

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    It pisses me off when you're at store and the cashier acts like they couldn't care less if you drop dead right in front of them. If you're that miserable GET ANOTHER JOB!
    When this happened to my sister she just smiled brightly at them and said, "I hope tomorrow is a better day for you!" made me laugh.
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    People don't thank you for a present you sent them. There is NO excuse, a text or email takes 15 seconds; a phone call or a letter is even better. If you don't get thanked, how do you know if it even arrived?

    That happened to me over the winter. How hard is it to say 'thank you'?
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    ....when I see dinosaurs still waking around. I'm like "hey dinosaurs, aren't you supposed to be extinct. " Gets me goin every time.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    When people don't give a courtesy wave when I clear enough space to let them merge in front of me in rush hour traffic -- I could be a jerk like everyone else, ya know.. At least acknowledge my kindness!
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    When people who are driving a $65,000 or more car and dont use there signal. What when you bought the car you didnt get that option with your package!!!! I want to roll my window down one day and ask them that the next chance i get
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    People don't thank you for a present you sent them. There is NO excuse, a text or email takes 15 seconds; a phone call or a letter is even better. If you don't get thanked, how do you know if it even arrived?

  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    ....people don't use their blinker

    OMG! This!

    And bicyclists who don't observe the rules of the road (riding on sidewalks, riding against traffic, crossing traffic lanes when the DON"T WALK sign is glaring red above their heads) then give you the finger because you almost hit them! Rules of the road go both ways!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    when the people at work don't replace the toilet paper when they use the last on the roll...would you do that at home...I THINK NOT!

    I totally agree!!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    when people go slow in the fast lane...i hate it, really really hate it.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    It pisses me off when women tinkle on the toilet seat in a public restroom and don't have the decency to wipe it off.
    OR if their kid does it on the toilet seat and doesnt wipe it off....
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    .....the wind has blowing for three weeks straight so I go to Hobby Lobby and buy a kite but as soon as I get home; no wind.

    ....somebody uses a word that I have to look up, and I don't know how to spell it.

    ....when my dad gets all pissy cuz I stole all his light bulbs and toilet paper. He should appreciate that, its a long drive to his place.

    ...when my creative streak comes to an end.

    LMAO... I actually snorted I laughed so hard reading #2 & #3 :laugh:
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    When my husband loses weight and he has cheated on his diet all week, and I bust my butt and eat and gain a freaking pound! :)
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    -I see people who have very young children clearly playing in their vehicle..when the vehicle is in traffic. Those children should be seated and have a proper seat belt or five point harness ON freaking idiots!!!!!!!!! What if they get rear ended? I bet you those people would feel badly they caved into Suzy or Johnny who "just doesn't do seat belts or car seats".

    -Completely ignorant people. Yes...I know, I'm definitely not a god and certainly don't know everything..I know that. But I wouldn't go spouting off about mental disorders or all kinds of things like a freaking expert. I hear this shizzit ALL OF THE TIME. My son and I have ADHD, how many dumb ignorant fools who cannot tell me the definitions of anecdotal versus scientific tell me it DOESN'T EXIST. Thank you for your very informed freaking opinion!!! Go READ A BOOK YOU MORON.

    -People that revel in hardcore denial. Life is short, figure it out, just open your eyes, whatever it is that you think you can hide from about yourself.

    -People that say "I could do that" when viewing abstract art, listening to professional musicians or watching sports, or seeing someone skilled doing something. I am embarrassed for you when I hear you say this, please don't make me feel this way about you.

    -Talking about money. I just don't need or want to tell random people how much my house costs, or my vehicles or whatever. That's just embarrassing for me to talk about and I wouldn't ask you the same. I don't need to know how much your wedding cost, I promise you!

    - Lazy parents. Some of the other parents in my neighborhood (all the kids go to the same school within our own neighborhood until middle school) are so lenient and lazy about what they will allow their children, do, say, or consume, that it makes life doubly difficult for people like me. I do not want my children viewing any random rated R film, I do not want my kids playing any random video games- my ten year old is not to play any M rated games, and I certainly do not want my children consuming junk food and soda every single goddamned day!!!!

    I think that's enough for now :) Mine aren't funny, and for that I apologize, but I really do hate these things HAHA :p

  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Oh I got this one! Just happened to me Wed. night at the gym. It was quite busy and I was there with my cousin and we were paired up side by side on machines going nicely. We go over to the next set and there is this skinny little think sitting on the hip adduction machine READING A MAGAZINE. Gave a moment to see if she was breaking between sets. She looks up does 3 more reps and stops to read again. My cousin got on the open one and then I waited for the other. I'm standing there looking straight at her and finally she moves to another machine ... to read.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    people don't watch where they're going while looking at their cell phone. I love to shoulder check them. :tongue:
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    ...when the wife leaves the kitchen or the laundry room or the room room..rights? yah right!

    :drinker: :laugh: just kidding ladies preciate all you do :flowerforyou:
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    people who don't recycle!!! So true! kills me....
    People drive gigantic trucks 85mph in the fast lane and I KNOWWW they aren't using that truck to haul or tow anything... they just want to guzzle that gas to look cool.... not
    People who feed their kids *kitten* my sister recently made dinner for her kids... Frozen chicken nuggets, french fries and mac n cheese FML way to start the bad habits young!!!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member

    People who feed their kids *kitten* my sister recently made dinner for her kids... Frozen chicken nuggets, french fries and mac n cheese FML way to start the bad habits young!!!
    People who judge what others feed their kids.

    I fed my son veggies and fruits every day since he started eating solid foods. One day he refused them, and refused to touch them ever since. He can spot a veggie a mile away no matter how small it is cut or diced and he will NOT eat it or anything that resembles it. Therefore his dinners often resemble your sisters, because he needs to eat SOMETHING and that is what he will eat. We continue to offer fruits and veggies although we know he will refuse, though.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    People who take infants and toddlers to a really nice restaurant. I get that people need to get out and don't want to be trapped in their house after the baby comes, but for goodness sakes, get a baby sitter! Nothing worse than sipping wine and hearing a baby screech.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    When you go to the checkout at the supermarket and they ask "would you like any help with your packing?", you gracefully refuse as putting a few items in carrier bags is something I can cope with! (I'm a man I know but I got this one!!!).....and then they proceed to scan your entire trolley full of shopping AS FAST as there little product scanning arms can because you refused!

    I have a pet peeve on feeling is part of being a cashier is to bag the groceries. My job involves involves my carrying my smartphone at all times and checking my email for priority issues. When a cashier asks me to bag (yes, they actually did that), I asked them if they would respond to my emails and do my work since they want me to do their job. :mad: