Girls- Getting sexually frusterated?



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    .....maybe be a little more submissive or forceful for me :bigsmile:

    That's a good point. Once and a blue moon my wife will ask me why I didn't want to have sex last night. I'm like WTF are you talking about you didn't seem to be in the mood. She'll come back with, well I tried to get your attention. The attention grabber is her putting her hand on my arm. To me that doesn't signal sex, that signals cuddling at most. If you want something go get it, no time for subtlety.

    EXACTLY!!!! My husband knows when i want it (all the time) and i know when he wants it (all the time) :smokin:

    :grumble: SHOWOFF! :bigsmile:
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Being tired is not an excuse. I'm 33, I worked 7 days/80 hrs a week last year at a physically demanding job, and not one time did i ever think i was too tired. It's a lame excuse, the word "tired" should be banned from the bedroom. Unless you are looking for a marathon, there is no reason to deny because of tiredness.To me, its the most selfish and hurtful thing a spouse can do.
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    .....maybe be a little more submissive or forceful for me :bigsmile:

    That's a good point. Once and a blue moon my wife will ask me why I didn't want to have sex last night. I'm like WTF are you talking about you didn't seem to be in the mood. She'll come back with, well I tried to get your attention. The attention grabber is her putting her hand on my arm. To me that doesn't signal sex, that signals cuddling at most. If you want something go get it, no time for subtlety.

    EXACTLY!!!! My husband knows when i want it (all the time) and i know when he wants it (all the time) :smokin:

    :grumble: SHOWOFF! :bigsmile:

    JUST SAYIN!!!:devil: :bigsmile:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Being tired is not an excuse. I'm 33, I worked 7 days/80 hrs a week last year at a physically demanding job, and not one time did i ever think i was too tired. It's a lame excuse, the word "tired" should be banned from the bedroom. Unless you are looking for a marathon, there is no reason to deny because of tiredness.To me, its the most selfish and hurtful thing a spouse can do.

    Ah see mine just says, "don't want to" doesn't even bother with headache, tummyache, or tired excuses. LOL
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    .....maybe be a little more submissive or forceful for me :bigsmile:

    That's a good point. Once and a blue moon my wife will ask me why I didn't want to have sex last night. I'm like WTF are you talking about you didn't seem to be in the mood. She'll come back with, well I tried to get your attention. The attention grabber is her putting her hand on my arm. To me that doesn't signal sex, that signals cuddling at most. If you want something go get it, no time for subtlety.
    This is where you need to sit and figure out a signal that your both comfortable with to say, "hey lets go!" I grab..ahem...lower than that to let him know, or do some other stuff he told me ahead of time that he likes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. lol
    Being tired is not an excuse. I'm 33, I worked 7 days/80 hrs a week last year at a physically demanding job, and not one time did i ever think i was too tired. It's a lame excuse, the word "tired" should be banned from the bedroom. Unless you are looking for a marathon, there is no reason to deny because of tiredness.To me, its the most selfish and hurtful thing a spouse can do.
    Well if your trying to stimulate one to get in the mood and nothing is happening, and they are practicaly snoring, than its not an excuse or meant to be hurtful. Just so long as its not done EVERY time you want to have sex. Everyone gets a free pass once in a while. The only time in 4 years that I denied my husband, was after a week of him not giving me ANY attention whatsoever. I made him tell me what was going on and why he was acting the way he did. Ever since than, he's been attentive, except when he's super tired and coming home stressed from his boss and hard job. We made a rule that if he can't at night, he'd better the next morning. lol
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    you know women just a thought but i see all these pots about hubbies not following a healthy diet would a better diet maybe help THEIR libido, would they feel more energised, are you ladies feeling a healthy craving that they dont because theyre not taking care of themselves?
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Well... I'm always sexually frustrated, but I suppose that comes with being single. I'm not into one night stands. I've been more sexually frustrated than ever lately though since I lost some weight and have become so physically active. *sigh*

    I completely share that pain!! Now I would quite like to show off my new leaner body I have no one to show it too :sad:
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    .....maybe be a little more submissive or forceful for me :bigsmile:

    That's a good point. Once and a blue moon my wife will ask me why I didn't want to have sex last night. I'm like WTF are you talking about you didn't seem to be in the mood. She'll come back with, well I tried to get your attention. The attention grabber is her putting her hand on my arm. To me that doesn't signal sex, that signals cuddling at most. If you want something go get it, no time for subtlety.

    Haha! You KNOW I send strong signals! I'll admit, I get it more often than not, but its always on his terms. He'll have bad weeks, but then out of the blue it'll be everyday for a couple weeks. I guess my issue is not getting it when I try hardest for it lol.
  • rautaty
    rautaty Posts: 44 Member
    My ex was ALWAYS too tired...not interested...could care less. It's not that he was getting it elsewhere, it just was't a priority for him. And honestly it didn't matter what I did, he just wasn't interested in sex. My husband now....he is 44, works 60-80hrs a week and has NEVER been too tired or not interested. We have been together 7 years and still it's almost every night.

    That's how it is with my fiance....we've been together 7 1/2 years and have 2 kids. Even in the beginning it was about once every 1-2 weeks, and then maybe twice every 1-2 it's.....I can't even remember -- i think something like 3 times since August. He never initiates, wants me to -- but I can't tell you how many times he has turned me down flat no matter what I did. Now, I just can't initiate anymore -- it's too dejecting. We've been over and over, and around and around about this. He'd rather watch porn on his pc and *kitten* in the shower. Whatever.......not sure how long I'll be able to stay in this sexless "marriage."

    wow, i'm not sure how much longer you can live like that either. seems like it won't get better. have u tried going to couples therapy or something to tap into why he is acting this way and why he doesnt enjoy intimacy?

    He is lazy! if he masturbates then he has a sexual drive and a good one, he is just lazy or he manipulates u. Yes, men can manipulate women with sex too, he may be frustrated by smth, or he has sex elsewhere. I'd cheat on him if i was u, sorry, but i understand how frustrating it is for you to have sex once in a few month, and i am sure he understands it too, but he doesn't care. Sex is what makes a relationship intimate and healthy, without that you are just buddies.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    But not saying why.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    IS their libido as dead as this thread was. :)
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