a big family but 1) I cant afford it and 2) my body cant handle it. People give the duggars so much grief over their 19 kids but I don’t mind… it is not like they are taking from the government

    Littlespy- I will be checking that out! My kids have many Dr. Seuss book because I kept them from when I was little. I also work for a book company so I get what I can for free (my kids have never had a shortage of books) But there are some we just do not have. This week is read across America and so the school is going all out Dr. Seuss, guess which kid in the class brought in lots of Dr. Seuss books to share. BTW he already reads to his little brother and my tummy so it is never too early.

    This thread has become so active, I feel like checking every few hours I have so much to catch up on. :laugh: I try to keep up with everyone but I forget when I start commenting, sorry ladies.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Today is my first-ever OB appointment. Well, it started out as a yearly exam that I'd set up months ago, but since then, on the way.
    I've read that it's routine to have a pap when you're first pregnant, but is there really anything else they'll do today since I"m only 6 weeks along? What can I expect?

    I didn’t have my first appointment until I was 8 weeks and it was just an hour consultation with the nurse. She took my family history, gave me a bunch of paperwork and books to look at and I got a referral to the lab to get blood work and a glucose test.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Interesting article:

    I don't imagine if anything like this ever was implemented it would actually affect me, since there are only between 3 and 5 employees at where I work (and where hubby works), so they're never required to allow time off, even the FMLA leave.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Interesting article:

    I don't imagine if anything like this ever was implemented it would actually affect me, since there are only between 3 and 5 employees at where I work (and where hubby works), so they're never required to allow time off, even the FMLA leave.

    Eh, well, I guess that's what you get when you live in a country as terrified of "socialism" as this one. :ohwell: I live in South Carolina so unless some crazy radical revolution happens, I'll never see state funded maternity leave without it being federally mandated (at least until I move to Canada after the next presidential election goes the way of my nightmares :laugh:).
  • Mamatoabunch
    Interesting article:

    I don't imagine if anything like this ever was implemented it would actually affect me, since there are only between 3 and 5 employees at where I work (and where hubby works), so they're never required to allow time off, even the FMLA leave.

    It is ridiculous the US is so far behind in this regard. Dh took off 12 weeks last time and 6 weeks w/ our 9th. Previously he has taken off unpaid leave for 2 weeks.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Interesting article:

    I don't imagine if anything like this ever was implemented it would actually affect me, since there are only between 3 and 5 employees at where I work (and where hubby works), so they're never required to allow time off, even the FMLA leave.

    It is ridiculous the US is so far behind in this regard. Dh took of 12 weeks last time and 6 weeks w/ our 9th. Previously he has taken off unpaid leave for 2 weeks.

    I agree. I take off unpaid 2 weeks! And I'm the mom!!! (though one this time will be paid because I have vacation days! So maybe I will get 3 total since we can probably afford 2 unpaid.)

    PS - we're about as conservitive, gun totin', on the verge of redneck southerners as can be in my house :laugh: :laugh: but I completely think that we pay for so much crap that we don't need (grants to study drugs on chimpanzees? tons of paper waste and mailings that go out to state care patients) and neglect things that, if handled properly could raise the quality of life for many! (health care etc). I'm "anti socialist practices" per se, but mostly because I think the gvmt is inefficient and incapable of managing it (look at the school system), not because it's a bad idea. Run by people who know what they are doing (and I don't mean a particular party)- it could all work so well!
  • jamielangner

    This is exactly what is going on with my co-workers wife. She is pregnant with her first and is due March 4th. Yesterday in the office they mentioned that she is in the hospital and they started pitocin (sp?). I asked if her water broke, or if she was having contractions cause I was confused as to why they were inducing her already. I guess she went to the hospital because she was having mild pains and felt funny, but was only dilated to 3 when she got there.

    So she has been in the bed for the last 24 hours, they broke her water this morning and started another round of pitocin, and now she is dilated to 4.

    What the hell? I am still perplexed as to why they even kept her... :huh: I have a feeling they are gonna get tired of things going so slowly (because she's not really ready....) and they are gonna send her for an unnecessary C-section.

    The above scenario is the EXACT opposite of what I want to go through.

    Yes this is the cascade of interventions. The hospital often now "keeps" women, even if they are not in active labor. It used to be, when I was expecting my first few, they did not admit women until clear, active labor and dilated to 4. If contraxs are not strong at 4 they would send you walking. Now procedure is often bed, EFM, pit and/or breaking waters. I read about it all the time and the typical scenario on ICAN, International Cesarean Awareness Network and moms saddened, angry about an unnecessary c/s.

    Even the baby shows on TV show these types of interventions on women that could have waited longer. I didn't go into labor like most women, but annabelle is right, wait as long as you can tolerate it and is safe.

    I totally agree. I made the mistake of going through all that with my daughter and almost wound up having an unnecessary c/s. I'm thankful I didn't but I still spent THREE DAYS in labor! I certainly won't be rushing to the hospital this time around.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Went to see the nutritionist today at the health clinic as advised by my dr about weight management during pregnancy. While she was nice enough, she basically told me that I am morbidly obese and have gained wayyy too much weight so far (9lbs). Recently I have been good though, I have only gained 1lb in the past 3 weeks. Anyways she does not want me to gain any more weight at all and says I must focus on maintaining my weight.

    My eating plan is 6+ servings of fruit and veggies, 6 servings of grains, 2 servings of protein, and 2 servings of dariy daily. That is what the "Canada Food Guide" recommends for an average weight, healthy women aged 18-50. (however, my weight is far from average) I am also to aim for no more than 1800 calories per day.

    I am going to do my best, but this just seems unrealistic. My fitness pal puts me at 2500 calories per day to maintain 270lbs. I am likely to lose weight if I do what she says,... but as she said "that is ok because I have so many stores". Hmmm... I thought she had just told me that it was most important to maintain??

    Also, if I am hungry, I am to drink a glass of water first. And then wait 10 minutes. If I am still hungry, I am to have fruits and veggies only. If I am still not satisfied, I am to eat more fruits and veggies. I am to avoid granola bars/cookies for snacks, sugary stuff.

    I feel down about this, because 1) I know it's all my fault for gaining so much weight in the year before getting preggo (see my before pics in my profile) and 2) I know its going to be really hard to follow her plan, but if I gain more weight I am going to be in trouble.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woot, we still have a girl. And the u/s tech said everything looks great. :smile: And she was definitely not snoozing. :laugh: Even the tech commented on what a wiggle worm she is.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Woot, we still have a girl. And the u/s tech said everything looks great. :smile: And she was definitely not snoozing. :laugh: Even the tech commented on what a wiggle worm she is.

    So exciting! i get my first ultrasound on March 25th, I cannot wait!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Went to see the nutritionist today at the health clinic as advised by my dr about weight management during pregnancy. While she was nice enough, she basically told me that I am morbidly obese and have gained wayyy too much weight so far (9lbs). Recently I have been good though, I have only gained 1lb in the past 3 weeks. Anyways she does not want me to gain any more weight at all and says I must focus on maintaining my weight.

    My eating plan is 6+ servings of fruit and veggies, 6 servings of grains, 2 servings of protein, and 2 servings of dariy daily. That is what the "Canada Food Guide" recommends for an average weight, healthy women aged 18-50. (however, my weight is far from average) I am also to aim for no more than 1800 calories per day.

    I am going to do my best, but this just seems unrealistic. My fitness pal puts me at 2500 calories per day to maintain 270lbs. I am likely to lose weight if I do what she says,... but as she said "that is ok because I have so many stores". Hmmm... I thought she had just told me that it was most important to maintain??

    Also, if I am hungry, I am to drink a glass of water first. And then wait 10 minutes. If I am still hungry, I am to have fruits and veggies only. If I am still not satisfied, I am to eat more fruits and veggies. I am to avoid granola bars/cookies for snacks, sugary stuff.

    I feel down about this, because 1) I know it's all my fault for gaining so much weight in the year before getting preggo (see my before pics in my profile) and 2) I know its going to be really hard to follow her plan, but if I gain more weight I am going to be in trouble.


    Is it really realistic to ask you to not gain weight for the rest of your pregnancy? You’re not even halfway through yet. You would think a medical professional would understand this.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Went to see the nutritionist today at the health clinic as advised by my dr about weight management during pregnancy. While she was nice enough, she basically told me that I am morbidly obese and have gained wayyy too much weight so far (9lbs). Recently I have been good though, I have only gained 1lb in the past 3 weeks. Anyways she does not want me to gain any more weight at all and says I must focus on maintaining my weight.

    My eating plan is 6+ servings of fruit and veggies, 6 servings of grains, 2 servings of protein, and 2 servings of dariy daily. That is what the "Canada Food Guide" recommends for an average weight, healthy women aged 18-50. (however, my weight is far from average) I am also to aim for no more than 1800 calories per day.

    I am going to do my best, but this just seems unrealistic. My fitness pal puts me at 2500 calories per day to maintain 270lbs. I am likely to lose weight if I do what she says,... but as she said "that is ok because I have so many stores". Hmmm... I thought she had just told me that it was most important to maintain??

    Also, if I am hungry, I am to drink a glass of water first. And then wait 10 minutes. If I am still hungry, I am to have fruits and veggies only. If I am still not satisfied, I am to eat more fruits and veggies. I am to avoid granola bars/cookies for snacks, sugary stuff.

    I feel down about this, because 1) I know it's all my fault for gaining so much weight in the year before getting preggo (see my before pics in my profile) and 2) I know its going to be really hard to follow her plan, but if I gain more weight I am going to be in trouble.


    I know how you feel, my Dr. has been really hard on me about weight gain. I haven't weighed myself in awhile, but at 19 wks I was up 14lbs. I'm 24 weeks now so I'm guessing I'm up at least another 5 lbs, if not more.

    The above plan does sound a little unrealistic to me, just because you are only 16 weeks and they don't want you to gain anymore weight at all.

    I hate hearing you say that if you gain more weight you are going to be in trouble... What are they going to do, spank you? Make you run laps? They are there to offer you medical advice and help guide you through your pregnancy, not chastise and belittle you.

    Like I said, my Dr. is sorta a b**** about weight gain, so I know how you feel. I take what she says into consideration, and I try to do the best that I can. I've cut my sodium intake in half, I'm down to 1 pop a day (couldn't quit altogether, quitting smoking was easier than pop), and I'm eating way more fruits and veggies than before. Could I exercise more? Yes, absolutely. But in the end, I feel like I'm doing pretty well, and I'm happy with the positive changes I've made. I've had my calories set to maintenance since 12 weeks, I go over them maybe twice a week, and I've still put on weight. I figure my body/the baby needs it. Does it make me have mini-meltdowns here and there? If you read this board frequently, you know the answer is yes :blushing: but all in all I'm ok with my weight gain so far, and I'm looking forward to getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

    Try not to be to hard on yourself :flowerforyou:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Woot, we still have a girl. And the u/s tech said everything looks great. :smile: And she was definitely not snoozing. :laugh: Even the tech commented on what a wiggle worm she is.

    Woot for little girls!! Glad she wasn't to tuckered out from kicking the crap outta you earlier :laugh: Sometimes I swear he is doing flips in there over and over and over..... :laugh: his movements are definitely becoming more distinct and strong!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Went to see the nutritionist today at the health clinic as advised by my dr about weight management during pregnancy. While she was nice enough, she basically told me that I am morbidly obese and have gained wayyy too much weight so far (9lbs). Recently I have been good though, I have only gained 1lb in the past 3 weeks. Anyways she does not want me to gain any more weight at all and says I must focus on maintaining my weight.

    My eating plan is 6+ servings of fruit and veggies, 6 servings of grains, 2 servings of protein, and 2 servings of dariy daily. That is what the "Canada Food Guide" recommends for an average weight, healthy women aged 18-50. (however, my weight is far from average) I am also to aim for no more than 1800 calories per day.

    I am going to do my best, but this just seems unrealistic. My fitness pal puts me at 2500 calories per day to maintain 270lbs. I am likely to lose weight if I do what she says,... but as she said "that is ok because I have so many stores". Hmmm... I thought she had just told me that it was most important to maintain??

    Also, if I am hungry, I am to drink a glass of water first. And then wait 10 minutes. If I am still hungry, I am to have fruits and veggies only. If I am still not satisfied, I am to eat more fruits and veggies. I am to avoid granola bars/cookies for snacks, sugary stuff.

    I feel down about this, because 1) I know it's all my fault for gaining so much weight in the year before getting preggo (see my before pics in my profile) and 2) I know its going to be really hard to follow her plan, but if I gain more weight I am going to be in trouble.


    Uhg. I can't imagine this. I would be very frustrated. I can understand trying to have you eat healthy and smaller meals but that sounds overkill. I can't imagine someone telling me I couldn't gain any more weight. It doesn't seem possible! I did do the drink a full glass of water and wait before eating trick when I was loosing weight and it actually worked well because I was thirsty not hungry.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Today is my first-ever OB appointment. Well, it started out as a yearly exam that I'd set up months ago, but since then, on the way.
    I've read that it's routine to have a pap when you're first pregnant, but is there really anything else they'll do today since I"m only 6 weeks along? What can I expect?

    Good luck at your apt. That is exciting.

    I didn't know it was routine for a pap. My dr. said she didn't want to do one for me because I was pregnant. She said she didn't want to interfere with the baby, and she'd wait till after I had the baby.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I don't know for sure but I think I may be feeling the baby move the last day or two. I have had the wierdest feeling in my stomach. It is hard to describe but I can't figure out what else it would be. The movement is lower on my stomach/pelvis area than I expected if it is the baby but what do I know! When did you ladies first feel your LO?
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    AnnaElise: I felt baby at about 14 weeks It may have
    been even earlier than that. Felt like bubbles in my
    lower abdomen but now it's starting to be more like
    pops and wiggles. I'm pretty sure that's baby you're feeling. :D
    So amazing!!