Over 200 New Year New Me Part 46



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    No loss for me this week... again. Annoying. But I am down from Monday's weight. So THAT'S something, at least.

    My sister is getting married October 22nd.... and I have a feeling one of my good friends from Ohio is getting married in September. Two great reasons to get my *kitten* in gear. My sister will love me regardless of what I look like... but I really want old friends to see that I am doing well up here in Chicago.

    Must shake this crappy cloud that's been hanging over my head. No loss and no job are starting to chip away at my sanity.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Julie......+2......(not participating anyway! tongue)

    Wow Laila! nice job!
    I'm very happy with -2.2, although I have to admit that I did move the scale a couple of times until I got that weight and I decided if it was on the scale once I can go with it!
    I made the mistake of not eating much breakfast, took my son and his friend to the Y to swim while I did turbokick and just ate lunch now at 2:00pm.... well guess what, being too hungry can mean bad food choices - I had a taco johns burrito and salad (no shell at least) ... and it didn't taste good and I feel icky now! :sick: I know better than that!
    back on track now.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Woohoo I have lost 4 inches from my waist, 1.5 inches from my hip, 2 inches from my thighs since January 11th........

    I was discouraged by no weight loss but now so excited by the inches gone.....
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hi fit friends! I've missed you all dearly!!! The students' show is finally over. No more until May! I have GOT to start getting a plan to beat this junk food show mode crap. It is really tough to eat right when you have one hour a day at home!

    Anyhoo, I know I have gained again. But I am ready to face this again full force!

    I'll catch up on posts tomorrow.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    momma24: Congrats on the lost inches! Good job! :drinker:
    bluenote: nice to see you here again! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hey girls.. I am still alive.. just have way too much on my plate right now. (probably literally and figuratively) I just sent momma a message back on whats going on. So, if you are curious just ask Momma or send me a message!

    Miss ya all
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Momma: Great job on the loss of inches. Four inches on the waist is amazing!

    Nancy: Welcome back!

    This weekend was a busy, full, fun weekend for me. Friday night, we had our dance lessons (last one). Saturday was the 7k in which I finished in 48:56, putting me at 11:15 min. miles average, which is my fastest yet. I doubt I could have done it without the two friends I ran with...they pushed me to go faster than I would on my own and I'm grateful to them. Saturday evening, we went to dinner with Nate's aunt and uncle so that he could try sushi. He thought it was ok, but being that I hate seafood, I stuck with teriyaki beef. We followed dinner up with some amazing Key Lime Pie at Kincaids. Yum!

    Then, on Sunday, Nate and I went to the Walker Art Center and learned that we do not understand abstract, contemporary art. How is a black piece of paper with a blue square on it art? Perhaps I'm uncultured or dense, but it wasn't my cup of tea. I left there super confused and annoyed that this is what public dollars are being spent on instead of hiring great teachers and such. After the art center, we had delicious juicy lucys at the 5-8 Club, which is supposedly where the juicy lucy started.

    The eating was better than most weekend but still not where it should be. However, I don't feel bad one bit because I enjoyed the entire weekend.

    Hope everyone else had a nice weekend!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Then, on Sunday, Nate and I went to the Walker Art Center and learned that we do not understand abstract, contemporary art. How is a black piece of paper with a blue square on it art? Perhaps I'm uncultured or dense, but it wasn't my cup of tea. I left there super confused and annoyed that this is what public dollars are being spent on instead of hiring great teachers and such.

    I don't disagree that teachers are woefully underpaid and should be treated better by the American public as whole, but as an art history major and someone who worked a major art institution in Post-War and Contemporary Art for 5 years, I'll respectfully argue that just because an artwork or group of art isn't immediately understandable, doesn't mean it isn't art. Art of the 1950s and beyond was about tearing down previous methods and teachings and exploring line, color, movement, techniques, and spatial relationships, in addition to social commentary and activism (and rebelling against the establishment).

    The museum should be doing a better job of explaining the art and how the paintings are related and the theories of the artist, because understanding the background and movement really does help place everything in context (at least it did for me when I took a contemporary art class or two as an undergrad). If you want to learn more (even if it's just to expand the annoyance at public arts support), let me know, because I have some great books that I could recommend that helped my parents understand some of the really "out there" theoretical works. I hope that you at least got to enjoy some of the beauty of the art...but museums need to do more to help visitors with limited knowledge because it turns people off from visiting, and that hurts them in the long run. The arts are already incredibly underfunded (a $20 admission ticket at the Metropolitan in NYC doesn't cover half of the cost of a visit) and turning people off from the arts lead to budget cuts in arts education for children and limits the opportunities of fledgling artists to make a living.

    /getting off my arts soapbox now (I've made fine art my career and course of study, and, as you can tell, I'm super passionate about it, and especially passionate about art post-1900) :happy:

    Congrats on your run! Had you been running 7K distances for awhile or was that the first time? I'm getting nervous for my 8 mie run on April 9th because I'm nowhere near that distance right now...am interested in hearing about your experience on that front.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good morning!

    Momma: Great job on the loss of inches. Four inches on the waist is amazing!

    This weekend was a busy, full, fun weekend for me. Friday night, we had our dance lessons (last one). Saturday was the 7k in which I finished in 48:56, putting me at 11:15 min.

    How is a black piece of paper with a blue square on it art?

    Okay Heather, Thanks for the compliment on my inches....

    Congrats on your time in the 7K and I thought you looked so cute in your decked out St. Patty's day outfit.....

    Finally, I am with you on some of the modern art stuff...(sorry purplerose:flowerforyou: ) I find it very unattractive not all but some especially a black pc. of paper with a blue square on it........ My husband loves abstract art and we have argued many a time about him wanting in on our walls... When we bought this house I said "you are more than welcome to decorate your garage with any artwork you would like...But if you would like a clean comfortable living room then I will be decorating it myself" My livingroom is usually very clean so you know who won that argument.....:laugh:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    momma24: Congrats on the lost inches! Good job! :drinker:
    bluenote: nice to see you here again! You can do it! :flowerforyou:

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I posted this morning and it seems to be gone. :ohwell: :frown: Hope everybody is doing well!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I posted this morning and it seems to be gone. :ohwell: :frown: Hope everybody is doing well!

    Oh so happy to see my Jess.............:flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I posted this morning and it seems to be gone. :ohwell: :frown: Hope everybody is doing well!

    Oh so happy to see my Jess.............:flowerforyou:

    Thank you Momma!! I have missed so much I can't even begin to catch up so I'm just going to try and jump right back in. Today is the first day I have tracked in probably a month!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good for you.... I know you can do this. Glad you are back and we are good with just jumping right back in......
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    LOL @Momma - it's okay, art taste is totally subjective. I just don't like it when people write it off without attempting to understand it. You wouldn't believe the debates I've gotten into with my parents about it! :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Here! Another busy busy week. Tracking (even when it's ugly) everything. Looking forward to next week when I'll likely get to breath again.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess - looks like you and I both were out of the loop! Welcome back! I'm so glad to be back here! I really need to get it together! I am having a great day so far. I went back to PT which I have not been to in about two weeks, and I have had two good, healthy meals so far. I am excited. AND HUNGRY!!! OH LORDIE MAE I AM HUNGRY GIRLS!!! :noway: Wow, fast food for two weeks can really make your mind and stomach play tricks!!!

    I refuse to give in! No more fast food! :sad: & :tongue:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Jess - looks like you and I both were out of the loop! Welcome back! I'm so glad to be back here! I really need to get it together! I am having a great day so far. I went back to PT which I have not been to in about two weeks, and I have had two good, healthy meals so far. I am excited. AND HUNGRY!!! OH LORDIE MAE I AM HUNGRY GIRLS!!! :noway: Wow, fast food for two weeks can really make your mind and stomach play tricks!!!

    I refuse to give in! No more fast food! :sad: & :tongue:
    You can do it bluenote! One thing I have learned from my nutrition classes is how much bad food choices keep feeding our future cravings in a very real physical way - and can just keep us going on the wrong track, but it only takes a couple of days of good choices to get things back on track - you can do it! ( and me too ... I didn't have the best weekend of food choices and I'm struggling a bit with cravings today too!).
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: my food log says that I was ok - but I think I under estimated and forgot a few things because I sure feel icky today, I was really 'grazing' for something yesterday (because I didn't eat most of the day Saturday and then had a HUGE greasy, buttery potato pancake at 10:00pm Saturday night, so my cravings were out in full force yesterday).

    exercise: good - another hour of step at the Y ... I had a great week of exercise last week, but I'm looking forward to my day off tomorrow

    water: probably not enough
    proud: of exercising even when I was feeling exhausted

    I am down to where I was last year at this time, I really need to dig in and stick with this.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: I would agree with you that the museum needs to do a better job of explaining the artwork. Basically, the pieces all had the author's name, their birth year, the year the artwork was done and what the materials were. Some had a quote by the artist, but not necessarily one related to the piece. It was frustrating. We kept thinking if we had the back story it might make some sense. If nothing else, we got a good laugh from some of the items, saying that my bf's 7 year old is a genius based on the art in the museum. Not having any information about the artwork made me regret spending $10 each to look at a pencil line on a wall (literally!) or used motor oil in a cowboy hat (I'm sure there was an environmental or political message there!).

    Trust me, I'm not against art in general. We studied french artists in my french classes in school and I liked it. Renoir, Manet, Monet, Picasso, etc., all made sense to me. I just don't get the more contemporary art and can accept that while some people like or even love it, it isn't my cup of tea.