Over 200 New Year New Me Part 46



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member

    On Monday, I was 6.5 lbs up from my lowest weight. Today I'm only 1.5 up. I'll take it! TOM is also visiting me (can we be e-cycling? :laugh: :laugh: ) so I'm a-ok.

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Under by just a little bit
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - Nothing really, walked a mile throughout the day
    Proud - Had a good rehearsal last night. Singing in church on Sunday.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: So I get called into my supervisor's office & I'm really nervous because well, let's face it, I haven't been super productive this week considering I've been in baby dreamland before & since my u/s on Wednesday. Only, I get in her office and get the absolutely most awesome performance review of my LIFE. :noway: I got a score almost no one ever gets and I have never gotten before in my 4 years with State gov't (and with transferring agencies & becoming a probationary employee because of that, I've gotten 5 or 6 performance reviews).

    I can't believe all the fabulous things my supervisor said about me. I'm not very proud of this, but I really really REALLY half-*kitten* my job. And I have no motivation to try harder. I do everything that I really need to do and I know I do a decent enough job with it, but I didn't think I do anything extra. According to my supervisor, I do LOADS of extra stuff that she is positively THRILLED about. :huh: I'm a bit flabbergasted. I wonder what she would think if I put some actual effort into my job. :laugh:

    Too bad performance based raises are nonexistant here.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    YEAH JULIE!! You would probably blow her mind if you actually "REALLY" tried! :laugh: :wink: :laugh:

    Well done and hooray for all the fabulous performance review this board has been getting lately! We are all just awesome!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals, thought i would just pop in, skimmed through the posts,

    ladeb - congrats on your job
    Julie - glad to see your girl is still a girl :) and you had a great review.

    I am barely hanging on less then 4 weeks now..HOlding strong in mid 250's we are going to the house like 5 or 6 times a week now...it is starting to look all together, but it is still soo stressful, i will be soo happy when it is all done.

    I promise promise i will be back on track when we get there.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: In my experience, the harder one tries at their job, the less recognition they get. The more they slack, the better the reviews by managers. I don't get it. Just keep doing what you're doing and you're headed for management!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I tend to think it's that so many others in State gov't really suck at life so much that even very mediocre me is "exceptional." :huh: That's kind of how it was all through school (college included), too. Hooray relativity? I'd love to really care about my job, though. I guess I've just yet to figure out what I really care about. I'd still love to be a childrens' librarian & my librarian friends tell me there's a huge need for people who actually care in that field. Hopefully dh gets his *kitten* in gear to bring home the bacon & I can go to grad school while being a SAHM. That's the dream.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Pictures are up from the wedding I went to last week. While my face looks ridiculous (totally in the groove), I'm pretty happy with my body. Yup, totally bragging on myself here.

  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    I agree with Heather! Example: I BUSTED my *kitten* for three years at my job... HR instills a rewards program for people who are *kitten*-busting. I pull an amazing project out of now where for a department that I didn't work in... and not only did I not get a "thank you", I also heard "You don't need rewarded for that... you do that stuff all the time". And now that I work from home and mostly watch tv and play with the dog, when I help out, my boss thinks I'm turning poop into gold over here. Oohhhh corporate america... how you baffle me!

    Lauren - you look amazing! :)
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Pictures are up from the wedding I went to last week. While my face looks ridiculous (totally in the groove), I'm pretty happy with my body. Yup, totally bragging on myself here.


  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Lauren - You look FABULOUS!

    Julie - congrats on review! I get to miss mine this year, leaving just as review time starts. During a team meeting this week that went over the performance review process/schedule, one worked asked if it was really necessary to do since the company is doing worse than last year and there were no raises last year. I keep wondering if him being so bold will become a career defining moment for him.

    tstout - hang in there. You are going through some major life stress's moving, job change - for all that, I think you are doing great!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: slightly under - NOT eating exercise calories
    exercise: hour with PT
    water: 100+ oz
    proud: I put on a favorite casual work blazer and, as exiting the closet, dh told me I had to change, it was way to big and looked awful on me - YEAH FOR CLOTHES BEING TO BIG!

    oh and on the weigh in - zip, zero, zilch. oh well I will take the inches.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks for the happys ladies!!

    Checking in from yesterday
    Cals - Over. Dang delicious smoked meats - I just can't resist.
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise- Walked about 1.5 miles
    Proud - Happy with the pictures that went up on Facebook today!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Elmox, WOW - one hot momma!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Ladies ... I knew it would happen ... I did great with eating yesterday at lunch out with my friend - totally stuck to my plan of 1/2 patty melt and salad instead of fries, then also did great at the buffet with my hubby - had salad and seafood and just a taste of dessert. But the drinks got to me ... I'm not used to drinking at all and we were staying overnight at the hotel/casino (and I wasn't winning so didn't have much to do), so I drank SIX vodka gimlets. Then this morning we went back to the buffet because I got 'free' coupons and I had an omelet (not a bad choice) but then also a french toast and cheese blinz ... very yummy but SO not on my nutrition plan. I guess in the past I would have had 2-3 french toasts and some hashbrowns too - so small victories I guess. But I've been hungover and craving carbs all day - I've been snacking on saltines and butter and peanuts - could be worse. Feeling sorry for myself while slaving over our taxes (we live in MN but hubby works in WI - so this year we have to file in both states for the first time ... yuck!).
    Tomorrow I am going to workout for 2 hours and really get back on track. I was feeling so good about myself last night, I don't want to wreck it now and get out of my good 'groove'.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over
    exercise: none
    water: 100+ oz
    proud: ate dinner at a Japanese steak house - though over on calories (my best guess) I think my choices were healthy.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I miss my sistas! My primary show is in two weeks, so I've been swamped with making costumes and rehearsing. Story of my life, eh?

    I am thinking of you all and hoping everyone is doing well. Julie - love the ultrasound pic! Lauren - sexy hot lady! Andrea - welcome back! I remember you well! Everyone else - love ya!

    Had a good week of losing weight and exercising. I lost 4 pounds of the (gulp) 20 I am up. I can only go day by day and pray. :)
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over
    exercise: none
    water: 100+ oz
    proud: that I reviewed the last few weeks and am noticing a trend I have to stop - great all week, 5 days of exercise, weekend - fall a part!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- awesome picture! You look great!

    The scale said 222 on Saturday (right before I ordered Chinese food :grumble: -- but it was a lunch portion & I only ate half! :happy:). I'm pretty thrilled I've actually been able to stall my weight gain. 1.2 pounds in 4 weeks. :bigsmile: The new gym supposedly opens in about a week or less and I'm so excited to get back to it.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning everyone. I'm struggling a bit with food - those darn vodka gimlets Friday night got me all out of whack and I've been craving carbs/sugar all weekend. I didn't track this weekend at all - but back to tracking today. I did really well yesterday with exercise - 2 hours at the Y with step and body pump, but pulled two of my bad habits out again - snacking on too much cheese and raw onions (which then make me want to eat more because I hate the onion taste in my mouth afterwards), and making a cup of sugar cookie dough and eating it. :sick:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I love the new ticker saying! Too funny.

    Lauren: You look HOT!

    I had lots of fun this weekend with friends, which mean too much beer and too much sodium. I haven't been on the scale since Tuesday, so I have no idea how it's affecting my weight but I don't really care all that much. I had fun and that's that!

    I'm planning on going to Zumba tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. This weekend is another busy one with friends and socializing, so I need to get some good activity in for the week before then. I definitely need to run a few times in my new running shoes before my race next weekend. It's so bad that I don't really train for my races...*sigh*. I'm just looking forward to spring now, which doesn't look promising with the new snow we got overnight. At least it's forecasted to be in the 40s later this week!

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hello friends and happy Monday! Yup, must be crazy to say "Happy Monday"....today is gonna suck big time for me, so this should be the only time I check in.

    Weekend check-in:
    Cals - Over - LOTS Dinner party.
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Jillian's No More Trouble Zones for 40 min. STILL feeling it.
    Proud - Drank a glass of water for every glass of wine!

    Cals - Over by a little. 1356
    Water - 24 oz, which explains why I am SO THIRSTY today!!
    Exercise - Not much, hobbling from Jillian!
    Proud - Had a hectic day, but didn't gorge myself on food.

    Planning on hitting up yoga today - excited to get the stretching and the workout. Time to drink some water!