Pregnancy 2011 - March



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for the review! I hate spending money on things that I don't know for sure I will like so it's nerve racking for me to buy shoes :laugh:. I mean, I bought some $5 artichoke/spinach dip at Publix last night since I have some pita chips that are dreadful plain and I hemmed and hawed over it for a good 3 minutes before sticking it in my cart. So, you can imagine on things that are a wee bit more than $5!

    I'm surprised you had the pita chips. :tongue:I was at the grocery store earlier & saw them & thought "MMMMM, yes!" and went to grab them & saw they were over $4 and immediately thought "HA! Yeah right!" and left them where they were sitting. :laugh:
  • Mamatoabunch

    I'm surprised you had the pita chips. :tongue:I was at the grocery store earlier & saw them & thought "MMMMM, yes!" and went to grab them & saw they were over $4 and immediately thought "HA! Yeah right!" and left them where they were sitting. :laugh:

    You can make them cheaply by buying pita pockets and preparing them yourself, easy and cheap. My kids favorite thing is hummus and pita chips, but we need three bags, LOL, so we make them ourselves. Otherwise go to Trader Joe's, bags are much cheaper there.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    And I always feel the same way you do about names (or anything). I named my 12 year old dog Emma and like 2 years later the name was at the top of baby name charts. :laugh: I still LOVE the name but between the dog and the popularity we could never do it. :tongue: I've tried for Emmaline but hubby isn't buying it since the dog comes to that name, too. :laugh:

    I have never met someone named Charlotte (though I did have Kristen Davis's father as a professor in college :laugh:) and as soon as hubby suggested it along with the nickname Charlie I loved it. Maybe it's all subliminal and I just don't consciously realize I've heard the names on a more regular basis. My husband also LOVES the name Isabel (and so do I) and that was his grandmother's name but I refuse to even consider it since Isabella has been in the top 5 names for a few years now. Lame people naming their babies all the good names. :tongue:

    Maisie isn't anywhere to be found on any of the popularity charts for the US and I swear I'll have a nervous breakdown if I see it projected to be popular this year. :laugh: I don't really have anything against popular names, I just always felt so bad for all the Jessicas and Jennifers and Ashleys in school when I was growing up. I have a pretty popular name but there were still only 2 Julies in my gradulating class of over 600 and the other girl's name was actually Julia so I was technically the only Julie.

    I noticed that Emma was on the top of the name popularity charts, but I have honestly never met an Emma in my entire life. Maybe it's just the region I live in? I've never met an Isabella either. Lots and lots of dogs named Bella, but never a human.

    I think it's because Emma and Isabella are recently popular names. You may not know someone named that now, but when the Social Security Administration confirms they're the most popular names for newborns in recent years, it's almost guaranteed there will be at least a couple of other girls named that at school. That may not bother some people. I think even my hubby's getting fed up with how much it bothers me & my constant "We can't name our kid that because it's #__ on the name chart recently." :laugh: Just today he told me "There are always going to be people naming babies something!" when I mentioned that Maisie is #28 on the UK charts (though not even a blip on the radar for the US) & that made me nervous. :laugh:

    But look at the SSA's name list for the year you were born & see how many people you can think of with that name. For my birth year (1984) the top 5 girls are Jennifer, Jessica, Ashley, Amanda, and Sarah. I don't think I can even count the number of girls my age I know with these names there are so many. Of course it's a personal decision and there's nothing wrong with chosing a popular name you love despite it's popularity!

    Edit to add link so you can all drive yourselves as nuts as I have looking at popular baby names. :tongue:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Do braxton hicks contractions get stronger?

    I didn't have them at all with my first one. But since last night they have gotten really strong. Makes me want to (TMI) poop. I don't have back pain that the nurse talked about last week. But these make me want to puke and poop at the same time. They don't seem to be regular.

    I guess I should start tracking them.

    I didn't have back pain with my real contractions last time. Just felt like I had a bladder infection and couldn't push the pee out (also know as the baby)... HA HA:laugh:

    Even when they told me I was having contractions I kept saying, " I think you should tell the doctor about my Urinary tract infection" SO STUPID:laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thanks for the review! I hate spending money on things that I don't know for sure I will like so it's nerve racking for me to buy shoes :laugh:. I mean, I bought some $5 artichoke/spinach dip at Publix last night since I have some pita chips that are dreadful plain and I hemmed and hawed over it for a good 3 minutes before sticking it in my cart. So, you can imagine on things that are a wee bit more than $5!

    I'm surprised you had the pita chips. :tongue:I was at the grocery store earlier & saw them & thought "MMMMM, yes!" and went to grab them & saw they were over $4 and immediately thought "HA! Yeah right!" and left them where they were sitting. :laugh:

    LOL, you are so right - but my boss randomly mails me healthy and organic food and dried fruit and granola bars and things! It's a little odd, but I appreciate it and it's stuff I love but would never buy (not to mention buy then pay to ship! :laugh:) I have this bag of dark chocolate covered pomegranate chewy things - they are so good! I would never buy them!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I'm surprised you had the pita chips. :tongue:I was at the grocery store earlier & saw them & thought "MMMMM, yes!" and went to grab them & saw they were over $4 and immediately thought "HA! Yeah right!" and left them where they were sitting. :laugh:

    You can make them cheaply by buying pita pockets and preparing them yourself, easy and cheap. My kids favorite thing is hummus and pita chips, but we need three bags, LOL, so we make them ourselves. Otherwise go to Trader Joe's, bags are much cheaper there.
    No Trader Joes anywhere near me. :frown: But good point on making them myself. :smile: Can't be that difficult -- cut them up & bake them at a low temp until they're dry, right?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    "We can't name our kid that because it's #__ on the name chart recently." :laugh: Just today he told me "There are always going to be people naming babies something!" when I mentioned that Maisie is #28 on the UK charts (though not even a blip on the radar for the US) & that made me nervous. :laugh:

    But look at the SSA's name list for the year you were born & see how many people you can think of with that name. For my birth year (1984) the top 5 girls are Jennifer, Jessica, Ashley, Amanda, and Sarah. I don't think I can even count the number of girls my age I know with these names there are so many. Of course it's a personal decision and there's nothing wrong with chosing a popular name you love despite it's popularity!

    Edit to add link so you can all drive yourselves as nuts as I have looking at popular baby names. :tongue:

    David is always in the top 10-15 forever but I've yet to come across another one in my son's age range! It's almost too traditional to run into anyone with it, since everyone is opting for more unique names.

    I figure he will always be able to find touristy things and crayons with his name on it :)
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Do braxton hicks contractions get stronger?

    I didn't have them at all with my first one. But since last night they have gotten really strong. Makes me want to (TMI) poop. I don't have back pain that the nurse talked about last week. But these make me want to puke and poop at the same time. They don't seem to be regular.

    I guess I should start tracking them.

    I didn't have back pain with my real contractions last time. Just felt like I had a bladder infection and couldn't push the pee out (also know as the baby)... HA HA:laugh:

    Even when they told me I was having contractions I kept saying, " I think you should tell the doctor about my Urinary tract infection" SO STUPID:laugh:

    My whatever they are seem to get stronger and they even go into a pattern and last longer. The pressure down there is making me have to use the restroom a lot more than normal and I have been nauseus today pretty bad. I have never had back pain with my labors so I dont know much about that, I usually just wait til I have bloody show to know that the baby is really coming. I am convinced that Annabelle is completely correct with the prodromal labor, I was telling my mom about it and she said she had it for over 2 weeks before the actually had my brother :noway: not looking forward to a couple of weeks of this but I prefer it over Brooklynn being born this early.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    And about daycare -- we won't be doing it. Hubby just got his LLC business license & started his own business. If he's doing well enough, I'll (very hopefully) go back to work part-time (30 hours/week) & work like 8am-2pm Mon-Friday. He'd never be up to work during those hours anyway so he can take care of the baby then and I can take over while he works in the evenings. If he's doing REALLY well & we can get affordable health insurance through a small business group rate, I'm quitting my job entirely. If I have to go back to work full-time because his business isn't profitable enough, he'll have to suck it up and take care of the kid from 8am-5.30pm. I'm not putting a small baby in daycare and I don't know anyone who lives close enough who could be a sitter for that many hours on a daily basis.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    "We can't name our kid that because it's #__ on the name chart recently." :laugh: Just today he told me "There are always going to be people naming babies something!" when I mentioned that Maisie is #28 on the UK charts (though not even a blip on the radar for the US) & that made me nervous. :laugh:

    But look at the SSA's name list for the year you were born & see how many people you can think of with that name. For my birth year (1984) the top 5 girls are Jennifer, Jessica, Ashley, Amanda, and Sarah. I don't think I can even count the number of girls my age I know with these names there are so many. Of course it's a personal decision and there's nothing wrong with chosing a popular name you love despite it's popularity!

    Edit to add link so you can all drive yourselves as nuts as I have looking at popular baby names. :tongue:

    David is always in the top 10-15 forever but I've yet to come across another one in my son's age range! It's almost too traditional to run into anyone with it, since everyone is opting for more unique names.

    I figure he will always be able to find touristy things and crayons with his name on it :)

    My oldest is Matthew David and he has never had anyone with either name in his class. My second is John Anthony, he is not is school yet and there are no children around here to play with so we will have to see if there are any when he starts this fall. Both have pretty traditional names and I never payed attention to whether or not the names I picked were popular. I just have to like it and convince hubby to like it too.

    Thanks littlespy I just checked Brooklynn and her name is 161 spelt our way (hubby thought it was original with 2 n's , my middle name is lynn) but if you spell it Brooklyn then it is 37

    I have never had to deal with daycare, my mom took care of my oldest and then my second until he was 6 months old. Hubby became unemployeed at that point and with what daycare costs here in Los Angeles for 2 kids it just didn't make sense. Mom is no longer able to care for little ones and we will now have 3. I have a hard time leaving my kids with anyone though, even hubby's family so I really dont think I would be able to do it anyhow. I have a coworker who pays nearly $200 a week and is pregnant with #2 at $400 a week her husband will have no check left. Atleast they will have medical beneifts and her checks.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I understand that when you break it down 20 dollars a day doesn't seem like that much. But at a day care center they are watching more than one child at a time. I have 30 kids at least at one time in a classroom and trust me I don't get near 20 dollars a day for each one ;D I know the center has to run and there is good reason but it is really just hard to afford even when you are making okay money. I really would be okay with 20 a day! We were hoping for 150 a week which is 25 dollars a day... 170 isn't too far out of our budget so we may be able to make it work. Plus the more I hear about it the more I like. They have the online cameras that you can watch your child. Plus we really only need day care from 9-2:30 each day so it doesn't break down to 8 hours a day.

    I am going to look into small daycares and nannys before making my decision. We just moved down here so we don't know too many people that well. I am going to do a lot more research before deciding.... its just crazy to think about 700 dollars more per month to budget...... I know we have already thought about it but it just hit me again when calling people.

    I wasn't trying to step on any toes. Just expressing my frustration LOL

    This place sounds very good but you may find something a bit more in your budget and more personal if you look into something smaller/home based instead. Good luck :smile:
  • Mamatoabunch
    Do braxton hicks contractions get stronger?

    I didn't have them at all with my first one. But since last night they have gotten really strong. Makes me want to (TMI) poop. I don't have back pain that the nurse talked about last week. But these make me want to puke and poop at the same time. They don't seem to be regular.

    I guess I should start tracking them.

    I didn't have back pain with my real contractions last time. Just felt like I had a bladder infection and couldn't push the pee out (also know as the baby)... HA HA:laugh:

    Even when they told me I was having contractions I kept saying, " I think you should tell the doctor about my Urinary tract infection" SO STUPID:laugh:

    You have BH w/ every pregnancy, early on, but you only start to notice them usually in subsequent pregnancies. Yes they can get very strong at the end. They accomplish a goal of toning your uterus and are good, but whew they can get intense.
  • Mamatoabunch

    No Trader Joes anywhere near me. :frown: But good point on making them myself. :smile: Can't be that difficult -- cut them up & bake them at a low temp until they're dry, right?

    Yes, you can spray them w/ canola or olive oil spray too. Yummy!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member

    All I was saying was you are incorrect with your original statement of saying "A non Catholic or a non practicing Catholic receiving Communion is wrong b/c they do not believe it is the true Body of Christ. . . " Lutherans and I am sure other some other "non Catholic" religions do so believe it is the true Body of Christ.

    I understand your feelings and your comments. Believing something is so, does not make it so.

    Amen! And believing that only a Catholic priest can turn communion into the true blood and body doesn't make it so because another human says so.
  • jamielangner
    Wow! So many posts today! I am going to have to read them carefully later today!

    SO. I am starting to stress about daycare. Anyone else doing daycare? I know that a lot of you are SAHM's. I choose my career to be a teacher to be able to work but also have extra time home with the LO. I asked around at work for day care centers and almost everyone who uses daycare uses the same place! and they LOVE it. I just called. WITH THE TEACHER DISCOUNT... 170 per week. uhg. I called another... 194. The good thing is the one the teachers use doesn't charge you during teacher vacations.

    What do you guys think about day cares vs nannys? I am leaning towards day care so the child is with more than one person plus they get to play with other kids... I have a fear that a nanny with treat the child poorly and I wouldn't know. Is that crazy?

    My husband is a real estate agent and he works so much on weekends he is thinking about taking a day or two off during the week (until 3 pm when I get home). That might help with some money.


    I have my daughter in daycare & I will do the same for this baby. I don't think your fear of nannys is crazy since I have the same fear of nannies/babysitters. I still have not left my daughter alone with anyone except grandma, I guess paranoia is common :)
  • Mamatoabunch

    Amen! And believing that only a Catholic priest can turn communion into the true blood and body doesn't make it so because another human says so.

    I knew this would bring us to an impasse on this subject.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Dragonfly - I love your new pic, you are one fit momma!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I understand that when you break it down 20 dollars a day doesn't seem like that much. But at a day care center they are watching more than one child at a time. I have 30 kids at least at one time in a classroom and trust me I don't get near 20 dollars a day for each one ;D I know the center has to run and there is good reason but it is really just hard to afford even when you are making okay money. I really would be okay with 20 a day! We were hoping for 150 a week which is 25 dollars a day... 170 isn't too far out of our budget so we may be able to make it work. Plus the more I hear about it the more I like. They have the online cameras that you can watch your child. Plus we really only need day care from 9-2:30 each day so it doesn't break down to 8 hours a day.

    I am going to look into small daycares and nannys before making my decision. We just moved down here so we don't know too many people that well. I am going to do a lot more research before deciding.... its just crazy to think about 700 dollars more per month to budget...... I know we have already thought about it but it just hit me again when calling people.

    I wasn't trying to step on any toes. Just expressing my frustration LOL

    This place sounds very good but you may find something a bit more in your budget and more personal if you look into something smaller/home based instead. Good luck :smile:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    UHF still no regular Internet. I guess I can't reply on a quote.

    D page... I know! I wasn't offended at all don't worry. I totally get what you are saying.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Heather I meant to say earlier that i had an us at 6weeks. I was able to see and hear a heartbeat but you can't always. It also was a little slow from just starting so I had another at 8 weeks. Hopefully she will do one for you!