Pregnancy 2011 - March



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    What is everyone's take on the recall of drop down side cribs? I am looking on sites like craigslist and kijiji for a decently priced, second hand crib that is of high quality. The problem is that almost all of them are drop down sides. I feel totally awful that I am even considering it... but when its a beautiful solid wood crib for $150 it's hard to resist (especially since we went browsing to stores this weekend and the cribs we liked ranged from $500-$1000).

    I have a drop down side crib. I bought it new with my first 9 years ago and have used it with all of my children and will be doing so again with this baby. I have never had a problem with mine and I feel absolutely comfortable with it.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    What do you all think about circumcision? My husband and I have been arguing over it for a few days. He is dead-set against it (even though he himself is circumcised) because he says that there is no real medical reasoning for it. The information I've read says that there are bennefits, aside from cleanliness. It's really bothering me that we can't agree. I hope we're having a girl so we don't have to worry about it.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    YAY, I have my 20 week appointment and my anatomy ultrasound at 3:30 today. I'm excited to see the little girl again. I'm not excited to step on the scale with all of my clothes & shoes on after having eaten breakfast, snack, and lunch. Not to mention I normally drink 2 liters of water while I'm at work. It's not fair that the first weight they have recorded for me was first thing in the morning & all I had eaten was half a banana. :tongue: According to my weight this morning, I've now gained 0.8 pounds in the last 3.5 weeks. Unfortunately, I gained about 4 pounds in the 1.5 weeks before that (:embarassed:) so I expect doc's scale to show close to a 5 pound gain overall with a 12 pound gain since my first appointment (eek). I do feel good about finally having the gain under control though.

    Yay for your anatomy scan! I loved ours! I have her profile pic on my desktop background and catch myself staring at it all the time. She's just so perfect!! You have done really well with weight gain! I hate getting weighed at the doctor's office too. I don't think I've ever actually taken note of what they measure me as. I've gone back and forth between wearing shoes, wearing sweaters and coats, having a full bladder. I only consider my personal Monday weigh-ins, first thing in the morning after having peed and gotten naked.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Dragonfly - I love your new pic, you are one fit momma!

    Oh thank you so much! What a nice compliment.

    You are I'm jealous of your fitness and your pretty hair. You do look great though.

    Thank you so much! I think you look great as well. You always take a good picture!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I let my stupid neighbor get me so upset last night. She’s one of the few people outside of family that knows I’m pregnant. I was telling her that my morning sickness was pretty bad for a few weeks but the past couple days have been good, so I’m hoping that I’m over the worst of it. She tells that she read in a book (she’s never been pregnant) that if morning sickness stops suddenly before the first trimester is over that means the baby stopped growing. Are you kidding me?????? What would possess someone to say that to a pregnant woman? Especially since I’m already worried about my baby being ok. I cried for over an hour until my husband was finally able to clam me down. I’m still upset, but I’ll feel a lot better after my ultrasound tomorrow morning.

    Seriously!? I've never heard of that before and it was really inconsiderate of her to even bring something like that up. If I had serious morning sickness and it stopped I would feel nothing but relief. Don't let stupid people make you worry. You will encounter plenty along the way and you need to learn to just let it go in one ear and out the other. Ugh. What a weird comment to make to your pregnant friend.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    What do you all think about circumcision? My husband and I have been arguing over it for a few days. He is dead-set against it (even though he himself is circumcised) because he says that there is no real medical reasoning for it. The information I've read says that there are bennefits, aside from cleanliness. It's really bothering me that we can't agree. I hope we're having a girl so we don't have to worry about it.

    There was actually a really long discussion about this recently. Maybe it's in the February conversations?

  • I got a brand new solid wood fixed sided crib for $139. You just have to look around. :wink:

    I passed on the drop down side crib my mom was trying to push on me even though it had metal hardware & had never been recalled. I definitely wouldn't risk a newer drop down side crib with plastic hardware.

    Finnian's was $99.
  • My doctor will not be happy with me this Friday. He actually gives you a "red circle" around your weight if he thinks you have gained too much.

    That is absolutely appalling.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    wow I posted like a gazillion times.

    I can't sleep, I have heartburn for some reason, and the 4 little toes on my right foot are numb from swelling.

    Let the lashing begin...sodium intake for the past 3 days

    Sunday 3000 mg
    Monday 4000 mg
    Today 5500 mg

    My husband asked if I was trying to compete with myself:laugh: Ok not a laughing matter. Tomorrow I"m aiming fro around 1500-2000 mg and nothing more to see if it helps.:huh:

    Sounds like something my husband would say. I bet my sodium is way up there too. Lately I have been sabatoging myself with pop and all kinds of sweet things. It is nuts and out of control. It is weird, ever since I cannot exercise I am eating much worse. I told myself I wouldn't drink a pop today but I think I am going to go grab a Sprite.

    Completely agree with you on the education bit. You make a very good point. I am glad to have my college education (and the experience) in my back pocket.
  • What do you all think about circumcision? My husband and I have been arguing over it for a few days. He is dead-set against it (even though he himself is circumcised) because he says that there is no real medical reasoning for it. The information I've read says that there are bennefits, aside from cleanliness. It's really bothering me that we can't agree. I hope we're having a girl so we don't have to worry about it.

    My dh is circ'ed, my 4 boys are not. It has been a positive decision for us. I don't want my boy to go through unnecessary pain for something cosmetic and w/ no clear benefit. There is a benefit to men and their future partner, having their foreskin later in life, in terms of sex, something few ever discuss. I figure God put it there, there is no reason to cut it off.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    He actually gives you a "red circle" around your weight if he thinks you have gained too much.

    Wah, that's a little uncalled for :huh:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Rachael -- Congrats on the girl! Is it weird for me to be excited that all of us that have due dates close together are having girls? :happy:

    Brittony -- I love the new belly picture! And I don't think your face looks puffy at all!

    YAY, I have my 20 week appointment and my anatomy ultrasound at 3:30 today. I'm excited to see the little girl again. I'm not excited to step on the scale with all of my clothes & shoes on after having eaten breakfast, snack, and lunch. Not to mention I normally drink 2 liters of water while I'm at work. It's not fair that the first weight they have recorded for me was first thing in the morning & all I had eaten was half a banana. :tongue: According to my weight this morning, I've now gained 0.8 pounds in the last 3.5 weeks. Unfortunately, I gained about 4 pounds in the 1.5 weeks before that (:embarassed:) so I expect doc's scale to show close to a 5 pound gain overall with a 12 pound gain since my first appointment (eek). I do feel good about finally having the gain under control though.

    It is fun that we are all having girls around the same time. My dr. told me that this has been the year of girls for her. She said last year she delivered a bunch of boys, and this year it has been girls.

    My 20 week apt. (yesterday) was at 5:30PM. I thought the same thing about my weight, I had all days worth of food and water and all my clothes. So I definitely was more than first thing in the morning. Oh well.. Good luck, and enjoy seeing your little girl. :happy:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Thanks everyone. I actually was pretty sure I was having a girl from the very beginning. But it's nice to have the reassurance. Now I can finally start buying cute girl stuff. I ordered my bedding last night. It is super cute.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I let my stupid neighbor get me so upset last night. She’s one of the few people outside of family that knows I’m pregnant. I was telling her that my morning sickness was pretty bad for a few weeks but the past couple days have been good, so I’m hoping that I’m over the worst of it. She tells that she read in a book (she’s never been pregnant) that if morning sickness stops suddenly before the first trimester is over that means the baby stopped growing. Are you kidding me?????? What would possess someone to say that to a pregnant woman? Especially since I’m already worried about my baby being ok. I cried for over an hour until my husband was finally able to clam me down. I’m still upset, but I’ll feel a lot better after my ultrasound tomorrow morning.

    Seriously!? I've never heard of that before and it was really inconsiderate of her to even bring something like that up. If I had serious morning sickness and it stopped I would feel nothing but relief. Don't let stupid people make you worry. You will encounter plenty along the way and you need to learn to just let it go in one ear and out the other. Ugh. What a weird comment to make to your pregnant friend.

    I've never heard that either and I agree, it's certainly not accurate. Brittony is right, this is just the tip of the iceberg of unwanted "advice" and information that people will give you.

    My father in law told me that there is some sort of chemical inbalance that occurs only when you are having a boy - and if your Dr. doesn't put you on meds in your third trimester - you will become bipolar and schizophrenic after you have the baby.

    Hm..... :laugh:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Brittony - I love your new profile pic, so cute! Happy Belated Birthday :flowerforyou: Sounds you like had a great day!

    Rachael - Congratulations on your baby girl :flowerforyou: how exciting!!

    LittleSpy - Hope your appointment today goes well!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member

    Jamie: BH sound crazy. My friend from back home has started to get them too. I just hope that if I get them I'm not like my other friend who wasted a lot of money going to the emergency room for two separate false alarms. My husband and I are attempting to formulate a plan for when I think contractions have started. We're thinking we should take a nice relaxing walk and get the dog some exercise. Then I should come home and shower. I mean that all depends on how fast it goes. I'm not going to be stupid and try to take a walk while contracting every two minutes. I just don't want to rush to the hospital and feel tied to a bed for 20 hrs. This is all coming from a naive first-time mom. though. We could freak out and rush to the hospital anyway. hehe.

    I like your new picture! You look nice and "Springy." I am so ready for Spring.

    You will know when it is time to go to the hospital. With my first I woke up at 3am and went out to the couch and by 4am I knew I needed to get to the hospital. To me the hospital was a comforting place to be. I am happy I got there when I did because I went quite fast. The nurses even had to keep me from pushing until the doctor arrived. The nurses waited too long to call the doctor and get him to the hospital because even they didn't think a first time mom normally goes as quickly as I did. At one point I heard the one nurse say to the other "we might be delivering a baby here." My first was a wonderful smooth exerience. Each of my labors has gotten shorter but more intense. With this one I will be sure to get there ASAP because I want to make it to the hospital.

    I don't believe you are being naive at all. Each time to me is a new and different experience. Just use your intuition :smile:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I let my stupid neighbor get me so upset last night. She’s one of the few people outside of family that knows I’m pregnant. I was telling her that my morning sickness was pretty bad for a few weeks but the past couple days have been good, so I’m hoping that I’m over the worst of it. She tells that she read in a book (she’s never been pregnant) that if morning sickness stops suddenly before the first trimester is over that means the baby stopped growing. Are you kidding me?????? What would possess someone to say that to a pregnant woman? Especially since I’m already worried about my baby being ok. I cried for over an hour until my husband was finally able to clam me down. I’m still upset, but I’ll feel a lot better after my ultrasound tomorrow morning.

    Seriously?! Diarrhea of the mouth a bit! I'm so sorry you had to endure a conversation like that. I hope you know everyone's different and the fact that this woman has NEVER been pregnant, she should really keep her mouth SHUT :angry:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    What do you all think about circumcision? My husband and I have been arguing over it for a few days. He is dead-set against it (even though he himself is circumcised) because he says that there is no real medical reasoning for it. The information I've read says that there are bennefits, aside from cleanliness. It's really bothering me that we can't agree. I hope we're having a girl so we don't have to worry about it.

    My husband is circumcised but we both immediately agreed that if we have a boy he will not be. From what we've read, the actual benefits are controversial at best and there are negatives that far outweigh any potential benefits in our opinions. I would never in a million years consider circumcising a girl and I feel the same about a boy.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    What do you all think about circumcision? My husband and I have been arguing over it for a few days. He is dead-set against it (even though he himself is circumcised) because he says that there is no real medical reasoning for it. The information I've read says that there are bennefits, aside from cleanliness. It's really bothering me that we can't agree. I hope we're having a girl so we don't have to worry about it.

    There was actually a really long discussion about this recently. Maybe it's in the February conversations?

    Thanks, I'll go hunting for it.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    My doctor will not be happy with me this Friday. He actually gives you a "red circle" around your weight if he thinks you have gained too much.

    That is absolutely appalling.

    Isn't that nuts?! When I went to him with my first I was always getting a red ink circle around my weight and I would come home and cry. Now that it is my fourth with him I let it roll off my back. My last appointment he mentioned how I got another red circle and they failed to give me one the appointment prior as well. Sorry to tell him, this Friday I can assure him I will be getting another.

    I think he handles this area of pregnancy very poorly.
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