Over 200 New Year New Me Part 46



  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Ann and Julie- Great job on the 2+ pound losses!! Keep it up ladies! :glasses:

    1stpaul- Same here! I felt that I would have at least lost another pound, but it is a loss and I will take it!! We have another brand new week and weigh in around the corner, let's work hard this week.

    Debbie: I am sorry you are going through a super stressful time right now, I know it is easier said than done but try to find some outlets for that stress in order to calm your nerves a little bit. I know no matter what you will come out strong, just focus on the day to day.:flowerforyou:

    Teresa- Let me know how the recipes you try work out and if you can please share if you enjoyed, I am always looking for more variety of recipes.

    My blotchy face is going down, the redness and burning is gone...although now the bumps have gotten super dry and hard...and itch really bad ughhhh so uncomfortable....and working out and sweating does not make the situation any better.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: I'm proud of Ryan for 5 days of doing all of his work! That's amazing!

    Momma and lstpaul: I'm impressed that you both have daughters interested in engineering. What a great career path, as there are so many opportunities!

    Nothing new to report on this front. I've been lazy this week, though still doing pretty good on the food front. It's so hard to focus on both things at once that I usually do either food or exercise each week and it seems to even out. Maybe someday I'll be more focused.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: A little over for the day, but still good for the week.
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That the bf and I ordered smaller portions at our favorite Italian restaurant last night and skipped dessert. We also spent time attempting (well he was doing them!) push ups, pull ups, planks, supermans, bridges, etc on the bedroom floor. Oh, and they were really exercise moves, not code names for "other stuff".
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    My daughter wants to go into engineering too, what smart girls we have! :love:

    Proud of them!!! They are not afraid to enter a male dominated field. Thay are smart girls:flowerforyou:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Andrea, aren't you from campbell CA? Have you heard anything about the Tsunami hitting the coast yet? I am seeing that it may not be as bad as first reported but that the first wave is sometimes lighter than the second and third. My 4th graders was concerned. I let her know we are about 95 miles inland and we have nothing to worry about.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks Heather, this is a daily thing with Ryan. I never know what he is going to do, but he seems to be adjusting to the new aid and finally realizing that he is not in charge.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hope everything works out Deb!! Try not to stress too much!
    Julie-that is wonderful you have maintained and even lost weight while pregnant! You have more will power than me when I was preggo
    Istpaul-Good job on your loss even if it was small.Something is definitely better than nothing at least thats what I believe
    Lauren-Thanks for doing my percentage for me.You are looking GREAT!

    Ok so I really wish Spring would go ahead and get here for good cause its really messing with my sinuses all this crazy weather we have been having.It was 50 degrees here yesterday and of course rain and today its 37 and snowing again only to warm back up to 60 degrees tomorrow.CRAZY!!!

    Oh, no ma'am, I haven't! I'm at a 22 pound GAIN right now. :tongue: Being pregnant during Thanksgiving & Christmas was a recipe for disaster. I gained 15 pounds during 1st tri (& about 25 pounds in my first 21 weeks). I'm just trying to do damage control at this point & keep my total gain under 30lbs. :laugh:
    Oh my bad Julie!! Well maybe I posted that to make you feel better.Being pregnant is ROUGH business but its so worth the end result. By the way even if you haven't lost weight you still look GREAT
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    My daughter wants to go into engineering too, what smart girls we have! :love:

    Proud of them!!! They are not afraid to enter a male dominated field. Thay are smart girls:flowerforyou:
    Istpaul- I have a daughter who will be 17 in June and she will also be attending college in the fall of 2012.I am right there with you! Hard to believe how fast your babies grow up and then their gone
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Andrea, aren't you from campbell CA? Have you heard anything about the Tsunami hitting the coast yet? I am seeing that it may not be as bad as first reported but that the first wave is sometimes lighter than the second and third. My 4th graders was concerned. I let her know we are about 95 miles inland and we have nothing to worry about.
    I was watching weather reports for Hawaii and CA and it looked like it wasn't going to be as bad as they had predicted.I have a friend in Hawaii and he said the sirens went off but now they are saying the water is receding and its not going to hit like they had originally predicted.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I was down almost another pound this morning! :noway: Now at 219.4. :bigsmile: That means I've lost 1.4 pounds since 5 weeks ago when I vowed to get my weight gain under control (and a 3.5 pound or so loss in the last 1.5 weeks when I actually got serious about getting my weight gain under control). This is more than a little awesome. It's truly amazing what a little calorie tracking & not being a total idiot will do, huh? :wink:

    Today is "I'm going to eat everything I've craved this week" day (within reason) which will include a calzone and chocolate ice cream. Looks like I'll be around 2100 cals (which should be a couple hundred under today's maintenance).
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Now to finish up with The eldest and all of her college paper work we need to do. Exciting though, she is thinking of going to a college closer to where we live. She originally wanted to go to Southern Ca and I was scared because that is a very long drive for us. Now she is thinking of accepting the offer from a College in the Bay Area with a great engineering program!!! Yay
    My daughter will go to college in 2012, I am worried about all the college visits, ACT testing, etc. then comes the scholarship and college applications ... oh joy! My daughter wants to go into engineering too, what smart girls we have! :love:

    My daughter is doing a program where she will attend college next year as a senior in HS. Then she too will be off to college in 2012. It is unnerving me. She has taken her ACT once already - how in the world do you find out if her score is OK? My dd hasn't a clue what she wants to do.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:

    Calaories - over, dinner was definitely my cheat meal.
    Exercise - 3 hours of downhill skiing with no lift lines and 1 hour with trainer
    Water - great
    Proud - kept trainer appt. even though I was tired from skiing in the morning!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Alright ladies -- happy Monday! Get back here! :tongue:

    My new gym opens today!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :happy:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Julie: Yay for your gym opening today! Congrats on getting the food back under control. I love your ticker's new saying...I think it's so much fun watching the baby ticker.

    Ladeb: Has your daughter talked to her guidance office about her ACT score? Whether the score is considered good or great depends on which colleges she is considering. Obviously an ivy league school will want to see a higher score than a community college. I'm sure she did great if she's doing the college programs as a senior.

    Looks like it was quiet around here over the weekend. I was super lazy, so I'm going to have the bf go for a walk with me after work to get back to the exercising. I still need to run in my new running shoes and set up my iPod play list for Saturday's 4 miler. I feel bad that I haven't done any training, but I'm just ready for spring to get here so I can do my exercise outside instead of in the basement of my house. It's finally getting to me. At least the forecast for Saturday is 45 degrees and sunny, with the route being along the river, it should be lovely. I'm looking forward to it (over 2,000 runners are registered!) and the beer that follows.

    I've been doing a lot of thinking and reading lately about what my plans are going forward. My game plan is to get my exercise by playing like a kid...this is why I'm really looking forward to it being nice out. I have plans to bike, rollerblade, run, hike, play on the playground, play tennis, jump rope and hula hoop. I don't want my exercise to feel like work, I just want to have fun.

    I'm also going to look into doing the workouts from "The Monkey Bar Gym", which incorporates playground equipment. They post a new workout online (free!) everyday. I've read about a few people who did it who said they had fun, were sore but laughed with friends when doing the workouts together. I think I can get Nate on board for this type of exercise program, which will make it easier to stick to.

    Have a great day!
  • motherofabishai
    It's been a long time since I've logged in here but I need to get back on track. I've been eating my feelings and they don't even taste very good...

    Starting Weight: 264 lbs (a real blow since I got down to 230 last year and this is my highest weight to date)
    Goal Weight: 145 lbs (slow but steady wins the race)

    I'm going to get my water now. It''s going to be a long road. :(
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    It's been a long time since I've logged in here but I need to get back on track. I've been eating my feelings and they don't even taste very good...

    Starting Weight: 264 lbs (a real blow since I got down to 230 last year and this is my highest weight to date)
    Goal Weight: 145 lbs (slow but steady wins the race)

    I'm going to get my water now. It''s going to be a long road. :(

    Welcome back motherofabishai, I remember you and it is nice to see you back.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    wow slow day around here. I hope everyone is good.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Last night, the bf and I went for a walk when I got home from work. It was nice outside (37 degrees and sunny!) and we always have great conversations while walking. We ended up walking to the bar for dinner and having some drinks, so I blew whatever calories I gained through walking, but it was a nice bonding evening, followed by some great "pilates." :blushing:

    Tonight I plan on going for a run after my WW meeting, then set up my play list for Saturday's run. Great song suggestions are welcome!

    I hope everyone is just really busy and not disappearing!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning! I was awol over the weekend because I was busy and mostly just stressed. My daughter is flying to Germany tomorrow afternoon for 12 days and came down with a virus on Friday night. She is NEVER sick and of course gets really sick right before this trip. She was worse on Sunday - temp was 102.8. I had her in to the doctor Saturday for a strep test - negative, and yesterday for another strep test, blood test and flu test. All negative except the blood test showed signs of a very bad virus. I have been worried about whether she will be able to go to Germany, and if she might get sicker there and have to get medical help in a foreign country. Luckily she had no temp this morning, in a perfect world I would have kept her home again today from school but she was really worried about missing a test yesterday and the makeup was scheduled for today - plus she is already missing 3 days of school for her trip, so I gave her some motrin just in case (even though she didn't have a temp) and let her go to school. I really hope that wasn't a mistake, I told her to rest as much as possible. She was better yesterday and her temp wasn't as high, hopefully she isn't contagious anymore either. I've been making her go to bed at 8:00pm the last 2 nights and told her I expected the same tonight. She is mostly packed. I probably would have worried about her the whole time she is gone anyhow ... but now I have something more to worry about. I did read that health care in Germany is really good, so at least I'm not too concerned about her finding a doctor if needed.
    I didn't track over the weekend or yesterday and ate pretty poorly. BACK ON TRACK today! At least I did my usual exercising which was a lot over the weekend. Today is my day off from exercise.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone, actually didn't have as bad a weekend as I usually do!! Been in and out all week, we are getting some remodeling done in our building so I have been hanging out at the library near us to escape all of the noise, I have been on top of all of my homework because of this lol.

    Check in later, hope everyone is doing well

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay, fine.
    You ladies need to get your *kitten* back here and focus on your health. Like now.
    Truthfact: NOTHING is more important than your health. Because if you're dead, you know... nothing else really matters.
    There, I said it.

    My new gym opened yesterday (yay!) so I went to the gym for the first time since DECEMBER. :noway: I'm so happy to have a gym less than 10 minutes away from my house!