Pregnancy 2011 - March



  • Mamatoabunch
    c - BUT Catholicism is one of, becoming fewer and fewer religions, that actually has rules and boundaries and doctrines etc that the church states, supports, commands.... whatever word you want to use. It is very much so not a religion where it is what someone interprets it to be, or feels it is to them, as are (or can be) many other religions. Not right or wrong, but I think something that many "adaptive" or "spiritual" religious people don't see or get.

    That is true.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    It of course depends on area, but do look into some of the smaller home day cares. There were several in my area that were in the $100 range, but the brick and mortar types are all over $150 a week. Plus the home ones are more likely to provide food etc than the bigger ones. There are always plenty of references available for the good ones, and if you guys are worried work out having your hubby (sounds like his schedule might be a little more flexible) do some "drop in inspections" while scouting, as well as after your LO is in their care. Any good center should not care to have someone stop in just to see - so long as it's not obsessive and you're not disruptive - just in and out a couple times doing your research.

    I don't know about other states, but in MI all of the licensed smaller home day cares are listed on the State of MI website. It has all of their information as far as how many children they can take, what type of home it is, yard they have, etc. It also has the results of their last inspection, violations they had, and the corrective action plan that the provider came up with for their violations. Not that this information is the "end all be all" of whether or not they are a good day care, but it's a start!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I also have to eat dinner around 5 and not 6-7 like we used to. When the baby wants to eat, it demands right away. There is no waiting! :wink:

    I've been eating dinner (at least something small) around 6-7 vs 9-10 like I had been used to. The problem I have is when my husband comes home and wants to eat so I am eating twice but trying not to overdo either my pre-dinner dinner or my dinner dinner. (or, you know, my midnight dinner, breakfast, brunch, lunch, and post-lunch! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    As far as names go, my husband and I are having a hard time finding boys names. Girls names are easy for us. We love Maryn, Lucy or Eidy. We want their names to have "y" in them because both of our names have them. I like the name Maisey, but I have neice named Macey, so I think it's too close. Charlotte was a number one name for me a year ago but a lady at my work ruined it for me. Don't you love it when you meet a total ronch that has a beautiful name? Ruined it.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Another option is an au pair or sharing a nanny w/ another family. Friends of mine did that, shared a nanny. Nanny came to their houses switching off, watching both families children. Having a nanny in home would cost a bit more, but you get other negotiated benefits such as cleaning and laundry done.
  • hoop77
    hoop77 Posts: 58 Member
    This is great! Exactly what I've been looking for.....a whole bunch of pregnant mommies! I am 15 weeks with baby #4, and the last. MFP has helped me too stay away from the chips and chocolate bars, not completely, but moreso than with previous pregnancies.Good Luck to all of you!
  • Mamatoabunch
    I also have to eat dinner around 5 and not 6-7 like we used to. When the baby wants to eat, it demands right away. There is no waiting! :wink:

    My baby loves when I eat, he dances all around after I eat. Hopefully he will be a good nurser! A few didn't care whether they nursed or not, stressful!
  • Mamatoabunch
    Thanks and oh no. Don't say that. I don't mind having babies hence the 7 kids but I hate getting fat.

    I hate it too. I remind myself it is temporary.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member

    Annabelle- I actually do not drink milk (makes me sick in the stomach) so my only calcium is from yogurt and cheese. I tried those capsules but they do not seem to help much. I am wondering if that is a big problem for me? TMI alert…. I was woken up many times last night feeling like my vagina was being ripped open and this morning I have had a very increased amount of discharge. I am expecting that my mucus must be getting ready to come out. Does this sound about right? I am thinking I wont make it until after 3-20 at this rate.

    How much were you taking and were you consistent? Another option is a few sips of wine or other alcohol through the day. Whe I had a strong episode of intense contractions at 35 weeks I drank a glass of wine, settled things right down. I have added you to my prayers already. Remember each day inside saves you baby 2 days of NICU, after 35-6 most babies, especially giorls need little or no NICU care.

    I would usually just take 2 capsules when I took my prenatal, I will start up again since the vitamins were making me have intestinal issues and the doctor said I would be fine with out them. A glass of sangria does sound nice and I see how alcohol may help since it relaxes the body. I think I just may try that. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and I will just try to get through each day knowing that she will be that much closer to coming home with me from the hospital. Only a few more days til 35 weeks!

    Watch it be her personality to be pushy and then decide nevermind when it is safe for her to come... I can already tell she has quite the personality.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    ugh. my eyes are driving me crazy. I don't remember them being this bad last time, though it probably doesn't help that I had LASIK in August. Staring at a computer 8-10 hours a day is rough. I am like a super old person, I scroll the screen magnification WAY up but it's still like looking through a layer of film.
  • Mamatoabunch

    I would usually just take 2 capsules when I took my prenatal, I will start up again since the vitamins were making me have intestinal issues and the doctor said I would be fine with out them. A glass of sangria does sound nice and I see how alcohol may help since it relaxes the body. I think I just may try that. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and I will just try to get through each day knowing that she will be that much closer to coming home with me from the hospital. Only a few more days til 35 weeks!

    Watch it be her personality to be pushy and then decide nevermind when it is safe for her to come... I can already tell she has quite the personality.

    The calcium is easier on the stomach than vitamins. Does the calcium also contain magnesium and how many mg are you taking? You need 2000-3000. Oh what kind of calcium? Calcium lactate is easier on the stomach as well, but more costly.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    And I always feel the same way you do about names (or anything). I named my 12 year old dog Emma and like 2 years later the name was at the top of baby name charts. :laugh: I still LOVE the name but between the dog and the popularity we could never do it. :tongue: I've tried for Emmaline but hubby isn't buying it since the dog comes to that name, too. :laugh:

    I have never met someone named Charlotte (though I did have Kristen Davis's father as a professor in college :laugh:) and as soon as hubby suggested it along with the nickname Charlie I loved it. Maybe it's all subliminal and I just don't consciously realize I've heard the names on a more regular basis. My husband also LOVES the name Isabel (and so do I) and that was his grandmother's name but I refuse to even consider it since Isabella has been in the top 5 names for a few years now. Lame people naming their babies all the good names. :tongue:

    Maisie isn't anywhere to be found on any of the popularity charts for the US and I swear I'll have a nervous breakdown if I see it projected to be popular this year. :laugh: I don't really have anything against popular names, I just always felt so bad for all the Jessicas and Jennifers and Ashleys in school when I was growing up. I have a pretty popular name but there were still only 2 Julies in my gradulating class of over 600 and the other girl's name was actually Julia so I was technically the only Julie.

    I noticed that Emma was on the top of the name popularity charts, but I have honestly never met an Emma in my entire life. Maybe it's just the region I live in? I've never met an Isabella either. Lots and lots of dogs named Bella, but never a human.
  • Mamatoabunch

    I noticed that Emma was on the top of the name popularity charts, but I have honestly never met an Emma in my entire life. Maybe it's just the region I live in? I've never met an Isabella either. Lots and lots of dogs named Bella, but never a human.

    We have an Emma, middle name Eiley Emma.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh man. Daycare is a lot of money. My husband and i did the math and I would have had to make as much money per year as he does to bring in enough for daycare and still have a remainder of what I make at my current part-time job. Since I work in child-care at a gym, my boss will let me bring the baby in with me. Plus I'll still have the free gym membership. In the end I'll be saving our family money by being a SAHM with a part-time job. There is a college down the road that is looking for adjunct faculty members in the same program I have my masters in. Maybe I could apply and teach a night class or two to make some extra money and still use my degree while the little one is young. That's the only thing I'm really nervous about when it comes to being a SAHM. I don't want my degree to go to waste. I mean it cost a heck of a lot of money. I'd like to use it. Although the good thing about education is that you always have it. It's not like 4-5 years out of the job market will make my degree disappear.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member

    I noticed that Emma was on the top of the name popularity charts, but I have honestly never met an Emma in my entire life. Maybe it's just the region I live in? I've never met an Isabella either. Lots and lots of dogs named Bella, but never a human.

    We have an Emma, middle name Eiley Emma.

    Oh yeah. I'm sure there are plenty of Emma's out there, but I haven't experienced the popularity personally, so I'm not letting it damper my beautiful name :smile: I've even tried thinking about changing it and i can't. I know I haven't officially met her, but I feel like I know her and her name is definitely Emma.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    As far as names go, my husband and I are having a hard time finding boys names. Girls names are easy for us. We love Maryn, Lucy or Eidy. We want their names to have "y" in them because both of our names have them. I like the name Maisey, but I have neice named Macey, so I think it's too close. Charlotte was a number one name for me a year ago but a lady at my work ruined it for me. Don't you love it when you meet a total ronch that has a beautiful name? Ruined it.

    lol! I know exactly what you mean! I love the name Benjamin but because my husband highly dislikes a guy with the same name it is a no go. But on the other hand, we love the name Jack and the guy who was in charge of my husband's battalion when he was serving in Iraq is named Jack and my husband has great respect for him, and he is an awesome guy so that just sealed the deal. I always imagine them as adults when I choose names. Some names sound cute for little ones, but they would be a total douche as an adult. We also loved the name Parker but we see Parker as a hoity toity investment banker...not that it is a BAD thing, just want if we have a son that he is a really cool, down to earth, great person.

    Anyways, still feeling queasy off and on. It does help if I eat so that's good. Looking forward to seeing the doc tomorrow. Gonna try and beg, plead, and cry my case to get an early ultra sound. I'd think with taking Clomid and having had 2 miscarriages that that would be enough reason to let me have an early u/s. I don't want to...but if she doesn't order one I might just have to come down with very strong pain/cramps localized to one side......
  • Mamatoabunch

    Anyways, still feeling queasy off and on. It does help if I eat so that's good. Looking forward to seeing the doc tomorrow. Gonna try and beg, plead, and cry my case to get an early ultra sound. I'd think with taking Clomid and having had 2 miscarriages that that would be enough reason to let me have an early u/s. I don't want to...but if she doesn't order one I might just have to come down with very strong pain/cramps localized to one side......

    W/ a 4 week embryo on ultrasound you will only see a gestational sac. At 5 weeks hopefully a feta pole, occasional a heartbeat and definitely a heartbeat around 6 weeks.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I understand that when you break it down 20 dollars a day doesn't seem like that much. But at a day care center they are watching more than one child at a time. I have 30 kids at least at one time in a classroom and trust me I don't get near 20 dollars a day for each one ;D I know the center has to run and there is good reason but it is really just hard to afford even when you are making okay money. I really would be okay with 20 a day! We were hoping for 150 a week which is 25 dollars a day... 170 isn't too far out of our budget so we may be able to make it work. Plus the more I hear about it the more I like. They have the online cameras that you can watch your child. Plus we really only need day care from 9-2:30 each day so it doesn't break down to 8 hours a day.

    I am going to look into small daycares and nannys before making my decision. We just moved down here so we don't know too many people that well. I am going to do a lot more research before deciding.... its just crazy to think about 700 dollars more per month to budget...... I know we have already thought about it but it just hit me again when calling people.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    I noticed that Emma was on the top of the name popularity charts, but I have honestly never met an Emma in my entire life. Maybe it's just the region I live in? I've never met an Isabella either. Lots and lots of dogs named Bella, but never a human.

    We have an Emma, middle name Eiley Emma.

    Oh yeah. I'm sure there are plenty of Emma's out there, but I haven't experienced the popularity personally, so I'm not letting it damper my beautiful name :smile: I've even tried thinking about changing it and i can't. I know I haven't officially met her, but I feel like I know her and her name is definitely Emma.

    I love that name. I teach and we don't have any Emma's.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    W/ a 4 week embryo on ultrasound you will only see a gestational sac. At 5 weeks hopefully a feta pole, occasional a heartbeat and definitely a heartbeat around 6 weeks.

    Oh I know...that is why I'm hoping she will schedule it for 2 weeks right before my hubby leaves for Army training for the next 2 months! I read that if they see a heartbeat on u/s that you have a 97% chance of delivering the baby and not having a miscarriage! My doc struggled with infertility herself so I'm hoping that my situation will pull at her heart strings a little.