Over 200 New Year New Me Part 46



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Before I forget again...Has anyone talked or emailed Cris? Jess, not sure if you mentioned this but someone said she will be back on MOnday and I scrolled through the posts and I didn't see her name.

    Cris, if you are reading this, please reach out to us..we are always here for you..{{{HUGS TO YOU}}}

    Now, I got to go...

  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    Good morning ladies! Quicky post as I'm at work but can't wait till weigh in next week! im a scale a holic so I know how much ive lost since starting back on the site. Im so excited! ilove lovelove love the droid app..keeps me accountable.


    Have a great day!

    bbl to do personals
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    That may have been the fastest doctor appointment EVER! I was in and out and home within an hour!

    AND! Added bonus: the scale at the doctor's office is only 2 pounds higher (with clothes and shoes on) than my scale at home! That's almost UNHEARD OF!

    I have officially lost 30 pounds since the last time I was there (last... summer). Yay me! Hopefully blood tests come back and tell me good things, too.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lilspy: thanks for sharing the ultrasound picture, I remember how exciting that was!
    ladeb: congrats on the new job!

    checking in for last yesterday:
    calories: over by 250 ... but I am ok with that - I think I over-estimated a few things I ate so was probably ok
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: not so good
    proud: I almost stuck to my plan at red lobster ... my only mistake was I ate 1/2 my potato instead of 1/3rd of it ... but otherwise I was pretty darn good!
    On to the next challenges for my birthday week ... lunch out with an old college roomate tomorrow (who shares my birthday), and then dinner at a buffet with my husband tomorrow night since we are staying at a hotel/casino for a little mini-getaway for my birthday. I have a plan for both meals ... it will probably be the alcohol that I will have to be careful of tomorrow night because I typically don't drink.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: How exciting to have a new pic of your "blob"!

    Ladeb: Congrats on the new job!!

    Nothing new to report here. Had too much pizza last night but still okay for the week. Just need to get things under control for the upcoming weekend or I know I'll be mad at myself at the weigh-in next week. I just really have a "ho-hum" attitude about losing weight right now. It's all about doing what feels right at the moment. I really do need to do some running to prepare for my 4 miler in two weeks, though!!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Over for the day but still good for the week.
    Exercise: None...bleh
    Water: 75.6 oz.
    Proud: Was very productive at work yesterday.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    lstpaul- the thing that get's me at red lobster are those delicious biscuits they have!!! *drools*

    Everyone who went over calories- DON'T BE DISCOURAGED, there is always a new day and a new opportunity around the corner.

    Tstout- *high fives you* great job, I always despise the doctor's scale...I really hope I am in your shoes in 6 months...30 pounds down GREAT JOB

    As for me, I worked out today with the wii active for the 3rd day in a row..trying to complete the 30 day challenge. Super sore today, all throughout my body so the wii MUST be doing me some good. Tomorrow is a rest day THANK goodness my body can recover. Actually looking forward to weigh in tomorrow, I have been trying to make a better effort of exercising this week and am so excited to see what the results are....did I really just say that? I weighed in last week at 260.

    Checking in for yesterday:

    Points: 378 remaining
    Exercise: 1:28 combined burning 598 cals total
    Water: 7 cups
    Proud: Working out and staying focused!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    tstout - given you had your shoes on - that doctor scale says you are lower than home!!! Awesome loss! Any updates on your interview?

    lstpaul - my birthday is coming plus "going away" lunches, any tips to get through it greatly appreciated.

    andrea - great kick start on your wii challenge

    checking in for today:
    calories: slightly under - NOT eating exercise calories
    exercise: 35 on the elliptical and 1 minute plank :grumble:
    water: 100+ oz
    proud: As I exited the bathroom this morning in a favorite blazer - hubby informed me I could no longer wear it - WAY TOO BIG! That means I am actually losing inches in my chest (can't remember last time that area shrank). :tongue:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    FRIDAY WEIGH in...i weighed in last week at 260...and hit the scale this morning weighing 255!!! Haven't changed my diet much just added protein shakes and exercise!

    yesterday check in:
    calories: Under
    exercise: 50 min burning 473 cals
    water: 5 cups
    proud: I battled through another day of my 30 day challenge on the wii active...today is a rest day thank goodness I am so sore.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning ladies!


    Andreasoulcaastle, I hope you don't mind I did the calculation for you based on what you last posted (lw: 260, Friday: 255)

    Congrats..what an anwsome job!!!!!

    Good luck all :)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member

    Good morning all! I am SO happy to see 239.6 this morning on the scale!:drinker: With all the eating out I did this week I was worried. Ladeb - what worked for me was planning ahead and sticking to it. I have two more meals out today too and have a general idea of what I'm going to get - lunch is taco salad (no shell), dinner will be harder since it is a buffet but I will stick to salad and seafood, and 2 drinks.

    p.s. I also did my measurements and I have lost 10 inches (total) .. this time I lost in weird spots though - above my knee I lost 2.5 inches and 1 inch around my bust, 2 inches on my waist though - nice to have a little bit of a waist again!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Ispaul: thanks for the information from the nutrition. A couple weeks ago, Dr. Oz mentions a lot of great (benefited) thing about coconut milk, water, and oil. Similar to what your nutritionist said. Great article!

    Allison, yay for being so close to half way!! Congrats!

    Juile: I don’t know how I missed your ultrasound pic…adorable and congratulation! I have chubby cheeks too. MY daughter and older son both have my cheeks..lol

    Tstout: good luck on the job interview!

    Ladeb: congrats on the new job!

    Heather: what a cute family..love the profile picture!

    Andrea: you’re just a burning machine..you’re doing an awesome job!!!

    Ispaul: congrats on your weight loss..you’re in 230 territory..yay!! and WOW 10 inches..you’re just fabulous all over.

    Have a great day!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Great jobs, Andrea and lstpaul!!! :drinker:

    Laila, I know you've been frustrated with the scale lately, but I'm really proud of you for sticking with this!!! :flowerforyou: Just always remember that eating healthy foods & exercising is NEVER a BAD thing whether you're losing weight or not.

    I'm up an extra pound today (222.8) but I think that's because I had pizza for dinner on Wednesday. My fingers are swollen so I know I'm retaining a bit of extra water. I've been at a (small!) calorie deficit most days this week so hopefully I haven't gained a pound of fat. TMI, but my boobs have been feeling heavier the last few days so that probably has something to do with it. :tongue: I expect to be back down around 222 in the next couple of days.

    My next appointment is 4/6 so my short term goal is to weigh the same for that appointment as I weighed for my last one. Shouldn't be super hard because my next one is in the morning and I have to fast for at least 8 hours before it (glucose test). My last appointment was at 3.30 in the afternoon after I had eaten breakfast, snack, lunch and had nearly 2 liters of water to drink. So really all it means is I need to gain less than 4 pounds in 5 weeks (which is way harder than it sounds, apparently).
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Laila, I know you've been frustrated with the scale lately, but I'm really proud of you for sticking with this!!! :flowerforyou: Just always remember that eating healthy foods & exercising is NEVER a BAD thing whether you're losing weight or not.

    Thanks Julie!

    At this point I want to just give up...I have tried everything to get my weight down and it's not working. I even felt like not eating because I am so frustated...but I know that's not going to work either.

    why is my body acting this way? I am eating a lot of healthier foods...I have somewhat eliminated the bad foods, except for Wednesday I had a small piece of home made (boxed) chocolate cake w/o frosting and I had some mint chocolate chip ice cream...that is the only crappy foods I have eaten all week. I thought mybe I was eating way too much calories but I am not even close to my maintenance calories. I have been eating between 1200 to 1500 calories, depending on my exercise.

    I think it ment for me to stay @ 200...my body loves this weight but I don't...

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Morning ladies!


    Andreasoulcaastle, I hope you don't mind I did the calculation for you based on what you last posted (lw: 260, Friday: 255)

    Congrats..what an anwsome job!!!!!

    Good luck all :)

    Thx, wasn't sure how to calculate it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    My loss is a re-loss, but I'm counting it!!

    Jess: You better count your loss too, even though it's a re-loss!

    Congrats to those of you who lost, whether it be pounds or inches!

    Laila: I agree with Julie. I am also so very proud of you for continuing to do this even with the scale frustration. I think my body really likes being at 180-185 lbs., so I'm focusing on fun exercising and watching what I eat. I hate the scale and am going down to once a week weigh-ins. Crazy, I know, for someone who used to weigh several times a day!! Just keep doing the things that are good for your body and eventually your body will trust that you aren't trying to kill it and drop a few more pounds.

    Andrea: You're doing a great job at jumping back in and kicking butt! Yay!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Under!
    Water: 84.5 oz.
    Exercise: Zumba!
    Proud: That I planned out my dinner before eating and went to Zumba. I tried Zumba a year ago and wasn't in the right frame of mind, so didn't go back. Yesterday, I thought "I should try Zumba again." I didn't give myself a chance to make up excuses and went. I had an absolute blast, the hour and fifteen minutes flew by and I burned 849 calories! I'm putting this in as a weekly class to attend now.

    I've discovered just how much I've missed dancing. I love it! Line dancing, two-stepping and now Zumba. The bf is really liking our two-step lessons and has mentioned that he'd like to try swing next! Love him!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Happy Friday, ladies! :)

    First things first....


    I will take it! TOM is plaguing me and I haven't eaten all that well this week.

    In an effort to wear out the dog in the morning, I have resolved to get up early and take him for a 30 minute walk. That way, when we come home, he will be tired and then (hopefully) won't cry when we leave the house. I keep forgetting that he's still a baby. He knows so much already.... and he's 25 pounds!! Yikes! But I've been reading up on Aussies lately, and it sounds like he'll be just fine.

    And! If Adam gets the job he's been interviewing for, we might be able to afford a dog walker, so Gunner won't have to be cooped up all day long. Woo! :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Laila, I know you've been frustrated with the scale lately, but I'm really proud of you for sticking with this!!! :flowerforyou: Just always remember that eating healthy foods & exercising is NEVER a BAD thing whether you're losing weight or not.

    Thanks Julie!

    At this point I want to just give up...I have tried everything to get my weight down and it's not working. I even felt like not eating because I am so frustated...but I know that's not going to work either.

    why is my body acting this way? I am eating a lot of healthier foods...I have somewhat eliminated the bad foods, except for Wednesday I had a small piece of home made (boxed) chocolate cake w/o frosting and I had some mint chocolate chip ice cream...that is the only crappy foods I have eaten all week. I thought mybe I was eating way too much calories but I am not even close to my maintenance calories. I have been eating between 1200 to 1500 calories, depending on my exercise.

    I think it ment for me to stay @ 200...my body loves this weight but I don't...


    Of course I'm no expert but it really sounds like your metabolism has bottomed out. :ohwell: I think that was my problem, too. I keep saying pregnancy is probably the best thing that ever happened to me in terms of losing the rest of my extra weight. Because there is no other way I would've been patient enough to eat maintenance calories (um... and then some :embarassed:) for 9 months to get my metabolism on track again. :laugh:

    If you switched to maintenance calories right now you would very likely gain weight. But that may be something you need to consider doing anyway for a month or two. Very carefully track your food intake at or close to maintenance level & stay away from the scale for at least a month. Then try creating a calorie deficit again.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member

    Lost nothing! Kinda figured with TOM visiting this week and a 10 pound weight loss last week