Over 200 New Year New Me Part 46



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Laila - you look AMAZING! I love that color on you!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Laila - that is a beautiful color on you!
    Julie - your post inspired me to get off my *kitten* and post again. I just haven't been feeling it lately, and have been quite busy, but you're right. This place was a huge help to my success in the beginning and I don't want to fall off the wagon now. Also, the name Maisie is adorable.
    tstout - Congrats on size 16 jeans! I just bought my first pair of regular 16s at the Gap and I was so excited. They're a bit snug, but my 16Ws are falling off.
    Heather - I hope you kick *kitten* in your run this weekend!

    I hit a huge milestone the other day - HALFWAY! After about 2 weeks of sitting at 64 pounds, the weight dropped and I blew past 65 and was at 66 this morning. That puts me in the 21#s and I am getting so close to Onederland I can taste it! I just want to lose these next 20 pounds by graduation so I can graduate under 200. I'm almost to just being "overweight" on the Wii Fit (I am so SICK of that Wii Fit board telling me I'm obese). So lots of progress!

    Honestly, just being able to walk into Anthropologie and try just about anything on and have it fit is amazing. Being able to walk into Gap and buy 16s in the "long and lean" jean is amazing. :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I am sharing this picture (of my sisters, brother ( w/ new fiance), my mommy, and me (I'm in the blue dress)) I got off my new soon to be sister in-law facebook. I have more picture of me ( on my camera) but I can't upload them until my dh comes back from west virgina with my laptop..


    Laila, you look gorgeous and that dress is fantastic on you!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Congrats PurpleProse - 1/2 way is a great achievement!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Congrats purpleprose!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good - but they weren't all that healthy of choices
    exercise: good - worked out even during the mini-crisis with my daughter
    water: didn't keep track so probably short
    proud: that I worked out

    I was bragging yesterday about dealing well with all the stress from my daughter's illness/trip. I think I sabotaged myself because I then proceeded to fry up some homemade french fries! I stayed under my calories but my choices yesterday were definitely not the best.
    p.s. my daughter is in Berlin now and I got a one sentence email message from her that said 'I am in Germany and alive'. So warm, loving and helpful with all the details! TEENAGERS! At least her teacher emailed me that he will keep an eye on her and that they are all checked in to their hotel and headed out for sight-seeing.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: So happy to hear your daughter made it safely to Germany. How exciting!

    Laila: Yay, a face to put with your screenname! Great dress, especially considering how little notice you had to find one. Awesome!

    Julie: Does the hubby know he can't play sick once Maisie arrives? He better use that excuse as much as he can now...

    Allison: You're doing so amazing with your progress. I'm proud of you!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Over for day, still okay on week...damn you, Reese's McFlurry!
    Water: 16.9 oz...just haven't been thirsty while busy at work.
    Exercise: Walking around the horse pasture for an hour in deep, slushy mud and ice.
    Proud: Of my awesome boyfriend for being such an awesome dad. His son is on spring break this week, so they were camping in the living room last night and were going to the Bald Eagle center today, Lark Toys (super fun toy store) for lunch and a trinket and maybe even the indoor waterpark (time permitting)!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies! Hope everyone is having a good week!

    I just worked out for the first time since before my mom went into the hospital (who, by the way, is back at work and feeling great!). So I ask myself... why don't I exercise everyday? I ALWAYS feel so much better when I'm done.

    Random perk of working from home - I get to set up the laptops and TV so I can watch all of the NCAA basketball games haha :)
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good & healthy except for the margarita's
    exercise: nada
    water: 75oz - short
    proud: I didn't run out of work early yesterday and I tied up all the loose ends before leaving (was really lacking motivation to plug away at the details).

    HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Heather, I am proud of your bf too. I think it is great that he is a good dad

    Lstpaul, glad your girl is safe. They are so sweet. Mine keeps threatening to not come visit me when she leaves for college every time she gets mad. I just smile and say when you are sick or hungry for some momma cooking my phone will be ringing. She laughes because she knows its true.

    Okay everyone check out my profile picture. It is my little Ryan he came home with this hat today with the beard attached I thought it was stinking adorable...... So in honor of St. Patricks day My profile pic is of my own little leprechaun:laugh: :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    thanks ladies on the great compliments...:heart: y'all so much!

    I am so busy and dh will be back tomorrow..can't wait! chat later..or maybe Monday.

    Have a great rest-of-the-week!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Just completed my entry for today... and if I keep it up like I did today, I'll be in Onderland in 5 weeks!

    So nice to see :)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Okay everyone check out my profile picture. It is my little Ryan he came home with this hat today with the beard attached I thought it was stinking adorable...... So in honor of St. Patricks day My profile pic is of my own little leprechaun:laugh: :laugh:
    ADORABLE! :love:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I guess I'll start off


    Thsi morning I weighed in @ 204.8....I am so happy. I've been maintaining for the past 2 months and this week I didn't exercise (hard) just light walking. My main focus was to watch my calories, fat, and carbs.

    bbl..I have to go feed my lil man..
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie......+2......(not participating anyway! :tongue:)

    AWESOME, Laila!
    I'm +2# from last week but I'm 100% sure I can blame either sodium or baby instead of fat. I ate from the hot bar at Earthfare last night and my rings are tight this morning so I do indeed believe sodium is the culprit. I'm sure baby contributed a few ounces this week as well. I'm not worried about it at all. I've definitely had a decent enough week health-wise. :happy: And I'm still under my highest pregnancy weight by nearly a pound.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Julie......+2......(not participating anyway! tongue)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie......+2......(not participating anyway! tongue)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I literally had absolutely no change in weight this week. But, it's not going the wrong way, so it's okay.

    Last night, I bought festive do-dads for the race on Saturday. I have a shirt that says "I'm not Irish, but kiss me...I'm cute!", green hairspray, a shamrock hair binder, a green headband with green pigtails, green and gold beads and a St. Patty's day ribbon/pin. I think I'm set.

    Tonight, I pick up my race packet on the way to dance lessons. I'm so looking forward to my new Get Lucky hoodie. I think I remembered to pack everything I need to wear/bring, so I just need to charge my iPod on the way home. It should be fun and I'll have the bf take a pic in my festive running outfit to post here and on Facebook. So exciting!

    Tomorrow night, we have dinner plans with the bf's aunt and uncle. They're taking us out so Nate can try sushi. I will be eating something different since I don't like seafood at all. Luckily the place they have picked out has other food more similar to typical chinese food and they may have steak as well. It should be interesting if I don't pass out. For some reason, I get so tired after a race, that I'm usually ready for bed around 8 pm. Nate says I need to nap in the afternoon, so I might take his advice!

    Happy Friday!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Julie......+2......(not participating anyway! tongue)
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    KInda irritated, I feel as if I did well this week and to see no weight loss is making me mad...

    Andrea, here is where I get my percentage because I hate math and don't want to do it myself


    Julie......+2......(not participating anyway! tongue)
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I forgot to weigh in this morning! :angry: :grumble: :noway: I woke up and just got going and only remembered to get on the scale after I'd already started to eat.

    Sad panda.

    Congrats on the losses to Laila (holy crap! 6 pounds!!), Andrea, and LaDeb. To all the other ladies - keep your chins up! Losses will be around the corner.
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